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The discovery of binaries among the population of transneptunian objects isa landmark advance in the study of this remote region of the solar system.Determination of binary orbits will enable direct determination of systemmasses, fundamental for determination of density, internal structure, and bulkcomposition. The mere existence of binaries with the observed separations andapparent masses constrains models of planetary formation.  相似文献   
The Bloomington meteorite, a 67.8 gram veined, brecciated chondrite, fell during the summer of 1938 in Bloomington, Illinois. Its olivine, orthopyroxene and metal compositions (fo69, en74 and Fe52 Ni48 respectively) and its texture identify it as a brecciated LL6 chondrite of shock facies d. Shock melt glasses occur in Bloomington as sparse melt pockets and veins in clasts and as isolated masses in the black, clast-rich matrix. The vein glasses chemically resemble bulk LL-group chondrites and thus appear to reflect total melting of the host meteorite. The melt pocket and matrix glasses, like those described previously in L-group chondrites, have more varied compositions and are typically enriched in normative plagioclase. All glasses that we analyzed in Bloomington have FeO/MgO and Na/Al ratios similar to those of LL-group chondrites, indicating that melting of this meteorite involved neither a significant change in the oxidation state of iron nor loss of sodium to a vapor phase. Bloomington is a monomict breccia whose components formed in place as a result of a single episode of shock and attendant melting.  相似文献   
We investigate the orbital evolution of planetesimals in a self-gravitating circumstellar disc in the size regime (∼1–5000 km) where the planetesimals behave approximately as test particles in the disc's non-axisymmetric potential. We find that the particles respond to the stochastic, regenerative spiral features in the disc by executing large random excursions (up to a factor of 2 in radius in ∼1000 yr), although typical random orbital velocities are of the order of one tenth of the Keplerian speed. The limited time frame and small number of planetesimals modelled do not permit us to discern any net direction of planetesimal migration. Our main conclusion is that the high eccentricities (∼0.1) induced by interaction with spiral features in the disc is likely to be highly unfavourable to the collisional growth of planetesimals in this size range while the disc is in the self-gravitating regime. Thus if , as recently argued by Rice et al., the production of planetesimals gets under way when the disc is in the self-gravitating regime (either at smaller planetesimal size scales, where gas drag is important, or via gravitational fragmentation of the solid component), the planetesimals thus produced would not be able to grow collisionally until the disc ceases to be self-gravitating. It is unclear, however, given the large amplitude excursions undergone by planetesimals in the self-gravitating disc, whether they would be retained in the disc throughout this period, or whether they would instead be lost to the central star.  相似文献   
We use an efficient earthquake simulator that incorporates rate-state constitutive properties and uses boundary element method to discretize the fault surfaces, to generate the synthetic earthquakes in the fault system. Rate-and-state seismicity equation is subsequently employed to calculate the seismicity rate in a region of interest using the Coulomb stress transfer from the main shocks in the fault system. The Coulomb stress transfer is obtained by resolving the induced stresses due to the fault patch slips onto the optimal-oriented fault planes. The example results show that immediately after a main shock the aftershocks are concentrated in the vicinity of the rupture area due to positive stress transfers and then disperse away into the surrounding region toward the background rate distribution. The number of aftershocks near the rupture region is found to decay with time as Omori aftershock decay law predicts. The example results demonstrate that the rate-and-state fault system earthquake simulator and the seismicity equations based on the rate-state friction nucleation of earthquake are well posited to characterize the aftershock distribution in regional assessments of earthquake probabilities.  相似文献   
An extended cloud-clustering method to assess the seasonal variation of clouds is applied to five CMIP5 models. The seasonal variation of the total cloud radiative effect (CRE) is dominated by variations in the relative frequency of occurrence of the different cloud regimes. Seasonal variations of the CRE within the individual regimes contribute much less. This is the case for both observations, models and model errors. The error in the seasonal variation of cloud regimes, and its breakdown into mean amplitude and time varying components, are quantified with a new metric. The seasonal variation of the CRE of the cloud regimes is relatively well simulated by the models in the tropics, but less well in the extra-tropics. The stratocumulus regime has the largest seasonal variation of shortwave CRE in the tropics, despite having a small magnitude in the climatological mean. Most of the models capture the temporal variation of the CRE reasonably well, with the main differences between models coming from the variation in amplitude. In the extra-tropics, most models fail to correctly represent both the amplitude and time variation of the CRE of congestus, frontal and stratocumulus regimes. The annual mean climatology of the CRE and its amplitude in the seasonal variation are both underestimated for the anvil regime in the tropics, the cirrus regime and the congestus regime in the extra-tropics. The models in this study that best capture the seasonal variation of the cloud regimes tend to have higher climate sensitivities.  相似文献   
In October 1965 and February 1966, 55 Young-pits were installed in tropical Northern Territory (NT) and temperate New South Wales (NSW). Pits were monitored in 1968, 1971 and 1974; also, for the NT only, in 1988. In each region, half of the pits are on weathered granite, and half on sandstone. Local relief is 30m or less, and slopes are up to 20°. Annual rainfall is evenly distributed in the NSW sites (800 mm a−1), but is confined to the five to six month wet season in NT (1200 mm a−1). Six pits suffered external disturbance and so were not analysed. Analysis of 160 rods in 49 undisturbed pits shows: (1) vectorial movement generally not downslope parallel to the ground surface, but dominated by a vertically downward component; (2) significant uphill and vertically upward components of movement for many rods; (3) a weak correlation between total movement and sine of slope; (4) rapid movement during 1965-68, and slow movement thereafter; (5) significantly higher creep rates on the NT granites than on all other sites, perhaps because mound-building termites are especially active there. We conclude that our data do not support soil creep models which assume that all movement is downslope and slope-parallel. Repeated long-term measurements are essential to distinguish long-term creep rates from the short-term effects of disturbance. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Spatiotemporal variations of groundwater level due to a white noise recharge time series and a random transmissivity field in a bounded unconfined aquifer was studied. The analytical solutions for the variance and covariance of groundwater level were derived with non-stationary spectral analyses and superposition principle. It was found that the fluctuations of groundwater level are spatially non-stationary due to a fixed head boundary condition and temporal non-stationary at early time but gradually became stationary as time progresses due to effect of the initial condition. The variation in groundwater level is mainly caused by the random source/sink in the case of temporally random recharge and spatially random transmissivity. The effect of heterogeneity is to increase the variation of groundwater level and the maximum effect occurs close to the constant head boundary because of the linear mean hydraulic gradient. The heterogeneity also enhances the correlation of groundwater level, especially at large time intervals and small spatial distances.  相似文献   
This research sought to understand the role that differentially assessed lands (lands in the United States given tax breaks in return for their guarantee to remain in agriculture) play in influencing urban growth. Our method was to calibrate the SLEUTH urban growth model under two different conditions. The first used an excluded layer that ignored such lands, effectively rendering them available for development. The second treated those lands as totally excluded from development. Our hypothesis was that excluding those lands would yield better metrics of fit with past data. Our results validate our hypothesis since two different metrics that evaluate goodness of fit both yielded higher values when differentially assessed lands are treated as excluded. This suggests that, at least in our study area, differential assessment, which protects farm and ranch lands for tenuous periods of time, has indeed allowed farmland to resist urban development. Including differentially assessed lands also yielded very different calibrated coefficients of growth as the model tried to account for the same growth patterns over two very different excluded areas. Excluded layer design can greatly affect model behavior. Since differentially assessed lands are quite common through the United States and are often ignored in urban growth modeling, the findings of this research can assist other urban growth modelers in designing excluded layers that result in more accurate model calibration and thus forecasting.  相似文献   
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