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The continuous evolution of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) meteorology has led to an increased use of associated observations for operational modern low-latency numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, which assimilate GNSS-derived zenith total delay (ZTD) estimates. The development of NWP models with faster assimilation cycles, e.g., 1-h assimilation cycle in the rapid update cycle NWP model, has increased the interest of the meteorological community toward sub-hour ZTD estimates. The suitability of real-time ZTD estimates obtained from three different precise point positioning software packages has been assessed by comparing them with the state-of-the-art IGS final troposphere product as well as collocated radiosonde (RS) observations. The ZTD estimates obtained by BNC2.7 show a mean bias of 0.21 cm, and those obtained by the G-Nut/Tefnut software library show a mean bias of 1.09 cm to the IGS final troposphere product. In comparison with the RS-based ZTD, the BNC2.7 solutions show mean biases between 1 and 2 cm, whereas the G-Nut/Tefnut solutions show mean biases between 2 and 3 cm with the RS-based ZTD, and the ambiguity float and ambiguity fixed solutions obtained by PPP-Wizard have mean biases between 6 and 7 cm with the references. The large biases in the time series from PPP-Wizard are due to the fact that this software has been developed for kinematic applications and hence does not apply receiver antenna eccentricity and phase center offset (PCO) corrections on the observations. Application of the eccentricity and PCO corrections to the a priori coordinates has resulted in a 66 % reduction of bias in the PPP-Wizard solutions. The biases are found to be stable over the whole period of the comparison, which are criteria (rather than the magnitude of the bias) for the suitability of ZTD estimates for use in NWP nowcasting. A millimeter-level impact on the ZTD estimates has also been observed in relation to ambiguity resolution. As a result of a comparison with the established user requirements for NWP nowcasting, it was found that both the G-Nut/Tefnut solutions and one of the BNC2.7 solutions meet the threshold requirements, whereas one of the BNC2.7 solution and both the PPP-Wizard solutions currently exceed this threshold.  相似文献   
Approximately 60 % of the 2,150,000 km2 area of Saudi Arabia is underlain by soluble sediments (carbonate and evaporite rock formations, salt diapirs, sabkha deposits). Despite its hyper-arid climate, a wide variety of recent sinkholes have been reported in numerous areas, involving significant property losses. Human activities, most notably groundwater extraction, have induced unstable conditions on pre-existing cavities. This work provides an overview of the sinkhole hazard in Saudi Arabia, a scarcely explored topic. It identifies the main karst formations and the distribution of the most problematic sinkhole areas, illustrated through several case studies covering the wide spectrum of subsidence mechanisms. Some of the main investigation methods are presented through selected examples, including remote sensing, trenching and geophysics. Based on the available data, the main causal factors are identified and further actions that should be undertaken to better assess and manage the risk are discussed.  相似文献   
The Eastern Desert of Egypt suffered a protracted period of deformation triggered by cratonization of the new juvenile crust known as the Arabian Nubian Shield (ANS), which has been proposed for potential gold discoveries associated with the corresponding tectonic event. The Fatira area, on the border of Egypt''s Northern and Central Eastern Deserts, is covered with metavolcanic rocks twisted by a dextral relocation of the Fatira Shear Zone (FSZ) relative to the Barud magmatic body. The recent study evaluated many deformed post-orogenic granitic intrusions and felsite dikes associated with promising mineralization localities, notably orogenic gold deposits. The combination of various field observations and remote sensing data, followed by the analysis of aeromagnetic enhanced maps, allowed the differentiation of distinct lithologies, structural features, and hydrothermal alterations in the study area. Additionally, the integrated results obtained from the different interpretation techniques are utilized to identify and confirm the previously supposed mineralized localities in the Fatira and Abu Zawal areas and predict other matched localities. The final ASTER, Sentinel 2 hydrothermal alteration, and orientation entropy heat maps demonstrate the association between these mineralized regions and major structures related to the FSZ late stage of deformation rather than other structures studied throughout the area of interest.  相似文献   
The Um Had area, central Eastern Desert, Egypt shows a regional stretching in the NW–SE and a contraction in the NE–SW direction. Major NW–SE folds, small recumbent folds, and local thrusts and reverse faults were recognized. Complicated relation between folds and boudinage was identified. This stretching amount ranges from 1.282 to 1.309. Earlier coaxial and later non-coaxial strains were inferred. The change from axial to non-coaxial stress regime was gradual and the latter was associated with minor clockwise and anticlockwise rotation of structural elements. During the non-coaxial strain, strain fringes were formed as a consequence of the high circulation of fluids in low temperature and high pressure conditions. Superimposed strain fringes indicating right- and left-lateral senses of movement were recognized. At least three generations of fringes were recognized, implying three stages of non-coaxial stretching. Each generation has about 15 increments which show irregular strain gradient and intensity over the different increments. Eastwards, the strain increments became mature and westwards, the finite strain increases. The strongest finite strain was found in a narrow belt delimiting the basement rocks on the west and underlying the Phanerozoic sediments. Chocolate-tablet structure was recorded and indicates later multidirectional tension. Not all Nubia Sandstone exposures are overlying the basement rocks and some are separated by NW–SE normal faults. Major NW–SE normal faults are cutting basement rocks of different ages.  相似文献   
