The numerical and proportional distributions of zoobenthos in lake Uluabat, which is located in the Northwestern part of Turkey and having international importance according to the Ramsar Convention, were determined from August 2004 to July 2005 at monthly intervals (except for December 2004, January and February 2005) at 12 different stations. Thirty‐three taxonomic groups were recorded. It was found that the zoobenthos consisted of 35.6 % Oligochaeta, 27.7 % Nematoda, 12.3 % Chironomidae larvae, 10.7 % Gastropoda, 3.6 % Ostracoda, and 10.1 % Varia by numbers (Bivalvia, Ceratopogonidae, Hirudinea, Odonata, Ephemeroptera, Asilidae, Hydraacarina, Hemiptera, Argulidae, and Gammaridae). The average number of invertebrates was 160 individuals for 33 taxa at the 12 different stations. Also some environmental parameters of the lakewater were analyzed (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, NO2–N, NO3–N, NH3–N, PO4–3, fecal coliform, and total coliform). The relationships between the dynamics of the Oligochaeta and the physicochemical variables were supported by the Pearson correlation index and the canonical correspondence analysis (CANOCO). It was found that the relation between the average number of P. hammoniensis and P. albicola (p < 0.05, r = 0.590 and 0.593, respectively) and L. hoffmeisteri (p < 0.01, r = 0.777) was directly proportional while the relation between the average number of some taxa Trichodrillus sp., Rhyacodrilus coccineus, Nais communis, N. variabilis, and N. barbata and NO3–N (p < 0.05, r = –0.685) was inversely proportional. 相似文献
In the past century, great progress has been made worldwide in our understanding of forest-water relationship. The successful forestation programs implemented in China-which have improved the ecological environmental conditions-have gained the attention of many researchers and highlighted the relationship between forestation and water yields. The arid and semi-arid Loess Plateau has received attention from water engineers and eco-hydrological researchers in China because of a shortage in water resources. We selected one of the oldest stations conducting soil and water conservation experiments, the Xifeng soil and water conservation station, and chose the Nanxiaohe catchment and its paired catchments (Yangjiagou catchment and Dongzhuanggou catchment) as our research areas. Trends in precipitation, air temperature, streamflow over the past 50 years, and the effect of changing land use on streamflow were analyzed. The Mann-Kendall test showed that precipitation had a negative trend (downward trend), whereas air temperature showed a positive trend (upward trend) from the past to present in the Nanxiaohe catchment. However, the trends seen in precipitation, air temperature did not contain any "jumping points." The paired catchment approach is used to detect the effects of land cover change on hydrology in the Yangjiagou and the contrast catchment, i.e., Dongzhuanggou catchment in our study. The results showed a large change in land use in the Yangjiagou catchment from 1954 to 2008. An increase in forested land (from 0% to 40.08% from 1954 to 2008) and a reduction of bare land (from 51.26% to 5.50% from 1954 to 2008) accounted for a large part of the change in land use. However, the land use changed little in the contrast catchment. The comparison of streamfiow in the paired catchments showed that forestation reduced streamflow by 49.63% (or 6.5 mm) each year. 相似文献
Anisotropic material properties are usually neglected during inversions for source parameters of earthquakes. In general anisotropic media, however, moment tensors for pure-shear sources can exhibit significant non-double-couple components. Such effects may be erroneously interpreted as an indication for volumetric changes at the source. Here we investigate effects of anisotropy on seismic moment tensors and radiation patterns for pure-shear and tensile-type sources. Anisotropy can significantly influence the interpretation of the source mechanisms. For example, the orientation of the slip within the fault plane may affect the total seismic moment. Also, moment tensors due to pure-shear and tensile faulting can have similar characteristics depending on the orientation of the