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In calcic plagioclase (Ca, Na) [(Al, Si) AlSi2O8] Al-Si ordering produces superstructures with periodic and non periodic antiphase boundaries (APB's). Crystals growing at high temperature close to the melting point and cooling fairly rapidly order by nucleation of ordered domains which grow, resulting in an irregular pattern of curved APB's (b plagioclase). A modulated structure with periodic APB's forms by continuous ordering at large undercooling below the critical ordering temperature (e plagioclase). During annealing APB's are eliminated by pairwise recombination of adjacent APB's to reduce strain energy along the boundaries thereby transforming nonstable e plagioclase into stable b plagioclase without change in chemical composition. This process is often accompanied by a chemical phase separation with APB's providing favorable surfaces for diffusion. Transformations are documented by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs illustrating the variation in morphology of APB patterns in igneous and metamorphic plagioclase. They are in agreement with Korekawa et al.'s (1978) model of intermediate plagioclase which relies on periodic stacking of basic units rather than wavelike modulations. The paper includes observations of a new type of satellite in Stillwater bytownite (‘h’ satellites) which are due to fine lamellar exsolution.  相似文献   
The exsolution phenomena of augite from Ferrogabbro 4430 of the Skaergaard Intrusion were examined in detail by single crystal X-ray diffraction and heating experiments to study the stepwise exsolution process. In the augite crystals, five different phases were detected: pigeonite (001), pigeonite (100), orthopyroxene (a), orthopyroxene (p) and a small amount of clinoamphibole. The two different pigeonites nearly share the corresponding (001) and (100) planes with the host. Orthopyroxene (a) and orthopyroxene (p) have (100) in common with the host and with exsolved pigeonite (001), respectively. Clinoamphibole was observed in the form of rather weak reflections in many crystals. It has (010) in common with the host.A large number of augite crystals exhibited a pigeonite (001) phase with curved, rotated reflections and diffuse streaks along the a* direction in (h0l) precession photographs. It appears that these streaks are related to orthopyroxene (p). Orthopyroxene (p) seems to be crystallized from pigeonite (001) by nucleation at (100) stacking fault planes (inverted pigeonite). Pigeonite (100) may be formed at growth ledges between augite host and exsolved orthopyroxene (a) at a later stage of exsolution to stabilize the boundaries.From the X-ray diffraction profiles and the results of the heating experiments, a possible exsolution sequence is suggested. Clinoamphibole appears to be a product of alteration at the latest stage of the exsolution process. It seems to be related to particular conditions of partial water pressure.  相似文献   
The biological and physical controls on microbial processes that produce and consume N2O in soils are highly complex. Isotopomer ratios of N2O, with abundance of 14N15N16O, 15N14N16O, and 14N14N18O relative to 14N14N16O, are promising for elucidation of N2O biogeochemistry in an intact ecosystem. Site preference, the nitrogen isotope ratio of the central nitrogen atom minus that of the terminal nitrogen atom, is useful to distinguish between N2O via hydroxylamine oxidation and N2O via nitrite reduction.We applied this isotopomer analysis to a groundwater system in a temperate coniferous-forested ecosystem. Results of a previous study at this location showed that the N2O concentration in groundwater varied greatly according to groundwater chemistry, i.e. NO3, DOC, and DO, although apportionment of N2O production to nitrification or denitrification was ambiguous. Our isotopic analysis (δ15N and δ18O) of NO3 and N2O implies that denitrification is the dominant production process of N2O, but definitive information is not derived from δ15N and δ18O analysis because of large variations in isotopic fractionations during production and consumption of N2O. However, the N2O site preference and the difference in δ15N between NO3 and N2O indicate that nitrification contributes to total N2O production and that most measured N2O has been subjected to further N2O reduction to N2. The implications of N2O biogeochemistry derived from isotope and isotopomer data differ entirely from those derived from conventional concentration data of DO, NO3, and N2O. That difference underscores the need to reconsider our understanding of the N cycle in the oxic-anoxic interface.  相似文献   
The Fukuoka District Meteorological Observatory recently logged three possible deep low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) beneath eastern Kyushu, Japan, a region in which LFEs and low-frequency tremors have never before been identified. To assess these data, we analyzed band-pass filtered velocity seismograms and relocated LFEs and regular earthquakes using the double-difference method. The results strongly suggest that the three events were authentic LFEs, each at a depth of about 50 km. We also performed relocation analysis on LFEs recorded beneath the Kii Peninsula and found that these LFEs occurred near the northwest-dipping plate interface at depths of approximately 29–38 km. These results indicate that LFEs in southwest Japan occur near the upper surface of the subducting Philippine Sea (PHS) plate. To investigate the origin of regional differences in the occurrence frequency of LFEs in western Shikoku, the Kii Peninsula, and eastern Kyushu, we calculated temperature distributions associated with PHS plate subduction. Then, using the calculated thermal structures and a phase diagram of water dehydration for oceanic basalt, the water dehydration rate (wt.%/km), which was newly defined in this study, was determined to be 0.19, 0.12, and 0.08 in western Shikoku, the Kii Peninsula, and eastern Kyushu, respectively; that is, the region beneath eastern Kyushu has the lowest water dehydration rate value. Considering that the Kyushu–Palau Ridge that is subducting beneath eastern Kyushu is composed of tonalite, which is low in hydrous minerals, this finding suggests that the regionality may be related to the amount of water dehydration associated with subduction of the PHS plate and/or differences in LFE depths. Notable dehydration reactions take place beneath western Shikoku and the Kii Peninsula, where the depth ranges for dehydration estimated by thermal modeling agree well with those for the relocated LFEs. The temperature range in which LFEs occur in these regions is estimated to be 400–500 °C.  相似文献   
