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In the last two decades, south-central Europe and the Eastern Alps have been widely explored by many seismic refraction experiments (e.g., CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002, SUDETES 2003). Although quite detailed images are available along linear profiles, a comprehensive, three-dimensional crustal model of the region is still missing. This limitation makes this region a weak spot in continental-wide comprehensive representations of crustal structure. To improve on this situation, we select and collect 37 published active-source seismic lines in this region. After geo-referencing each line, we sample them along vertical profiles—every 50?km or less along the line—and derive P-wave velocities in a stack of homogeneous layers (separated by discontinuities: depth of crystalline basement, top of lower crust, and Moho). We finally merge the information using geostatistical methods, and infer S-wave velocity and density using empirical scaling relations. We present here the resulting crustal model for a region encompassing the Eastern Alps, Dinarides, Pannonian basin, Western Carpathians and Bohemian Massif, covering the region within $45^{\circ}\text{--}51^{\circ}\hbox{N}$ and $11^{\circ} \text{--} 22^{\circ}\hbox{E}$ with a resolution of $0.2^{\circ} \times 0.2^{\circ}.$ We are also able to extend and update the map of Moho depth in a wider region within $35^{\circ}\text{--}51^{\circ}\hbox{N}$ and $12^{\circ}\text{--}45^{\circ}\hbox{E},$ gathering Moho values from the collected seismic lines, other published dataset and using the European plate reference EPcrust as a background. All the digitized profiles and the resulting model are available online.  相似文献   
The 102 Ma El Potrero pluton, in the western foothills of Sierra San Pedro Mártir, in north-central Baja California, was emplaced during a long period of contractional deformation bracketed between 132 and 85 Ma that affected this segment of the Peninsular Ranges Batholith. The pluton records regional and emplacement related deformation manifested by: (1) a solid-state fabric developed on its eastern contact, which is produced by eastward lateral pluton expansion; (2) cleavage triple point zones in the host-rock NW and SE of the pluton; (3) subhorizontal ductile shear zones indicative of top-to-the-east transport; (4) magmatic and tectonic foliations parallel to regional structural trends and regional shear zones; (5) variable axial ratios of microgranitoid enclaves close to pluton–wall rock contacts; (6) evidence of brittle-emplacement mechanisms in the western border of the pluton, which contrast with features indicating mainly ductile mechanisms toward the east; and, (7) markedly discordant paleomagnetic directions that suggest emplacement in an active tectonic setting. The overall mean for 9 accepted paleomagnetic sites is Dec = 34.6°, I = 25.7° (k = 88.3, α95 = 5.5°), and is deviated  35° with respect to the reference cratonic direction. This magnetization is interpreted to indicate a combination of tilt due to initial drag during vertical diapiric ascent (or westward lateral-oblique expansion) of the adjacent San Pedro Mártir pluton and later rotation ( 15°) by Rosarito Fault activity in the southwest; this rotation may have occurred as eastward contraction acted to fill the space emptied by the ascending San Pedro Mártir pluton. The Rosarito fault may have tilted several plutons in the area (Sierra San Pedro Mártir, El Potrero, San José, and Encinosa). Magnetic susceptibility fabrics for 13 sites reflect mostly emplacement-related stress and regional stress. Paleomagnetic data and structural observations lead us to interpret the El Potrero pluton as a syntectonic pluton, emplaced within a regional shear zone delimited by the Main Mártir Thrust and the younger Rosarito Fault.  相似文献   
Thermal behaviour and kinetics of dehydration of gypsum in air have been investigated using in situ real-time laboratory parallel-beam X-ray powder diffraction data evaluated by the Rietveld method. Thermal expansion has been analysed from 298 to 373 K. The high-temperature limits for the cell edges and for the cell volume, calculated using the Einstein equation, are 4.29 × 10−6, 4.94 × 10−5, 2.97 × 10−5, and 8.21 × 10−5. Thermal expansion of gypsum is strongly anisotropic being larger along the b axis mainly due to the weakening of hydrogen bond. Dehydration of gypsum has been investigated in isothermal conditions within the 348–403 K range with a temperature increase of 5 K. Dehydration proceeds through the CaSO4·2H2O → CaSO4·0.5H2O → γ-CaSO4 steps. Experimental data have been fitted with the Avrami equation to calculate the empirical activation energy of the process. No change in transformation mechanism has been observed within the analysed temperature range and the corresponding E a is 109(12) kJ/mol.  相似文献   

