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A large number of rivers are frozen annually, and the river ice cover has an influence on the geomorphological processes. These processes in cohesive sediment rivers are not fully understood. Therefore, this paper demonstrates the impact of river ice cover on sediment transport, i.e. turbidity, suspended sediment loads and erosion potential, compared with a river with ice‐free flow conditions. The present sediment transportation conditions during the annual cycle are analysed, and the implications of climate change on wintertime geomorphological processes are estimated. A one‐dimensional hydrodynamic model has been applied to the Kokemäenjoki River in Southwest Finland. The shear stress forces directed to the river bed are simulated with present and projected hydroclimatic conditions. The results of shear stress simulations indicate that a thermally formed smooth ice cover diminishes river bed erosion, compared with an ice‐free river with similar discharges. Based on long‐term field data, the river ice cover reduces turbidity statistically significantly. Furthermore, suspended sediment concentrations measured in ice‐free and ice‐covered river water reveal a diminishing effect of ice cover on riverine sediment load. The hydrodynamic simulations suggest that the influence of rippled ice cover on shear stress is varying. Climate change is projected to increase the winter discharges by 27–77% on average by 2070–2099. Thus, the increasing winter discharges and possible diminishing ice cover periods both increase the erosion potential of the river bed. Hence, the wintertime sediment load of the river is expected to become larger in the future. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Tensions over freshwater resources may become more frequent as pressures on water resources grow due to increased demand and variability of rainfall. Conflicts may take place between or within countries or between competing sectoral users. This paper focuses on institutional approaches for enhancing cooperation between countries for sustainable development of transboundary freshwater bodies and contributing basins. It is assumed that instead of being zones of conflict, shared water resources can provide a basis for cooperation and benefit–sharing provided that threats to the international waters are recognized and collaborative structures are created. The paper draws upon experiences gained within the international waters focal area of the Global Environment Facility, the main funding mechanism for countries to support the environmental management of transboundary water resources. Lessons for promoting peaceful cooperation for environmental management, benefit–sharing and sustainable use of transboundary freshwater resources are highlighted through examples from Africa, Central Asia and Latin America. Experience shows the importance of processes that bring together all sectors and actors whose actions affect the transboundary waterbody at regional, national and local levels. The development of a science–based diagnostic analysis is essential to identify the threats to the transboundary ecosystem and to break down the issues into manageable parts with the aim of developing a strategic action programme. Ensuring political commitment that can result in institutional, policy and legal reforms in the countries concerned is the key to sustainable development of the transboundary resource.  相似文献   
We studied carbon dynamics on various surface parts of a highly patterned fen, typical in northern Finland, to examine the importance of different microsites to the areal carbon fluxes. The studies were carried out in June-September 1995 on a mesotrophic flark fen (an aapa mire) in Kaamanen (69°08'N, 27° 17'E). Wet flarks, moist lawns and dry strings accounted for 60%, 10% and 30% of the surface area, respectively. A static chamber technique was applied to measure the CH4 exchange, the instantaneous net ecosystem exchange (NEE, transparent chamber) and the ecosystem respiration (Rtot' opaque chamber) in several microsites. The static chamber results were compared with those obtained by the eddy covariance technique. The mean daytime areal net ecosystem CO2 exchange rate measurement in conditions where photosynthesis was light saturated (PAR>400 μmol m-2 s-1) varied during the measurement period from −59 mg CO2-C m−2h−1 (release) to 250 (uptake). The mean CH4 emission during the measuring period was 78 mg CH4-Cm−2 d−1 on the flarks, 68 mg on the lawn and 6.0 mg on the strings. The strings without shrubs (mainly Betula nana ) were in general net sources of CO2, even during the middle of the growing season, whereas the lawns, flarks and also strings growing B. nana showed a daytime net uptake of CO2. Areally integrated chamber results showed lower CO2 and higher CH4 fluxes than predicted from the eddy covariance measurements.  相似文献   
