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S. K. Satheesh K. Krishna Moorthy Y. J. Kaufman T. Takemura 《Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics》2006,91(1-4):45-62
Summary The Arabian Sea region (4° N–20° N to 50° E–78° E) has a unique weather pattern on account of the Indian monsoon and the associated winds that reverse direction seasonally. The aerosol data, collected using ship-borne and island platforms (for 8 years from 1995 to 2002) along with MODIS (onboard TERRA satellite) data (from 2000 to 2003) have been used to evolve a comprehensive characterisation of the spatial and temporal variation in the physical, chemical, and radiative properties of aerosols over the Arabian Sea. The aerosol optical depth (AOD) was found to increase with latitude between the equator and 12° N. Over the northern Arabian Sea (regions lying north of 12° N), AODs do not show significant latitudinal variations; the average aerosol optical depth for this region was 0.29±0.12 during winter monsoon season (WMS; November to March) and 0.47±0.14 during summer monsoon season (SMS; April/May to September). The corresponding Angstrom exponents were 0.7±0.12 and 0.3±0.08, respectively. The low values of the exponent during SMS indicate the dominance of large aerosols (mainly dust particles >1 μm). The latitudinal gradient in AOD in the southern Arabian Sea is larger during SMS compared to WMS. The size distribution of aerosols shows two well-defined modes, one in the accumulation size regime and the other in the coarse size regime. During WMS, a third mode (nucleation) also appears in the sub micron range below ∼0.1 μm. The single scattering albedo does not show significant seasonal variations (remains within ∼0.93 to 0.98 through out the year). During WMS (SMS), top of the atmosphere diurnally averaged aerosol forcing remains around −6.1 (−14.3)W m−2 over the northern Arabian Sea up to around 12° N and decreases southwards till it attains a value of −3.8 (−3.4)W m−2 at the equator. The surface forcing remains around −16.2(−15.2)W m−2 over the northern Arabian Sea up to 12° N and decreases southwards to a value of −5.5 (−3.5)W m−2 at the equator. Over the north Arabian Sea, instantaneous forcing (flux change) at the surface can be as high as −50 W m−2. The instantaneous forcing decreases with latitude in the southern Arabian Sea at a rate of ∼3 W m−2deg−1. 相似文献
Extreme weather events, such as storms and cyclones, pose dire occupational hazards in marine fishing. Thus, warnings against such events can reduce risks to the life and property of fishing communities. This study is an attempt to assess the factors driving fishermen’s decision to respond to weather warnings. Mixed methods, such as exploratory fieldwork, literature review, and focus group discussions, helped in identifying the available weather warnings and hypothesizing the probable factors influencing response to the warnings in the marine fishing community in Maharashtra, India. The plausible drivers of response include perceived potential risk, credibility of the warning and its disseminators, community social capital, and other demographic characteristics. Data from a household survey, comprising 601 fishermen, is used to empirically test the hypotheses. The results suggest that trust in the source and disseminator of the warning is related to higher response rates. There is heterogeneity in the role of community social capital as a motivator to respond. Further, fishermen perceiving traditional information to be more reliable are less likely to respond frequently to the warnings. The findings of the study are relevant for designing interventions which can prompt high response rates to weather warnings from fishermen. 相似文献
Krishna De 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1970,80(1):114-123
Summary The propagation of Love waves is discussed on the basis of finite strain theory. The primary Love wave is found to be associated with a secondary Rayleigh wave and a tertiary Love wave. Numerical calculations are presented for two values of the wave-velocity; the results show that the theory of Love waves based on infinitesimal strain, is not applicable to short period waves. 相似文献
Shallow seismicity and available source mechanisms in the Andaman–westSunda arc and Andaman sea region suggest distinct variation in stressdistribution pattern both along and across the arc in the overriding plate.Seismotectonic regionalisation indicates that the region could be dividedinto eight broad seismogenic sources of relatively homogeneousdeformation. Crustal deformation rates have been determined for each oneof these sources based on the summation of moment tensors. The analysisshowed that the entire fore arc region is dominated by compressive stresseswith compression in a mean direction of N23°, and the rates ofseismic deformation velocities in this belt decrease northward from 5.2± 0.65 mm/yr near Nias island off Sumatra and 1.12 ±0.13 mm/yr near Great Nicobar islands to as much as 0.4 ±0.04 mm/yr north of 8°N along Andaman–Nicobar islandsregion. The deformation velocities indicate, extension of 0.83 ±0.05 mm/yr along N343° and compression of 0.19 ±0.01 mm/yr along N73° in the Andaman back arc spreadingregion, extension of 0.18 ± 0.01 mm/yr along N125° andcompression of 0.16 ± 0.01 mm/yr along N35° in NicobarDeep and west Andaman fault zone, compression of 0.84 ±0.12 mm/yr N341° and