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Chen  Fan  Cao  Anye  Liang  Zhengzhao  Liu  Yaoqi 《Natural Resources Research》2021,30(6):4515-4532

Mining-induced tremors are indispensable events that gestate and trigger coal bursts. The radiated energy is usually considered a key index to assess coal burst risk of seismic events. This paper presents a model to assess coal burst risk of seismic events based on multiple seismic source parameters. By considering the distribution and relation laws of the seismic source parameters of coal bursts, the model aims to identify dangerous seismic events that more closely match the characteristics of multiple seismic source parameters of coal bursts. The new coal burst risk index T is proposed. It consists of the similarity index SI (representing the similarity degree of relations between seismic events and coal burst events based on seismic source parameters) and the strength index ST (representing the burst strength of seismic events). We studied 79 coal burst events that occurred during extraction in LW250105 of the Huating coal mine in Gansu Province, China. We obtained the distribution and relation laws of multiple seismic source parameters of coal burst events to establish SI and ST. Two groups of seismic events with different energy distributions were examined to compare the assessment results based on the new model and energy criteria. The results show that 80% and 89% of seismic events with strong coal burst risk in Groups A and B, respectively, were coincident, and the seismic events with medium coal burst risk were slightly less compared to those based on radiated energy. The results indicate that the assessment based on the T value is a modification and optimization of that based on radiated energy. This model is conducive to improving the efficiency of monitoring and early warning of coal burst risk.

简谐荷载下单层球面网壳动力失效机理研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以具有实际工程意义的40m跨度K8型单层球面网壳为研究对象,采用ANSYS程序的Pipe20单元,考察不同矢跨比网壳在不同频率的简谐荷载作用下,随着荷载幅值的逐渐增大,其宏观和微观响应的变化,详细阐述了2类破坏行为的规律,并通过一定规模的参数分析,给出单层球面网壳动力强度破坏判别准则.  相似文献   
Based on remote sensing information sources including B/W aerial photos of 1983, pseudo-color aerial photos of 1992 and JERS-1/OPS VNIR image of 1996, vegetation types of Yingbazha, in the middle reaches of the Tarim River Basin in Xinjiang, China are mapped using ARC/INFO and related software. The changes in vegetation areas and distribution conditions are analyzed. As a result of natural and human influences, vegetation changes have temporal and spatial characteristics. According to the principles of landscape ecology and geographical information science, the landscape changes are indicated. Moreover, the remote sensing and GIS techniques are integrated to study vegetation and its landscape.  相似文献   
In this work,problems encountered by tri-butyl phosphate( TBP) in the industrialization of lithium extraction from salt lake brine were discussed in detail. The behavior of N,N-bi-( 2-ethylhexyl) acetamide( N523) during lithium extraction was investigated,and its disadvantages were analyzed in the view of practical application. An N523-TBP mixture extraction system was proposed to alleviate or avoid the defects that N523 and TBP met when they were used separately. The optimal composition of this mixture extraction system was determined to be 20% N523-30% TBP-50% kerosene.The effects of brine acidity,Fe/Li molarity ratio,phase ratio and chloride ion concentration on lithium extraction efficiency were discussed. The operation conditions in single-stage extraction were optimized as brine acidity = 0. 