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Examination of schorlomite from ijolite at Magnet Cove (USA) and silicocarbonatite at Afrikanda (Russia), using electron-microprobe and hydrogen analyses, X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy, shows the complexity of substitution mechanisms operating in Ti-rich garnets. These substitutions involve incorporation of Na in the eightfold-coordinated X site, Fe2+ and Mg in the octahedrally coordinated Y site, and Fe3+, Al and Fe2+ in the tetrahedrally coordinated Z site. Substitutions Ti4+Fe3+Fe3+–1Si–1 and Ti4+Al3+Fe3+–1Si–1 are of major significance to the crystal chemistry of schorlomite, whereas Fe2+ enters the Z site in relatively minor quantities (<3% Fe). There is no evidence (either structural or indirect, such as discrepancies between the measured and calculated Fe2+ contents) for the presence of [6]Ti3+ or [4]Ti4+ in schorlomite. The simplified general formula of schorlomite can be written as Ca3Ti4+2[Si3-x(Fe3+,Al,Fe2+)xO12], keeping in mind that the notion of end-member composition is inapplicable to this mineral. In the published analyses of schorlomite with low to moderate Zr contents, x ranges from 0.6 to 1.0, i.e. Ti4+ in the Y site is <2 and accompanied by appreciable amounts of lower-charged cations (in particular, Fe3+, Fe2+ and Mg). For classification purposes, the mole percentage of schorlomite can be determined as the amount of [6]Ti4+, balanced by substitutions in the Z site, relative to the total occupancy in the Y site: ([6]Ti4+–[6]Fe2+–[6]Mg2+– [8]Na+)/2. In addition to the predominant schorlomite component, the crystals examined in this work contain significant (>15 mol.%) proportions of andradite (Ca3Fe3+2Si3O12), morimotoite (Ca3Fe2+TiSi3O12), and Ca3MgTiSi3O12. The importance of accurate quantitative determination and assignment of Fe, Ti and other cations to the crystallographic sites for petrogenetic studies is discussed.
A. R. ChakhmouradianEmail: Phone: +1-204-4747278Fax: +1-204-4747623 |
Geographic information has become central for data scientists of many disciplines to put their analyzes into a spatio-temporal perspective. However, just as the volume and variety of data sources on the Web grow, it becomes increasingly harder for analysts to be familiar with all the available geospatial tools, including toolboxes in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), R packages, and Python modules. Even though the semantics of the questions answered by these tools can be broadly shared, tools and data sources are still divided by syntax and platform-specific technicalities. It would, therefore, be hugely beneficial for information science if analysts could simply ask questions in generic and familiar terms to obtain the tools and data necessary to answer them. In this article, we systematically investigate the analytic questions that lie behind a range of common GIS tools, and we propose a semantic framework to match analytic questions and tools that are capable of answering them. To support the matching process, we define a tractable subset of SPARQL, the query language of the Semantic Web, and we propose and test an algorithm for computing query containment. We illustrate the identification of tools to answer user questions on a set of common user requests. 相似文献
H. Got A. Monaco J. Vittori A. Brambati G. Catani M. Masoli N. Pugliese M. Zucchi-Stolfa A. Belfiore F. Gallo G. Mezzadri L. Vernia A. Vinci G. Bonaduce 《Sedimentary Geology》1981,28(4):243-272
Lithological, sedimentological, mineralogical and faunal analyses of twenty cores from the western Peloponnesus margin and adjacent Matapan Trench permit the origin of the sediments and the processes of sedimentation to be defined in some detail.Except for the ash layers derived from the Ischian Province, the major part of the sediment is local in origin (Peloponnesus). Analyses of heavy, light and clay minerals enable three main provinces to be distinguished. Each of these provinces includes one or more slope basins and a portion of trench, without lateral connection between them and mixing of inputs.The diversity and complexity of sedimentary structures, the granulometric characters, the mixed fauna (molluscs and ostracods) and the variability of rates of sedimentation all testify to the prevalence of reworking phenomena and gravitative processes.These data confirm and elaborate on the model of sedimentation deduced from seismic studies in which sediments are successively trapped, released by the slope basins and transferred via channels and canyons towards the underlying trench basins. This “cascade feeding” appears characteristics of this subductive sedimentary environment. 相似文献
This article studies the analysis of moving object data collected by location‐aware devices, such as GPS, using graph databases. Such raw trajectories can be transformed into so‐called semantic trajectories, which are sequences of stops that occur at “places of interest.” Trajectory data analysis can be enriched if spatial and non‐spatial contextual data associated with the moving objects are taken into account, and aggregation of trajectory data can reveal hidden patterns within such data. When trajectory data are stored in relational databases, there is an “impedance mismatch” between the representation and storage models. Graphs in which the nodes and edges are annotated with properties are gaining increasing interest to model a variety of networks. Therefore, this article proposes the use of graph databases (Neo4j in this case) to represent and store trajectory data, which can thus be analyzed at different aggregation levels using graph query languages (Cypher, for Neo4j). Through a real‐world public data case study, the article shows that trajectory queries are expressed more naturally on the graph‐based representation than over the relational alternative, and perform better in many typical cases. 相似文献
Meteor44 is a software system developed at MSFC for the calibration and analysis of video meteor data. The photometric range
