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The 2004 Chuetsu earthquakes of Niigata (Japan) triggered numerous landslides, and the most widespread types of landslides were highly disrupted, relatively shallow slides and soil (debris) flows. This paper presented a method to evaluate slope instability using Newmark displacement on a pixel-by-pixel basis in a given area. The proposed method was able to integrate Newmark displacement modeling and Monte Carlo simulations within geographical information systems. In the modeling, an empirical attenuation relationship was utilized to calculate Arias intensity over this study area, and the variability of geotechnical parameters was taken into account to calculate coseismic landslide displacement. Before deriving the displacement from related inputs, the Monte Carlo simulations ran 1,500 times and generated 1,500 displacement values for each grid cell, and then means and standard deviations of displacement were calculated and probabilistic distributions can be obtained. Finally, given 10 cm as a threshold value of displacement, estimated probabilities of displacement exceeding 10 cm were shown as a map of seismic landslide hazards. The resulting hazard map was classified into four categories from very low to high level.  相似文献   
Singular physical or chemical processes may result in anomalous amounts of energy release or mass accumulation that, generally, are confined to narrow intervals in space or time. Singularity is a property of different types of non-linear natural processes including cloud formation, rainfall, hurricanes, flooding, landslides, earthquakes, wildfires, and mineralization. The end products of these non-linear processes can be modeled as fractals or multifractals. Hydrothermal processes in the Earth’s crust can result in ore deposits characterized by high concentrations of metals with fractal or multifractal properties. Here we show that the non-linear properties of the end products of singular mineralization processes can be applied for prediction of undiscovered mineral deposits and for quantitative mineral resource assessment, whether for mineral exploration or for regional, national and global planning for mineral resource utilization. In addition to the general theory and framework for the non-linear mineral resources assessment, this paper focuses on several power-law models proposed for characterizing non-linear properties of mineralization and for geoinformation extraction and integration. The theories, methods, and computer system discussed in this paper were validated using a case study dealing with hydrothermal Au mineral potential in southern Nova Scotia, Canada.  相似文献   
In this paper, an inverse mapping is used to transform the previously-derived analytical solutions from a local elliptical coordinate system into a conventional Cartesian coordinate system. This enables a complete set of exact analytical solutions to be derived rigorously for the pore-fluid velocity, stream function, and excess pore-fluid pressure around and within buried inclined elliptic inclusions in pore-fluid-saturated porous rocks. To maximize the application range of the derived analytical solutions, the focal distance of an ellipse is used to represent the size of the ellipse, while the length ratio of the long axis to the short one is used to represent the geometrical shape of the ellipse. Since the present analytical solutions are expressed in a conventional Cartesian coordinate system, it is convenient to investigate, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the distribution patterns of the pore-fluid flow and excess pressure around and within many different families of buried inclined elliptic inclusions. The major advantage in using the present analytical solution is that they can be conveniently computed in a global Cartesian coordinate system, which is widely used in many scientific and engineering computations. As an application example, the present analytical solutions have been used to investigate how the dip angle of an inclined elliptic inclusion affects the distribution patterns of the pore-fluid flow and excess pore-fluid pressure when the permeability ratio of the elliptic inclusion is of finite but nonzero values.  相似文献   
Summary The efficacy of ion exchange in petrological systems, for example the Fe-Mg exchange between garnet and biotite, is a function of grainsize, temperature, rates of temperature change and diffusion parameters. The combination of these variables determines the final zoning profile of minerals. Therefore, zoning profiles may be used to derive one of these variables if the others are known. For example, a mineral grain that experienced a short thermal event may still preserve a zoning profile characteristic of the heating path. In contrast, if that grain experienced a long thermal event it may develop a zoning profile typical of the cooling path. Conversely, for the same temperature-time cycle, large grains may not completely equilibrate at the metamorphic peak, and in smaller grains any previous record may have been erased. This is commonly observed in natural rocks where different grains within one thin section preserve often qualitatively different zoning profiles. Thus, a critical grainsize,l crit, may exist that separates grains with qualitatively different zoning profiles so that grains of sizel > l crit still retain zoning information about the heating path and grains of sizel <l crit contain only information about the cooling path. If the critical grainsize can be measured and an independent estimate for the peak metamorphic temperature exists, the duration of the thermal event may, in principle, be estimated.The applicability of this method to natural garnets is hampered by a range of uncertainties. However, a parameterisation of the critical grain size may be used to illustrate the relative importance of grain size, temperature and event duration to the equilibration of minerals. In this paper, the critical grainsize is parameterized for various temperature-time cycles and its dependence on diffusion parameters is discussed. It is shown that, for Barrovian conditions,l crit between 0.1 and 1 mm separates garnets retaining prograde information from garnets retaining cooling path information. For illustration, we compare the results with the critical grainsize of garnets from two metamorphic terranes, the Prydz Bay region (Antarctica) and the Koralm complex (Eastern Alps). Despite the large range of uncertainties attached to the method, it is shown that the critical grainsize of garnets in both terranes is consistent with a very short duration of the last thermal event that affected the two regions.