05 mol/L,Fe/Li molarity ratio = 1. 3,and phase ratio = 2. The high concentration of chloride ions in brine was beneficial for the extraction of lithium. The structure of the extracted complex was proposed as( LiFeCl_4·n N523·m TBP)·( 2-n) N523·( 2-m) TBP( m + n = 2) by chemical analysis and slope-fitting methods. The extraction thermodynamic functions were calculated preliminarily,and the results suggested that the extraction process was an exothermic( ΔH 0) and spontaneous( ΔG 0) reaction,and the degree of disorder increased( ΔS 0) during the extraction process. This work will give some guidance to the lithium industry of Qinghai in both the fundamental theory and practical application.  相似文献   
赣东北地区构造演化的新认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据近几年来赣东北地区的区域地质调查及科研工作所获的地质资料、化石资料和实测数据,论述了该区晋宁期以来的构造演化,提出了以下看法:①该区是一个多期造山作用的复合体,它经历了褶皱基底形成、洋陆转化和陆内发展三大阶段和晋宁期、加里东期、印支期、燕山期四个构造旋回;②早古生代该区存在一小洋盆;③加里东期构造旋回在赣东北地区是明显的,其造山作用是存在的,并由此奠定了该区构造分区的总体格局。  相似文献   
2020年5月山东共出现13次强对流天气过程,其中8次出现冰雹,共15市(93.8%)81站(65.9%)出现降雹,单站最大降雹次数为4次。10次出现10级以上雷暴大风,5次出现短时强降水,强对流次数之多、范围之广、强度之大、灾害之重为近10年少见。其中,“5 ·17”强对流天气过程最为剧烈,其冰雹范围之广非常罕见,最大冰雹直径为4.5 cm,最大风速达36.6 m ·s-1(12级),最大雨强达56.9 mm ·h-1。利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,ECMWF)第五代大气再分析数据集(ECMWF Reanalysis v5,ERA5)和加密自动气象观测站、多普勒天气雷达、闪电定位等资料,对2020年5月山东强对流天气特点及强对流多发的原因进行分析,并以“5 ·17”强对流天气过程为例,对雷达回波特征和风暴内的垂直运动进行剖析。结果表明:(1)副热带高压强度偏强,一方面有利于其外围的西南暖湿气流到达山东,另一方面阻挡西风带系统,导致前倾槽强度偏强,长时间维持在山东上空;500 hPa异常偏强的暖高压脊前西北气流携带的冷空气叠加在850 hPa偏强的暖温度脊上空,造成山东上空长时间为位势不稳定大气层结。(2)在上述有利的天气背景下,山东上空水汽充沛,对流有效位能偏大,冀鲁豫3省交界处气旋式辐合偏强,鲁中地区稳定存在一条辐合线,容易触发产生强对流天气,造成山东5月强对流天气频发。(3)对流风暴高度组织化、区域性的超级单体群以及一条长度超过500 km的强飑线是造成“5 ·17”强对流的直接原因,对流风暴内部的上升速度高达28 m ·s-1。  相似文献   
根据矿物组成白云鄂博矿区的碳酸岩岩可墙可分为白云石型、白云石-方解石共存型和方解石型三种类型。REE和微量元素地球化学表明,这三类碳酸岩岩墙为碳酸岩浆演化不同阶段的产物,白云石型和白云石-方解石共存型对应于早期岩浆阶段,其(La/Nd)n、(La/Yb)n比值随稀土总量的增加而增大,方解石型则对应于碳酸岩浆演化的晚期热液阶段,其稀土总量明显富集,但其(La/Nd)n、(La/Y)n和(La/Yb)n比值随稀土总量的增加却有减小的趋势,热液阶段也是白云鄂博稀土矿化的主要阶段。  相似文献   
1998年春夏南海温盐结构及其变化特征   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
利用1998年5~8月“南海季风试验”期间“科学1”号和“实验3”号科学考察船两个航次CTD资料,分析了1998年南海夏季风暴发前后南海主要断面的温盐结构及其变化特征.观测发现,南海腹地基本被典型的南海水团所控制,但在南海东北部尤其是吕宋海峡附近,表层和次表层水明显受到西太平洋水的影响.季风暴发以后,南海北部表面温度有显著升高,升幅由西向东递减,而南海中部和南部表面温度基本没变,这使得南海北部东西向温度梯度和整个海盆南北向温度梯度均减小.北部断面表层盐度普遍由34以上降低到34以下,混合层均有所发展,是季风暴发后降水和风力加剧的结果.观测期间黑潮水跨越吕宋海峡的迹象明显但变化剧烈.4~5月,黑潮次表层水除在吕宋海峡中北部出现外,在吕宋岛以西亦有发现,表明有部分黑潮水从吕宋海峡南端沿岸向西进而向南进入南海.6~7月,次表层高盐核在吕宋海峡中北部有极大发展,但在吕宋岛以西却明显萎缩;虽然看上去黑潮水以更强的流速进、出南海,但对南海腹地动力热力结构的影响未必更大.一个超过34.55的表层高盐水体于巴拉望附近被发现,似与通过巴拉望两侧水道入侵南海的西太平洋水有关.  相似文献   
2006年7月至2007年10月对山东近岸的威海湾、荣成湾、桑沟湾、靖海湾、五垒岛湾及乳山湾(37°28.7'-36°46.3'N,121°28.8'-122°39.6'E)的26个站位按季节进行了4个航次的现场调查,分析了6个海湾不同季节的微型藻类及营养盐情况,并进一步对几种主要微藻类群与各种营养盐之间的相关性进行了研究.结果表明,各海湾微型浮游植物的平均丰度在456.3×104-2332.2×104cell/L之间;夏季和春季的主要优势种为硅藻:冬季主要优势种为黄藻;秋季主要优势种为隐藻.不同微藻类群与不同营养盐的相关性差异显著,其中,与NH4-N的相关性依次为:绿藻>黄藻>隐藻>甲藻>硅藻>金藻,相关系数依次分别为0.965、0.929、0.761、0.748、0.671和-0.304;与NO3-N的相关系数的绝对值为金藻>隐藻>甲藻>硅藻>黄藻>绿藻;与PO4-P的相关系数的绝对值则为甲藻>金藻>绿藻>黄藻>隐藻>硅藻.  相似文献   
开源GIS支持下的气象灾害风险区划分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来气象灾害频繁发生,给我国人民生活、经济发展带来严重威胁。灾害风险区划分析作为防灾减灾的基础工作,在我国逐渐展开。为探索一种基于开源GIS的县级区域气象灾害风险区划分析技术方案,首先分析开源GIS的发展状况,探讨了开源GIS的质量、性能及应用中需注意的法律因素等,而后以东营市河口区为例,选择QGIS、ILWIS等开源软件,基于区域灾害系统论构建不同气象灾害的分析模型及综合气象灾害分析模型,进行县级区域气象灾害风险区划分析,最终编制实验区气象灾害风险区划分级图。  相似文献   
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