Nine representative sediment sequences and pollen diagrams obtained during the Quaternary mapping programme carried out by the Geological Expedition (St. Petersburg, Russia) between 1960s and 1980s are presented from the Vologda area, NW Russian Plain, covering the time span from the Moscow cold (Saale) stage into the Late Valdai (Weichsel) substage. This work was done in order to shed light on the evolution of palaeoenvironments, vegetation and climate in the area. The results suggest that two major depressions in the Vologda area, namely the Mologa–Sheksnian and Prisukhonian basins, witnessed lake level fluctuations that were most likely closely linked to climatic fluctuations. It is suggested that during the Mikulino (Eem) thermal optimum most of the lowland areas were dry land. However, during the Early and Middle Valdai, the large depressions started to flood as a result of wet and cold climate. This caused the accumulation of lacustrine and also lacustrine–alluvial and lacustrine–bog sediments into the basins. The Valdai forest composition varied between closed spruce–birch forests and treeless tundra. Lakes persisted throughout the Valdai stage including the extremely dry last glacial maximum (LGM)-time when the Scandinavian Ice Sheet dammed the northbound rivers in the Vologda area.  相似文献   
The Finnish Meteorological Institute has calculated statistics for the new reference period of 1981–2010. During this project, the grid size has been reduced from 10 to 1 km, the evaluation of the interpolation has been improved, and comparisons between different methods has been performed. The climate variables of interest were monthly mean temperature and mean precipitation, for which the spatial variability was explained using auxiliary information: mean elevation, sea percentage, and lake percentage. We compared three methods for spatial prediction: kriging with external drift (KED), generalized additive models (GAM), and GAM combined with residual kriging (GK). Every interpolation file now has attached statistical key figures describing the bias and the normality of the prediction error. According to the cross-validation results, GAM was the best method for predicting mean temperatures, with only very small differences relative to the other methods. For mean precipitation, KED produced the most accurate predictions, followed by GK. In both cases, there was notable seasonal variation in the statistical skill scores. For the new reference period and future interpolations, KED was chosen as the primary method due to its robustness and accuracy.  相似文献   
In this paper, a measurement system for the acquisition of a virtual hyperspectral LiDAR dataset is presented. As commercial hyperspectral LiDARs are not yet available, the system provides a novel type of data for the testing and developing of future hyperspectral LiDAR algorithms. The measurement system consists of two parts: first, backscattered reflectance spectra are collected using a spectrometer and a cutting-edge technology, white-light supercontinuum laser source; second, a commercial monochromatic LiDAR system is used for ranging. A virtual hyperspectral LiDAR dataset is produced by data fusion. Such a dataset was collected on a Norway spruce (Picea abies) sample. The performance of classification was tested using an experimental hyperspectral algorithm based on a novel combination of the Spectral Correlation Mapper and a region growing algorithm. The classifier was able to automatically distinguish between needles, branches and background, in other words, perform a difficult task using only traditional TLS data.  相似文献   
The most complete terrestrial sequence of Anglian (Elsterian) glacial sediments in western Europe was investigated in northeast Norfolk, England in order to reconstruct the evolution of the contemporary palaeoenvironments. Lithostratigraphically the glacial sediments in the northeast Norfolk coastal cliffs can be divided into the Northn Sea Drift and Lowestoft Till Formations. Three of the diamicton members of the North Sea Drift Formation (Happisburgh, Walcott and Cromer Diamictons) were deposited as lodgement and/or subglacial deformation till by grounded ice, but one, the Mundesley Diamicton, is waterlain and was deposited in an extensive glacial lake. Sands and fine sediments interbedded between the diamictons represent deltaic sands and glaciolacustrine sediments derived not solely from the melting ice in the north but also from extra-marginal rivers in the south. The Lowestoft Till Formation is not well preserved in the cliffs but includes lodgement till (Marly Drift till) and, most probably, associated meltwater deposits. Extensive glaciotectonism in the northern part of the area is shown to relate to oscillating ice that deposited the Cromer Diamicton and also partially to the ice sheet that deposited the Marly Drift till. It is suggested that during the Anglian Stage the present day northeast Norfolk coast was situated