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This article investigates how workout trajectories from a mobile sports tracking application can be used to provide automatic route suggestions for bicyclists. We apply a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)‐based method for matching cycling tracks to a “bicycle network” extracted from crowdsourced OpenStreetMap (OSM) data, and evaluate its effective differences in terms of optimal routing compared with a simple geometric point‐to‐curve method. OSM has quickly established itself as a popular resource for bicycle routing; however, its high‐level of detail presents challenges for its applicability to popularity‐based routing. We propose a solution where bikeways are prioritized in map‐matching, achieving good performance; the HMM‐based method matched correctly on average 94% of the route length. In addition, we show that the extremely biased nature of the trajectory dataset, which is typical of volunteered user‐generated data, can be of high importance in terms of popularity‐based routing. Most computed routes diverged depending on whether the number of users or number of tracks was used as an indicator of popularity, which may imply varying preferences among different types of cyclists. Revising the number of tracks by diversity of users to surmount local biases in the data had a more limited effect on routing.  相似文献   
The lithostratigraphy of pre‐Late Weichselian sediments and OSL‐dating results from four localities in the Suupohja area of western Finland, adjacent to the centre of the former Scandinavian glaciations, are presented. The studied sections expose glacifluvial, quiet‐water, littoral and aeolian deposits overlain by Middle and/or Late Weichselian tills. Litho‐ and biostratigraphical results together with seven OSL age determinations on buried glacifluvial sediment at Rävåsen (94±15 ka) and on till‐covered littoral and aeolian sediments at Risåsen, Rävåsen, Jätinmäki and Kiviharju (79±10 to 54±8 ka), accompanied by previous datings and interpretations, suggest that the glacifluvial sediments at Risåsen were deposited at the end of the Saalian Stage (MIS 6) and those at Risåsen were deposited possibly in the Early Weichselian Substage (MIS 5d?). Palaeosol horizons and ice‐wedge casts together with the dated littoral and aeolian sediments between the Harrinkangas Formation (Saalian) and the overlying till(s) indicate that western Finland was ice‐free during most of the Weichselian time. Littoral deposits, dated to the Middle Weichselian (MIS 4–3), occur at altitudes of 50–90 m a.s.l., which indicates significant glacio‐isostatic depression. The depression resulted from expansion of the ice sheet in the west of Finland at that time.  相似文献   
在被动微波雪水当量反演中,积雪物理参数随时间的变化特征影响着反演精度,为理解积雪随时间演化的特征及其对微波辐射亮温的影响,本研究选用2009—2013年北欧积雪实验(Nordic Snow Radar Experiment, NoSREx)积雪地面观测和微波辐射测量数据,通过雪深和温度把雪期分为积累期(10月—次年2月)、稳定期(2—4月)和消融期(4—5月),发现各个雪期的积雪演化特征为:雪颗粒形状在积累期前期以融态颗粒(Melt Forms, MF)为主,积累期后期和稳定期以圆形颗粒、片状颗粒、深霜为主,消融期以MF为主;整个雪季底层雪粒径从小变大再变小的过程,粒径最大值出现在稳定期的2至3月,约为2.5~4.0 mm,均出现在近地表雪层,而表层粒径较小且较为稳定。通过雪深和微波亮度差(18~37 GHz)的关系分析,表明亮温差在不同雪期对于雪深的依赖关系不同,在积累期和稳定期,雪深变化与亮温差变化具有明显的正相关;在消融期由于积雪融化的影响,其相关性较差;基于多层积雪微波辐射模型(MEMLS)构建了一维微波辐射模拟环境,模拟表明MEMLS模型在3个雪期的垂直极化10.65 GHz和18.7 GHz模拟结果较37 GHz和90 GHz更好;10.65 GHz V极化在入射角为50°且稳定期时,微波亮温模拟均方根误差(RMSE结果最小,为2.49 K。3个雪期90 GHz模拟结果水平极化优于垂直极化,由于受表层积雪变化影响,90 GHz模拟结果较不稳定,尤其是消融期时,RMSE最小也达到了42.7 K。本研究有助于理解积雪随时间演化的特征及其对微波辐射模拟的影响,表明在被动微波雪水当量反演算法中,针对不同积雪期需要考虑积雪演化动态过程。  相似文献   
Arctic deltas, such as the Mackenzie Delta, are expected to face major climate change and increased human influence in the near future. Deltas are characterised by highly dynamic fluvial processes, and changing climate will cause considerable evolution of the riverine environment. The changes are difficult to predict with existing knowledge and data. This study quantified channel planform change of the Mackenzie Delta (1983–2013), analysing its temporal and spatial patterns. We addressed the main obstacle of research on large remote areas, the lack of data, by developing a unique work flow that utilised Landsat satellite imagery, hydrological time series, remote sensing‐based change analysis, and automatic vectorisation of channels. Our results indicate that the Mackenzie Delta experienced constant evolution but at a highly varying rate over the 30 years. The study demonstrates that the magnitude and duration of flood peaks and the presence of spring ice breakup floods determine the rate of Arctic delta planform change. Changing winter conditions and spring flood magnitudes may therefore affect the stability of Arctic deltas. However, no clear trends towards decreased recurrence or magnitude of spring floods or increased