elastic tensor. Furthermore, the tensile nature of an earthquake can be obscured by near-source anisotropic properties. As an application, we consider effects of inhomogeneous anisotropic properties on the seismic moment tensor and the radiation patterns of a selected type of micro-earthquakes observed in W-Bohemia. The combined effects of near-source and along-path anisotropy cause characteristic amplitude distortions of the P, S1 and S2 waves. However, the modeling suggests that neither homogeneous nor inhomogeneous anisotropic properties alone can explain the observed large non-double-couple components.The results also indicate that a correct analysis of the source mechanism, in principle, is achievable by application of anisotropic moment tensor inversion. 相似文献
Summary The geographical distribution of organic matter and particles <20 m in North Sea sediments as well as the correlation between organic content, <20 m fraction and PCB (as the sum of content of 24 individual components), p, p-DDE, HCB, -HCH and Lindane (-HCH) is reported. High amounts of organic matter and fine particles have been found in Fladen Ground, Kattegat/Skagerrak/Norwegian Channel, and the inner German Bight. Organic matter settling in the Kattegat/Skagerrak/Norwegian Channel is probably degraded by benthic organisms, including mineralization by bacteria. The smelter in south Norway and the rivers Ems and Elbe are point sources for HCB, the mud-area south-east of Helgoland is a point source for HCB and PCBs. No point source, however, was found for p,p-DDE. Sediment content of PCB, p,p-DDE and HCB show a good correlation to the amount of organic matter and to the <20 m fraction. -HCH and Lindane are only poorly adsorbed onto sediments.
Zyklische organische Chlorverbindungen in Nordseesedimenten: Verteilung von organischer Substanz und feinpartikulärem Material
Zusammenfassung Es wird über die Verteilung von organischer Substanz und feinpartikulärem Material <20 m in Nordseesedimenten sowie über die Korrelation der Sedimentparameter mit den Konzentrationen von polychlorierten Biphenylen (24 Einzelisomere), p,p-DDE, HCB, -HCH und Lindan (-HCH) berichtet. Hohe Gehalte an organischer Substanz und der <20 m Fraktion wurden im Fladengrund, Kattegat/ Skagerrak/Norwegische Rinne sowie in der inneren Deutschen Bucht gefunden. Die Ergebnisse legen den Schluß nahe, daß ein Großteil des sedimentierten organischen Materials vor der norwegischen Küste von Benthosorganismen und Bakterien verstoffwechselt wird. Durch die mit Søderbergelektroden arbeitenden Metallschmelzen Südnorwegens sowie durch die Flüsse Elbe und Ems werden die Sedimente punktuell mit HCB belastet. Das Schlammgebiet südöstlich von Helgoland tritt als Emittent für PCBs in Erscheinung. Für p,p-DDE konnte keine Punktquelle nachgewiesen werden. Im Gegensatz zu -HCH und Lindan korrelieren die Sedimentkonzentrationen an PCBs, HCB und p,p-DDE gut mit den Gehalten an organischer Substanz bzw. feinpartikulärem Material.
Les Organochlorines cycliques dans les Sédiments de la Mer du Nord, relation avec la taille et les matières organiques
Résumé La distribution géographique de matière organique et des particules de taille inférieure à 20 m dans les sédiments de la Mer du Nord ainsi que la corrélation entre le contenu organique, (la fraction <20 m) et PCB (somme des contenus de 24 composants individuels), p, p-DDE, HCB, -HCH et Lindane (-HCH) est décrite. D'importantes quantités de matières organiques et de particules fines ont été trouvées à Fladen Ground, Kattegat/Skagerrak/Norwegian Channel et dans le baie intérieur allemende. Les composants organiques qui se trouvent dans le Kattegat/ Skagerrak/Norwegian Channel sont probablement soumis à la dégradation par des organismes (benthic), et aussi à une minéralisation par bactéries. Les usines de métallurgie du Sud de la Norvège et la rivière l'Ems et l'Elbe sont des points sources pour HCB, les zones de boue au Sud Est de Helgoland sont des points sources pour HCB et PCB. Aucun point source ne fût trouvé cependant pour p, p-DDE. Le contenu en sédiment de PCB, p, p-DDE et HCB montre une bonne corrélation avec la quantité de matière organique et la fraction <20 m. -HCH et Lindane ne sont que peu absorbés dans les sédiments.
