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A study on the dependency of GNSS pseudorange biases on correlator spacing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We provide a comprehensive overview of pseudorange biases and their dependency on receiver front-end bandwidth and correlator design. Differences in the chip shape distortions among GNSS satellites are the cause of individual pseudorange biases. The different biases must be corrected for in a number of applications, such as positioning with mixed signals or PPP with ambiguity resolution. Current state-of-the-art is to split the pseudorange bias into a receiver- and a satellite-dependent part. As soon as different receivers with different front-end bandwidths or correlator designs are involved, the satellite biases differ between the receivers and this separation is no longer practicable. A test with a special receiver firmware, which allows tracking a satellite with a range of different correlator spacings, has been conducted with live signals as well as a signal simulator. In addition, the variability of satellite biases is assessed through zero-baseline tests with different GNSS receivers using live satellite signals. The receivers are operated with different settings for multipath mitigation, and the changes in the satellite-dependent biases depending on the receivers’ configuration are observed.  相似文献   
Precise orbit determination of GIOVE-B based on the CONGO network   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
GIOVE-B is one of two test satellites for the future European Global Navigation Satellite System Galileo. The Cooperative Network for GIOVE Observation (CONGO) is a global tracking network of GIOVE-capable receivers established by Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) and Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG). This network provides the basis for the precise orbit determination of the GIOVE-B satellite for the time period 29 June till 27 October 2009 with a modified version of the Bernese GPS Software. Different arc lengths and sets of orbit parameters were tested. These tests showed that the full set of nine radiation pressure parameters resulted in a better performance than the reduced set of five parameters. An internal precision of about one to two decimeters could be demonstrated for the central day of 5-day solutions. The orbit predictions have a precision of about 1 m for a prediction period of 24 h. External validations with Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) show residuals on the level of 12 cm. The accuracy of the final orbits is expected to be on the few decimeter level.  相似文献   
Numerical integration methods for orbital motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present report compares Runge-Kutta, multistep and extrapolation methods for the numerical integration of ordinary differential equations and assesses their usefulness for orbit computations of solar system bodies or artificial satellites. The scope of earlier studies is extended by including various methods that have been developed only recently. Several performance tests reveal that modern single- and multistep methods can be similarly efficient over a wide range of eccentricities. Multistep methods are still preferable, however, for ephemeris predictions with a large number of dense output points.  相似文献   
The Sentinel-3 mission takes routine measurements of sea surface heights and depends crucially on accurate and precise knowledge of the spacecraft. Orbit determination with a targeted uncertainty of less than 2 cm in radial direction is supported through an onboard Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, a Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite instrument, and a complementary laser retroreflector for satellite laser ranging. Within this study, the potential of ambiguity fixing for GPS-only precise orbit determination (POD) of the Sentinel-3 spacecraft is assessed. A refined strategy for carrier phase generation out of low-level measurements is employed to cope with half-cycle ambiguities in the tracking of the Sentinel-3 GPS receiver that have so far inhibited ambiguity-fixed POD solutions. Rather than explicitly fixing double-difference phase ambiguities with respect to a network of terrestrial reference stations, a single-receiver ambiguity resolution concept is employed that builds on dedicated GPS orbit, clock, and wide-lane bias products provided by the CNES/CLS (Centre National d’Études Spatiales/Collecte Localisation Satellites) analysis center of the International GNSS Service. Compared to float ambiguity solutions, a notably improved precision can be inferred from laser ranging residuals. These decrease from roughly 9 mm down to 5 mm standard deviation for high-grade stations on average over low and high elevations. Furthermore, the ambiguity-fixed orbits offer a substantially improved cross-track accuracy and help to identify lateral offsets in the GPS antenna or center-of-mass (CoM) location. With respect to altimetry, the improved orbit precision also benefits the global consistency of sea surface measurements. However, modeling of the absolute height continues to rely on proper dynamical models for the spacecraft motion as well as ground calibrations for the relative position of the altimeter reference point and the CoM.  相似文献   
