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Recharge through intermittent and ephemeral stream channels is believed to be a primary aquifer recharge process in arid and semiarid environments. The intermittent nature of precipitation and flow events in these channels, and their often remote locations, makes direct flow and loss measurements difficult and expensive. Airborne and satellite optical images were interpreted to evaluate aquifer recharge due to stream losses on the Frio River in south-central Texas. Losses in the Frio River are believed to be a major contributor of recharge to the Edwards Aquifer. The results of this work indicate that interpretation of readily available remote sensing optical images can offer important insights into the spatial distribution of aquifer recharge from losing streams. In cases where upstream gauging data are available, simple visual analysis of the length of the flowing reach downstream from the gauging station can be used to estimate channel losses. In the case of the Frio River, the rate of channel loss estimated from the length of the flowing reach at low flows was about half of the loss rate calculated from in-stream gain-loss measurements. Analysis based on water-surface width and channel slope indicated that losses were mainly in a reach downstream of the mapped recharge zone. The analysis based on water-surface width, however, did not indicate that this method could yield accurate estimates of actual flow in pool and riffle streams, such as the Frio River and similar rivers draining the Edwards Plateau.  相似文献   
It has been claimed that CK Vul (the remnant of Nova Vul 1670) may be the oldest recovered 'old nova' and as such provides evidence in support of the hibernation scenario for classical nova systems. However this interpretation has been challenged. We present 450- and 850-μm photometry of CK Vul which cast further doubt on its old nova status. It displays a large far infrared-submillimetre flux excess, inconsistent with the properties of an old nova. Furthermore, IRAS images show that CK Vul is located in a 'cavity' in the infrared emission, a feature often associated with planetary nebulae. It seems more likely that CK Vul – and hence Nova Vul 1670 – is (like V605 Aql and V4334 Sgr) an evolved star in the throes of a final thermal pulse.  相似文献   
Summary The crystal structure of blue bazzite (space group P6/mcc, Z = 2, = 9.501(1),c = 9.178(1) Å) with the composition Be3(Sc1.25Fe3+ 0.43Mg0.32Mn0.03Al0.02)=2.05 Si6O18[Na0.32(n H2O)] was refined from X-ray single-crystal data with 422 unique reflections to R = 2.2%. The structure is of the beryl type with octahedra strongly compressed parallel to the c-axis. The octahedral Me-O distance in bazzite is 2.080 A compared to 1.904 Å in beryl. The flattening of octahedra leads to a larger a cell dimension in bazzite compared to beryl (9.209 A). Two-valent cations (mainly Mg) in octahedral coordination are charge balanced by Na at (0, 0, 0) in the structural channels. Polarized single-crystal IR-spectra recorded between 400 and 8000 cm–1 indicate that H2O in the structural channels is oriented with the H-H vector perpendicular to thec-axis. The IR-spectra show more absorption bands than known for type II H2O in beryl thus the existence of more than one H2O species or even OH-groups is very likely.Refractive indices of the same bazzite were measured using a spindle-stage and employing the wavelength-temperature variation method yielding no = 1.6279(3), ne = 1.6066(5) for 589 nm at 25°C. The birefringence = 0.0213 is significantly larger than the one of near end-member beryl ( = 0.0047). This high birefringence of bazzite is related to the electronic polarizability of octahedral Sc and Fe which increase no at a stronger rate than ne. Transition metals in bazzite are also responsible for a higher refractive index dispersion than found for beryl.
Kristallchemie und optische eigenschaften des bazzits aus dem Furkabasistunnel
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur eines blauen Bazzits (Raumgruppe P6/mcc, Z = 2,a = 9.501(1),c = 9.178(1) Å) mit der Zusammensetzung Be3(Sc1.25Fe3+ 0.43Mg0.32Mn0.03Al0.02)2=2.05 Si6)O18[Na0.32(n H2O)] wurde von Röntgeneinkristalldaten mit 422 Reflexen zu R = 2.2% verfeinert. Die Struktur ist die des Berylltyps mit der Besonderheit, daß die Oktaeder entlang der c-Achse stark zusammengedrückt sind. Die oktaedrischen Me-O Abstände im Bazzit betragen 2.080 Å, im Gegensatz zu 1.904Å im Beryll. Die Stauchung der Oktaeder im Bazzit führt zu einer längeren a-Achse als im Beryll (9.209 Å). Zweiwertige Kationen (vor allem Mg) in oktaedrischer Koordination werden durch Na auf (0, 0, 0), in den strukturellen Kanalen, neutralisiert. Polarisierte Einkristall-IR-Spektren zwischen 400 and 8000 cm–1 zeigen, daß H2O Moleküle in den strukturellen Kanalen mit dem H-H Vektor senkrecht zur c-Achse orientiert sind. Die IR-Spektren weisen außerdem mehr Absorptionsbanden auf, als für den H2O Typ II bekannt sind, sodaß entweder mehr als eine H2O Spezies oder sogar OH-Gruppen sehr wahrscheinlich sind.Brechungsindizes am gleichen Bazzit wurden auf einem Spindeltisch mit der Wellenlängen-Temperatur Variationsmethode gemessen und ergaben no = 1.6279(3), ne = 1.6066(5) bei 589 nm und 25 °C. Die Doppelbrechung A = 0.0210 ist deutlich höher als für einen nahezu Endgliedberyll (A = 0.0047). Diese hohe Doppelbrechung des Bazzits wird durch die elektronische Polarisierbarkeit von oktaedrischem Sc und Fe verursacht, die no starker ansteigen läßt als ne. Übergangselemente im Bazzit sind auch für die höhere Dispersion der Brechungsindizes als im Beryll verantwortlich.
The city of Tulum, in the state of Quintana Roo (Mexico) depends almost exclusively on groundwater for water supply. The groundwater is exploited from a coastal aquifer which contains a karst network that is considered as one of the largest ones on earth. Given the nature of karst aquifers, the whole area is very sensitive to contaminants and bacteria transport, because flow paths, residence time and degradation rates differ significantly from what can be observed in the porous aquifer. The present study focuses on isotopes (18O and 2H), dissolved ions’ concentration and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The result of our survey points out the anthropic impact on groundwater quality. Furthermore, the chloride concentrations illustrate the influence of seawater mixing and geological heterogeneity over the study area. Due to an exponential growth of the tourism industry, the needs in terms of water supply and water treatment increase significantly. Tulum is a coastal city, facing a coral reef and is bordered by the Sian Ka’an biosphere reserve, therefore, an environmental issue is added to the sanitary issue, both being the basis of the local economic development. Our results show that E. coli remains a major issue, as several samples tested were contaminated, in particular those in the city center. Ions’ survey shows an anthropic impact through nitrate, phosphate and fluoride concentrations, but the obtained values are not alarming. Considering the saline intrusion, chloride concentrations indicate that the area below the Tulum city center seems to be less permeable (and maybe less karstified) than the surrounding areas, as groundwater is less subject to seawater mixing than other sampling sites at similar distance to the coast.  相似文献   
Sans résuméPresented at the IAU-COSPAR Julius Schmidt Symposium on 100 Years of Lunar Mapping held at Lagonissi, Greece, 25–27 May, 1978.  相似文献   
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