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The stability of the solar wind is studied in the case of spherical symmetry and constant temperature. It is shown that the stability problem must be formulated as a mixed initial and boundary-value problem in which are prescribed the perturbation values of velocity and density at an initial time and additionally the velocity perturbation at the base of the corona for all times. The solution is constructed by linear superposition of normal solutions, which contain the time only in an exponential factor. The stability problem becomes a singular eigenvalue problem for the amplitudes of the velocity and pressure perturbations, since additionally to the boundary condition at the base of the corona one must add the condition that the amplitudes behave regularly at the critical point. It is proved that only stable eigenvalues exist.  相似文献   
One of the most serious problems caused by eutrophication of shallow lakes is the disappearance of submerged macrophytes and the switch to a turbid, phytoplankton-dominated state. The reduction of external nutrient loads often does not result in a change back to the macrophyte-dominated state because stabilising mechanisms that cause resilience may delay a response. Additional internal lake restoration measures may therefore be needed to decrease the concentration of total phosphorus and increase water clarity. The re-establishment of submerged macrophytes required for a long-term stability of clear water conditions, however, may still fail, or mass developments of tall-growing species may cause nuisance for recreational use. Both cases are often not taken into account when restoration measures are planned in Germany, and existing schemes to reduce eutrophication consider the topic inadequately. Here we develop a step-by-step guideline to assess the chances of submerged macrophyte re-establishment in shallow lakes. We reviewed and rated the existing literature and case studies with special regard on (1) the impact of different internal lake restoration methods on the development of submerged macrophytes, (2) methods for the assessment of natural re-establishment, (3) requirements and methods for artificial support of submerged macrophyte development and (4) management options of macrophyte species diversity and abundance in Germany. This guideline is intended to help lake managers aiming to restore shallow lakes in Germany to critically asses and predict the potential development of submerged vegetation, taking into account the complex factors and interrelations that determine their occurrence, abundance and diversity.  相似文献   
This paper describes the fusion of information extracted from multispectral digital aerial images for highly automatic 3D map generation. The proposed approach integrates spectral classification and 3D reconstruction techniques. The multispectral digital aerial images consist of a high resolution panchromatic channel as well as lower resolution RGB and near infrared (NIR) channels and form the basis for information extraction.Our land use classification is a 2-step approach that uses RGB and NIR images for an initial classification and the panchromatic images as well as a digital surface model (DSM) for a refined classification. The DSM is generated from the high resolution panchromatic images of a specific photo mission. Based on the aerial triangulation using area and feature-based points of interest the algorithms are able to generate a dense DSM by a dense image matching procedure. Afterwards a true ortho image for classification, panchromatic or color input images can be computed.In a last step specific layers for buildings and vegetation are generated and the classification is updated.  相似文献   
In the southernmost Dom Feliciano Belt of Uruguay, highly fractionated calc-alkaline granites, mildly alkaline granites, shoshonitic volcanics, and peralkaline intrusions and volcanics are spatially and temporal associated with the evolution of shear zones. Four representative magmatic unites of this diverse association were petrographic and geochemically investigated: the Solís de Mataojo Complex, a medium to high K2O calc-alkaline granite with signature typical of mature continental arcs and post-collisional settings; the Maldonado granite, highly fractionated calc-alkaline to alkaline, with characteristics that are transitional between both types of series; the Pan de Azúcar Pluton, with characteristics typical of post-collisional alkaline granites and the Las Flores shoshonitic basalts.

Geochemistry and geotectonic setting point out that slab breakoff was most likely the mechanism associated with the generation of high-K calc-alkaline magmas (Solís de Mataojo and Maldonado) shortly after collision. Extension associated to the formation of molassic basins and emplacement of dolerites and basalt flows with shoshonitic affinity (Las Flores) 15and finally a shift to magmas with alkaline signatures (Pan de Azúcar) simultaneous with a second transpressional phase were probably linked with lithospheric thinning through delamination. This evolution took place between 615 and 575 Ma, according to available data. Contrary to previous proposals, which considered this magmatism to represent the root of a continental magmatic arc, a post-collisional environment, transitional from orogenic to anorogenic, during transcurrent deformation is proposed.  相似文献   