extension of 0.77 ± 0.11 mm/yralong N72° within the transverse tectonic zone in the Andamantrench, N-S compression of 3.19 ± 0.29 mm/yr and an E-Wextension of 1.24 ± 0.11 mm/yr in the Semangko fault zone ofnorth Sumatra. The vertical deformation suggests crustal thinning in theAndaman sea and crustal thickening in the fore arc and Semangko faultzones. The apparent stresses calculated for all major events range between0.1–10 bars and the values increase with increasing seismic moment.However, the apparent stress estimates neither indicate any significantvariation with faulting type nor display any variation across the arc, incontrast to the general observation that the fore arc thrust events showhigher stress levels in the shallow subduction zones. It is inferred that theoblique plate convergence, partial subduction of 90°E Ridge innorth below the Andaman trench and the active back arc spreading are themain contributing factors for the observed stress field within the overridingplate in this region. 相似文献
S. Suresh Babu V. Sreekanth Vijayakumar S Nair S.K. Satheesh K. Krishna Moorthy 《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2010,72(11-12):876-882
Altitude profile of aerosol Single Scattering Albedo (SSA), derived from simultaneous in-situ airborne measurements of the coefficients of aerosol absorption and scattering off the west coast of India over the Arabian Sea (AS), during January 2009 is presented. While both the absorption and scattering coefficients decreased with altitude, their vertical structure differed significantly. Consequently, the derived SSA, with a surface value of 0.94, decreased with altitude, illustrating increasing relative dominance of aerosol absorption at higher altitudes. Altitude profile of SSA, when examined in conjunction with that of hemispheric backscatter fraction, revealed that the continental influence on the aerosol properties was higher at higher altitude, rather than the effect of marine environment. During an east–west transect across the peninsular India at an altitude of ~2500 m (free troposphere), it was found that the aerosol scattering coefficients remained nearly the same over both east and west coasts. 相似文献
Vema Vamsi Krishna Sudheer K. P. Chaubey I. 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》2020,34(7):973-991
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment - The uncertainties associated with the simulation models are often ignored in operational hydrology. While many methods are available for... 相似文献
Ashish Routray U. C. Mohanty Krishna K. Osuri S. Kiran Prasad 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2013,170(12):2329-2350
An attempt is made to evaluate the impact of Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) radial velocity and reflectivity in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-3D variational data assimilation (3DVAR) system for prediction of Bay of Bengal (BoB) monsoon depressions (MDs). Few numerical experiments are carried out to examine the individual impact of the DWR radial velocity and the reflectivity as well as collectively along with Global Telecommunication System (GTS) observations over the Indian monsoon region. The averaged 12 and 24 h forecast errors for wind, temperature and moisture at different pressure levels are analyzed. This evidently explains that the assimilation of radial velocity and reflectivity collectively enhanced the performance of the WRF-3DVAR system over the Indian region. After identifying the optimal combination of DWR data, this study has also investigated the impact of assimilation of Indian DWR radial velocity and reflectivity data on simulation of the four different summer MDs that occurred over BoB. For this study, three numerical experiments (control no assimilation, with GTS and GTS along with DWR) are carried out to evaluate the impact of DWR data on simulation of MDs. The results of the study indicate that the assimilation of DWR data has a positive impact on the prediction of the location, propagation and development of rain bands associated with the MDs. The simulated meteorological parameters and tracks of the MDs are reasonably improved after assimilation of DWR observations as compared to the other experiments. The root mean square errors (RMSE) of wind fields at different pressure levels, equitable skill score and frequency bias are significantly improved in the assimilation experiments mainly in DWR assimilation experiment for all MD cases. The mean Vector Displacement Errors (VDEs) are significantly decreased due to the assimilation of DWR observations as compared to the CNTL and 3DV_GTS experiments. The study clearly suggests that the performance of the model simulation for the intense convective system which influences the large scale monsoonal flow is significantly improved after assimilation of the Indian DWR data from even one coastal locale within the MDs track. 相似文献
Danny Arroyo Daniel García Mario Ordaz Mauricio Alexander Mora Shri Krishna Singh 《Journal of Seismology》2010,14(4):769-785
We derive strong ground-motion relations for horizontal components of pseudo-acceleration response spectra from Mexican interplate
earthquakes at rock sites (NEHRP B class) in the forearc region. The functional form is obtained from the analytical solution
of a circular finite-source model. For the regression analysis we use a recently proposed multivariate Bayesian technique.
