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新疆罗布泊钾盐矿床成因类型探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钾盐矿床产于蒸发岩建造中,是含盐盆地发育过程最后阶段的产物.据已往成果及盐类矿物提供的新资料认为罗布泊以卤水钾矿为主,已查明钙芒稍储钾潜卤水承压卤水钾矿床为一种新类型钾盐矿.此外,深层碎屑岩储钾卤水钾矿层及光卤石——泻利盐沉积和杂卤石沉积交代型固体钾盐矿均是有待进一步查证的稀有类型钾矿.深入研究罗布泊钾盐矿床成因,将有...  相似文献   
郯庐断裂带的伸展活动及其动力学背景   总被引:106,自引:17,他引:106  
郯庐断裂带的伸展活动发生于晚白垩世至早第三纪,控制形成了-系列断陷盆地.安徽段的断陷出现在晚白垩世至早第三纪,苏鲁段仅发生于晚白垩世,而山东潍坊以北的断陷皆出现在早第三纪,显示了伸展活动南早北晚的迁移规律.这一伸展活动叠加在前期走滑构造之上,呈现为幕式的正断层运动.现可鉴别出断裂带的伸展活动经历过5次显著的断陷事件.郯庐断裂带的伸展构造多不同于典型的裂谷.它与中国东部同期一系列伸展盆地形成的动力学背景一致,是太平洋板块向西正面高角度俯冲下、中国东部岩石圈上拱中出现的巨型伸展构造.  相似文献   
彭晓蕾  刘立  计桂霞 《世界地质》2003,22(4):326-330,403
砂宝斯矿区的成矿围岩为长石石英砂岩,砂岩被多期次的石英脉、方解石脉和高岭石脉所穿切,这些多矿物脉是热液流体运移的结果。矿物脉形成过程中对围岩进行了热改造,使砂岩发生了压溶作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用,形成了蚀变砂岩。由于流体酸碱性和温压的变化,孔隙水介质的性质由酸性向碱性转变,在酸性成岩环境下形成的蚀变高岭石、伊利石将转变成绿泥石、绢云母等。绢云母的大量出现,石英次生加大和自生粘土矿物的形成均是热液流体活动的产物。  相似文献   
岩体内存在着节理、断层、软弱夹层、岩层层面、片理、片麻理等各种结构面,结构面的不同组合,形成了形状不一、规模不等的各种结构体。给出了两组同倾向结构面、多组同倾向结构面、两组反倾向结构面,在不同倾角组合、不同计算条件下山岩压力的计算模式,并进行了比较分析,得出了有益的结论。  相似文献   
Taihu Lake is the third largest freshwater lake in China and has been experiencing eutrophication problems for several decades. Diatoms in short sediment cores from three bays in northern Taihu Lake were studied in addition to 1-year of seasonal phytoplankton samples in order to evaluate the rate and magnitude of nutrient enrichment. The dominant species found in the phytoplankton samples appeared in high percentages in the surface sediment samples, suggesting that the latter faithfully record the modern diatom flora. The diatom preservation status varied among the three cores, while in all cores the preservation deteriorated with sediment depth. Due to the superior diatom preservation in the core from Mashan Bay, the fossil diatom record of this core and an established diatom total phosphorus (TP) transfer function were used to reconstruct the nutrient history of Taihu Lake. Diatom assemblages changed from Aulacoseira-dominated to other eutrophic planktonic species, such as Stephanodiscus minutulus, Cyclostephanos tholiformis, Cyclotella atomus, C. meneghiniana and S. hantzschii in ca. 1980. Diatom-inferred TP concentrations exhibited little change prior to 1980, with values around 50 μg/l. However, after 1980 TP concentrations increased significantly and remained in excess of 100 μg/l, reflecting eutrophication of Taihu Lake. Comparison with TP measurements in the water column from 1988 to 2004, as well as the analogue analysis among fossil and modern samples, demonstrates that the diatom-TP inference model can reliably hindcast past TP concentrations. Therefore, the baseline TP value of about 50 μg/l, can be used as a restoration target for Taihu Lake. However, due to the complexity of this very large, shallow aquatic ecosystem, caution should be exercised when employing the diatom record to track eutrophication. Further studies on the mechanism of diatom distribution, evolution and preservation are recommended for Taihu Lake.  相似文献   
本文综合了中国北方孔达岩系和石墨矿床的碳同位素数据 10 2件 ,发现片麻岩石墨 透辉岩石墨 <大理岩石墨 <石墨大理岩方解石 <大理岩方解石 ;混合岩化岩石中石墨δ1 3C总介于有机碳和无机碳之间 ;不同地体片麻岩石墨δ1 3C极为一致 ,变化于 - 2 2 .8‰~ - 2 1.48‰ ,略低于世界有机质平均值 - 2 6± 7‰ ;大理岩的原岩碳酸盐δ1 3C高于 2‰ ,与2 330~ 2 0 6 0 Ma期间全球性δ1 3Ccarb正向漂移事件一致。地质流体是碳同位素分馏、均一化的重要因素 ,是石墨矿床的 3种主要碳源之一 ,是碳的 5种存在形式之一 ,也是碳循环的重要媒介和方式 ;导致热液矿床δ1 3C=- 5‰左右的因素较多 ,依据δ1 3Ccalcite - 5‰得出成矿物质和流体来自地幔的结论值得怀疑 ;中国北方孔达岩系形成于古元古代 ,可能为 2 30 0~ 2 0 5 0 Ma。  相似文献   
Vanadium occurs in multiple valence states in nature, whereas Nb is exclusively pentavalent. Both are compatible in rutile, but the relationship of V–Nb partitioning and dependence on oxygen fugacity (expressed as fO2) has not yet been systematically investigated. We acquired trace-element concentrations on rutile grains (n = 86) in nine eclogitic samples from the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) and combined them with published results in order to assess the direct and indirect effects of oxygen fugacity on the partitioning of V and Nb into rutile. A well-defined negative correlation between Nb (7–1,200 ppm) and V concentrations (50–3,200 ppm) was found, documenting a competitive relationship in the rutile crystal that does not appear to be controlled by bulk rock or mineral compositions. Based on the published relationship of RtDV and V valence with ?QFM, we suggest that the priority order of V incorporation into rutile is V4+ > V3+ > V5+. The inferred Nb–V competitive relationship in rutile from the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt