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This paper reports peculiar alternating augite‐plagioclase wedges in basement dolerites of Lockne impact structure, Sweden. The combined microscopic and spectroscopic studies of the micro/nanoscale wedges reveal that these are deformation‐induced features. First, samples showing wedges, 12 out of 18 studied, are distributed in the impact structure within a radius of up to 10 km from the crater center. Second, the margins between the augite and labradorite wedges are sharp and the {110} prismatic cleavage of augite develops into fractures and thereafter into wedges. The fractures are filled with molten labradorite pushed from the neighboring bulk labradorite grain. Third, compared to the bulk labradorite, the dislocation density and the residual strain in the labradorite wedges are significantly higher. A possible mechanism of genesis of the wedges is proposed. The mechanism explains that passing of the shock waves in the basement dolerite induced (i) formation of microfractures in augite and labradorite; (ii) development of the augite prismatic cleavages into the wedges, which overprint the microfracture in the labradorite wedges; and (iii) thereafter, infilling of microfractures in the augite wedges by labradorite.  相似文献   
Cosmic-ray intensity data recorded with the ground-based neutron monitor at Deep River have been investigated taking into account the associated interplanetary magnetic field and solar-wind plasma data during 1981 – 1994. A large number of days having abnormally high or low amplitudes for five or more successive days as compared to the annual average amplitude of diurnal anisotropy have been taken as high- or low-amplitude anisotropic wave-train events. The amplitude of the diurnal anisotropy of these events is found to increase on days with a magnetic cloud as compared to the days prior to the event, and it is found to decrease during the later period of the event as the cloud passes the Earth. The high-speed solar-wind streams do not play any significant role in causing these types of events. However, corotating solar-wind streams produce significant deviations in cosmic-ray intensity during high- and low-amplitude events. The interplanetary disturbances (magnetic clouds) are also effective in producing cosmic-ray decreases. Hα solar flares have a good positive correlation with both the amplitude and direction of the anisotropy for high-amplitude events, while the principal magnetic storms have a good positive correlation with both amplitude and direction of the anisotropy for low-amplitude events. The source responsible for these unusual anisotropic wave trains in cosmic rays has been proposed.  相似文献   
Small adiabatic radial oscillations of composite models have been investigated. The effect of central condensation ρc√ρ on the period of pulsation have also been examined. In has been shown that the second moment of mass concentration characterize the periods of pulsation more effectively than central condensation.  相似文献   
Heating of coronal loops by linear resonant Alfvén waves, excited by the footpoints motions in the photosphere, has been studied. The analysis of single-layer heating is extended to multilayer heating, in semiempirical treatment. Heating and nonthermal velocities in different layers of loops in X-ray bright points, active regions, and large-scale structures are estimated. The average value of velocity is found to be in agreement with the observations.  相似文献   
Drainage pattern of Naugarh Block of district Varanasi has been mapped. The basin characterestics have been analysed is terms of basin morphology and related parameters. The drainage system of the region is composed of 3 perennial rivers with 7 sub-basins. A total of 1223 streams. of 1st to 6th order exist, out of which 761 are of 1st order and 350 of 2nd order which hold sufficient amount of water duing the peak monsoon period Surface water resources could be enhanced in the region by constructing check dams and creating artificial recharge through effective and management.  相似文献   
The first ERS-1 satellite launched in May 1991 promises to make a substantial contribution towards the cloud stereoscopy. One of its payload, Along Track Scanning Radiometer (hereafter ATSR) has IR split window channels and scans the earth conically leading to earth views at two view angles (0° and 55°) in two curved swaths registered with respect to each other in image frame. This enables us to construct stereoscopic image of a cloud thereby determining its height geometrically. The present paper describes the utility of ATSR onboard ERS-1 in retrieving cloud height by synthetic stereo imaging over NOAA-AVHRR visible and thermal band observations.  相似文献   
Geomorphological studies of the Cauvery basin, Tamilnadu were carried out using IRS images with special emphasis on identification of zones of hydrocarbon occurrences. The basin exhibits landforms of fluvial and fluvio-marine plains. Two major trends of lineaments and 15 circular anomalies have been identified. The NW-SE trend appears to be younger and might have played an important role in migration and entrapment of hydrocarbons. Six circular anomalies are associated with known oil/gas wells. The study has identified probable zones of hydrocarbon occurrences.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the origin of high fluoride in a regional alluvial aquifer system under water stress in the North Gujarat-Cambay (NGC) region in western India. This region is severely affected by endemic fluorosis due to ingestion of groundwater containing excessive fluoride. With an objective to understand factors controlling high fluoride concentration in groundwater of this region, 225 groundwater samples have been analysed for various chemical parameters. Samples were collected from different depth zones tapping shallow dug wells, geothermal springs, hand-pumps and tubewells, including free flowing artesian wells up to 450 m depth from the aquifers in the Quaternary alluvial formation covering most of the study area. No relation was found between fluoride concentration and depth of sampled groundwater. However, certain sub-aquifer zones have been identified within the Cambay Basin where groundwater contains relatively high fluoride concentration. In general, areas of high fluoride overlap areas with high electrical conductivity (EC). On the west flank of the Cambay Basin in the low lying belt linking Little Rann of Kachchh-Nalsarovar-Gulf of Khambhat (LRK-NS-GK), high fluoride and EC in shallow aquifers originate from evaporative enrichment. On the east flank of Cambay Basin, some high fluoride pockets are observed which are probably due to preferential dissolution of high fluoride bearing minerals. On this flank high fluoride is also associated with thermal springs. Within the Cambay Basin, alternating belts of low and high fluoride concentrations are ascribed to groundwater recharge during the past wet and arid climatic phases, respectively. This is based on groundwater radiocarbon age contours of ~20 ka overlapping the high fluoride belt.
