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Megagrooves are kilometre‐scale linear topographic lows carved in bedrock, separated by ridges, typically in areas of largely devoid of till. They have been reported from several areas covered by Pleistocene glaciations, such as Canadian Northwest (NW) Territories, Michigan and NW Scotland. Here we report two previously undocumented megagroove fields from Ungava, Canada, and northern England, and present new analyses of the megagrooves from NW Scotland. This paper seeks to determine the nature of the lithological and structural controls on the occurrence and formation of megagrooves. Analysis of both geomorphological and bedrock properties shows that megagrooves are generally:
  1. confined to well stratified or layered bedrock, such as (meta)sedimentary rocks with closely spaced joints, and tend not to occur on massive rocks such as gneiss or granite, or thick‐bedded sedimentary rocks;
  2. subparallel to palaeo‐ice flow and the strike of the strata; and tend not to occur where palaeo‐ice flow is at high angles to the strike of strata;
  3. produced by significant glacial erosion by sustained unidirectional ice flow.
Detailed analysis of megagrooves in NW Scotland shows that neither glacio‐fluvial erosion, nor differential abrasion was the dominant mechanism of formation. A mechanism, here termed ‘lateral plucking’, is suggested that involves block plucking on rock steps parallel to ice flow. Removal of joint‐bounded blocks from such rock steps involves a component of rotation along a vertical axis. Block removal may be enhanced by a direct component of shear stress onto the vertical stoss sides. The lateral plucking mechanism results in horizontal erosion at right angles to the ice flow, and enhances the groove/ridge topography. Megagrooves are potentially useful as palaeo‐ice flow indicators in areas devoid of till, and can thus complement the palaeo‐ice stream datasets which are presently largely based on soft‐sediment landform studies. British Geological Survey © NERC 2011  相似文献   
Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) photosynthesis, a flexible adaptation to water‐stress, has not been shown to occur before the Pleistocene, despite suggestions that CAM first evolved in the Mesozoic or earlier. Here we report on multiple (≥7) positive organic carbon isotope excursions (δ13Corg > ?20 ‰ ) in Late Triassic and Early Jurassic (c. 200 Ma) sedimentary rocks from an arid terrestrial ecosystem in South Africa. These excursions are interpreted as evidence of the episodic dominance of CAM plants in response to heightened aridity in the heartland of Gondwana, and hint at climatic instability in a greenhouse world.  相似文献   
We present a series of 2-D numerical models of viscous flow in the mantle wedge induced by a subducting lithospheric plate. We use a kinematically defined slab geometry approximating the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate beneath Eurasia. Through finite element modelling we explore the effects of different rheological and thermal constraints (e.g. a low-viscosity region in the wedge corner, power law versus Newtonian rheology, the inclusion of thermal buoyancy forces and a temperature-dependent viscosity law) on the velocity and finite strain field in the mantle wedge. From the numerical flow models we construct models of anisotropy in the wedge by calculating the evolution of the finite strain ellipse and combining its geometry with appropriate elastic constants for effective transversely isotropic mantle material. We then predict shear wave splitting for stations located above the model domain using expressions derived from anisotropic perturbation theory, and compare the predictions to ∼500 previously published shear wave splitting measurements from seventeen stations of the broad-band F-net array located in southwestern Japan. Although the use of different model parameters can have a substantial effect on the character of the finite strain field, the effect on the average predicted splitting parameters is small. However, the variations with backazimuth and ray parameter of individual splitting intensity measurements at a given station for different models are often different, and rigorous analysis of details in the splitting patterns allows us to discriminate among different rheological models for flow in the mantle wedge. The splitting observed in southwestern Japan agrees well with the predictions of trench-perpendicular flow in the mantle wedge along with B-type olivine fabric dominating in a region from the wedge corner to about 125 km from the trench.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of sieving with different mesh sizes on the efficiency of processing fossil chironomids from lake sediments for isotope analyses. Results obtained for three different sediments indicate that each of the studied sieve fractions (100–150, 150–200, 200–250, 250–300, >300 μm) contain a similar proportion of the overall mass of chironomid fossils in a sample. However, the sorting time needed to separate chironomids from other sieve residue is disproportionately large for smaller mesh sizes. Employing sieves with a 200-μm rather than the 100-μm mesh commonly used for standard palaeoecological analyses of fossil chironomids decreased processing time for a given mass of fossils by 30–58% in our study. For optimizing the efficiency of chironomid sample processing for stable isotope and radiocarbon analysis we therefore recommend a 200-μm mesh size sieve, although the sorting of all >100-μm fractions may be necessary in sediments with low chironomid abundances. Excluding certain small taxa from isotope analysis, may structurally bias isotope values of samples. Therefore, further studies on taxon-specific isotope analysis are required to quantify these effects.  相似文献   
