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This paper depicts an approach for predicting individual tree attributes, i.e., tree height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and stem volume, based on both physical and statistical features derived from airborne laser-scanning data utilizing a new detection method for finding individual trees together with random forests as an estimation method. The random forests (also called regression forests) technique is a nonparametric regression method consisting of a set of individual regression trees. Tests of the method were performed, using 1476 trees in a boreal forest area in southern Finland and laser data with a density of 2.6 points per m2. Correlation coefficients (R) between the observed and predicted values of 0.93, 0.79 and 0.87 for individual tree height, DBH and stem volume, respectively, were achieved, based on 26 laser-derived features. The corresponding relative root-mean-squared errors (RMSEs) were 10.03%, 21.35% and 45.77% (38% in best cases), which are similar to those obtained with the linear regression method, with maximum laser heights, laser-estimated DBH or crown diameters as predictors. With random forests, however, the forest models currently used for deriving the tree attributes are not needed. Based on the results, we conclude that the method is capable of providing a stable and consistent solution for determining individual tree attributes using small-footprint laser data.  相似文献   
We used carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses to assess the relative contributions from pelagic and littoral energy sources to higher trophic levels in a lake ecosystem before and after a major food web perturbation. The food web structure of the lake was altered when the population sizes of the most abundant fish species (small perch, roach and bream) were reduced during an attempt to improve water quality by biomanipulation. Fish removal was followed by dense year classes of young fish, which subsequently increased the utilisation of pelagic resources. This was reflected as a decrease in relative energy contribution from littoral sources and also led to more distinct pelagic and littoral food chains after fish removal. Community metrics calculated from stable isotope data indicated increased trophic diversity and occupied niche area, and reduced trophic redundancy in the food web. However, only minor changes were observed in fish trophic positions, although roach and pike occupied slightly lower trophic positions after fish removal. Despite the Jyväsjärvi ecosystem becoming more dependent on pelagic energy after fish removals, the littoral energy contribution was still substantial, particularly to certain fish species. Hence, our results support recent arguments for the importance of benthic production in lake ecosystems. More generally, our results illustrate how large-scale perturbations of food web structure can alter energy flow patterns through an entire ecosystem.  相似文献   
The Sjökulla test site is used for testing and calibrating aerial images. The permanent test field is made of four types of gravel (dark gabbro, grey granite, red granite, white limestone) in two sizes (diameters 8–16 mm and 4–8 mm) set in various patterns. The bidirectional reflection properties of the targets together with their temporal changes must be known in order to carry out radiometric and spectral evaluation and calibration.The bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (BRF) of the gravel have been measured several times in the test fields using portable field goniospectrometers belonging Finnish Geodetic Institute (FGI), and once using the European Goniometic Facility (EGO) of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) at Ispra, Italy. Detailed BRFs have been obtained, showing features typical to particulate media, e.g. a small bowl shape, strong backscattering, and smooth wavelength dependence. Temporal range measurements over several years show that the black gabbro and red granite are fairly stable, while the grey granite has changed somewhat over the years and the white limestone has experienced dramatic darkening effects, requiring action to be taken.The measured BRF data have increased the usability of the test field considerably. The results are also useful in the development and validation of scattering models for particulate media. The site has proved to be a good test bench for goniospectrometric instruments, too.  相似文献   
