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Interval velocity analysis using post‐stack data has always been a desire, mainly for 3D data sets. In this study we present a method that uses the unique characteristics of migrated diffractions to enable interval velocity analysis from three‐dimensional zero‐offset time data. The idea is to perform a standard three‐dimensional prestack depth migration on stack cubes and generate three‐dimensional common image gathers that show great sensitivity to velocity errors. An efficient ‘top‐down’ scheme for updating the velocity is used to build the model. The effectiveness of the method is related to the incorporation of wave equation based post‐stack datuming in the model building process. The proposed method relies on the ability to identify diffractions along redatumed zero‐offset data and to analyse their flatness in the migrated local angle domain. The method can be considered as an additional tool for a complete, prestack depth migration based interval velocity analysis.  相似文献   
We consider the Rayleigh–Taylor instability in the early evolution of the rarefied radio bubbles (cavities) observed in many cooling-flow clusters of galaxies. The top of a bubble becomes prone to the Rayleigh–Taylor instability as the bubble rises through the intracluster medium (ICM). We show that while the jet is powering the inflation, the deceleration of the bubble–ICM interface is able to reverse the Rayleigh–Taylor instability criterion. In addition, the inflation introduces a drag effect which increases substantially the instability growth time. The combined action of these two effects considerably delays the onset of the instability. Later on, when the magnitude of the deceleration drops or the jet fades, the Rayleigh–Taylor and the Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities set in and eventually disrupt the bubble. We conclude that the initial deceleration and drag, albeit unable to prevent the disruption of a bubble, may significantly lengthen its lifetime, removing the need to invoke stabilizing magnetic fields.  相似文献   
We study the usage of the X-ray light curve, column density towards the hard X-ray source, and emission measure (density square times volume), of the massive binary system η Carinae to determine the orientation of its semimajor axis. The source of the hard X-ray emission is the shocked secondary wind. We argue that, by itself, the observed X-ray flux cannot teach us much about the orientation of the semimajor axis. Minor adjustment of some unknown parameters of the binary system allows to fit the X-ray light curve with almost any inclination angle and orientation. The column density and X-ray emission measure, on the other hand, impose strong constrains on the orientation. We improve our previous calculations and show that the column density is more compatible with an orientation where for most of the time the secondary – the hotter, less massive star – is behind the primary star. The secondary comes closer to the observer only for a short time near periastron passage. The 10-week X-ray deep minimum, which results from a large decrease in the emission measure, implies that the regular secondary wind is substantially suppressed during that period. This suppression is most likely resulted by accretion of mass from the dense wind of the primary luminous blue variable star. The accretion from the equatorial plane might lead to the formation of a polar outflow. We suggest that the polar outflow contributes to the soft X-ray emission during the X-ray minimum; the other source is the shocked secondary wind in the tail. The conclusion that accretion occurs at each periastron passage, every five and a half years, implies that accretion had occurred at a much higher rate during the Great Eruption of η Car in the 19th century. This has far reaching implications for major eruptions of luminous blue variable stars.  相似文献   
The use of geochemical tags in calcified structures of fish and invertebrates is an exciting tool for investigating larval population connectivity. Tag evaluation over relatively short intervals (weeks) may detect environmental and ecological variability at a temporal scale highly relevant to larval transport and settlement. We collected newly settled mussels (Mytilus californianus and M. galloprovincialis) weekly during winter/spring of 2002 along the coast of San Diego, CA, USA, at sites on the exposed coast (SIO) and in a protected coastal bay (HI), to investigate temporal patterns of geochemical tags in mussel shells. Analyses of post-settlement shell via LA-ICP-MS revealed statistically significant temporal variability for all elements we examined (Mg, Mn, Cu, Sr, Cd, Ba, Pb and U). Despite this, our ability to distinguish multielemental signatures between sites was largely conserved. Throughout our 13-week study, SIO and HI mussels could be chemically distinguished from one another in 78–87% of all cases. Settlement varied between 2 and 27 settlers gram-byssus?1 week?1 at SIO and HI, and both sites were characterized by 2–3 weeks with “high” settlement. Geochemical tags recorded in early larval shell of newly settled mussels differed between “high” and “low” settlement weeks at both sites (MANOVA), driven by Mg and Sr at SIO (p = 0.013) and Sr, Cd, Ba and Pb at HI (p < 0.001). These data imply that shifts in larval sources or transport corridors were responsible for observed settlement variation, rather than increased larval production. In particular, increased settlement at HI was observed concurrent with the appearance of geochemical tags (e.g., elevated Cd), suggesting that those larvae were retained in upwelled water near the mouth of the bay. Such shifts may reflect short-term changes in connectivity among sites due to altered transport corridors, and influence the demography of local populations.  相似文献   