on the northwestern margin of an extensive glaciolacustrine basin. This basin was dammed by the Scandinavian ice sheet in the north and northeast. Because the grounding line of this ice sheet oscillated in space and time, part of the North Sea Drift diamictons were deposited directly by this ice. However, during ice retreat phases glaciolacustrine deposition comprised waterlain diamicton, sands and fines. When the Scandinavian ice sheet was situated in northernmost Norfolk, the British ice sheet (responsible for depositing the Marly Drift facies) entered the area from the west. This ice sheet partially deformed the North Sea Drift Formation sediments in the northern part of the area but not in the south, where the British ice sheet apparently terminated in water. The interplay of these two ice sheets on the northern and western margins of the glacial lake is thought to be the major determining factor for the accumulation of thick glacial deposits in this area during the Anglian glaciation.  相似文献   
Sandy clinothems are of interest as hydrocarbon reservoirs but there is no proven, economic, clinothem reservoir in the Norwegian Barents Sea. We used high-resolution, 2D and 3D seismic, including proprietary data, to identify a previously untested, Barremian, clinoform wedge in the Fingerdjupet Subbasin (FSB). Data from recent well 7322/7-1 plus seismic have been used to characterize this wedge and older Lower Cretaceous clinoforms in the FSB. In the latest Hauterivian – early Barremian, during post-rift tectonic quiescence, shelf-edge clinoforms (foreset height > 150 m) prograded into an under-filled basin. Increased sediment input was related to regional uplift of the hinterland (northern Barents Shelf). Early Barremian erosion in the north-western FSB and mass wasting towards the SE were followed by deposition of delta-scale (<80 m high), high-angle (c. 8°) clinoform sets seaward of older shelf-edge clinoforms. This may be the local expression of a regional, early Barremian, regressive event. By the close of the Barremian, clinoforms had prograded, within a narrow, elongate basin, across the FSB and towards the uplifted Loppa High. A seismic wedge of high-angle (10–12°), low-relief, delta-scale (25–80 m) clinoform sets occurs between shelf-edge clinoforms to the NW and the uplifted area to the SE. Well 7322/7-1, positioned on a direct hydrocarbon indicator, <1 km NNW of the high-angle, low-relief, delta-scale clinoforms, found upward coarsening siltstone-cycles linked to relative sea-level fluctuations on a marine shelf. Sand may have accumulated, offshore from the well, in high-angle, low-relief foresets of the delta-scale clinothems (which are typical geometries elsewhere interpreted as ‘delta-scale, sand-prone subaqueous clinoforms’). Deposition was controlled by the paleosurface, storms and longshore currents on an otherwise mud-dominated shelf. The study highlights challenges associated with exploration for sandstone reservoirs in seismic wedges on an outer shelf.  相似文献   
A space-qualified low-noise 22 GHz receiver for the international space-VLBI mission Radioastron has been constructed. The microwave electronics is realized by using thermally matched hybrid circuits. The most important properties of the receiver are phase stability, sensitivity and reliability. The high sensitivity is due to a cooled low noise HEMT amplifier (LNA). The measured receiver noise temperature is less than 100 K. The phase stability is achieved by compact structure and thermal stabilization. Phase stabilities of better than 0.13°/°C and 0.2°/°C for the receiver and the LNA units are measured, respectively. The calculated reliability of the receiver exceeds the requirement of 0.97 for the three year mission.  相似文献   
We present and discuss a full list of radiocarbon dates for woolly mammoth and other species of the Mammoth fauna available from Wrangel Island, northeast Siberia, Russia. Most of the radiocarbon dates are published here for the first time. Of the124 radiocarbon dates on mammoth bone, 106 fall between 3700 and 9000 yr ago. We believe these dates bracket the period of mammoth isolation on Wrangel Island and their ultimate extinction, which we attribute to natural causes. The absence of dates between 9–12 ka probably indicates a period when mammoths were absent from Wrangel Island. Long bone dimensions of Holocene mammoths from Wrangel Island indicate that these animals were comparable in size to those on the mainland; although they were not large animals, neither can they be classified as dwarfs. Occurrence of mammoth Holocene refugia on the mainland is suggested. Based on other species of the Mammoth fauna that have also been radiocarbon on Wrangel Island, including horse, bison, musk ox and woolly rhinoceros, it appears that the mammoth was the only species of that fauna that inhabited Wrangel Island in the mid-Holocene.  相似文献   
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