Precise science orbits for the first 4 years of the Swarm mission have been generated from onboard GPS measurements in a systematic reprocessing using refined models and processing techniques. Key enhancements relate to the introduction of macro-models for a more elaborate non-gravitational force modeling (solar radiation pressure, atmospheric drag and lift, earth albedo), as well as carrier phase ambiguity fixing. Validation using satellite laser ranging demonstrates a 30% improvement in the precision of the reduced dynamic orbits with resulting errors at the 0.5–1 cm level (1D RMS). A notable performance improvement is likewise achieved for the kinematic orbits, which benefit most from the ambiguity fixing and show a 50% error reduction in terms of SLR residuals while differences with respect to reduced dynamic ephemerides amount to only 1.7 cm (median of daily 3D RMS). Compared to the past kinematic science orbits based on float-ambiguity estimates, the new kinematic position solutions exhibit a factor of reduction of two to three in Allan deviation at time scales of 1000s and higher, and promise an improved recovery of low-degree and -order gravity field coefficients in Swarm gravity field analyses.  相似文献   
Characterization of GPS/GIOVE sensor stations in the CONGO network   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
The Cooperative Network for GIOVE Observation (CONGO) is a global network of real-time capable multi-constellation GNSS receivers, which has been established by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) as a test bed for experimentation with the new Galileo signals. The CONGO network employs a variety of different antennas and receivers which have become available for public use over the last 2 years. Following an overview of the network and the employed user equipment, the paper discusses the achieved GPS/GIOVE tracking performance. This includes a characterization of antenna gain patterns as well as receiver noise and multipath errors. Special attention is given to the discussion of inter-system biases. The nature and variation of these biases is illustrated based on a set of three different receivers operated in a zero-baseline configuration at the Wettzell site.  相似文献   
Apparent clock variations of the Block IIF-1 (SVN62) GPS satellite   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
The Block IIF satellites feature a new generation of high-quality rubidium clocks for time and frequency keeping and are the first GPS satellites transmitting operational navigation signals on three distinct frequencies. We investigate apparent clock offset variations for the Block IIF-1 (SVN62) spacecraft that have been identified in L1/L2 clock solutions as well as the L1/L5-minus-L1/L2 clock difference. With peak-to-peak amplitudes of 10?C40?cm, these variations are of relevance for future precision point positioning applications and ionospheric analyses. A proper characterization and understanding is required to fully benefit from the quality of the new signals and clocks. The analysis covers a period of 8?months following the routine payload activation and is based on GPS orbit and clock products generated by the CODE analysis center of the International GNSS Service (IGS) as well as triple-frequency observations collected with the CONGO network. Based on a harmonic analysis, empirical models are presented that describe the sub-daily variation of the clock offset and the inter-frequency clock difference. These contribute to a better clock predictability at timescales of several hours and enable a consistent use of L1/L2 clock products in L1/L5-based positioning.  相似文献   
(Near-)real-time orbit determination for GNSS radio occultation processing   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The processing of GPS radio occultation measurements for use in numerical weather predictions requires a precise orbit determination (POD) of the host satellite in near-real-time. Making use of data from the GRAS instrument on Metop-A, the performance of different GPS ephemeris products and processing concepts for near-real-time and real-time POD is compared. While previous analyses have focused on the achievable along-track velocity accuracy, this study contributes a systematic comparison of the resulting estimated bending angles. This enables a more rigorous trade-off of different orbit determination methodologies in relation to the end-user needs for atmospheric science products. It is demonstrated that near-real-time GPS orbit and clock products have reached a sufficient quality to determine the Metop-A along-track velocity with an accuracy of better than 0.05 mm/s that was formerly only accessible in post-processing. The resulting bending angles are shown to exhibit standard deviation and bias differences of less than 0.3 % compared with post-processed products up to altitudes of at least 40 km, which is notably better than 1 % accuracy typically assumed for numerical weather predictions in this height regime. Complementary to the analysis of ground-based processing schemes, the potential of autonomous on-board orbit determination is investigated for the first time. Using actual GRAS flight data, it is shown that a 0.5 m 3D rms position accuracy and a 0.2 mm/s along-track velocity accuracy can in fact be obtained in real-time with the currently available GPS broadcast ephemeris quality. Bending angles derived from the simulated real-time processing exhibit a minor performance degradation above tangent point heights of 40 km but negligible differences with respect to ground-based products below this altitude. Onboard orbit determination and, if desired, bending angle computation, can thus enable a further simplification of the ground segment in future radio occultation missions and contribute to reduced product latencies for radio occultation data assimilation in numerical weather predictions.  相似文献   
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