could be explained by decreasing fO2 due to dehydration reactions involving loss of oxidizing fluids during continental subduction: The increased proportion of V3+ (expressed as V3+/∑V) and attendant decrease in RtDV is suggested to lead to an increase in rutile lattice sites available for Nb5+. A similar effect may be observed under more oxidizing conditions. When V5+/∑V increases, RtDV shows a dramatic decline and Nb concentration increases considerably. This is possibly documented by rutile in highly metasomatized and oxidized MARID-type (MARID: mica–amphibole–rutile–ilmenite–diopside) mantle xenoliths from the Kaapvaal craton, which also show a negative V–Nb covariation. In addition, their Nb/Ta covaries with V concentrations: For V concentrations <1,250 ppm, Nb/Ta ranges between 35 and 45, whereas for V > 1,250 ppm, Nb/Ta is considerably lower (5–15). This relationship is mainly controlled by a change in Nb concentrations, suggesting that the indirect dependence of RtDNb on fO2, which is not mirrored in RtDTa, can exert considerable influence on rutile Nb–Ta fractionation.  相似文献   
中国东部海域大气气溶胶入海通量的研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
刘毅  周明煜 《海洋学报》1999,21(5):38-45
根据中国东部海域气溶胶浓度及分级采样资料,计算得出黄海、东海及日本以南海域沙尘气溶胶的代表元素铝(Al)每月干沉降通量分别为42.8、18.3、5.2mg/m2;其中各海域春季的干沉降通量均占全年干沉降通量的40%以上.相应每月总沉降通量分别为54.1、29.8、10.5mg/m2.渤海、黄海、东海及日本以南海域每年沙尘气溶胶总沉降通量分别为26.4、9.3、5.1、1.8g/m2.东海污染元素总沉降通量以春季最大,夏、秋季次之,冬季最小.日本以南海域锑(Sb)元素总沉降通量的季节分布为冬季最大,夏、秋季次之,秋季最小;硒(Se)元素总沉降通量的最大值出现在夏季,其他季节分布比较均匀.  相似文献   
Densities of major meiofaunal taxa were investigated at 34 sampling stations during six cruises by R/V Beidou to the southern Yellow Sea, China from 2000 to 2004, and the community structure of free-living marine nematodes was studied during one of the cruises in 2003. Meiofauna abundance ranged from 487.4 to 1655.3 individuals per 10 cm2. Nematodes and harpacticoid copepods were the two most dominant groups, contributing 73.8–92.8% and 3.5–18.7%, respectively, to the total meiofauna abundance. One-way ANOVA showed no significant annual fluctuation of meiofauna and nematode abundances from 2000 to 2004 in the southern Yellow Sea. However, two-way ANOVA based on six stations sampled in 4 years (2001–2004) showed that there were significant differences among the six stations and the 4 sampling years for meiofauna, nematode and copepod abundance. Correlation analysis demonstrated that meiofauna abundance was mainly linked to chloroplastic pigments. Other environmental factors could not be ruled out, however. A total of 232 free-living marine nematode species, belonging to 149 genera, 35 families and 4 orders, were identified. The dominant species in the sampling area were the following: Dorylaimopsis rabalaisi, Microlaimus sp.1, Prochromadorella sp., Promonohystera sp., Cobbia sp.1, Daptonema sp.1, Leptolaimus sp.1, Halalaimus sp.2, Aegialoalaimus sp., Chromadorita sp., Parodontophora marina, Parasphaerolaimus paradoxus, Quadricoma sp.1, Campylaimus sp.1, Halalaimus gracilis, Paramesacanthion sp.1, Paramonohystera sp.1, and Metalinhomoeus longiseta. CLUSTER and SIMPROF analyses revealed three main types of nematode community (or station groups) in the sampling area, including I: coastal community, II: transitory community between coastal and YSCWM (Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass), and III: YSCWM community. Each community was indicated by a number of dominant nematode species. Bio-Env correlation analysis between the nematode community and environmental variables showed that water depth, sediment water content, organic matter, chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and phaeophorbide a (Pha-a) were the most important factors to determine the community structure.  相似文献   
Based on new and existing data on oxygen isotopes, alkenone-surface seawater temperature trends, planktonic foraminifers, lithology, and clay mineral composition of piston cores, a distinct cooling event has been identified around 8,200 cal a b.p. in the middle Okinawa Trough, northwest Pacific. This corresponds to the 8,200 a b.p. cooling event recorded in many places of the Northern Hemisphere. During this event, the local temperature decreased by 1°C, and the δ18O value increased by 0.6‰. A strengthened Asian winter monsoon is the most probable cause for this event, which thus adds further credibility to the contention that we are dealing here with a global phenomenon.  相似文献   
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