Water discharge and suspended and dissolved sediment data from three rivers (Napo, Pastaza and Santiago) in the Ecuadorian Amazon basin and a river in the Pacific basin (Esmeraldas) over a 9-year period, are presented. This data set allows us to present: (a) the chemical weathering rates; (b) the erosion rates, calculated from the suspended sediment from the Andean basin; (c) the spatio-temporal variability of the two regions; and (d) the relationship between this variability and the precipitation, topography, lithology and seismic activity of the area. The dissolved solids load from the Esmeraldas basin was 2 × 106 t year-1, whereas for the Napo, Pastaza and Santiago basins, it was 4, 2 and 3 × 106 t year-1, respectively. For stations in the Andean piedmont of Ecuador, the relationship between surface sediment and the total sediment concentration was found to be close to one. This is due to minimal stratification of the suspended sediment in the vertical profile, which is attributed to turbulence and high vertical water speeds. However, during the dry season, when the water speed decreases, sediment stratification appears, but this effect can be neglected in the sediment flux calculations due to low concentration rates. The suspended sediment load in the Pacific basin was 6 × 106 t year-1, and the total for the three Amazon basins was 47 × 106 t year-1. The difference between these contributions of the suspended sediment load is likely due to the tectonic uplift and the seismic and volcanic dynamics that occur on the Amazon side.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Armijos, E., Laraque, A., Barba, S., Bourrel, L., Ceron, C., Lagane, C., Magat, P., Moquet, J.-S., Pombosa, R., Sondag, F., Vauchel, P., Vera, A., and Guyot, J.L., 2013. Yields of suspended sediment and dissolved solids from the Andean basins of Ecuador. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (7), 1478–1494.  相似文献   
We have performed deep searches for radio pulsations from four southern anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) to investigate their physical nature in comparison with the rotation powered pulsars. The data were acquired using the Parkes radio telescope with the 1.4 GHz multibeam receiver. No pulsed emission with periodicity matching the X-ray ephemeris have been found in the observed targets down to a limit of ∼0.1 mJy. A blind search has also been performed on all the 13 beams of the multibeam receiver (the central beam being pointed on the target AXP), leading to the serendipitous discovery of two new radio pulsars and to the further detection of 18 pulsars. Also a search for single dispersed pulses has been performed in the aim to detect signals similar to those of the recently discovered rotating radio transients.   相似文献   
High‐resolution pollen, macrofossil and charcoal data, combined with accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating and multivariate analysis, were used to reconstruct Holocene vegetation and fire dynamics at Urio Quattrocchi, a small lake in the supra‐mediterranean belt in the Nebrodi Mountains of Sicily (Italy). The data suggest that after 10 000 cal a BP increasing moisture availability supported closed forests with deciduous (Quercus cerris, Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus spp.) and evergreen (Quercus ilex) species. Species‐rich closed forest persisted until 6850 cal a BP, when Neolithic activities caused a forest decline and affected plant diversity. Secondary forest with abundant Ilex aquifolium recovered between 6650 and 6000 cal a BP, indicating moist conditions. From 5000 cal a BP, agriculture and pastoralism led to the currently fragmented landscape with sparse deciduous forests (Quercus cerris). The study suggests that evergreen broadleaved species were more important at elevations above 1000 m a.s.l. before ca. 5000 cal a BP than subsequently, which might reflect less human impact or warmer‐than‐today climatic conditions between 10 000 and 5000 cal a BP. Despite land use since Neolithic times, deciduous supra‐mediterranean forests were never completely displaced from the Nebrodi Mountains, because of favourable moist conditions that persisted throughout the Holocene. Reconstructed vegetation dynamics document the absence of any pronounced mid‐ or late‐Holocene ‘aridification’ trend at the site, an issue which is controversially debated in Italy and the Mediterranean region. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We used a new sedimentary record to reconstruct the Holocene vegetation and fire history of Gorgo Basso, a coastal lake in south-western Sicily (Italy). Pollen and charcoal data suggest a fire-prone open grassland near the site until ca 10,000 cal yr BP (8050 cal BC), when Pistacia shrubland expanded and fire activity declined, probably in response to increased moisture availability. Evergreen Olea europaea woods expanded ca 8400 to decline abruptly at 8200 cal yr BP, when climatic conditions became drier at other sites in the Mediterranean region. Around 7000 cal yr BP evergreen broadleaved forests (Quercus ilex, Quercus suber and O. europaea) expanded at the cost of open communities. The expansion of evergreen broadleaved forests was associated with a decline of fire and of local Neolithic (Ficus