On November 14, 2016, the northeastern South Island of New Zealand was hit by the magnitude Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake, which is characterized by the most complex rupturing mechanism ever recorded. The widespread landslides triggered by the earthquake make this event a great case study to revisit our current knowledge of earthquake-triggered landslides in terms of factors controlling the spatial distribution of landslides and the rapid assessment of geographic areas affected by widespread landsliding. Although the spatial and size distributions of landslides have already been investigated in the literature, a polygon-based co-seismic landslide inventory with landslide size information is still not available as of June 2021. To address this issue and leverage this large landslide event, we mapped 14,233 landslides over a total area of approximately 14,000 km2. We also identified 101 landslide dams and shared them all via an open-access repository. We examined the spatial distribution of co-seismic landslides in relation to lithologic units and seismic and morphometric characteristics. We analyzed the size statistics of these landslides in a comparative manner, by using the five largest co-seismic landslide inventories ever mapped (i.e., Chi-Chi, Denali, Wenchuan, Haiti, and Gorkha). We compared our inventory with respect to these five ones to answer the question of whether the landslides triggered by the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake are less numerous and/or share size characteristics similar to those of other strong co-seismic landslide events. Our findings show that the spatial distribution of the Kaikōura landslide event is not significantly different from those belonging to other extreme landslide events, but the average landslide size generated by the Kaikōura earthquake is relatively larger compared to some other large earthquakes (i.e., Wenchuan and Gorkha).
New age and isotopic data show that the high-grade basement rocks of Sri Lanka were not linked to the Archaean granulite domain of southern India but experienced their main structural and metamorphic development during the Pan-African event some 950 to 550 Ma ago. This occurred when West Gondwana and East Gondwana collided to form one of the longest collisional structures in the Supercontinent — the Mozambique belt that extends from Mozambique to Ethiopia and Sudan. A major tectonic boundary, interpreted as a thrust zone, divides the Highland/Southwestern Complex in the central part of Sri Lanka from the Vijayan Complex in the E and SE. The former is interpreted to represent the remnant of a once extensive passive margin extending west, in a Gondwana reconstruction, via Madagasgar to Tanzania and Mozambique. The Vijayan Complex may have been part of a separate continental margin plutonic assemblage, and its collision with the Highland/ Southwestern Complex marks the final amalgamation of East and West Gondwana into a supercontinent some 550 Ma ago. The Sri Lankan granulites cannot be correlated with the distinctly older granulites of the Eastern Ghats belt of India, and this suggests that Sri Lanka was situated close to the SE coast of Madagascar in a Gondwana reconstruction.
Zusammenfassung Neue Isotopen- und Altersdaten aus dem metamorphen Grundgebirge von Sri Lanka zeigen, daß dieses Gebiet nicht, wie vielfach vermutet, Teil des archaischen Granulitkomplexes von Südindien war, sondern seine strukturelle und metamorphe Entwicklung während der panafrikanischen Orogenèse zwischen ca. 950 Ma und ca. 550 Ma hatte. Diese Orogenèse ist das Resultat der Kollision zwischen West-Gondwana (Afrika und Südamerika) und Ost-Gondwana (Südindien, Australien und Antarktis) und führte zur Bildung eines der längsten Kollisionsgürtel des Superkontinentes, dem Mosambik-Gürtel, der sich von Mosambik bis nach Äthiopien und in den Sudan erstreckt. Der West- und Zentralteil Sri Lankas mit den Wanni und Highland/Southwestern Komplexen wird vom Vijayan Komplex im Osten und Südosten durch eine Überschiebungszone getrennt, die möglicherweise eine Sutur darstellt. Die Gesteine im Westen und in den Highlands werden als der Rest eines ehemals weiträumigen passiven Kontinentalrandes interpretiert, zu dem wohl auch die lithologisch ähnlichen Abfolgen der hochmetamorphen Gebiete in Mosambik, Tansania und Madagaskar gehörten. Der Vijayan Komplex war wohl Teil der separaten plutonischen Suite eines aktiven Kontinentalrandes, und seine Kollision mit dem Highland/ Southwestern Komplex markiert das endgültige Verschweißen von West- und Ost-Gondwana zu einem Superkontinent vor ca. 550 Ma. Die Granulite Sri Lankas können nicht mit den deutlich älteren Granuliten des Gürtels der Eastern Ghats in Südost Indien korreliert werden sondern ähneln eher den hochgradigen Gesteinen in Südost Madagaskar. Damit ist die Lage Sri Lankas nahe Madagaskar in einer Gondwana Rekonstruktion wahrscheinlicher als nahe der Südostküste Indiens.
