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INTRODUCTIONTheradionuclidesofnaturaluraniumandthoriumseriescanbeusedtotracemarinepro cessofvarioustemporalandspatialscaleandpropertiesthatprovideplentifulinformationaboutphysics,chemistry ,geoscienceandbiologyofoceanbecausetheyhavedifferentchemicalpro…  相似文献   

Based on hydrological data obtained during the 7th to 9th Chinese National Arctic Research Expeditions in the summers of 2016–2018, the main water structure on the shelf of the northern Bering Sea and the volume and heat fluxes of the Bering Strait throughflow were analyzed. Distinct variability was identified in the three Pacific water masses feeding the strait - Anadyr Water (AW), Bering Shelf Water (BSW) and Alaskan coastal water (ACW). Overall, the temperature and salinity of the entire section increased each year, with 2018 showing significant anomalies, i.e., a temperature anomaly of up to 1?°C and a maximum salinity anomaly of 2. From 2016 to 2018, the extent of the ACW gradually narrowed in the eastern part of this section, while the AW expanded eastward each year. The net volume transport through each of the three sections increased poleward from 1.65?Sv to 2.76?Sv, with the AW increasing from 0?Sv to 1.03?Sv, the BSW varying between 0.52–1.65?Sv, and the ACW gradually decreasing from 1.04?Sv to disappearing completely. The net heat fluxes were also poleward, varying between 25.77 TW and 61.50 TW, and showing a significant increase. Significant variations in magnitude and extent were observed in each water mass of the Bering Strait throughflow, which could produce widespread effects in the Arctic Ocean and the global ocean beyond.  相似文献   
In this note we investigated the effects of a thin visco-elastic mud layer on wave propagation. Within the framework of linear water-wave theory, analytical solutions are obtained for damping rate, dispersion relation between wave frequency and wave number, and velocity components in the water column and mud layer. The wave attenuation rate reaches a maximum value when the mud layer thickness is about the same as the mud boundary layer thickness. Heavier mud has a weaker effect on the wave damping. However, the wave attenuation rate does not always decrease as the elastic shear modulus increases. In the range of small values for elastic shear modulus, the wave attenuation can be amplified quite significantly. The current solutions are compared with experimental data with different wave conditions and mud properties. In general, good agreements are observed.  相似文献   
We present a new approach that incorporates two models to estimate the underwater light field from remote sensing of ocean color. The first employs a series of analytical, semi-analytical, and empirical algorithms to retrieve the spectrum of inherent optical properties (IOPs), including the absorption and the backscatter coefficients, from the spectrum of remote sensing reflectance. The second model computes the profile of photosynthetically available radiation E 0,PAR (z) for a vertically homogeneous water column using the information of the retrieved IOPs and the ambient optical environment. This computation is based on an improved look-up table technology that possesses high accuracy, comparable with the full solution of the radiative transfer equation, and meets the computational requirement of remote sensing application. This new approach was validated by in situ measurements and an extensive model-to-model comparison with a wide range of IOPs. We successfully mapped the compensation depth by applying this new approach to process the SeaWiFS imagery. This research suggests that E 0,PAR (z) can be obtained routinely from ocean-color data and may have significant implications for the estimation of global heat and carbon budget.  相似文献   
本文给出了满足给定数字特征和谱的随机序列的产生方法,即用无记忆非线性变换实现非正态随机信号的模拟.该法与Gujar法相比较,放宽了变量概率分布的限制,只要求变量矩的存在。同时考虑无记忆非线性变换对谱的影响,用异于Liu的方法在频域上求解输入正态分布随机序列的谱.  相似文献   
渤海风暴潮的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据山东渤海沿岸各县县志记载的不完全统计,自汉朝初元(公元前48年)至民国27年(公元1938),渤海南部沿海发生的特大潮灾有79次之多(见表1)。其中特大潮灾如唐朝高宗上元三年(公元676年)八月,“青州大风,海溢,漂民五千余家,齐淄等七州大水”;明朝万历四十一年(公元1613年)七月,“海水溢逾百余里,坏民舍无算”。再如1938年8月31日,台风由青岛登陆,横断山东半岛西部(见图1),晚间抵达黄河口,逐渐停滯减弱,变成一个低气压。这次台风不仅在青岛造成严重灾情,整个渤海沿岸都深受其害,并且出现了历史最高水位。解放后,渤海又多次受到强风暴潮的危害。历史资料表明,渤海的菜州湾和渤海湾地区是风暴潮的多发区和严重区,这种潮灾大都出现于春秋过渡季节和盛夏台风频繁活动季节。 近几年来,国内对渤海局部地区风暴潮的研究已有许多论述,但大都是对冷锋所导致的单站风暴潮的研究,对台风潮的研究则较少。本文试图对冷锋和台风两种灾害性天气所导致的整个渤海风暴潮的一些现象作一较全面的讨论,并对其一些基本特性作一理论分析。  相似文献   
作者曾给出了模糊代数系的统一定义和一个代数系上的模糊子集是模糊子代数的充要条件。本文是以上结果的继续,给出了一个模糊子代数系是模糊理想的统一定义和充要条件,是诸文献上模糊正规子群,环的模糊理想等概念的统一和推广。  相似文献   
Observations and Estimations of Directional Spectrum of Sea Waves   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The directional spectrum is one of the basic characteristics of sea waves. The observations of directional spectrum of sea waves were successfully conducted at platform Bohai 8 during 1991 and 1992 using a wave gage array for the first time in China. Based on the field data, the directional spectrum which depends on the wave growth is given in this paper. Before observations, the effects of the type of gage array, the distance between the gages and the platform itself on the measured results and the precision of some methods for estimating the directional spectrum were investigated and compared with the methods of numerical simulations and model tests of multi-direcitonal irregular waves. This ensures the quality of the observations and estimations of the directional spectrum.  相似文献   
在中国对虾越冬亲虾中检出杆状病毒。经对病虾鳃、前中肠、卵巢组织进行电镜观察,在这些组织中发现大量有囊膜的杆状病毒。病毒粒子大小约为367nm×128nm,核衣壳为324nm×92nm。病毒在细胞内不形成包涵体,在核内或在细胞质的发生基质中装配。从病毒的形态特征、感染组织以及典型的发病症状和病理变化,初步认为亲虾感染的病毒与近年广泛报道的造成养殖对虾大规模流行病的主要原因——中国对虾杆状病毒为同一种。卵巢组织也是病毒的主要靶器官之一,亲虾卵巢组织的被感染暗示着该病毒有可能通过生殖细胞而垂直传播  相似文献   
运用面向对象的软件开发技术,结合珊瑚礁地貌学、计算机图像学和计算机信息管理技术,在Windows平台上研制开发出南沙群岛珊瑚礁地貌图像信息管理系统。该系统集文件管理、数据库管理和图形、图像管理于一体,具有信息检索输出、信息编辑和信息维护等功能,以图形用户介面交互,达到"所见即所得"的效果。  相似文献   
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