carica–Cerealia based) agriculture that had initiated ca 500 years earlier. Vegetational, fire and land-use changes ca 7000 cal yr BP were probably caused by increased precipitation that resulted from (insolation-forced) weakening of the monsoon and Hadley circulation ca 8000–6000 cal yr BP. Low fire activity and dense coastal evergreen forests persisted until renewed human activity (probably Greek, respectively Roman colonists) disrupted the forest ca 2700 cal yr BP (750 BC) and 2100 cal yr BP (150 BC) to gain open land for agriculture. The intense use of fire for this purpose induced the expansion of open maquis, garrigue, and grassland-prairie environments (with an increasing abundance of the native palm Chamaerops humilis). Prehistoric land-use phases after the Bronze Age seem synchronous with those at other sites in southern and central Europe, possibly as a result of climatic forcing. Considering the response of vegetation to Holocene climatic variability as well as human impact we conclude that under (semi-)natural conditions evergreen broadleaved Q. ilexO. europaea (s.l.) forests would still dominate near Gorgo Basso. However, forecasted climate change and aridification may lead to a situation similar to that before 7000 cal yr BP and thus trigger a rapid collapse of the few relict evergreen broadleaved woodlands in coastal Sicily and elsewhere in the southern Mediterranean region.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress related investigations to monitor the impact of the pollutant discharges into the Venice lagoon (Italy) originating from anthropogenic activities (raw sewage water, agricultural and industrial effluents, oil tanker traffic), on marine organisms have classically been carried out by analyzing specific, single antioxidants (i.e. catalase, superoxide dismutase). In this paper, two studies are reported where the total oxyradical scavenging capacity assay (TOSC) was selected and measured toward peroxyl, and hydroxyl free radicals, and peroxynitrite in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) transplanted into the Venice city and throughout the lagoon to measure the biological effects of anthropogenic activities. In the first experiment, mussels from a clean site (farm) were transplanted to the urban area of Venice for 0, 1, 2 and 4 weeks; cytosolic TOSC toward peroxyl and hydroxyl free radicals, and peroxynitrite revealed that the transplantation process caused a stress (handling stress, anoxia, oxidative burst) resulting in a reduction of TOSC in both control and urban sites, therefore, preventing clear interpretation of the data after one week. At week 2, a significant TOSC reduction (P < 0.05) toward peroxyl and hydroxyl radicals in the urban site revealed that mussels experienced oxidative pressure exerted by pollutants. Most TOSC values returned to initial levels at week 4; however, TOSC induction was noticed in the control group toward peroxyl and hydroxyl radicals while in the exposed group it was not indicating an inhibition of the oxidative metabolism. In the second experiment, mussels were deployed at seven different sites throughout the lagoon. After five weeks of exposure, significant TOSC reduction was measured (P < 0.05) toward peroxyl for Palude della Rosa, Chioggia and Valle Millecampi, toward hydroxyl radicals for Valle Millecampi and Campalto and toward peroxynitrite for Valle Millecampi. Although these data indicate a depletion of the low molecular weight scavengers, additional biomarkers are needed to draw a conclusion on the health of the mussels. TOSC was proved to be an interesting health index parameter to measure pollution impact in a transplantation study provided that the mussels are exposed for two weeks and a control is run in parallel.  相似文献   
Poor performance of lightly reinforced and unconfined concrete structural walls have been observed in recent earthquake events. This research investigates the displacement capacity of such walls by comparing the results of a series of state-of-the-art finite element analyses for a range of different structural walls to that estimated using plastic hinge analyses. The common expressions used in estimating the yield curvature, yield displacement and plastic displacement are scrutinised for these types of walls. Some recommendations are given to improve the prediction of the displacement capacity of lightly reinforced and unconfined rectangular and C-shaped walls for flexural actions using a plastic hinge analysis. Importantly, a parameter has been recommended to be used in a “modified” approach for estimating the nominal yield displacement of lightly reinforced concrete walls. Different expressions are also recommended depending on the amount of longitudinal reinforcement used in the wall in comparison to that required to initiate secondary cracking. This is important for providing better estimations of the displacement capacity of RC structural wall buildings in low-to-moderate seismic regions such that vulnerability studies can be conducted.  相似文献   
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