SPOT satellites have been imaging Earth's surface since SPOT 1 was launched in 1986. It is argued that absolute atmospheric correction is a prerequisite for quantitative remote sensing. Areas where land cover changes are occurring rapidly are also often areas most lacking in situ data which would allow full use of radiative transfer models for reflectance factor retrieval (RFR). Consequently, this study details the proposed historical empirical line method (HELM) for RFR from multi-temporal SPOT imagery. HELM is designed for use in landscape level studies in circumstances where no detailed overpass concurrent atmospheric or meteorological data are available, but where there is field access to the research site(s) and a goniometer or spectrometer is available. SPOT data are complicated by the ±27° off-nadir cross track viewing. Calibration to nadir only surface reflectance factor (ρs) is denoted as HELM-1, whilst calibration to ρs modelling imagery illumination and view geometries is termed HELM-2. Comparisons of field measured ρs with those derived from HELM corrected SPOT imagery, covering Helsinki, Finland, and Taita Hills, Kenya, indicated HELM-1 RFR absolute accuracy was ±0.02ρs in the visible and near infrared (VIS/NIR) bands and ±0.03ρs in the shortwave infrared (SWIR), whilst HELM-2 performance was ±0.03ρs in the VIS/NIR and ±0.04ρs in the SWIR. This represented band specific relative errors of 10–15%. HELM-1 and HELM-2 RFR were significantly better than at-satellite reflectance (ρSAT), indicating HELM was effective in reducing atmospheric effects. However, neither HELM approach reduced variability in mean ρs between multi-temporal images, compared to ρSAT. HELM-1 calibration error is dependent on surface characteristics and scene illumination and view geometry. Based on multiangular ρs measurements of vegetation-free ground targets, calibration error was negligible in the forward scattering direction, even at maximum off-nadir view. However, error exceeds 0.02ρs where off-nadir viewing was ≥20° in the backscattering direction within ±55° azimuth of the principal plane. Overall, HELM-1 results were commensurate with an identified VIS/NIR 0.02ρs accuracy benchmark. HELM thus increases applicability of SPOT data to quantitative remote sensing studies.  相似文献   
Soil moisture has a fundamental influence on the processes and functions of tundra ecosystems. Yet, the local dynamics of soil moisture are often ignored, due to the lack of fine resolution, spatially extensive data. In this study, we modelled soil moisture with two mechanistic models, SpaFHy (a catchment-scale hydrological model) and JSBACH (a global land surface model), and examined the results in comparison with extensive growing-season field measurements over a mountain tundra area in northwestern Finland. Our results show that soil moisture varies considerably in the study area and this variation creates a mosaic of moisture conditions, ranging from dry ridges (growing season average 12 VWC%, Volumetric Water Content) to water-logged mires (65 VWC%). The models, particularly SpaFHy, simulated temporal soil moisture dynamics reasonably well in parts of the landscape, but both underestimated the range of variation spatially and temporally. Soil properties and topography were important drivers of spatial variation in soil moisture dynamics. By testing the applicability of two mechanistic models to predict fine-scale spatial and temporal variability in soil moisture, this study paves the way towards understanding the functioning of tundra ecosystems under climate change.  相似文献   
We determined in situ cosmogenic 10Be ages for nine boulders sampled on the Salpausselkä I (Ss I) Moraine. Previous dating of this moraine indicated that it formed during the Younger Dryas Stadial along the southern margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in southern Finland. Our new exposure ages range from 10.9±1.0 to 13.5±1.2 10Be ka, with an error-weighted mean age of 12.4±0.7 10Be ka. Our results confirm four previous 10Be ages obtained 40 km northeast of our sample location. The combined data (n=13) indicate that retreat from the Ss I Moraine occurred at 12.5±0.7 10Be ka, in excellent agreement with an age of 12.1 ka for retreat from the Ss I Moraine based on varve chronologies. These results identify the Ss I Moraine as among the best-dated margins associated with Late Quaternary ice sheets.  相似文献   
The interaction of supersonic plasma jets with dense gases and plasmas has been studied experimentally and theoretically. Collimated plasma jets were generated from the laser pulse interaction with solid targets. The jet propagates with the velocity exceeding 400 km/s and transports the energy of a few kJ/cm2. The interaction of such a jet with an Ar and He gases at various pressures has been studied by using optical and X-ray diagnostics. Qualitative estimates and numerical simulations with a radiative hydrodynamic code explain a sequence of physical processes during the interaction. Experimental and numerical results show that, by changing ambient material, the working surface structure changes from an adiabatic outflow to a radiative cooling jet. The applications of this phenomenon to astrophysical conditions and the inertial confinement fusion are discussed.  相似文献   