Rock water interactions play an important role in the flow of groundwater. Groundwater samples were collected from deep production wells with depths ranging from 120 to 230 m. Complete chemical analysis of 40 groundwater samples was collected from the fractured limestone aquifer including major cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and major anions (Cl?, SO4 2?, HCO3 ?, CO3 2?). A geochemical modeling (NETPATH Software) was applied for environmental simulate net geochemical mass-balance reactions between initial and final waters along a hydrologic flow path. This program simulates selected evolutionary waters for every possible combination of the plausible phases that account for the composition of a selected set of chemical constraints in the system. The groundwater of the Eocene aquifer mainly belongs to fairly fresh water with salinity contents ranging from 228 to 3595 ppm. The measured groundwater levels range between 8 and 25 m near the river Nile to the limestone plateau (eastwards). Consequently, groundwater flows from east to westward toward the river Nile. Groundwater aquifer in the study area is mainly composed of fractured limestone; the saturated states of the PCO2, calcite, aragonite, dolomite, siderite, gypsum, anhydrite, hematite, and goethite in addition to H2 gas were estimated. The undersaturated state of carbon dioxide reflects closed conditions and very low probability of recent recharge, and it reveals also the high tendency of water to precipitates carbonate species. Undersaturation by carbonate minerals is only restricted to some pockets distributed on the different places of the aquifer in the study area. The majority of groundwater samples of Eocene aquifer in the study area indicated that groundwater is not suitable for irrigation with treatment and requires good drainage.  相似文献   
To support the GPM mission which is homologous to its predecessor, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), this study has been undertaken to evaluate the accuracy of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission multi-satellite precipitation analysis (TMPA) daily-accumulated precipitation products for 5 years (2008–2012) using the statistical methods and contingency table method. The analysis was performed on daily, monthly, seasonal and yearly basis. The TMPA precipitation estimates were also evaluated for each grid point i.e. 0.25° × 0.25° and for 18 rain gauge stations of the Betwa River basin, India. Results indicated that TMPA precipitation overestimates the daily and monthly precipitation in general, particularly for the middle sub-basin in the non-monsoon season. Furthermore, precision of TMPA precipitation estimates declines with the decrease of altitude at both grid and sub-basin scale. The study also revealed that TMPA precipitation estimates provide better accuracy in the upstream of the basin compared to downstream basin. Nevertheless, the detection capability of daily TMPA precipitation improves with increase in altitude for drizzle rain events. However, the detection capability decreases during non-monsoon and monsoon seasons when capturing moderate and heavy rain events, respectively. The veracity of TMPA precipitation estimates was improved during the rainy season than during the dry season at all scenarios investigated. The analyses suggest that there is a need for better precipitation estimation algorithm and extensive accuracy verification against terrestrial precipitation measurement to capture the different types of rain events more reliably over the sub-humid tropical regions of India.  相似文献   

A new closure and a modified detrainment for the simplified Arakawa–Schubert (SAS) cumulus parameterization scheme are proposed. In the modified convective scheme which is named as King Abdulaziz University (KAU) scheme, the closure depends on both the buoyancy force and the environment mean relative humidity. A lateral entrainment rate varying with environment relative humidity is proposed and tends to suppress convection in a dry atmosphere. The detrainment rate also varies with environment relative humidity. The KAU scheme has been tested in a single column model (SCM) and implemented in a coupled global climate model (CGCM). Increased coupling between environment and clouds in the KAU scheme results in improved sensitivity of the depth and strength of convection to environmental humidity compared to the original SAS scheme. The new scheme improves precipitation simulation with better representations of moisture and temperature especially during suppressed convection periods. The KAU scheme implemented in the Seoul National University (SNU) CGCM shows improved precipitation over the tropics. The simulated precipitation pattern over the Arabian Peninsula and Northeast African region is also improved.

The stability of a self-gravitating streaming fluid cylinder acting upon the electromagnetic force ambient with a tenuous medium of negligible inertia but pervaded by a transverse varying fields, has been developed. The stability criterion is derived, discussed analytically and the results are verified numerically. The cylinder is purely self-gravitating unstable in small axisymmetric domain and stable in all the rest states. modes while the transverse field exterior the cylinder is stabilizing or destabilizing according to restrictions in the asymmetric modes and purely destabilizing in the symmetric one. The streaming has a strong destabilizing influence and that influence is independent of the kind of the perturbation and wavelengths. Both the streaming and the electromagnetic influences increase the gravitational axisymmetric unstable domain and shrink those of stability in the axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric perturbations. Moreover, the stabilizing character of the Lorentz force of some states, is physicaly interpreted, will not be able to suppress the gravitational instability because the gravitational instability of sufficiently long waves will persist.  相似文献   
A new type of podiform chromitite was found at Wadi Hilti in the northern Oman ophiolite. It is within a late-intrusive dunite body, possibly derived from olivine-rich crystal mush, between the sheeted dike complex and upper gabbro. This chromitite forms small (<30 cm in thickness) pods with irregular to lenticular shapes. Neither layering nor graded bedding is observed within the pods. The chromitite is in the upper crust, by far shallower in ophiolite stratigraphy than the other podiform chromitites that have ever been found in the Moho transition zone to the upper mantle. It is distributed along a small felsic to gabbroic melt pool within the dunite body, which was formed by melting of gabbroic blocks captured by the mush. Chromian spinel was precipitated due to mixing of two kinds of melt, a basaltic interstitial melt from the mush and an evolved, possibly felsic, melt formed by the melting of gabbro blocks. The podiform chromitite reported here is strikingly similar in petrography and spinel chemistry to the stratiform chromitite from layered intrusions. The former contains plagioclase and clinopyroxene as matrix silicates instead of olivine as well as includes euhedral and fine spinel with solid mineral inclusions. Chromian spinel of the upper crustal podiform chromitite from Oman has relatively low content of (Cr2O3 + Al2O3), the Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio of around 0.6, and the relatively high TiO2 content ranging from 1 to 3 wt%. We conclude that assimilation of relatively Si-rich materials (crustal rocks or mantle orthopyroxene) by olivine-spinel saturated melts can explain the genesis of any type of chromitite.Editorial responsibility: V. Trommsdorff  相似文献   
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