The Northern Gulf of California is an area important for small-scale fisheries in terms of economic activity and food security, but widespread non-compliance with fisheries regulations impedes effective management of resources and conservation efforts. Where a previous study evaluated quantitatively a theoretical situation in which all regulations are perfectly followed, this article compares a suite of recently proposed ecosystem-based management (EBM) policies against the expected benefits of full enforcement of current regulations. Policies evaluated include no-take marine protected areas (MPAs), breeding period closures, changes in hook size and fishing effort, and gear-specific spatial closures. No-take MPAs yield ecological benefits over a wide range of MPA sizes and characteristics, but do not increase overall catch. Seasonal closures are effective at reducing overfishing for the depleted leopard grouper (Mycteroperca rosacea); changing the hook size of artisanal longlines does not increase catch of either the target species or the assemblage, and gear-specific fishery closures for crab traps near Puerto Peñasco are effective at reducing overfishing of blue crab (Callinectes bellicosus and C. arcuatus). In general, full enforcement of existing regulations outperforms these EBM policies in terms of conservation benefits, but it may be less palatable to stakeholders as it requires major reductions in catch.  相似文献   
I examine the implications of the recently found extrasolar planets on the planet-induced axisymmetric mass-loss model for the formation of elliptical planetary nebulae (PNe). This model attributes the low departure from spherical mass-loss of upper asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars to envelope rotation which results from deposition of orbital angular momentum of the planets. Since about half of all PNe are elliptical, i.e., have low equatorial to polar density contrast, it was predicted that about 50 per cent of all Sun-like stars have Jupiter-like planets around them, i.e., a mass about equal to that of Jupiter, M J, or more massive. In the light of the new findings that only 5 per cent of Sun-like stars have such planets, and a newly proposed mechanism for axisymmetric mass-loss, the cool magnetic spots model, I revise this prediction. I predict that indeed ∼50 per cent of PN progenitors do have close planets around them, but the planets can have much lower masses, as low as ∼0.01 M J, in order to spin-up the envelopes of AGB stars efficiently. To support this claim, I follow the angular momentum evolution of single stars with main-sequence mass in the range of 1.3–2.4 M , as they evolve to the post-AGB phase. I find that single stars rotate much too slowly to possess any significant non-spherical mass-loss as they reach the upper AGB. It seems, therefore, that planets, in some cases even Earth-like planets, are sufficient to spin-up the envelope of these AGB stars for them to form elliptical PNe. The prediction that on average several such planets orbit each star, as in the Solar system, still holds.  相似文献   
During the past century, the western hemisphere has seen a general trend of agricultural expansion on the behalf of semi-natural habitat types, such as heathlands and meadows. This has been documented in numerous studies of land use change. This trend is reflected in today’s European rural landscapes, which are dominated by intensive agriculture. However, many of these studies are based on cartographical sources, such as topographical and thematic maps, and thus prone to uncertainties regarding classification systems over time, variations in definitions of land use categories and lacking documentations of land use definitions. For this study, we conducted two change detection studies, covering the same four study areas in Denmark. The first study was based on topographic maps, and indicates a strong decline in the amount of semi-natural grassland (SNG). This was contrasted by the second study, which was based on an interpretation of aerial photos, and which indicated a much less pronounced reduction of SNGs. Year to year comparisons of these two analyses also revealed large discrepancies in the coverage of SNGs. Our results indicate that change detection studies must account for uncertainties in classifications and results should be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   
Ambient mixing ratios of NO, NO2, and O3 were determined together with the photolysis frequency of NO2, JNO2, at a rural, agricultural site in Germany. The data were collected during the POPCORN-campaign from August 1 to August 24, 1994, in a maize field 6 m above ground. The medians of the NO, NO2, and O3 mixing ratios between 10:00 and 14:00 UT were 0.25, 1.09, and 45 ppbv, respectively. The corresponding median of JNO2 was 6.0 · 10–3 s–1. NOx = NO + NO2 showed a strong diurnal variation with maximum mixing ratios at night, suggestive of a strong local surface source of NO, probably by microbial activity in the soil. The estimated average emission rate was 40 ng(N) m–2 s–1 of NOx, the major part of it probably in the form of NO. The available measurements allowed the estimation of the local NOx budget. At night the budget is almost closed and the measured NOx mixing ratios can be explained by the local source, local dry deposition of NO2, formation of NO3 and N2O5, and vertical exchange of air across the nocturnal inversion. During day-time, the local surface source of NO is not sufficient to explain the measured mixing ratios, and horizontal advection of NOx to the site must be included. The NO2/NO ratio during the morning und late afternoon is lower than predicted from the photostationary state owing to the local NO surface source, but is regulary higher during the hours around noon. For noon, August 10, 1994, the NO2/NO ratio was used to derive the momentary lower limit for the concentration of the peroxy-radicals of 2.2 · 109 cm–3 (86 pptv).  相似文献   
The comparison of the Tunguska body explosion with the effect of terminal flares of meteors and fireballs leads us to the conclusion that these events are of a similar nature but differ only by their scale. We consider that the dynamics of progressive breaking and evaporation of meteoric bodies during their entry into the terrestrial atmosphere could explain the terminal burst. An extremely porous body model for the Tunguska meteorite was analysed and rejected as unsatisfactory. The realistic values of the initial velocity (~30 km/sec) and of the inclination angle for the Tunguska's trajectory (5–15°) give orbital elements not in contradiction with the cometary origin of the Tunguska body.  相似文献   
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