Die qualitative Form von Zonierungsprofilen in Mineralen. Information über die Dauer metamorpher Ereignisse?
Zusammenfassung Zonierungsprofile von Paragenesen im Ionenaustausch, zum Beispiel das Fe-Mg Austauschsgleichgewicht zwischen Granat und Biotit, sind eine Funktion von (i) Korngröße, (ii) Temperatur, (iii) Kühl- und Heizgeschwindigkeit sowie (iv) den Diffusionskonstanen. Es sollte daher möglich sein, Zonierungsprofile dazu zu verwenden, einen dieser Parameter zu bestimmen, wenn die anderen bekannt sind. Zonierungsprofile von Kristallen die ein kurzes thermisches Ereignis erfahren haben, mögen daher prograde Information beinhalten, wogegen derselbe Kristall ein retrogrades Profil aufweisen mag, wenn er einem langlebigen thermischen Ereignis unterlag (prograd und retrograd ist hier als: bei ansteigender Temperatur und bei abfallender Temperatur definiert). In Kristallen die dem gleichen Temperatur-Zeitpfad unterworfen waren, könnten kleine Körner nur die Kühlgeschichte dokumentieren, wogegen große noch Zonierungsinformation vom Heizpfad aufweisen. In natürlichen Gesteinen wird das oft dadurch beobachtet, daß verschiedene Körner auseinem Dünnschliff qualitativ verschiedene Zonierungsprofile aufweisen. Es ist daher möglich eine kritische Korngöße,l crit, zu definieren, die Korngrößen mit qualitativ verschiedenen Zonierungsprofilen voneinander trennt. Körner mit einem Durchmesserl > l crit haben, zumindest teilweise, noch prograde Profile, wogegen Körner mitl <l crit nur retrograde Information dokumentieren. Wenn man diese kritische Korngröße messen kann, sollte sie dazu benutzt werden können, etwas über die Dauer des thermischen Ereignisses auszusagen.Die Anwendbarkeit dieser Methode ist durch eine Reihe von Fehlern limitiert. Nichtsdestotrotz, ist eine Parameterisierung der kritischen Korngröße nützlich um die relative Wichtigkeit von Korngröße, Temperatur und Zeit, für die Entwicklung von Zonierungsprofilen, zu illustrieren. Unser Modell kann dazu benutzt werden, um die Größenordnung von Granaten abzuschätzen, die noch prograde Information dokumentieren können. Die Abhängigkeit der kritischen Korngröße von Diffusionsparametern und der Form des Temperatur-Zeit Pfades wird ebenfalls diskutiert. Es wird gezeigt, daß für Metamorphose in der mittleren Grünschiefer und Amphibolit fazies,l crit zwischen 0.1 and 1 mm prograd zonierte von retrograd zonierten Granaten trennt. Um das Modell zu illustrieren, werden die Ergebnisse auf die Prydz Bay Region (Antarktis) und den Koralm Komplex (Ostalpen) angewendet. Trotz der großen Fehlergrenzen der Methode glauben wir zeigen zu können, daß die kritische Korngröße beider Terrains andeutet, daß das letzte thermische Ereignis in beiden Gebieten kurzlebig war.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   
本对斜交型扰动不稳定谱点的分布做了理论分析,得到了该谱点分布的半圆定理一该谱点分布在复一面上以原点为圆心以R0为半径的上半平面上,同时还对该不稳定增长率的上界作了估计。发现水平永度越小,模式顶越高则该估计值越大;垂直风切变的增大和纬度的增高对该增长率的增大有正贡献;当层结稳定度减小时,最大增长率随相对最大增长率得增大而减小。  相似文献   
通过引人泊松括号,分析了无限维Hamilton的性质,并将其推广到广义Hamilton系统,且从理论和实用角度讨论了这类广义Hamilton系统的辛格式构造问题,从而为辛几何算法在一般的时间发展方程的数值求解提供新的具体途径。  相似文献   
