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The double‐spike method with multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry was used to measure the Mo mass fractions and isotopic compositions of a set of geological reference materials including the mineral molybdenite, seawater, coral, as well as igneous and sedimentary rocks. The long‐term reproducibility of the Mo isotopic measurements, based on two‐year analyses of NIST SRM 3134 reference solutions and seawater samples, was ≤ 0.07‰ (two standard deviations, 2s, n = 167) for δ98/95Mo. Accuracy was evaluated by analyses of Atlantic seawater, which yielded a mean δ98/95Mo of 2.03 ± 0.06‰ (2s, n = 30, relative to NIST SRM 3134 = 0‰) and mass fraction of 0.0104 ± 0.0006 μg g?1 (2s, n = 30), which is indistinguishable from seawater samples taken world‐wide and measured in other laboratories. The comprehensive data set presented in this study serves as a reference for quality assurance and interlaboratory comparison of high‐precision Mo mass fractions and isotopic compositions.  相似文献   
李英玉  赵坚  吕辉  陈斌 《水科学进展》2016,27(3):423-429
为揭示低温水影响下的河岸带潜流层的温度场和流场分布特性,利用野外水温水位实时监测试验,研究河岸带潜流层温度场在不同季节、不同空间位置上的分布特性,并利用水温资料计算获得地下水流速。结果表明:河岸带潜流层温度场在夏季和冬季分别呈现出"上暖下冷"和 "上冷下暖"的温度分层现象;通过对温度示踪方法的4种计算方法进行分析比较,得到Hatch相位法计算的地下水流速具有较高的准确性,在2014年12月15—31日时段内流速大小为1.03×10-4~7.96×10-4m/s,在空间上,断面深度增加,地下水流速降低,且不同深度流速曲线接近平行。  相似文献   
张晓诗  赵兵  谭梅  周冰洋  孙剑 《贵州地质》2016,33(1):50-57,70
本文详细描述了大方县高枧乡黎家湾自流井组剖面,讨论了自流井组的岩性组合特征、接触关系及横向变化,根据双壳及叶肢介化石组合带的时代将自流井组归于下侏罗统,将新田沟组归于中侏罗统。首次在大方响水乡大转弯自流井组马鞍山段地层中发现有恐龙足迹化石。根据岩石组合特征、沉积构造确定自流井组为湖泊相滨湖及浅湖亚相沉积,包括砂坪、泥坪、混合坪、介壳滩微相类型。根据陆相基准面旋回层序将自流井组划分为2个长期旋回层序、5个中期旋回层序。  相似文献   
普若岗日冰原毗邻地区风沙地貌及其环境演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冰川作用形成的大面积的冰碛物沉积及寒冻风化是高寒区风沙沉积的主要物质来源.风沙地貌的发育与高寒区环境密切相关,冻结作用使沙丘发育以加积作用为主,形成了高大的新月形沙丘.沙丘的侵蚀与移动主要发生在暖季,新月形沙丘运动速度相当缓慢,年平均水平移动量约1.8~0.5cm·a-1,加积速率约0.3~0.08cm·a-1.普若岗日冰原毗邻地区的环境变化主要受温度条件制约,沙丘腐殖质层沉积年代与我国东部沙区古沙丘、敦德冰芯具有一定的相关性,可以认为西南季风的强度对本区具有重要的作用.高原下垫面的变化造成太阳辐射差异,是引起西南季风强弱,造成高原腹地温度与降水随之变化的重要原因.  相似文献   
羌塘盆地那底岗日地区中侏罗世沉积了一套稳定的滨浅海相碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩地层,通过层序地层研究划分出五个三级层序。对其中四个层序内碳酸盐岩碳、氧、锶稳定同位素测试分析得出,不同层序、层序界面及层序内不同体系域的δ13 C、δ180、N(87Sr/86Sr)值均有明显的差异,并具规律性变化,整体上反映出研究区中侏罗世发生了多次海平面升降变化和气候、构造活动的演变,为层序地层研究提供了定量的地质地球化学依据。  相似文献   
月球某些资源的开发利用前景   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
21世纪月球探测的主要趋势是建立月球基地,开发利用月球的矿产资源,能源和特殊环境,为人类社会的可持续发展发挥长期而有效的支撑作用,通过对月海玄武岩中的钛铁矿,克里普岩中的U,Th,REE和月壤中的拟-3在月面的含量与分布的系统分析,月海玄武碉中蕴藏有极丰富的钛铁矿,TiO2总资源量超过70万亿t,钛铁矿还是月球基地生产水和火箭燃料的主要原料;克里普岩是未来月球探测与研究的热点之一,其蕴藏有巨量的铀,钍,钾,磷和稀土元素资源;月壤长期受到太阳风的辐射,使其蕴藏有极其丰富的氢,氦,氧,氮等气体资源,其中氦-3的资源量大于100万t,它是一种可供人类社会长期使用的,安全,清洁,高效,廉价的核聚变发电燃料,其含量与月壤的化学成分,矿物组分,颗粒大小等有密切的关系。  相似文献   
沙漠化:从圈层耦合到全球变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从沙漠化概念提出伊始 ,沙漠化成因机理的研究就一直成为学术界关注的焦点。沙漠化过程究竟有多少是由自然因素所致 ,多少是由人类活动所为 ,诸因素与沙漠化之间有何内在关系 ,沙尘天气发生发展过程及其诱因等 ,当属地球系统科学应解决的难题。文章从全球变化的角度 ,将沙漠系统视作一种类生命的非线性动力系统 ,指出沙漠化源于地球表层系统各圈层之间复杂的相关与耦合作用 :气候变化是控制沙漠进退的首要因素 ;陆表水持续亏损则是导致干旱、半干旱地区沙漠化发展的直接原因 ;岩石圈构造运动塑造了不同的地形地貌单元 ,奠定了沙漠分布的地理格局 ;人类的不当活动和气候变化引起的生物生产力的衰退及土地覆盖的破坏 ,造成了现代沙漠化的快速扩张。  相似文献   
Diagenesis has a significant impact on reservoir quality in deeply buried formations. Sandstone units of the Shahejie Formation (Es1 Member) of Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China is a typical deeply buried sandstone with large hydrocarbon accumulations. The methodology includes core observations and thin section studies, using fluorescence, scanning electron microscope (SEM), cathodoluminescence (CL), fluid inclusion and isotope and electron probing analysis as well as the numerical determination of reservoir characteristics. The sandstones consist of medium to coarse-grained, slight to moderate sorted lithic arkose and feldspathic litharenite. Porosity and permeability values range from 0.5 to 30% and 0.006 to 7000 mD, respectively. The diagenetic history reveals mixed episodes of diagenesis and deep burial followed by uplift. The main diagenetic events include compaction, cementation alteration, dissolution of unstable minerals and grain fracturing. Compaction resulted in densification and