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模拟退火法系一种非线性整体搜索算法,本文用以反演远震P波波速慢度和方位数据,求解地壳速度结构。综合试验表明,用模拟退火法能够以合理的精度确定P波低速带的空间位置,并能使近70%的目标速度扰动得以再现。实验表明,用少至两个台站的资料便可得到明显的结果。对长谷火山口的射线方向数据的反演发现,在8km深的再生穹丘构造以下存在一个不对称的低速带,相对背景波速有-25%的变动。这一低速带向东南延伸,深度至少达24km,其波速变动约为-10%。这些特征基本与远震走对的反演结果以及射线方向的正演模拟结果相一致,可能与长谷破火山口残余的岩浆房有关。  相似文献   
A two-dimensional, multitvariate objective analysis scheme for simultaneous analysis of geopotential height and wind fields has been developed over Indian and adjoining region for use in numerical weather prediction. The height-height correlations calculated using daily data of four July months (1976-1979), are used to derive the other autocorrelations and cross-correlations assuming geostropic relationship. A Gaussian function is used to model the autocorrelation function. Since the scheme is multivariate the regression coefficients (weights) are matrix.Near the equator, the geostrophic approximation relating mass and wind is decoupled in a way similar to Bergman (1979). The objective analyses were made over Indian and adjoining region for 850, 700, 500, 300 and 200 hPa levels for the period from 4 July to 8 July 1979, 12 GMT. The analyses obtained using multivariate optimum interpolation scheme depict the synoptic situations satisfactorily. The analyses were also compared with the FGGE analyses (from  相似文献   
The relationship between the all-India summer monsoon rainfall and surface pressure over the Indian region has been examined to obtain a useful predictor for the monsoon rainfall. The data series of all-India monsoon rainfall and the mean pressures of three seasons before and after the monsoon season as well as the winter-to-spring pressure tendency (MAM-DJF) at 100 stations for the period 1951-1980 have been used in the analysis.The all-India monsoon rainfall is negatively correlated with the pressure of the spring (MAM) season preceding the monsoon and winter-to-spring seasonal difference as pressure tendency (MAM-DJF), at almost all the stations in India, and significantly with the pressures over central and northwestern regions. The average mean sea level pressure of six stations (Jodhpur, Ahmedabed, Bombay, Indore, Sagar and Akola) in the Western Central Indian (WCI) region showed highly significant (at 1% level) and consistent CCs of-0.63 for MAM and -0.56 for MAM-DJF for the period 1951 - 1980. T  相似文献   
一、前言 荷兰除水域外,陆地总面积约为34000平方公里。其中60%左右是农业用地,15%是自然林地,2s%的土地为城市和基础设施所占用。 土地市场的法律和制度体系(即与不动产、地籍、公证处、经纪人及银行有关的立法)运行有序,买卖土地不受政府规定的限制。任何国籍的自然人或法人都可以购买不  相似文献   
把Stavrakakis和Drakopoulos(1996)(此后称作SD)中关于VAN表述与VAN真实内容作一简单比较,即可证明对方的批评是错误的。典型例子有: (1) 与Drakopoulos(1993)选择并加以讨论的一样,SD所讨论的VAN预报也是VAN预报中的一小部分。Varotsos等(1993b)当时已给予详细回答,并指出Drakopoulos等(1993)的7个例子中有4个没有考虑VAN电报提出的两个可供选择的震中位置,令人吃惊的是没有考虑被强调为最可能的那一个。在该文中SD对VAN预报的真实含意再次做了较大的改动。 (2) SD仅选择了那些VAN预报法具有较大偏差的情形来进行讨论。 (3) SD通过选择地区内的某些预报后在该地区出现的地震活动性而提出怀疑。本文将证明这些预报指的是远离有早期地震活动的另外地区。SD把VAN预报的两个例子说成是对应的余震,我们将证明这种观点是错误的。 (4) SD改变了VAN公布的单个SES和SES电活动性的超前时间。 (5) SD增加(或删除)对VAN观点及预报的批评措词,因此说明对方真正意思是急剧变化的。 (6) 虽然识别SES的标准已经由VAN发表,可SD仍称这种标准依据尚未形成。 (7) SD的示图是错误的,因为他们忽略了M_s=5.0地震(大地震)标准仅发生在预测地区,但也包括远处M_s=4.0~4.2的地震。 (8) SD称“没有一个主震被预报”,但VAN成功地预报了1987年至1989年间的3个处于调查中的最大主震,震中偏差小于50 km。 (9) SD认为如果已经发生了M_s≈4.0的“前震”,再成功地预报M_s=5.0的地震是毫无意义的(不管偏差Δr、ΔM达到多小)。这种观点是不对的。 (10) 虽然VAN已经阐明了只有M_s的预计值大于(或等于)5.0时才提出预报,可SD曲解了实验误差ΔM=±0.7的含意,并要求M_s≥4.3的地震都应被预报出来。这一要求是不对的。此外,我们将进一步证明SD关于“偶然预报成功的概率”计算是错误的,因为它违反了基本原理。  相似文献   
In this paper, some 2-D features of the down- and up-slope winds and sea-land-breeze generated over the com-plex terrain of the Qingdao area and the interaction between them are numerically analysed by use of a 2-Dnon-hydrostatic mesoscale model. The simulated results in the west-east vertical cross-section show that (1) when thelarge-scale wind is a southerly gentle one, the generated easterly down-slope wind is much stronger than with an oppo-site background wind, and the down-slope wind can trigger and intensify the land breeze corresponding to the easterncoast of Jiaozhou Bay; (2) a gentle westerly background wind will reduce the eastward sea breeze and up-slope windduring the daytime due to a cold advection, but shows a little effect on the mesoscale circulation formed in the nighttime.  相似文献   
导言 40多年来,美国地质测量局国家地图处已为美国南部的49个州和北部的阿拉斯加州分别提供了比例尺为1∶24000和1∶63360矩形分幅的基本地形图和相关图件。到1990财政年度末,将首次完成覆盖全国范围的基本系列图。  相似文献   
为了评估倾斜对流不稳定的重要性,在加拿大大西洋风暴计划(CASP)期间对七个降水带进行了观测。利用常规和特殊站三小时一次的无线电探空资料,作θ_e~*(饱和相当位温)、M(绝对角动量)和θ_e(相当位温)的垂直剖面和等 M 面分析。等 M、θ_e和θ_e~*面斜率的比较表明了位势和条件倾斜不稳定的存在。本文主要研究稳定度场的时间演变及其向大气中性状态的调整过程。在七个个例分析中发现了一些一致的结论。证实大气中存在着一个小薄层,它对于条件倾斜对流来说是弱不稳定的,特别是在有显著切变的区域。在高层,位势不稳定通常仅仅维持潜在状态,因为缺少水汽而阻止了能量的实际释放。另一方面,在大气的低层饱和是经常能达到的,因此不稳定性得到释放,导致强降水,这种强降水有时呈多带结构。我们的结果也表明,在饱和区域对于倾斜对流来说大气实际上处于向条件中性状态的调整过程。少于三小时的调整时间与 Emanuel 的快速调整假设是一致的。  相似文献   
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