Arctic deltas, such as the Mackenzie Delta, are expected to face major climate change and increased human influence in the near future. Deltas are characterised by highly dynamic fluvial processes, and changing climate will cause considerable evolution of the riverine environment. The changes are difficult to predict with existing knowledge and data. This study quantified channel planform change of the Mackenzie Delta (1983–2013), analysing its temporal and spatial patterns. We addressed the main obstacle of research on large remote areas, the lack of data, by developing a unique work flow that utilised Landsat satellite imagery, hydrological time series, remote sensing‐based change analysis, and automatic vectorisation of channels. Our results indicate that the Mackenzie Delta experienced constant evolution but at a highly varying rate over the 30 years. The study demonstrates that the magnitude and duration of flood peaks and the presence of spring ice breakup floods determine the rate of Arctic delta planform change. Changing winter conditions and spring flood magnitudes may therefore affect the stability of Arctic deltas. However, no clear trends towards decreased recurrence or magnitude of spring floods or increased instability of the delta plain have yet been observed in the Mackenzie Delta. The delta plain was most dynamic at the beginning and at the end of the examined period, corresponding to intense flooding, whereas the rates of change were subtle during the low‐flood period 1994–2007. The largest changes have occurred along the wide Middle Channel and in the outermost delta. Relative to their size, however, smaller meandering channels have been highly dynamic. Hotspots of change in the delta plain are located in anastomosing and braiding channel segments and, at the local scale, in point bars and cut‐banks along meandering channels. Our study describes how Landsat satellite data can be utilised for advancing fluvial geomorphological research in remote areas. However, cloudiness in the delta restricts production of dense time series with simultaneous coverage of the whole area and requires manual preprocessing.  相似文献   
An 11.6 m long continuous succession of annually laminated sediments from Lake Korttajärvi in central Finland was investigated for the isotopic composition of carbon and hydrogen in organic matter. The sequence covers a time period of 9590 years, and the varve chronology has been thoroughly described in earlier studies. From 7100 to 4400 BC the lake was part of the Ancient Lake Päijänne, but in 4400 BC it became separated and formed the present independent lake system. Two organic fractions were investigated. One fraction obtained by HCl-treatment was analyzed for δ13C and another HCl-HF-digested organic fraction was analyzed for both δ13C and δD. The isotopic data were compared to atomic C/N ratios, carbon contents, diatom-inferred pH values and other environmental parameters. The diatom-inferred pH values and organic carbon contents provide evidence for a long-term change towards more acidic conditions and lower productivity in Lake Korttajärvi. The inferred pH values decrease from 7.0 to 6.1, followed by a slight increase during the last millennia. Variations in pH are accompanied by an increase in the δ13CHCl-HF values of organic matter from ?31.6 to $-29.2\permilleAn 11.6 m long continuous succession of annually laminated sediments from Lake Korttaj?rvi in central Finland was investigated for the isotopic composition of carbon and hydrogen in organic matter. The sequence covers a time period of 9590 years, and the varve chronology has been thoroughly described in earlier studies. From 7100 to 4400 BC the lake was part of the Ancient Lake P?ij?nne, but in 4400 BC it became separated and formed the present independent lake system. Two organic fractions were investigated. One fraction obtained by HCl-treatment was analyzed for δ13C and another HCl-HF-digested organic fraction was analyzed for both δ13C and δD. The isotopic data were compared to atomic C/N ratios, carbon contents, diatom-inferred pH values and other environmental parameters. The diatom-inferred pH values and organic carbon contents provide evidence for a long-term change towards more acidic conditions and lower productivity in Lake Korttaj?rvi. The inferred pH values decrease from 7.0 to 6.1, followed by a slight increase during the last millennia. Variations in pH are accompanied by an increase in the δ13CHCl-HF values of organic matter from −31.6 to , followed by a subtle decrease to . The changes in pH and δ13CHCl-HF are closely related (r = − 0.91, P < 0.01), and apparently reflect changing environmental conditions in the lake and in its catchment area. δD values show a marked shift to higher values during the early Holocene, which may be partly related to a climatic amelioration leading to the Holocene Climatic Optimum in 6000–2500 BC. The Medieval Warm Period in AD 980–1250 is associated with a local maximum in δD, lending support for a significant warming during that time.  相似文献   
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