Résumé De nouvelles données isotopiques et géochronologiques montrent que les roches métamorphiques du socle du Sri Lanka ne constituent pas, comme on l'a souvent cru, une partie du complexe granulitique archéen de l'Inde méridionale, mais qu'elles ont vécu leur propre histoire tectono-métamorphique au cours de l'orogenèse panafricaine, entre 950 et 550 Ma. Cette orogenèse est le résultat de la collision entre le Gondwana occidental (Afrique et Amérique du Sud) et le Gondwana oriental (Inde du sud, Australie et Antarctique) et constitue une des plus grandes chaînes de collision du Supercontinent: la chaîne du Mozambique, qui s'étend du Mozambique jusqu'au Soudan et en Ethiopie. Un contact tectonique majeur, interprété comme un charriage, sépare le »Highland/South-western Complex« (partie centrale du Sri Lanka) du »Vijayan Complex« (partie est et sud-est). Le premier de ces complexes est interprété comme un reste d'une ancienne marge passive de grande étendue, à laquelle appartenaient aussi les séries lithologiquement analogues du domaine très métamorphique du Mozambique, de Tanzanie et de Madagascar. Le «Vijagan Complex« a pu être une partie d'un ensemble plutonique séparé de marge active; sa collision avec le »Highland/Southwestern Complex« marque la réunion finale en un super-continent il y a quelque 550 Ma, des Gondwanas oriental et occidental. Les granulites du Sri Lanka ne peuvent pas être corrélées avec celles de la chaîne des Eastern Ghats (Inde du sud-est) qui sont nettement plus anciennes; elles se rapprochent plutôt des roches très métamorphiques du sud-est de Madagascar. On en déduit que la position du Sri Lanka, dans une reconstruction du Gondwana, devait être plus proche de Madagascar que de la côte sud de l'Inde.
Very soft organic harbour mud is increasingly used as a filling and construction material in harbour construction and reorganization.
The undrained shear strength of such soft sediments is the critical geotechnical soil parameter with regard to any specific
construction design. Field and laboratory vane shear testing is a standard method to quickly determine this important parameter.
