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胀水成像对胰胆道系统病变诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价MR水成像在胆道系统病变中的临床诊断价值。方法采用重T2加权MR水成像技术对66例患者行MRCP检查,图像经三维最大信号强度投影及三维表面遮蔽显示技术后处理。结果水成像定位诊断率达100%,定位诊断率为86.6%,此技术可清楚显示胰胆管的形态,显示各种胆道疾病的异常改变,诊断正确性高。结论MRCP对胆石症、恶性胆管梗阻及先天性胆总管囊肿等胆系疾病的诊断价值高于其他影像检查。  相似文献   
在多光谱遥感图像中有时也会存在较严重的随机点噪声的干扰,这种随机点噪声严重影响了地物光谱特征提取和识别的精度,降低了各种遥感定量分析方法技术的有效性。常用的遥感图像随机噪声消除或压抑方法是Fourier变换频率域方法和采用平滑模板对图像进行卷积处理的空间域方法,但它们往往会损失图像信息。文章探讨了消除或压抑噪声的图像融合方法,即RNF融合法。RNF融合算法先对参与融合的多光谱图像进行低通滤波,对全色波段进行高通滤波。然后将滤波后的全色波段与多光谱图像用HSI变换法进行融合,融合后的图像消除了噪声。  相似文献   
贵东岩体地质地球化学特征及其形成的构造环境识别   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文在研究贵东花岗岩岩体岩石矿物组合、结构构造等地质特征的基础上 ,运用花岗岩的岩石化学、微量元素和同位素等分析数据 ,采用目前广泛应用的几种岩石化学图解、微量元素和同位素图解等方法 ,判别了贵东岩体形成的构造环境为造山带后碰撞型  相似文献   
人们对于尾流的研究大都针对绕流体在展向非常长的情形,但是在天然环境和水利工程中出现的多为水深相对很浅的流动。由于槽底和自由水面的限制,浅水域中的尾流有着与深水尾流不同的流动规律。采用数字粒子图像测速(DPIV)技术,在长30m、宽3.5m、高1m的水槽中比较系统地量测了浅水中绕平板岛屿的尾流区流场。分析了大尺度旋涡的运动规律,得到了尾流流动形式随尾流稳定性参数的变化规律。目前如此大尺度浅水岛屿尾流的定量实验研究并不多见。  相似文献   
According to calculation results of ocean chlorophyll concentration based on SeaWiFS data by SeaBAM model and synchronous ship-measured data, this research set up an improved model for CaseⅠand CaseⅡwater bodies respectively. The monthly chlorophyll distribution in the East China Sea in 1998 was obtained from this improved model on calculation results of SeaBAM. The euphotic depth distribution in 1998 in the East China Sea is calculated by using remote sensing data of K490 from SeaWiFS according to the relation between the euphotic depth and the oceanic diffuse attenuation coefficient. With data of ocean chlorophyll concentration, euphotic depth, ocean surface photosynthetic available radiation (PAR), daily photoperiod and optimal rate of daily carbon fixation within a water column, the monthly and annual primary productivity spatio-temporal distributions in the East China Sea in 1998 were obtained based on VGPM model. Based on analysis of those distributions, the conclusion can be drawn that there is a clear bimodality character of primary productivity in the monthly distribution in the East China Sea. In detail, the monthly distribution of primary productivity stays the lowest level in winter and rises rapidly to the peak in spring. It gets down a little in summer, and gets up a little in autumn. The daily average of primary productivity in the whole East China Sea is 560.03 mg/m2/d, which is far higher than the average of subtropical ocean areas. The annual average of primary productivity is 236.95 g/m2/a. The research on the seasonal variety mechanism of primary productivity shows that several factors that affect the spatio-temporal distribution may include the chlorophyll concentration distribution, temperature condition, the Yangtze River diluted water variety, the euphotic depth, ocean current variety, etc. But the main influencing factors may be different in each local sea area.  