instability of the delta plain have yet been observed in the Mackenzie Delta. The delta plain was most dynamic at the beginning and at the end of the examined period, corresponding to intense flooding, whereas the rates of change were subtle during the low‐flood period 1994–2007. The largest changes have occurred along the wide Middle Channel and in the outermost delta. Relative to their size, however, smaller meandering channels have been highly dynamic. Hotspots of change in the delta plain are located in anastomosing and braiding channel segments and, at the local scale, in point bars and cut‐banks along meandering channels. Our study describes how Landsat satellite data can be utilised for advancing fluvial geomorphological research in remote areas. However, cloudiness in the delta restricts production of dense time series with simultaneous coverage of the whole area and requires manual preprocessing.  相似文献   
Spring temperatures were reconstructed by multiproxy database for south-west Finland since 1750. Proxy records used here were ice break-up in the Aurajoki River, the Baltic Sea ice extent, the plant phenological index and the annual varve thickness in the Pyhäjärvi Lake. Records were integrated into one palaeoclimate model using time-scale dependent calibration techniques. Reconstruction was verified with statistics showing a high degree of validation between the reconstructed and observed temperatures in Turku, south-west Finland. Reconstruction demonstrates that the springs have become warmer and reveals a warming trend since 1850s. Except for the period from 1750 to around 1850, the springs have been characterized as having a larger low-frequency variability, as well as by having a smaller range of annual temperature variations. Analyses of decadal variations revealed that the coldest springtimes occurred in the 1840s and 1850s and the first decade of the 19th century. Reconstruction was compared with the available meteorological series of central England, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Uppsala and the spring-temperature reconstruction from western Norway. The effect of global solar, volcanic, greenhouse gases and aerosol forcings were examined together with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) indices at local scale over the reconstructed period. Reconstructed spring-temperature changes have been related to changes in the atmospheric circulation, as indicated by the NAO (February–June).  相似文献   
This study assesses hydrodynamic and morphodynamic model sensitivity and functionality in a curved channel. The sensitivity of a depth‐averaged model to user‐defined parameters (grain size, roughness, transverse bed slope effect, transport relations and secondary flow) is tested. According to the sensitivity analysis, grain size, transverse bed slope effect and sediment transport relations are critical to simulated meander bend morphodynamics. The parametrization of grain size has the most remarkable effect: field‐based grain size parametrization is necessary in a successful morphodynamic reconstruction of a meander bend. The roughness parametrization method affects the distribution of flow velocities and therefore also morphodynamics. The combined effect of various parameters needs further research. Two‐dimensional (2D) and three‐dimensional (3D) reconstructions of a natural meander bend during a flood event are assessed against field measurements of acoustic Doppler current profiler and multi‐temporal mobile laser scanning data. The depth‐averaged velocities are simulated satisfactorily (differences from acoustic Doppler current profiler velocities 5–14%) in both 2D and 3D simulations, but the advantage of the 3D hydrodynamic model is unquestionable because of its ability to model vertical and near‐bed flows. The measured and modelled near‐bed flow, however, differed notably from each other's, the reason of which was left open for future research. It was challenging to model flow direction beyond the apex. The 3D flow features, which also affected the distribution of the bed shear stress, seem not to have much effect on the predicted morphodynamics: the 2D and 3D morphodynamic reconstructions over the point bar resembled each other closely. Although common features between the modelled and measured morphological changes were also found, some specific changes that occurred were not evident in the simulation results. Our results show that short‐term, sub‐bend scale morphodynamic processes of a natural meander bend are challenging to model, which implies that they are affected by factors that have been neglected in the simulations. The modelling of short‐term morphodynamics in natural curved channel is a challenge that requires further study. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study aims to analyse the combined impacts of future discharges and sea levels on erosion–sedimentation potential, and its seasonal changes, in a ~43‐km‐long coastal river reach of South‐west Finland. To our knowledge, this kind of combined study has not been performed before. In addition to surveying the present erosion–sedimentation conditions, the daily erosion–sedimentation potential is simulated with a one‐dimensional hydrodynamic model for the 1971–2000 and 2070–2099 periods by applying four discharge scenarios. Different sea level stages are also employed in the simulations. All scenarios forecast increasing autumn and winter discharges, but diminishing summer discharges. This indicates increasing river channel erosion, particularly during winters and autumns. Although discharge changes have altogether a greater influence on erosion–sedimentation potential, the importance of sea level changes on sedimentation is noticeable in the estuary. The rising sea level scenarios increase the sedimentation potential. In total, by 2070–2099, the erosion potential may increase in most parts of the study area. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A large number of rivers are frozen annually, and the river ice cover has an influence on the geomorphological processes. These processes in cohesive sediment rivers are not fully understood. Therefore, this paper demonstrates the impact of river ice cover on sediment transport, i.e. turbidity, suspended sediment loads and erosion potential, compared with a river with ice‐free flow conditions. The present sediment transportation conditions during the annual cycle are analysed, and the implications of climate change on wintertime geomorphological processes are estimated. A one‐dimensional hydrodynamic model has been applied to the Kokemäenjoki River in Southwest Finland. The shear stress forces directed to the river bed are simulated with present and projected hydroclimatic conditions. The results of shear stress simulations indicate that a thermally formed smooth ice cover diminishes river bed erosion, compared with an ice‐free river with similar discharges. Based on long‐term field data, the river ice cover reduces turbidity statistically significantly. Furthermore, suspended sediment concentrations measured in ice‐free and ice‐covered river water reveal a diminishing effect of ice cover on riverine sediment load. The hydrodynamic simulations suggest that the influence of rippled ice cover on shear stress is varying. Climate change is projected to increase the winter discharges by 27–77% on average by 2070–2099. Thus, the increasing winter discharges and possible diminishing ice cover periods both increase the erosion potential of the river bed. Hence, the wintertime sediment load of the river is expected to become larger in the future. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Four satellite‐based snow products are evaluated over the Tibetan Plateau for the 2007–2010 snow seasons. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Terra and Aqua snow cover daily L3 Global 500‐m grid products (MOD10A1 and MYD10A1), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) daily Northern Hemisphere snow cover product and the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer – Earth Observing System Daily Snow Water Equivalent were validated against Thematic Mapper (TM) snow cover maps of Landsat‐5 and meteorological station snow depth observations. The overall accuracy of MOD10A1, MYD10A1 and IMS is higher than 91% against stations observations and than 79% against Landsat TM images. In general, the daily MODIS snow cover products show better performance than the multisensor IMS product. However, the IMS snow cover product is suitable for larger scale (~4km) analysis and applications, with the advantage over MODIS to allow for mitigation for cloud cover. The accuracy of the three products decreases with decreasing snow depth. Overestimation errors are most common over forested regions; the IMS and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer – Earth Observing System Snow Water Equivalent products also show poorer performance that the MODIS products over grassland. By identifying weaknesses in the satellite products, this study provides a focus for the improvement of snow products over the Tibetan plateau. The quantitative evaluation of the products proposed here can also be used to assess their relative weight in data assimilation, against other data sources, such as modelling and in situ measurement networks. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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