of the (8 bit) video data is extended from a visual magnitude range of from 8 to 3 to from 8 to −8 for both meteors and stellar
images using saturation compensation. Camera and lens specific saturation compensation coefficients are derived from artificial
variable star laboratory measurements. Saturation compensation significantly increases the number of meteors with measured
intensity and improves the estimation of meteoroid mass distribution. Astrometry is automated to determine each image's plate
coefficient using appropriate star catalogs. The images are simultaneously intensity calibrated from the contained stars to
determine the photon sensitivity and the saturation level referenced above the atmosphere. The camera's spectral response
is used to compensate for stellar color index and typical meteor spectra in order to report meteor light curves in traditional
visual magnitude units. Recent efforts include improved camera calibration procedures and long focal length "streak" meteor
photometry. Meteor44 has been used to analyze data from the 2001, 2002 and 2003 MSFC Leonid observational campaigns as well
as several lesser showers. 相似文献
Lei Chen Jian-Wei Li R. O. Rye W. M. Benzel H. A. Lowers Ming-Zhong He 《Mineralogy and Petrology》2013,107(4):487-499
Supergene jarosite-group minerals are widespread in weathering profiles overlying Pb-Zn sulfide ores at Xitieshan, northern Tibetan Plateau, China. They consist predominantly of K-deficient natrojarosite, with lesser amounts of K-rich natrojarosite and plumbojarosite. Electron microprobe (EMP) analyses, scanning electron microcopy (SEM) investigation, and X-ray mapping reveal that the jarosite-group minerals are characterized by spectacular oscillatory zoning composed of alternating growth bands of K-deficient and K-bearing natrojarosite (K2O >1 wt.%). Plumbojarosite, whenever present, occurs as an overgrowth in the outermost bands, and its composition can be best represented by K0.29Na0.19Pb0.31Fe2.66Al0.22(SO4)1.65(PO4)0.31(AsO4)0.04(OH)7.37. The substitution of monovalent for divalent cations at the A site of plumbojarosite is charge balanced by the substitution of five-valent for six-valent anions in XO4 at the X site. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of representative samples reveal mass losses of 11.46 wt.% at 446.6 °C and 21.42 wt.% at 683.4 °C due to dehydroxylation and desulfidation, respectively. TGA data also indicate that the natrojarosite structure collapses at 446.6 °C, resulting in the formation of NaFe(SO4)2 and minor hematite. The decomposition products of NaFe(SO4)2 are hematite and Na2SO4. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses show that the jarosite-group minerals have mean unit-cell parameters of a?=?7.315 Å and c?=?016.598 Å. XRD and EMP data support the view that substitutions of Na for K in the A site and full Fe occupancy in the B site can considerably decrease the unit-cell parameter c, but only slightly increase a. The results from this study suggest that the observed oscillatory zoning of jarosite-group minerals at Xitieshan resulted mainly from substitutions of K for Na at the A site and P for S at the X site. 相似文献
A. R. Rahmani A. H. Mahvi A. R. Mesdaghinia S. Nasseri 《International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology》2004,1(2):125-133
Ammonia nitrogen compounds in the wastewaters and effluents have harmful effects on water resources. Ion exchange with zeolites is a separation process for ammonia removal from effluents. The objective of this research was to study the efficiency of an ammonia removal and the factor affecting to this process. The Clinoptilolite was obtained from Semnan mines at the north part of Iran. The samples were grounded and sieved based on the U.S. standard mesh number 20, 30, 40 and conditioned by ammonia sulfate and sodium chloride solutions. The characteristics of samples for ammonia removal and the selectivity sequence for adsorbing interfering cations were then determined. Results shown that the average ion exchange capacity of zeolite in batch and continuous systems were 6.65–16 and 16.31–19.5 mg NH4 + /g zeolite weight, respectively. In study on the zeolite for selective cations showed the ranking of K+, NH4 +, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ respectively. Results indicated that high level of regeneration (95–98%) might be achieved with NaCl solution. Based on the results, Clinoptilolite may be effective applied in wastewater treatment, both from technical and economical aspects. 相似文献
Stable carbon isotope variations in northwest Europe during the last glacial–interglacial transition
Chris S. M. Turney David J. Beerling Douglas D. Harkness J. John Lowe E. Marian Scott 《第四纪科学杂志》1997,12(4):339-344
Stable carbon isotope data that span part of the last glacial–interglacial transition (ca. 14-9 ka 14C BP; ca. 15–11 ka cal. BP), and which derive from organ-specific plant macrofossils recovered from two lake sediment profiles in the UK and one in Norway, are compared. The recorded temporal variations show similar trends, which, over a millennial time-scale appear to parallel the main drift in δ18O as determined for the GRIP ice-core. It is postulated that some smaller scale variations in the δ13C profiles may reflect the shorter term oscillations in δ18O values evident in the GRIP record, although this is less certain. Overall, however, the results suggest that stable carbon isotope measurements based on organ-specific terrestrial plant macrofossils may provide (i) a means for establishing correlations between terrestrial successions and (ii) additional paleoenvironmental information, as the apparent ‘shadowing’ of the GRIP record indicates a common forcing mechanism for both Greenland δ18O and northwest European δ13C variations. From the evidence available we suggest that the recorded δ13C variations reflect fluctuations in air temperature and/or changes in water vapour pressure in the atmosphere. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献