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Fine particles may infiltrate through coarse alluvial beds and eventually saturate the subsurface pore space. It is essential to understand the conditions that lead to bed saturation, and to forecast the packing characteristics of saturated beds to assess the effect of excess fine sediment supply on a number of processes that occur in the stream–sediment boundary. To address this problem, in this study, a new method is introduced to predict the grain‐size distribution for the saturated condition, and the resulting porosity decrease, given the characteristics of the bed and the supplied sediments. The new method consists of the numerical aggregation of infilling fines in a finite bed volume, during which the bed properties change to affect further infilling. An existing semi‐empirical, particle packing model is implemented to identify these properties. It is shown that these types of models are adequate to describe regimes of natural sediment fabric quantitatively, and are thus useful tools in the analysis of sediment infiltration processes. Unlike previous developments to quantify saturated bed conditions, which assume that the supplied material is uniform and finer than the bed pore openings, the method developed herein considers poorly sorted fines, and can identify size fractions that are able to ingress into the bed due to being smaller than the particles that form the bed structure. Application of the new method to published experimental data showed that the final content of infiltrated fines is strongly sensitive to the initial bed packing density, highlighting the need to measure and understand open‐work gravel deposits. In addition, the new method was shown to be suitable for assessing the degree of bed saturation, when it was applied to a published data set of field samples.  相似文献   
Megagrooves are kilometre‐scale linear topographic lows carved in bedrock, separated by ridges, typically in areas of largely devoid of till. They have been reported from several areas covered by Pleistocene glaciations, such as Canadian Northwest (NW) Territories, Michigan and NW Scotland. Here we report two previously undocumented megagroove fields from Ungava, Canada, and northern England, and present new analyses of the megagrooves from NW Scotland. This paper seeks to determine the nature of the lithological and structural controls on the occurrence and formation of megagrooves. Analysis of both geomorphological and bedrock properties shows that megagrooves are generally:
  1. confined to well stratified or layered bedrock, such as (meta)sedimentary rocks with closely spaced joints, and tend not to occur on massive rocks such as gneiss or granite, or thick‐bedded sedimentary rocks;
  2. subparallel to palaeo‐ice flow and the strike of the strata; and tend not to occur where palaeo‐ice flow is at high angles to the strike of strata;
  3. produced by significant glacial erosion by sustained unidirectional ice flow.
Detailed analysis of megagrooves in NW Scotland shows that neither glacio‐fluvial erosion, nor differential abrasion was the dominant mechanism of formation. A mechanism, here termed ‘lateral plucking’, is suggested that involves block plucking on rock steps parallel to ice flow. Removal of joint‐bounded blocks from such rock steps involves a component of rotation along a vertical axis. Block removal may be enhanced by a direct component of shear stress onto the vertical stoss sides. The lateral plucking mechanism results in horizontal erosion at right angles to the ice flow, and enhances the groove/ridge topography. Megagrooves are potentially useful as palaeo‐ice flow indicators in areas devoid of till, and can thus complement the palaeo‐ice stream datasets which are presently largely based on soft‐sediment landform studies. British Geological Survey © NERC 2011  相似文献   
Millennial to submillennial marine oscillations that are linked with the North Atlantic's Heinrich events and Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles have been reported recently from the Alboran Sea, revealing a close ocean-atmosphere coupling in the Mediterranean region. We present a high-resolution record of lithogenic fraction variability along IMAGES Core MD 95-2043 from the Alboran Sea that we use to infer fluctuations of fluvial and eolian inputs to the core site during periods of rapid climate change, between 28,000 and 48,000 cal yr B.P. Comparison with geochemical and pollen records from the same core enables end-member compositions to be determined and to document fluctuations of fluvial and eolian inputs on millennial and faster timescales. Our data document increases in northward Saharan dust transports during periods of strengthened atmospheric circulation in high northern latitudes. From this we derive two atmospheric scenarios which are linked with the intensity of meridional atmospheric pressure gradients in the North Atlantic region.  相似文献   
A sustained dynamic inflow perturbation and bar–floodplain conversion are considered crucial to dynamic meandering. Past experiments, one-dimensional modelling and linear theory have demonstrated that the initiation and persistence of dynamic meandering require a periodic transverse motion of the inflow. However, it remains unknown whether the period of the inflow perturbation affects self-formed meander dynamics. Here, we numerically study the effect of the inflow perturbation period on the development and meander dynamics of a chute-cutoff-dominated river, which requires two-dimensional modelling with vegetation forming floodplain on bars. We extended the morphodynamic model Nays2D with growth and mortality rules of vegetation to allow for meandering. We tested the effect of a transversely migrating inflow boundary by varying the perturbation period between runs over an order of magnitude around typical modelled meander periods. Following the cutoff cascade after initial meander formation from a straight channel, all runs with sufficient vegetation show series of growing meanders terminated by chute cutoffs. This generates an intricate channel belt topography with point bar complexes truncated by chutes, oxbow lakes, and scroll-bar-related vegetation age patterns. The sinuosity, braiding index and meander period, which emerge from the inherent biomorphological feedback loops, are unrelated to the inflow perturbation period, although the spin-up to dynamic equilibrium takes a longer time and distance for weak and absent inflow perturbations. This explains why, in previous experimental studies, dynamic meandering was only accomplished with a sustained upstream perturbation in flumes that were short relative to the meander wavelength. Our modelling of self-formed meander patterns is evidence that scroll-bar-dominated and chute-cutoff-dominated meanders develop from downstream convecting instabilities. This insight extends to many more fluvial, estuarine and coastal systems in morphological models and experiments, which require sustained dynamic perturbations to form complex patterns and develop natural dynamics. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