The resulting model has similar accuracy as those models derived from regional and worldwide subduction-zone databases. However,
there are significant differences in the estimations computed from our model and other models. First, our results reveal that
attenuation in Mexico tends to be stronger than that of worldwide relations, especially for large events. Second, our model
predicts ground motions for large earthquakes at close distances to the source that are considerably larger than the estimations
of global models. Lack of data in this range makes it difficult to identify the most appropriate model for this scenario.
Nevertheless, according to the available data at the city of Acapulco, our model seems to estimate seismic hazard more adequately
than the other models. These new relations may be useful in computing seismic hazard for the Mexican forearc region, where
no similar equations had been yet proposed. 相似文献
ABSTRACTTerrain variables are the main factors affecting the spatial distribution of snow cover. This paper aims to find a relationship between snow-cover area (SCA) and topographic variables (elevation, slope and aspect), using MODIS Terra data (MOD09A1) in parts of the Chenab basin, western Himalayas. The inter-annual variability of SCA% for each month has been analysed for the years 2000 to 2011. The analysis reveals that mean annual SCA value was maximum (37.89%) in 2005 and minimum (32.07%) in 2001. The slope classes with maximum and minimum SCA% are 5°–10° and 30°–35°, respectively. Among the 16 aspect classes, the ESE-facing slope evinces maximum SCA%. During the snow accumulation period, the expanse at 3600–4300 m elevation, and in the depletion period, 4300–5000 m elevation are found to have maximum rate of change in SCA% per 100 m rise in elevation, i.e. 3.37% and 3.67%, respectively.
EDITOR Z.W. Kundzewicz; ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned 相似文献
R. Krishna Rao Vupputuri 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1978,117(3):448-485
two-dimensional time dependent model of the stratosphere incorporating the major interactions between radiative-photochemical and dynamical processes is described. The main prognostic equations considered are the thermodynamic equation and the general conservation equation for the minor chemical constituents representing the odd oxygen (O
=O+('D)+O3), odd hydrogen (HO
=HO+HO2), N2O, odd nitrogen (NO
=NO+NO2+HNO3), CF2Cl2, CFCl3 and odd chlorine (Cl
=Cl+ClO+HCl). The zonal wind and mean meridional circulations are determined diagnostically by the integration of the thermal wind equation and the stream function equation in the meridional plane espectively. The large scale eddy processes are parameterized in terms of zonal mean quantities using the generalized diffusion formulation on a sloping surface. The radiative heating and cooling and the hotochemical sources and sinks are incorporated in a form which allows for the major interactions among the minor trace constituents, temperature and mean circulation.Two integrations consisting of natural stratosphere and a stratosphere contaminated by the chlorofluoromethanes through lower boundary fluxes are carried out for 23 model years by changing the declination of the sun every day and using 6-hour time step. The model simulations of temperature, mean circulation, ozone, HO
, N2O and NO
in the meridional plane for the normal stratosphere, show satisfactory agreement with the available observations. Based on the results of second integration it is found that the injection of chlorofluoromethanes in the atmosphere at the estimated current production rates can lead to significant changes in the meridional distribution of ozone, temperature and NO
in the middle and upper stratosphere. The results also indicate that the percentage total ozone depletion increases from tropics to high latitudes and from summer to winter high latitudes. Also discussed are the results of additional experiments incorporating the reaction of HO2 with NO and the reactions involving ClNO3. 相似文献