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Volume Contents

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The prominent types of Danxia landform in Fangyan include enclosed valleys, mesas, peaks, stone columns and grooves etc. Their spatial combinations have regular configurations along the northwest–southeast direction: typical grooves and caves are located in the northwestern Wufengshuyuan mainly; abundant fresh collapsed stones may be observed in central Jimingfeng and Taohuafeng; stone drums and stone columns are in the southeastern Shiguliao particularly; enclosed valleys are encircling joints of peaks and plains from three directions east, west, and south. Their spatial combinations reflect that the developments of Danxia landform have undergone stages of geomorphic cyclical erosion in the form of weathering, collapse, transportation, sedimentation and other processes, together with the “sculpture” of external forces mainly as tectonic uplift. The picturesque Danxia landform began its formation at that point. Danxia landform developed mainly in the strata of Fangyan Formation (K1f) caused by the alluvial fan-braided river phase of anterior fan in the late period of the Early Cretaceous. Regular patterns of weathering of stones and features of braided alluvial phase sediments may be verified by the analysis of three groups of experimental data. Danxia landform of Fangyan is a unique representative of the “adolescent” development type in the application of the World Natural Heritages status in China, by virtue of its outstanding universal aesthetic and scientific value.  相似文献   
Spatial clustering is widely used in many fields such as WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks), web clustering, remote sensing and so on for discovery groups and to identify interesting distributions in the underlying database. By discussing the relationships between the optimal clustering and the initial seeds, a clustering validity index and the principle of seeking initial seeds were proposed, and on this principle we recommend an initial seed-seeking strategy: SSPG (Single-Shortest-Path Graph). With SSPG strategy used in clustering algorithms, we find that the result of clustering is optimized with more probability. At the end of the paper, according to the combinational theory of optimization, a method is proposed to obtain optimal reference k value of cluster number, and is proven to be efficient.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the influences of atom--field coupling and dipole--dipole coupling for atoms on the entanglement between two atoms by means of concurrence. The results show that the sudden death occurs when the atom--field coupling is strong enough, and the collapse and the revival appear when the dipole--dipole interaction is strong enough.  相似文献   
以中国科学院盐亭紫色土农业生态试验站小流域为例,研究不同土壤侵蚀沉积地段(斜坡和沟谷不同部位)的土壤结构特征,以了解侵蚀沉积对土壤结构的影响。结果表明,在植被覆盖较好的坡体顶部,土壤侵蚀较弱,团聚度达到30.1%,MWD变化为3.4mm,土壤结构良好;沟谷底部由于沉积而有较多细土物质并具有适宜的水分条件,有利于土壤团聚体的形成,结构状况亦较好,团聚度达到50.3%,结构保持率为35.4%;而坡腰侵蚀较严重,团聚度仅为13.6%,结构保持率为14.1%,土壤结构状况较差。  相似文献   

对宝墩遗址T3321剖面第9~13层(深度为150~308 cm)的53个样品进行孢粉分析,结合AMS 14C测年和考古断代,恢复了遗址区全新世适宜期至4300 cal.a B.P.前后的古植被及古气候演变过程。遗址区古环境演变可以划分为4个阶段:阶段1(7400~6500 cal.a B.P.)和阶段2(6500~6000 cal.a B.P.)的孢粉组合反映了以亚热带常绿落叶阔叶林为主的森林植被景观,气候较为温暖湿润;阶段2环纹藻属(Concentricystes)的出现以及大量蕨类植物的增加暗示着遗址区开始出现湖沼。阶段3(6000~4700 cal.a B.P.)主要以稀疏乔木、灌木及陆生草本为主的植被景观,本阶段后期气候由暖湿向冷干方向发展;环纹藻属比例在本阶段达到剖面最大后逐渐降低,表明遗址区水域面积大幅增加后逐渐减小。阶段4(4700~4300 cal.a B.P.)为古蜀先民在遗址生活时期,孢粉组合反映出人类活动明显增强。T3321剖面孢粉所揭示的古环境演变趋势与西南地区中晚全新世以来气候由暖湿向冷干转变的过程基本一致。阶段3和阶段4孢粉组合的变化揭示了古环境变迁与人类活动的关系,人类活动对植被变化产生深刻影响。陆生草本植物,尤其是伴人植物的增多以及湖沼面积的减少反映出人类对环境的改造作用以及农业种植活动的出现。

基于区域协调发展的判定标准,构建区域协调发展的指标体系,通过线性加权模型和离差系数法分别计算出淮海经济区经济-社会-人口-资源-环境系统的综合发展水平得分和淮海经济区、苏北鲁南豫东皖北四大板块和20个市的协调度,通过对其分析得出以下结论:(1)淮海经济区处于低经济发展阶段的高协调度阶段;(2)市域协调度多处于中级基本协调阶段;(3)协调度呈现东高西低的空间格局。  相似文献   
本文通过对南极磷虾不同部位中氟含量的测定,结合氟在测区环境中的分布特征及南极磷虾体中其它元素的分析资料,讨论了氟在磷虾体内的分布和赋存形式,并对其可能的富集机理及与环境的关系作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
流域干旱对淡水湖泊湿地生态系统的影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在气候变化和人类活动的双重影响下,一些湿地严重退化。其中,流域干旱问题是导致湿地退化的重要原因之一。干旱严重制约着湿地的生态水文过程。一方面,干旱通过造成湿地水量亏缺和水分条件改变,来影响湿地生物和生境条件;另一方面,湿地中的生物对干旱具有一定的适应性,通过个体的形态、生理和行为适应等来避免干旱造成的伤害;同时,这一过程还伴随着生物种群的数量、密度、生物量、分布以及群落的组成、数量、生物量、分布等特征的变化;最终干旱对湿地的影响将体现在湿地规模、构成、格局和功能的变化上。在理论上,干旱作为一种扰动对提高湿地生态系统的耐旱性有一定积极影响,但由于缺少长期的湿地恢复过程研究,这一学术观点并未被广泛认知;长时间的严重干旱则会对湿地生态系统产生不可逆转的影响,导致其退化、消失。  相似文献   
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