In this study we evaluate the extent to which accurate topographic data can be obtained by applying Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetric methods to archival imagery. While SfM has proven valuable in photogrammetric applications using specially acquired imagery (e.g. from unmanned aerial vehicles), it also has the potential to improve the precision of topographic data and the ease with which can be produced from historical imagery. We evaluate the application of SfM to a relatively extreme case, one of low relative relief: a braided river–floodplain system. We compared the bundle adjustments of SfM and classical photogrammetric methods, applied to eight dates. The SfM approach resulted in data quality similar to the classical approach, although the lens parameter values (e.g. focal length) recovered in the SfM process were not necessarily the same as their calibrated equivalents. Analysis showed that image texture and image overlap/configuration were critical drivers in the tie‐point generation which impacted bundle adjustment quality. Working with archival imagery also illustrated the general need for the thorough understanding and careful application of (commercial) SfM software packages. As with classical methods, the propagation of (random) error in the estimation of lens and exterior orientation parameters using SfM methods may lead to inherent systematic error in the derived point clouds. We have shown that linear errors may be accounted for by point cloud registration based on a reference dataset, which is vital for the further application in quantitative morphological analyses when using archival imagery. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
From March 2002 to until April 2003 we investigated the seasonal nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in the central Bornholm Basin (Baltic Sea) within the framework of the German GLOBEC Project. We choose a nested approach consisting of vertical fluorescence profiles, phytoplankton counts and nutrient analyses. The Fluoroprobe (MultiProbe, BBE Moldaenke) is capable of distinguishing four algal groups (Cryptophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae + Dinophyceae). Winter nutrient concentrations were about 5 μM NO3 and 0.5 μM PO4 in the central Basin. The spring phytoplankton bloom was dominated by the diatom Skeletonema sp. and reached a maximum of about 270 μg C/l before the onset of the seasonal stratification. Protozooplankton was dominated by the Mesodinium rubrum (a phototrophic ciliate = Myrionecta rubra) and reached a maximum biomass of about 200–300 μg C/l about 2 weeks after the demise of the diatom spring bloom. During summer, the water column was stratified and a subsurface maximum developed near the thermocline consisting of Bacillariophyceae, Cryptophycea and other phototrophic flagellates. Phytoplankton and protozooplankton biomass was generally low. Nutrient concentrations point towards a nitrogen limitation during this period. The stratification period ended during September and surface nutrient concentrations increased again. Protozooplankton reached a second maximum during September. With the Fluoroprobe small scale structures in the plankton community could be detected like a subsurface Cryptophyceae maximum near the thermocline that however, could not be confirmed by cell counts. The chlorophyll a estimate of the Fluoroprobe was in good agreement with the phytoplankton biomass estimated from counts. We conclude that only by combining modern sensing technology with microscopy, the small-scale dynamics and taxonomic spectrum of the plankton can be fully captured.  相似文献   
We present a series of 2-D numerical models of viscous flow in the mantle wedge induced by a subducting lithospheric plate. We use a kinematically defined slab geometry approximating the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate beneath Eurasia. Through finite element modelling we explore the effects of different rheological and thermal constraints (e.g. a low-viscosity region in the wedge corner, power law versus Newtonian rheology, the inclusion of thermal buoyancy forces and a temperature-dependent viscosity law) on the velocity and finite strain field in the mantle wedge. From the numerical flow models we construct models of anisotropy in the wedge by calculating the evolution of the finite strain ellipse and combining its geometry with appropriate elastic constants for effective transversely isotropic mantle material. We then predict shear wave splitting for stations located above the model domain using expressions derived from anisotropic perturbation theory, and compare the predictions to ∼500 previously published shear wave splitting measurements from seventeen stations of the broad-band F-net array located in southwestern Japan. Although the use of different model parameters can have a substantial effect on the character of the finite strain field, the effect on the average predicted splitting parameters is small. However, the variations with backazimuth and ray parameter of individual splitting intensity measurements at a given station for different models are often different, and rigorous analysis of details in the splitting patterns allows us to discriminate among different rheological models for flow in the mantle wedge. The splitting observed in southwestern Japan agrees well with the predictions of trench-perpendicular flow in the mantle wedge along with B-type olivine fabric dominating in a region from the wedge corner to about 125 km from the trench.  相似文献   
Assessing the relative contribution of local diversity to regional biodiversity may be the key to understanding large-scale and even global patterns in species diversity. Here, the contribution of habitat heterogeneity of cold seeps at three spatial scales [micro-scale (ms), macro-scale (10 to 100s of ms), and mega-scale (10 to 100s of km)] to the total nematode biodiversity (genus level) along the Norwegian continental margin is evaluated. Due to the development of higher resolution bathymetry and increased bottom sampling in recent years, continental margins, once regarded as monotonous landscapes, are now acknowledged to have a high degree of habitat complexity and diversity. By calculating the additive partitioning of gamma diversity in alpha and beta fractions, we examined to what extent habitat diversity of seep sites significantly increases the nematode genus composition and diversity at different spatial scales. Siboglinidae patches and control sediments yielded comparably high levels of nematode genus richness. They exhibited low turnover rates within and across the different seep sites. In contrast, the bacterial mats at Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV) and the reduced sediments at the Nyegga pockmarks harboured genus-poor nematode communities with an equally high dominance of one or two species, which were different for each seep. Different habitats, in particular at the HMMV, contributed significantly to the seep nematode richness. This study demonstrates that the presence of distinct habitat types within multiple seep sites contributes to the high diversity of nematode communities inhabiting the seeps in the Norwegian deep sea.  相似文献   
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