The following research aims to enhance and spread the capacity of assessing risk due to landslide‐generated tsunamis by fostering the use of a GIS (Geographic Information System), and in this particular instance, an Open Source GIS (where “Open Source” can be loosely defined as freely available source code). For this purpose, we tested a procedure to be spatially implemented in the Open Source GRASS GIS through developing a module named r.impact.tsunami that simulates landslide‐generated tsunami. In this article we present its application in a case study performed on Como Lake (Lago di Como) in northern Italy. The review of the results identified sources of uncertainties while the model sensitivity outlined the influence of the parameters governing the model. Moreover, in order to verify the model validity, we implemented a new module (r.swe), that simulates the tsunami propagation and run‐up with the shallow water equations, and compared the results. Notwithstanding non‐negligible differences, the two models produced results of the same magnitude; this confirmed the validity of both models, although a rigorous validation of the models could not be performed due to the lack of observed data. 相似文献
Cemented calcareous breccias appear in the Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain) resting on glacially abraded surfaces and covered by moraines. U/Th dating of the calcite coating the clasts was successful in two samples, the oldest one indicating that the breccias accumulated during or prior to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11, and the youngest indicating later cementation during MIS 8. The former introduces a limit for the age of the glaciation preceding the breccias, which cannot correspond to an event younger than MIS 12. This is the oldest absolute age so far obtained for intercalated glacial/interglacial deposits of the Iberian Peninsula. 相似文献
Block-in-matrix formations in the Variscan foreland of Spain (Cantabrian Zone) occur in two different geological settings. The major block-in-matrix formations are mélanges, which appear as carpets beneath or ahead of submarine thrust systems. These mélanges may reach up to kilometric thickness and are mostly composed of broken formations (boudinaged sequences) of late Carboniferous age and scattered ‘exotic’ blocks derived from older Palaeozoic formations. Moreover, the mélanges in the Cantabrian Zone also include subordinate debris flow deposits with a chaotic block-in-matrix fabric (olistostromes). The source of the mélange blocks was the front of advancing nappes, chiefly the upper part of the nappe stacks. Therefore, the Cantabrian mélanges are interpreted as originated through submarine sliding and slumping associated with steep slopes at the orogenic front. The different types of rock bodies of these mélanges may be related to the degree of lithification of the sediments or rocks during slumping. So, broken formations are boudinaged sequences where the boudins or blocks resulted from extensional faults developed in lithified or semilithified limestones and sandstones, whereas the unlithified muddy matrix underwent continuous deformation. The scattered ‘exotic’ blocks ranging in age from early Cambrian to early Carboniferous were incorporated into the mélanges as individual blocks from competent well-lithified formations, originally located in the lower part of the nappe stacks. Although the Cantabrian Zone mélanges include olistostromic intervals, most of the olistostromes of this zone occur in a different geological setting. They are usually intercalated in the normal marine deposits of the Variscan foreland basin and, in contrast to the mélanges, they are mostly related to the margins of carbonate platforms, ahead of moving nappes. Finally, other instances of olistostromes are related to slopes generated by limb rotation of growth folds, which developed on submarine wedge-top successions. 相似文献
The relationship of the hydrological variability of the Rio Negro in Manaus and the dominant large-scale climate variability patterns for the 1902–2007 period is investigated using the quantile method and composite analyses. Variations of the Rio Negro Level (RNL) during its 3-month high (May to July—MJJ) and low (October to December—OND) phases are examined separately. The El Niño (La Niña) related maximum warming (cooling) in the central tropical Pacific during its mature and decaying stages modulates the atmospheric circulation in the tropics and displaces the Walker circulation cell eastward (westward), so that its sinking (rising) branch occurs over western Amazon and causes negative (positive) precipitation anomalies in this region. These anomalous climate conditions occur before the Rio Negro high phase (MJJ) and contribute to reduce (increase) the RNL and lead to a very low (very high) event in the river. On the other hand, the SST variability modes in the tropical Atlantic mainly during the transition from wet to dry season modulate the precipitation variations over western Amazon in OND. The very high events are more frequent after the 1960’s decade and the very low events, before the 1930’s decade. Therefore, the occurrence of these events contains a multidecadal scale variability. The results also indicate that the variations in the rainfall in western Amazon occur up to 9 months in advance and modulate the RNL in Manaus. The results presented here might be useful for monitoring purposes of the RNL.