We investigated the tectonothermal history of the Lesser Himalayan sediments (LHS), which are tectonically overlain by the Higher Himalayan Crystalline. Fission‐track dating and the track length measurement of detrital zircons obtained from the Kuncha nappe and the Lesser Himalayan autochthonous sediments in western central Nepal revealed northward cooling of the nappe and possible downward heating of the autochthon by the overlying hot nappe. Nine zircon fission‐track (ZFT) ages of the nappe showed northward‐younging linear distribution from 11.6 Ma in the front at Tamghas, 6 Ma in the central at Naudanda, and 1.6 Ma in the northernmost point at Tatopani. Thermochronological invert calculation of the ZFT length elucidated that the Kuncha nappe gradually cooled down (30 °C/Myr) at the front and rapidly cooled down (120 °C/Myr) at the root zone. In contrast, the ZFT age of the Chappani Formation, located just beneath the Kuncha nappe in the central part, demonstrated a totally reset age of 6.8 Ma, whereas the Virkot Formation, structurally far from the nappe, yielded a partially reset age of 457.3 Ma. This suggests that the LHS underwent downward heating, resulting in a thermal print on the upper part of the LHS; however, the thermal effect was not sufficient to anneal ZFT totally in the deeper part. Presently, the nappe cover is eroded and denuded from this area. Detrital zircons from the Chappani Formation in Tansen area to the south of the Bari Gad Fault did not show any evidence of annealing, suggesting that nappe never covered the LHS distributed to the south of the fault.  相似文献   
A parametric study of the instantaneous radiative impact of contrails is presented using three different radiative transfer models for a series of model atmospheres and cloud parameters. Contrails are treated as geometrically and optically thin plane parallel homogeneous cirrus layers in a static atmosphere. The ice water content is varied as a function of ambient temperature. The model atmospheres include tropical, mid-latitude, and subarctic summer and winter atmospheres. Optically thin contrails cause a positive net forcing at top of the atmosphere. At the surface the radiative forcing is negative during daytime. The forcing increases with the optical depth and the amount of contrail cover. At the top of the atmosphere, a mean contrail cover of 0.1% with average optical depth of 0.2 to 0.5 causes about 0.01 to 0.03 Wm−2 daily mean instantaneous radiative forcing. Contrails cool the surface during the day and heat the surface during the night, and hence reduce the daily temperature amplitude. The net effect depends strongly on the daily variation of contrail cloud cover. The indirect radiative forcing due to particle changes in natural cirrus clouds may be of the same magnitude as the direct one due to additional cover.  相似文献   
The column amounts of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) were measured using a visible spectrometer based on the twilight zenith-sky technique at two observatories located at similar latitudes in the northern part of Japan separated by a distance of 150 km. The measurements began in April 1991 at the Moshiri Observatory (44.4°N, 142.3°E) and in April 1994 at the Rikubetsu Observatory (43.5°N, 143.8°E). Since weather conditions and the possible influence from tropospheric pollution were not always identical at these two observatories, the overall accuracy of the measurements was studied comparing these data sets. The first year data obtained at a solar zenith angle of 90 degrees indicated that the NO2 slant column values at sunrise and sunset agreed within 0.36 and 0.54 × 1016 cm-2, respectively, corresponding to 5 % (June) and to 12 % (December) of the columns. The O3 values agreed within 0.76 × 1019 cm-2, corresponding to 4 % (March) 6 % (August) of the columns, although a part of the difference was systematic. The O3 column amounts were also compared to those obtained by the Dobson spectrometer at Sapporo (43.5°N, 143.8°E), whose latitude is similar to these observatories. When an air mass factor of 17.5 was used, the two-year Moshiri vertical column values agreed with the Dobson direct sun values to within 15 Dobson Units, or 3 6 % of the column. The difference between the two values was found to be due partly to the change in the air mass factor caused by seasonal and day-to-day changes in the shape of the O3 vertical profiles. These results confirm the reliability of the NO2 and O3 measurements by visible spectrometers at these sites for the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC).  相似文献   
Volcanic rocks from six of the currently or recently active volcances of the Mariana Island are show little variation in major element abundances. SiO2 content averages 51.5 wt.%. The flows are high in Al2O (mean 17.7 wt.%) and Fe oxides (mean 10.1 wt.% calculated as FeO only), and moderate in MgO content (mean 4.7 wt.%), Na2O (mean 2.7 wt.%), and K2O (mean 0.7 wt.%). Only the rocks from Farallon de Pajaros, the northernmost of the Mariana Islands, deviate slightly from the average of the analyses. Three analyses from this island are slightly higher in SiO2 (about 54 wt.%) and Al2O3, and are lower in total Fe oxides and MgO. According to preferred classification, the lavas of the Mariana Islands can be termed mela-andesites, high-alumina basalts, or calc-alkaline (orogenic) basalts. The K2O values (mean 0.7 wt.%) obtained from lavas of the Mariana Islands are significantly higher than the K2O values (about 0.33 wt.%) from volcanics of the Izu chain to the north. Inasmuch as the substantial scatter in location of earthquake foci beneath both arcs prevents accurate delineation of the upper boundary of the Benioff zone, it presently cannot be determined whether this discrepancy in K2O values reflects a difference in depth from the volcanic are to the dipping seismic zone or relates to other phenomena. The older volcanic islands within the Mariana-Bonin island chain apparently defined an island arc system during Eocene to Miocene time. This indicates that the present plane of convergence between the Pacific plate and the Philippine Sea plate has defined the convergence between these plates since Eocene time.  相似文献   
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