Resumen Este artículo reporta sobre el origen de altas concentraciones de flúor en un sistema regional de acuíferos bajo presión hídrica en la región del norte de Gujarat-Cambay (NGC) del occidente de India. Esta región está afectada severamente por fluorosis endémica debido a la ingestión de agua subterránea que contiene exceso de flúor. Se tomaron 225 muestras de agua subterránea las cuales fueron analizadas por varios parámetros químicos con el objetivo de entender los factores que controlan las elevadas concentraciones de flúor en esta región. Las muestras se colectaron a diferentes profundidades en pozos someros, manantiales geotermales, pozos con bombas de mano, y pozos entubados incluyendo pozos artesianos de flujo libre de hasta 450 m de profundidad emplazados en los acuíferos de la formación aluvial Cuaternaria que cubre la mayor parte del área de estudio. No se encontró ninguna relación entre la concentración de flúor y la profundidad de las muestras de agua subterránea. Sin embargo, se identificaron dentro de la cuenca Cambay algunas zonas sub-acuíferas donde el agua subterránea contiene concentraciones relativamente altas de flúor. En general, las áreas con elevada concentración de flúor están sobrepuestas a áreas de alta conductividad eléctrica (CE). Sobre el flanco occidental de la cuenca Cambay, en la faja baja que une Little Rann con Kachchh-Nalsarovar-Golfo de Khamhat (LRK-NS-GK), las altas concentraciones de flúor y altas CE en acuíferos someros se derivan de enriquecimiento por evaporitas. Sobre el flanco oriental de la cuenca Cambay se observaron algunos cuerpos con alta concentración de flúor los cuales se deben probablemente a la disolución preferencial de minerales con alto contenido de flúor. En este flanco el alto contenido de flúor también se asocia con manantiales termales. Dentro de la cuenca Cambay existen fajas alternantes, con concentraciones altas y bajas de flúor, las cuales se atribuyen a recarga de agua subterránea durante las fases climáticas pasadas, húmedas y áridas, respectivamente. Este planteamiento se basa en contornos de edades de ~20 ka de radiocarbono que están sobrepuestos a la faja alta en flúor.

Résumé Cet article étudie lorigine des teneurs élevées en Fluorure dans un système aquifère alluvial régional, soumis à un stress hydrique dans le Nord Gujarat–région Cambay (NGC) à lOuest de lInde. Cette région est sévèrement affectée par une fluorose endémique, due à lingestion deau souterraine très riche en fluor. Avec pour objectif de comprendre les paramètres contrôlant les fortes teneurs en fluor, 225 échantillons deau souterraine ont été analysés sur différents paramètres. Les échantillons ont été pris à différentes profondeurs : puits de surface, sources géothermiques, pompes à main, forages artésiens jaillissant dont la profondeur avoisine les 450 m dans les formations alluviales quaternaire recouvrant la plus grande partie de la région étudiée. Il ny a pas de relation entre la profondeur et les teneurs en fluorure. Néanmoins, certaines zones sub-aquifères ont été identifiées dans le Basin de Cambay où leau souterraine présentait des concentrations relativement élevées en fluorure. En général les zones de hautes concentrations en fluorure recouvrent les zones à fortes conductivité électrique (abréviation en anglais: EC). Sur le flanc Ouest du bassin de Cambay dans le mince lit reliant Little Ran de Kachchh-Nalsarovar au golfe de Khambhat (LRK-NS-GK), les fortes teneurs en fluorure et les EC dans la nappe phréatique proviennent de lenrichissement par les évaporites. Sur le flanc Est du bassin, des poches de teneurs élevées en fluorures ont été observées, probablement dues à des dissolutions préférentielles de minéraux fluorés. Sur ce flanc des teneurs sont également associées à la présence de sources géothermales. Dans le bassin de Cambay, les alternances de couches lits à fortes teneurs et de lits à faibles teneurs sont expliquées par la recharge durant les périodes climatiques humides et les périodes climatiques plus sèches. Ceci est corroboré par les datations au radiocarbone (environ 20.000 an) au dessus du lit riche en fluorure.
The unusually low amplitude anisotropic wave train events (LAWEs) in cosmic ray intensity using the ground based Deep River neutron monitor data has been studied during the period 1991–1994. It has been observed that the amplitude of the diurnal anisotropy for LAWE events significantly remains quite low and statistically constant as compared to the quiet day annual average amplitude for majority of the events. The time of maximum of the diurnal anisotropy of LAWE significantly shifts towards earlier hours as compared to the co-rotational direction and remains in the direction of quiet day annual average anisotropy for majority of the events. On the other hand, the amplitude of the semi/tri-diurnal anisotropy remains statistically the same and high whereas, phase shift towards later hours as compared to the quiet day annual average values for majority of the LAWEs. The diurnal anisotropy vectors are found to shifts towards earlier hours for 50% of the events; whereas they are found to shifts towards later hours for rest of the events (50%) relative to the average vector for the entire period. It is also noted that the amplitude of these vectors are found to increase significantly with the shift of the diurnal anisotropy vectors towards later hours. The high-speed solar wind streams do not play a significant role in causing the LAWE events on short-term basis, however it may be responsible in causing these events on long-term basis (Mishra and Mishra 2007). Occurrence of LAWE is dominant, when the polarity of Bx and Bz remains positive and polarity of By remains negative, which is never been reported earlier. The amplitude of first harmonic shows good anti-correlation and direction of first and third harmonic shows nearly good anti-correlation with solar wind velocity, whereas the direction of second harmonic shows nearly good anti-correlation with interplanetary magnetic field strength.  相似文献   
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