There is evidence that the observed changes in winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) drive a significant portion of Atlantic Multi Decadal Variability (AMV). However, whether the observed decadal NAO changes can be forced by the ocean is controversial. There is also evidence that artificially imposed multi-decadal stratospheric changes can impact the troposphere in winter. But the origins of such stratospheric changes are still unclear, especially in early to mid winter, where the radiative ozone-impact is negligible. Here we show, through observational analysis and atmospheric model experiments, that large-scale Atlantic warming associated with AMV drives high-latitude precursory stratospheric warming in early to mid winter that propagates downward resulting in a negative tropospheric NAO in late winter. The mechanism involves stratosphere/troposphere dynamical coupling, and can be simulated to a large extent, but only with a stratosphere resolving model (i.e., high-top). Further analysis shows that this precursory stratospheric response can be explained by the shift of the daily extremes toward more major stratospheric warming events. This shift cannot be simulated with the atmospheric (low-top) model configuration that poorly resolves the stratosphere and implements a sponge layer in upper model levels. While the potential role of the stratosphere in multi-decadal NAO and Atlantic meridional overturning circulation changes has been recognised, our results show that the stratosphere is an essential element of extra-tropical atmospheric response to ocean variability. Our findings suggest that the use of stratosphere resolving models should improve the simulation, prediction, and projection of extra-tropical climate, and lead to a better understanding of natural and anthropogenic climate change. 相似文献
Redox potentials (Eh) were monitored bimonthly and porewater chemistry was analyzed seasonally at three slightly-acidic, high-elevation
Kentucky wetlands that differed in hydrology, parent materials, and vegetation. At all sites, Eh values were below 300 mV,
which indicated that reducing conditions persisted within the upper 90 cm and fluctuated mainly within the range of iron and
sulfate reduction. Significant relationships of Eh values with depth were observed only at the Martins Fork wetland, where
precipitation was the primary water source. The strongest and most stable reducing conditions, observed at the Kentenia site,
reflected consistently high water levels, which were sustained by ground water. The third wetland (Four Level) was distinguished
by irregular Eh fluctuations coinciding with strong seasonal ground-water upwelling. Although Fe3+ and SO42− were the primary terminal electron acceptors in all wetlands, porewater chemistry also varied significantly by season and
soil depth in response to piezometric water level fluctuations. Additional factors that influenced porewater chemistry included:
(1) the presence of limestone parent materials that affected porewater pH, Ca2+, and Mg2+; and (2) the prevalence of sphagnum moss or graminoid species that influenced dissolved organic carbon, CO2, and CH4. Results from this study indicated the diverse range and importance of multiple factors in controlling biogeochemical processes
and properties in small, high-elevation Appalachian wetlands. 相似文献
The monumental tomb of Jefferson Page, an officer in the American Navy, was built in 1899 and is located in the Non-Catholic
Cemetery of Rome (Italy). This study presents complementary diagnostic studies characterizing the stone of the tomb and the
weathering and decay phenomena it has undergone. The monument is made of a single type of whitish marble, variously veined
and often covered with black patinas. Petrographic, isotopic and LA-ICP-MS analyses attribute the marble to the Carrara district.
SEM/EDS and microbiological analyses indicate that the black patinas are due to cyanobacterial autotrophic and fungin heterotrophic
colonization. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy revealed the presence of organic material on some portions of the tomb,
due to undocumented restoration carried out with a mixture of marble powder and a polyester resin. 相似文献
This report summarizes the seismicity in Switzerland and surrounding regions in the years 2015 and 2016. In 2015, the Swiss Seismological Service detected and located 735 earthquakes in the region under consideration. With a total of 20 earthquakes of magnitude ML ≥ 2.5, the seismic activity of potentially felt events in 2015 was close to the average of 23 earthquakes over the previous 40 years. Seismic activity was above average in 2016 with 872 located earthquakes of which 31 events had ML ≥ 2.5. The strongest event in the analyzed period was the ML 4.1 Salgesch earthquake, which occurred northeast of Sierre (VS) in October 2016. The event was felt in large parts of Switzerland and had a maximum intensity of V. Derived focal mechanisms and relative hypocenter relocations of aftershocks image a SSE dipping reverse fault, which likely also hosted an ML 3.9 earthquake in 2003. Another remarkable earthquake sequence in the Valais occurred close to Sion with four felt events (ML 2.7–3.2) in 2015/16. We associate this sequence with a system of WNW-ESE striking fault segments north of the Rhône valley. Similarities with a sequence in 2011, which was located about 10 km to the NE, suggest the existence of an en-echelon system of basement faults accommodating dextral slip along the Rhône-Simplon line in this area. Another exceptional earthquake sequence occurred close to Singen (Germany) in November 2016. Relocated hypocenters and focal mechanisms image a SW dipping transtensional fault segment, which is likely associated with a branch of the Hegau-Bodensee Graben. On the western boundary of this graben, micro-earthquakes close to Schlattingen (TG) in 2015/16 are possibly related to a NE dipping branch of the Neuhausen Fault. Other cases of earthquakes felt by the public during 2015/16 include earthquakes in the region of Biel, Vallorcine, Solothurn, and Savognin. 相似文献