Some Permian calc-alkaline rocks of the Saar-Nahe-Basin are briefly described and their origin is discussed in the light of a magma-mixing model for the intermediate members. The model is based on high trace element concentrations of Ni, Cr, Rb, Sr, Zr and Nb, straight-line chemical variations, mineralogical features and stratigraphie sequence of the volcanic rocks. The model is in accord with a geodynamic model for the Hercynian belt as suggested by Lorenz & Nicholls (in prep.).  相似文献   
Summary The long-period part (T>25 h) of currents measured at close spacing in the German Bight in June 1968 is investigated. The north component of the bottom current is shown to be highly correlated with the east component of the wind in this area, the wind-generated changes of the mass-field giving rise to a quasi-geostrophic current near the bottom.This current responds without perceptible delay to the variations of wind fields with periods considerably longer than those of the seiches of the North Sea. The accelerations linked to such long periods are so small as to be negligable and the residual currents can be regarded as quasi-stationary.
Über die Beziehung zwischen Reststrom und Windfeld in der Deutschen Bucht
Zusammenfassung Es werden engabständige Strommessungen in der Deutschen Bucht aus dem Juni 1968 in ihrem langperiodischen Teil (T>25 h) untersucht. Dabei ergibt sich, daß die Nordkomponente des Bodenstromes (v) stark korreliert mit der Ostkomponente des Windes (U) in diesem Gebiet. Die winderzeugten Veränderungen des Massenfeldes verursachen eine quasi-geostrophische Strömung am Boden.Diese Strömung reagiert ohne erkennbare Verzögerung auf solche Veränderungen des Windfeldes, die erheblich größere Perioden haben als die Eigenschwingungen der Nordsee. Die damit verbundenen Beschleunigungen sind sehr klein und so zu vernachlässigen; daher kann man die Restströmung auch als quasi-stationär ansehen.

Sur la relation entre les courants résiduels et le champ du vent en baie Allemande
Résumé La partie à longue période (T>25 h) de courants measurés en des points rapprochés en baie Allemande en juin 1968 est étudiée. La composante Nord du courant de fond se révèle largement corrélée avec la composante Est du vent dans cette zone. Les modifications du champ de masse dues au vent donnent naissance à un courant quasi-géostrophique près du fond.Ce courant répond sans délai perceptible aux variations du champ du vent avec des périodes considérablement plus longues que celles des seiches de la mer du Nord. Les accélérations liées à de telles longues périodes sont si petites qu'elles peuvent être négligées et les courants peuvent être considérés comme quasi-stationnaires.
Zusammenfassung Im Hauptdolomit (Ca2) und im Plattendolomit (Ca3) des mittleren Zechsteins bei Eschwege und Sontra in Hessen wurde 1974 erstmals Fluorit entdeckt. Durch Bohrungen, chemische und geochemische Untersuchungen konnte nachgewiesen werden, daß im Hauptdolomit der Fluorit schichtgebunden, gelegentlich in dunklen Lagen und Linsen bis 0,5 m mächtig, makroskopisch sichtbar auftritt. Häufiger kommt er in 18–20 m mächtigen Zonen vor, die aber wegen des geringen Fluoritgehaltes von unter 10 % CaF2 sich von dem grauweißen Dolomit ohne Fluorit nicht unterscheiden.In den dunklen bis schwarz gefärbten Lagen schwanken die Fluoritgehalte zwischen 10 und 50 % CaF2. Einzelproben enthalten bis 80 % CaF2. Die Dunkelfärbung ist teils durch den Gehalt von violettem Fluorit, mehr noch durch Bitumen bedingt.Fluorit wurde ferner im stratigraphisch höher gelegenen Plattendolomit (Ca3) der Leine-Serie Z3 gefunden. In Aufschlüssen und Steinbrüchen in der Nähe von Sontra enthält der Plattendolomit lokal 1–4 % CaF2.Die makro- und mikroskopisch sichtbare Wechsellagerung von Fluorit und Dolomit mit einem deutlichen Lagengefüge und das Fehlen von hydrothermalem Fluorit und anderen Mineralien auf Gängen und Klüften sind Beweise für eine synsedimentäre Bildung des Fluorites im Hauptdolomit (Ca2) und Plattendolomit (Ca3) in Hessen. Für den Hauptdolomit wird angenommen, daß er spätdiagenetisch entstanden ist. Dies dürfte auch für den Fluorit zutreffen. Als Bildungsbereich werden flache Lagunen mit salinärer Fazies angenommen. Das Fluor stammt aus dem normalen Gehalt des Meerwassers. Es muß aber angenommen werden, daß der Fluorgehalt des Meerwassers durch Zufuhr von Fluor aus dem Festlande, z. B. aus den fluorreichen Graniten des Harzes merklich erhöht wurde. Nur so sind die großen Fluoritmengen im Zechsteindolomit in Hessen zu erklären. Sie werden auf 5–7·106 + CaF2 geschätzt.
In 1974, fluorite was detected for the first time in the Hauptdolomit (Ca2) and in the Plattendolomit (Ca3) of the Middle Zechsteinformation near Eschwege and Sontra, Hessia. It was confirmed by means of drilling, chemical and geochemical investigations that the fluorite in the Hauptdolomit is stratabound. It occurs both locally in the form of macroscopic dark layers and lenses of up to 0,5 m thickness and moreoften, as zones up to 18–20 m thick which cannot macroscopically be distinguished from the greyish white dolomite without fluorite because of the low CaF2 content (less than 10 %).The fluorite contents vary between 10 an 50 % CaF2 in the dark black layers. Special samples may contain up to 80 % CaF2. The dark colour derives partly from the lilac fluorite but to a greater degree from bitumous material.Fluorite has also been detected in the stratigraphically higher Plattendolomit (Ca3) of the Leine-Series Z 3. Outcrops and quarries near Sontra have local contents of 1–4 % CaF2.The macroscopic and microscopic interstratification of fluorite and dolomite with clear layer textures and the absence of hydrothermal fluorite and other minerals in veins of fissures are evidence for a synsedimentary formation of the fluorite in the Hauptdolomit (Ca2) and the Plattendolomit (Ca3). The Hauptdolomit is thought to have developed during late diagenesis. This should be valid for the fluorite, too. Shallow lagoons of a salinar facies are thought to have been the depositional environment. The fluorite precipitated from the sea waters, which were apparently enriched in fluorine by erosion at the fluorine rich granites of the Harz mountains. This is the only obvious explanation of the large amounts of fluorine in the Zechstein dolomite, estimated at 5–7×106 tonnes CaF2.