So far, the effect of rod friction on vane shear tests in very soft organic soils is unclear. In this study we present results
from laboratory experiments on harbour mud from a construction site in northern Germany. Relations among vane and rod geometry,
penetration depth, water content, rod friction and undrained shear strength are derived. Based on these relations the influence
of rod friction on vane shear test results is investigated. The results indicate that field and laboratory vane shear test
measurements may be significantly influenced by rod friction. Methods are proposed to correct for the rod influence, which
is shown to increase with rising water contents. 相似文献
There are a number of sources of uncertainty in regional climate change scenarios. When statistical downscaling is used to obtain regional climate change scenarios, the uncertainty may originate from the uncertainties in the global climate models used, the skill of the statistical model, and the forcing scenarios applied to the global climate model. The uncertainty associated with global climate models can be evaluated by examining the differences in the predictors and in the downscaled climate change scenarios based on a set of different global climate models. When standardized global climate model simulations such as the second phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP2) are used, the difference in the downscaled variables mainly reflects differences in the climate models and the natural variability in the simulated climates. It is proposed that the spread of the estimates can be taken as a measure of the uncertainty associated with global climate models. The proposed method is applied to the estimation of global-climate-model-related uncertainty in regional precipitation change scenarios in Sweden. Results from statistical downscaling based on 17 global climate models show that there is an overall increase in annual precipitation all over Sweden although a considerable spread of the changes in the precipitation exists. The general increase can be attributed to the increased large-scale precipitation and the enhanced westerly wind. The estimated uncertainty is nearly independent of region. However, there is a seasonal dependence. The estimates for winter show the highest level of confidence, while the estimates for summer show the least. 相似文献
New geochronological U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) zircon data and geochemical analyses from the Variscan orthogneisses and metavolcanic rocks in the western Tauern window are presented and used to reconstruct the pre-Alpine evolution of this area. The late- and post-Variscan stage in the Tauern window was characterised by distinct magmatic pulses accompanied by the formation of volcano-sedimentary basins. The magmatic activity started in the Visean (335.4 ± 1.5 Ma) with the intrusion of a K-rich, durbachitic biotite-granite (protolith of the Ahorn gneiss). Following a period of exhumation and erosion, Westfalian–Stefanian volcanics were deposited (Grierkar meta-rhyodacite: 309.8 ± 1.5 Ma; Venntal meta-rhyolite: 304.0 ± 3.0 Ma). A renewed magmatic pulse occurred in the Early Permian, producing large volumes of tonalites and granodiorites (Tux meta-granodiorite: 292.1 ± 1.9 Ma). The youngest magmatism is characterised by pyroclastic and tuffitic deposits (Pfitsch meta-rhyolite: 280.5 ± 2.6 Ma; Schönach valley meta-andesite: 279.0 ± 4.8 Ma). This volcanism was probably related to crustal extensional faulting within an intra-continental graben and horst setting, asthenospheric upwelling and heat flow increase due to the onset of the Permian rifting. The Permo-Triassic peneplanation and subsidence is documented by shallow marine and evaporitic deposits. Probably in the Middle Jurassic times, the area was flooded and in the Late Jurassic the whole area was covered by limestones, representing post-rift sediments on the southern European continental margin. 相似文献
This paper reports on hydrochemical features of diluted waters in the source areas and the brine end-members dominant in the playa of the Salinas Grandes Basin, Córdoba, Argentina. Special emphasis was placed on the study of the relationship between geomorphology and the resulting hydrochemical fractionation. Inflow is from springs and mountain streams which disappear before reaching the saline complex. The playa and intermittent saline lakes are mainly fed by groundwater flow and a few moderately saline and perennial springs. Conversely, ephemeral lakes are fed by atmospheric precipitation and groundwater, whereas small ponds are only fed by atmospheric precipitation. The absence of a clear linkage between geomorphological units and water types was evident in the source areas. Up to four types of water were recognized in a given geomorphological unit. From the sandflat downward towards the playa, the correspondence between geomorphological units and water types was clear, coinciding with a decreased hydrochemical heterogeneity. In this subenvironment, I have recognized two dominant types of water (SO
–Na+ and Cl––SO
–Na+), which can be considered the original members of the neutral brine in the playa (Cl––SO
–Na+ where Ca2++Mg2+ do not surpass 5 meq per cent), and an intermediate type in the mudflat (Cl––SO
–Na+ where the contribution of Ca2++Mg2+ reaches up to 15 meq per cent). It seems evident that in the zone between the source areas and the sandflat, hydrochemistry is governed by chemical weathering. In stream floodplains and in the distal alluvial plain, close to the saline complex, the increase in water types as well as the increase of HCO
with respect to SO
, were explained by the mixture of aquifers controlled by the Salinas Grandes-Salinas de Ambargasta fracture. In the saline complex, the more concentrated end-members are the result of evaporation of the two more frequent water-types in the sandflat subenvironment, and salt dissolution of ancient evaporite deposit. 相似文献