 None of the currently developed activity-based models of transport demand explicitly models task allocation among household members. To fill this gap, the present paper suggests to complement activity-based models of activity scheduling with a context-dependent model of task allocation. That is, it is assumed that the allocation of tasks within households is partly based on such contextual variables as the amount of time a member has to spend on mandatory activities and car availability. In particular, the paper advocates a conjoint-based approach, based on an assignment task as opposed to the traditional ranking, rating or choice response formats. By definition, an assignment task involves a combinatorial explosion of choice alternatives, implying that additional operational decisions to estimate the context-dependent model are required. This study presents the results of various numerical experiments, conducted to better understand the impacts of those decisions on the degree of bias in the parameter estimates of the choice model. The results of these simulations indicate that under particular assumptions, the development and estimation of a conjoint-based, context-dependent model of task allocation within households is feasible. Received: March 1999 / Accepted: June 2001  相似文献   
Regional recumbent folds, inverted stratigraphy, nappes and olistostromes are described from the southern part of the 3.3–3.5 Ga Barberton Greenstone Belt. Overthrusting of thin rigid silicified slabs with minimum dimensions of 25 km2 and up to 500 m in thickness, occurred over minimum distances of 86 km. More ductile and coherent units were overfolded up to at least 2 km during their emplacement. The glide planes on which these nappes travelled were zones of high fluid pressures related to hydrothermal fluid circulation patterns, driven by heat sources from igneous intrusions. The upwelling areas of the geothermal convection cells were sites of mud-pools and hydrothermal vents which may mark the trailing edges (pull aparts) of the overthrust units. Progressive silica and carbonate precipitation due to decreasing temperatures, within the zones of fluid migration distant from the areas of high heat flow, probably acted as built-in braking systems below the travelling slabs. Active sedimentation and metasomatism during this tectonism indicates a protracted history for the evolution of the greenstone belt. The recognition of nappe and overthrust tectonics in the Barberton Belt, processes which may have been commonplace in Archaean terrains, necessitates a re-evaluation of the stratigraphy of this belt.  相似文献   
On 21 April 2007, a Mw 6·2 earthquake struck Aysén fjord (Chilean Patagonia) and caused onshore and offshore mass movements which triggered tsunamis and density flows in the fjord. To better understand the facies successions in, and the intercalation of, the density‐flow deposits, a study was made of the 2007 deposits in 22 short sediment cores taken in the inner Aysén fjord. By combining grain‐size analysis with X‐ray computed tomography scanning, it was possible to demonstrate that the encountered facies correspond to classical divisions of debrites and turbidites. The single‐event deposits consist of a succession of several sub‐deposits deposited under different flow directions and can be interpreted as stacked turbidites. Orientations of: (i) folds; (ii) imbricated mud clasts; (iii) backsets and foresets of climbing ripples; and (iv) asymmetrical convolute lamination were used to determine relative flow directions at the location of the cores. By assigning the basal flow of the stacked debrites and turbidites to the closest principal mass flow, the absolute flow directions of the sub‐deposits were determined which, in combination with multibeam basin‐floor morphology, allowed reconstruction of the 2007 density‐flow successions in Aysén fjord. Furthermore, alternating flow directions provide evidence for a seiche induced by the density flows. It was concluded that X‐ray computed tomography scans provide crucial information for reconstructing palaeoflows and can be a useful tool in marine and lacustrine sedimentology and palaeoseismology. The multidirectionality of sub‐deposits in turbidites is, next to differences in mineralogy, a new criterion to identify stacked turbidites. These multidirectional, stacked turbidites are an indication of simultaneous triggering of density flows and can therefore, in most cases, be attributed to earthquakes, ruling out other triggers, such as floods, storms or other sediment failures.  相似文献   
Seismically‐induced event deposits embedded in the sedimentary infill of lacustrine basins are highly useful for palaeoseismic reconstructions. Recent, well‐documented, great megathrust earthquakes provide an ideal opportunity to calibrate seismically‐induced event deposits for lakes with different characteristics and located in different settings. This study used 107 short sediment cores to investigate the sedimentary impact of the 1960 Mw 9·5 Valdivia and the 2010 Mw 8·8 Maule earthquakes in 17 lakes in South‐Central Chile (i.e. lakes Negra, Lo Encañado, Aculeo, Vichuquén, Laja, Villarrica, Calafquén, Pullinque, Pellaifa, Panguipulli, Neltume, Riñihue, Ranco, Maihue, Puyehue, Rupanco and Llanquihue). A combination of image analysis, magnetic susceptibility and grain‐size analysis allows identification of five types of seismically‐induced event deposits: (i) mass‐transport deposits; (ii) in situ deformations; (iii) lacustrine turbidites with a composition similar to the hemipelagic background sediments (lacustrine turbidites type 1); (iv) lacustrine turbidites with a composition different from the background sediments (lacustrine turbidites type 2) and (v) megaturbidites. These seismically‐induced event deposits were compared to local seismic intensities of the causative earthquakes, eyewitness reports, post‐earthquake observations, and vegetation and geomorphology of the catchment and the lake. Megaturbidites occur where lake seiches took place. Lacustrine turbidites type 2 can be the result of: (i) local near‐shore mass wasting; (ii) delta collapse; (iii) onshore landslides; (iv) debris flows or mudflows; or (v) fluvial reworking of landslide debris. On the contrary, lacustrine turbidites type 1 are the result of shallow mass wasting on sublacustrine slopes covered by hemipelagic sediments. Due to their more constrained origin, lacustrine turbidites type 1 are the most reliable type of seismically‐induced event deposits in quantitative palaeoseismology, because they are almost exclusively triggered by earthquake shaking. Moreover, they most sensitively record varying seismic shaking intensities. The number of lacustrine turbidites type 1 linearly increases with increasing seismic intensity, starting with no lacustrine turbidites type 1 at intensities between V½ and VI and reaching 100% when intensities are higher than VII½. Combining different types of seismically‐induced event deposits allows the reconstruction of the complete impact of an earthquake.  相似文献   
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