Résumé En 1974, de la fluorine fut découverte dans la dolomie dite »Hauptdolomit« (Ca2) et dans la dolomie dite »Plattendolomit» (Ca3) du Zechstein moyen, près d'Eschwege et de Sontra, en Hesse. Les sondages effectués ainsi que les analyses chimiques et géochimiques ont montré que la fluorine se rencontre de façon stratiforme dans la »Hauptdolomit«, quelquefois en couches et lentilles foncées d'une épaisseur maximale de 0,5 m, ou elle est visible macroscopiquement. La fluorine est souvent présente en faibles teneurs (moins de 10% de CaF2) dans des couches de 18 à 20 m d'épaisseur; de ce fait, ces dernières ne se distinguent pas de la dolomie gris-blanche exempte de fluorine.La teneur en fluorine varie de 10 % à 50% de CaF2 dans les couches foncées à noires. Certains échantillons renferment jusqu'à 80% de CaF2. La coloration foncée est due en partie à la fluorine violette, mais plus encore à la présence de bitume.De la fluorine fut également localisée dans la »Plattendolomit« (Ca3) de la »LeineSerie Z 3«, qui est située à un niveau stratigraphique supérieur. Cette »Plattendolomit« telle qu'on la rencontre dans les affleurements et carrières des environs de Sontra, contient de 1–4% de CaF2.L'alternance de fluorine et de dolomie qui, avec sa structure en couches nettement développées, est visible tant macroscopiquement que microscopiquement, ainsi que l'absence de fluorine hydrothermale et d'autres minéraux dans les filons et cassures, sont considérées comme preuves de la formation syn-sédimentaire de la fluorine dans la »Hauptdolomit« (Ca2) et dans la »Plattendolomit« (Ca3) de la Hesse. On suppose que la formation de la »Hauptdolomit« est diagénétique tardive. Cette hypothèse devrait également s'appliquer à la fluorine. Il est probable que ce processus a eu lieu dans les lagunes peu profondes à faciès salin. Le fluor provient de l'eau de mer à teneur normale. On peut cependant supposer que la teneur en fluor de l'eau de mer s'est accrue suite à l'apport de fluor provenant du continent, p.ex. à partir de granites riches en fluor du Harz. C'est seulement ainsi que peuvent s'expliquer les grandes quantités de fluorine de la dolomie du Zechstein, en Hesse. Elles sont évaluées entre 5 et 7 · 106 de CaF2.

(Ca2) (Ca3) . , , , 0,5 . 18–20 , - — CaF2 10% — , . 10 50% CaF2. 80% CaF2. , . (Ca3). 1–4% CaF2. , , ; , . , Ca2 . . , . . , ., , . . 5–7 × 106 CaF2.

Unserem Lehrer, Herrn Professor Dr. Georg Fischer, München, zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
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