significantly reduced the primary porosity. Quartz, calcite and clay are the dominant pore-occluding cement and occur as euhedral to subhedral crystals. Alteration and dissolution of volcanic lithic fragments and pressure solution of feldspar grains were the key sources of quartz cement whereas carbonate cement is derived from an external source. Clay minerals resulted from the alteration of feldspar and volcanic lithic fragments. Porosity and permeability data predict a good inverse relationship with cementation whereas leaching of metastable grains, dissolution of cement and in some places formation of pore-lining chlorite enhanced the reservoir quality. The best reservoir is thicker sandstone bodies that are medium to coarse-grained, well-sorted sandstone with low primary ductile grains with a minor amount of calcite cement. The present study shows several diagenetic stages in the Es1 Member, but the overall reservoir quality is preserved.  相似文献   
Lipid biomarkers widely dotted in marine sediments, as their distribution characteristics accurately record huge information on the metabolism of the original organisms and migration and transformation of these organic components, are often used to reconstruct the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions. This paper reviewed the progress in the study of paleoclimatic-environmental changes during the late Quaternary using abundant core lipids Glycerol Dialkyl Glyceryl Tetraethers (GDGTs) and long-chain alkyl diols in marginal sea sediments. It is pointed out that clarifying the “source-sink” process of lipid biomarkers buried in marine sediments is a prerequisite for paleoclimatic-environmental reconstruction. It is believed that the use of multiple indicators that are less affected by early diagenesis can increase the accuracy of reconstructing paleoclimatic changes. In the large-river dominated marginal seas, the mechanism of land-sea climate coupling evolution stimulated by the paleoclimatic-environmental changes can be elucidated based on paleoclimatic records reconstructed from core lipids GDGTs and long-chain alkyl diols in marine sediments. It is hoped that this paper can provide reliable technical means and a solid theoretical basis for predicting future temperature and rainfall changes.  相似文献   
Wu  Chuangzhou  Chu  Jian  Wu  Shifan  Cheng  Liang  van Paassen  Leon A. 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(3):673-683

Biogrouting is a new ground improvement method that has been studied in recent years. This method involves mainly the use of a microbially induced calcite precipitation process to bind soil particles to increase the strength or to fill in the pores of soil or joints of rock for seepage control. There are two major challenges in the use of biogrout for seepage control through rock joints. The first is how to inject the biogrout solutions, and the second is to understand the mechanisms for the formation of calcite under seepage flow. In this paper, a study on the injection of biogrout solution and the formation of precipitates along a circular 1D flow channel is presented. To minimize the influence of flow, a new one-phase injection method to inject bacterial solution and cementation agents simultaneously was adopted in this study. Factors affecting the formation and distribution of precipitates along the flow channel such as flow velocity, flow rate, and aperture of flow channel were investigated. The experimental results indicated that less calcite was precipitated at locations further away from the injection point due to depletion of the reactants’ concentrations along the flow path. Using the one-phase injection method, the bacterial activity had a major effect on the accumulation of the calcite on the inner surface of the flow channel. The total calcite precipitated on the surface of the flow channel increased slightly with increasing bacterial activity or flow rate. An equation to predict the distance travelled by the biosolution has been derived based on the testing results.

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