相似文献   
High buildings or architectural complex in urban areas remarkably distort the urban surface wind fields. As the air flow approaches,local strong wind may appear around the buildings. The strong wind makes the pedestrians on sidewalks, entrances and terrace very uncomfortable and causes the pedestrian level wind environment problem. In this studies, hot-wire wind measurement, wind scouring in wind tunnel and numerical computation were carried out to evaluate the wind environment of tall buildings in the prevailing flow conditions in Beijing areas. The results obtained by three techniques were compared and mutually verified. The conclusions drawn from three approaches agree with each other. Also the advantages and limitations of each method were analyzed. It is suggested that the combination of different techniques may produce better assessment of wind environment around high buildings.  相似文献   
城市旅游形象是当今城市旅游发展的热点探索领域,城市旅游形象的塑造和传播是城市旅游的生命力所在,是促发人们前来旅游的动力,也是城市旅游发展的战略制胜点.在分析城市旅游形象塑造原则的基础上,探讨借助于多样化的手段,形成全方位的立体传播网络,使城市旅游保持长久的吸引力.  相似文献   
Inkisi组是刚果盆地西南缘最古老的沉积地层之一,岩性主要为一套紫红色、红褐色细粒、细中粒长石砂岩、杂砂岩。通过对安哥拉东北部Inkisi组长石砂岩开展碎屑锆石测年、岩石地球化学研究,探讨其沉积时代、物质来源、沉积环境和大地构造背景,为研究刚果盆地演化提供科学依据。结果表明,碎屑锆石206Pb/238U年龄主要集中于3个年龄峰值区间2350~1900 Ma、1150~850 Ma、850~500 Ma,最年轻的锆石峰值年龄为531±9 Ma,据此,笔者等认为Inkisi组的沉积时代上限应厘定为早寒武世。Inkisi组砂岩地球化学特征显示,物源具有长英质物源近源搬运特征,沉积时期的水体为陆相开阔的淡水环境。通过碎屑锆石年龄谱特征、主微量元素物源判别及构造判别图解,本文认为,West Congo构造带为安哥拉东北部地区Inkisi组主要物源区,Lufilian构造带、Angola 地盾等是其次要物质来源,物源区构造环境主要为活动大陆边缘和被动大陆边缘构造环境背景。  相似文献   
地球物理资料显示四川盆地东缘齐岳山附近寒武系高台组膏盐岩层下深部存在逆冲构造,其形成过程以及油气地质意义未见深入研究。笔者等综合四川盆地东部石柱地区线束三维和建南地区二维地震反射资料,并结合钻井资料以及区域地质研究成果,从构造继承性的角度探讨四川盆地震旦系灯影组台缘带类型,并分析了川东地区寒武系盐下油气圈闭特征。研究获得如下认识:①川东齐岳山北段构造变形强烈,普遍发育基底卷入构造,构造样式受青白口纪—南华纪裂谷与转换带构造位置的控制。②依据构造继承关系将盆内灯影组台缘带划分为德阳—安岳地区原生型台缘带、万源—达州地区继承型台缘带以及石柱地区继承—改造型台缘带。③依据青白口纪—南华纪裂谷的分布和后期构造作用影响大小,认为沿齐岳山向南至南川一带存在与石柱地区相似的灯影组继承—改造型台缘带,忠县、南川以西存在灯影组继承型台缘带。④研究区新元古界—下寒武统烃源岩、灯影组—龙王庙组滩相白云岩储层与寒武系膏盐岩层系构成完整的生储盖组合。⑤寒武系盐下基底逆冲可形成成排、成带的构造,与灯影组继承—改造型台缘带、龙王庙组滩相白云岩储层配置,形成断层相关的构造—岩性圈闭带,成为川东地区油气规模聚集有利区。研究认为四川盆地东部石柱地区震旦纪—早寒武世早期继承了青白口纪—南华纪裂谷构造特征,燕山期构造反转,高台组盐下形成基底卷入逆冲构造,具备生储盖等基本石油地质条件,具有重要的油气勘探现实意义。  相似文献   
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