In this paper, MSMR geophysical products like Integrated Water Vapour (IWV), Ocean Surface Wind Speed (OWS) and Cloud Liquid Water (CLW) in different grids of 50, 75 and 150 kms are compared with similar products available from other satellites like DMSP-SSM/I and TRMMTMI. MSMR derived IWV, OWS and CLW compare well with SSM/I and TMI finished products. Comparison of MSMR derived CLW with that derived from TMI and SSM/I is relatively in less agreement. This is possibly due to the use of 37 GHz in SSM/I and TMI that is highly sensitive to CLW, while 37 GHz channels are not available on MSMR. Monthly comparison of MSMR geophysical products with those from TMI is all carried out for climatological purpose. The monthly comparisons were much better compared to instantaneous comparisons. In this paper, details of the data analysis and comparison results are presented. The usefulness of the MSMR vis-à-vis other sensors is also discussed.  相似文献   
The Skidaway River estuary is a tidally-dominated subtropical estuary in the southeastern USA surrounded by extensiveSpartina salt marshes. Weekly smapling at high and low tide began in 1986 for hydrography, nutrients, chlorophylla, particulate matter, and microbial and plankton biomass and composition; hydrographic and nutrient data during 1986–1996 are reported here. Salinity varied inversely with river discharge and exhibited variability at all time scales but with no long-term trend. Water temperature typically ranged over 25°C and was without apparent long-term frend. Seasonal cycles in concentrations of NO3, NH4, PO4, Si(OH)4, and DON were observed, with annual maxima generally occurring in late summer. Superimposed on seasonal cycles, all five nutrients exhibited steady increases in minimum, mean, and maximum concentrations; mean concentrations increased c. 50–150% during the decade. Nutrient concentrations were highly correlated with water temperature over the ten-year period, but weakly related to salinity and discharge. Nutrients were strongly correlated with one another, and the relative ratios among inorganic nutrients showed little long-term trend. Correlations among temperature and nutrient concentrations exhibited considerable inter-annual variability. Major spikes in organic and inorganic nutrient concentrations coincided with significant rainfall events; concentrations increased hyperbolically with rainfall. Although pristine compared to more heavily impacted waterways primarily outside the region, residential development and population density have been increasing rapidly during the past 15–20 years. Land use is apparently altering nutrient loading over the long-term (months-years), and superimposed on this are stochastic meteorological events that accelerate these changes over the short term (days-weeks).  相似文献   
In order to understand the processes of land surface-atmosphere interaction over desertification area, it is indispensable to utilize of satellite remote sensing. Two scenes of Landsat TM were used to produce a set of maps of surface reflectance, MSAVI, vegetation coverage, surface temperature, net radiation, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux. Statistical analysis based on these maps revealed some quantitative significant land surface characteristics. Future developments of the method are also discussed.  相似文献   
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