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Hydrological models within inflow forecasting systems for high-alpine hydropower reservoirs can provide valuable information as part of a decision support system for the improvement of hydropower production or flood retention. The information, especially concerning runoff, is however rarely available for the calibration of the hydrological models used. Therefore, a method is presented to derive local runoff from secondary information for the calibration of the model parameters of the rainfallrunoff model COSERO. Changes in water levels in reservoirs, reservoir outflows, discharge measurements at water intakes and in transport lines are thereby used to derive the local, “natural” flow for a given sub-catchment. The proposed method is applied within a research study for the ÖBB Infrastructure Railsystem division in the Stubache catchment in the central Austrian Alps. Here, the ÖBB operates the hydropower scheme “Kraftwerksgruppe Stubachtal”, which consists of 7 reservoirs and 4 hydropower stations. The hydrological model has been set up considering this human influences and the high natural heterogeneity in topography and land cover, including glaciers. Overall, the hydrological model performs mostly well for the catchment with highest NSE values of 0.78 for the calibration and 0.79 for the validation period, also considering the use of homogeneous parameter fields and the uncertainty of the derived local discharge values. The derived runoff data proved to be useful information for the model calibration. Further analysis, examining the water balance and its components as well as snow cover, showed satisfactory simulation results. In conclusion, a unique runoff dataset for a small scale high-alpine catchment has been created to establish a hydrological flow prediction model which in a further step can be used for improved and sustainable hydropower management.  相似文献   
In situ, airborne and satellite measurements are used to characterize the structure of water vapor in the lower tropical troposphere—below the height, \(z_*,\) of the triple-point isotherm, \(T_*.\) The measurements are evaluated in light of understanding of how lower-tropospheric water vapor influences clouds, convection and circulation, through both radiative and thermodynamic effects. Lower-tropospheric water vapor, which concentrates in the first few kilometers above the boundary layer, controls the radiative cooling profile of the boundary layer and lower troposphere. Elevated moist layers originating from a preferred level of convective detrainment induce a profile of radiative cooling that drives circulations which reinforce such features. A theory for this preferred level of cumulus termination is advanced, whereby the difference between \(T_*\) and the temperature at which primary ice forms gives a ‘first-mover advantage’ to glaciating cumulus convection, thereby concentrating the regions of the deepest convection and leading to more clouds and moisture near the triple point. A preferred level of convective detrainment near \(T_*\) implies relative humidity reversals below \(z*\) which are difficult to identify using retrievals from satellite-borne microwave and infrared sounders. Isotopologues retrievals provide a hint of such features and their ability to constrain the structure of the vertical humidity profile merits further study. Nonetheless, it will likely remain challenging to resolve dynamically important aspects of the vertical structure of water vapor from space using only passive sensors.  相似文献   
The internal deformation within debris flows holds essential information on dynamics and flow resistance of such mass-wasting processes. Systematic measurements of velocity profiles in real-scale debris flows are not yet available. Additionally, data on basal stresses of the solid and the fluid phase are rare. Here, we present and analyse measurements of vertical velocity profiles in two debris flows naturally occurring in the Gadria Creek, Italy. The method is based on cross-correlation of paired conductivity signals from an array of sensors installed on a fin-shaped wall located in the middle of the channel. Additionally, we measure normal stress and pore fluid pressure by two force plates with integrated pressure transducers. We find internal deformation throughout the flows. Only at the very front was some en-bloc movement observed. Velocity profiles varied from front to tail and between flows. For one debris flow, pore fluid pressure close to normal stress was measured, whereas the other flow was less liquefied. The median shear rates were mostly less than 5 s−1 and Savage numbers at the basal layer ranged from 0.01 to 1. Our results highlight the variable nature of debris flows and provide quantitative data on shear rate and basal stress distribution to help guide model development for hazard assessment and landscape evolution. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
Interpretation of carbon dioxide diffusion behavior in coals   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Storage of carbon dioxide in geological formations is for many countries one of the options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus to satisfy the Kyoto agreements. The CO2 storage in unminable coal seams has the advantage that it stores CO2 emissions from industrial processes and can be used to enhance coalbed methane recovery (CO2-ECBM). For this purpose, the storage capacity of coal is an important reservoir parameter. While the amount of CO2 sorption data on various natural coals has increased in recent years, only few measurements have been performed to estimate the rate of CO2 sorption under reservoir conditions. An understanding of gas transport is crucial for processes associated with CO2 injection, storage and enhanced coalbed methane (ECBM) production.A volumetric experimental set-up has been used to determine the rate of sorption of carbon dioxide in coal particles at various pressures and various grain size fractions. The pressure history during each pressure step was measured. The measurements are interpreted in terms of temperature relaxation and transport/sorption processes within the coal particles. The characteristic times of sorption increase with increasing pressure. No clear dependence of the characteristic time with respect to the particle size was found. At low pressures (below 1 MPa) fast gas diffusion is the prevailing mechanism for sorption, whereas at higher pressures, the slow diffusion process controls the gas uptake by the coal.  相似文献   
Multimineral Rb/Sr internal isochrons from eclogite facies rocks of the Eclogite Zone (Tauern Window, Eastern Alps) consistently yield an Early Oligocene age of 31.5±0.7 Ma. This age has been obtained both for late-prograde, dehydration-related eclogitic veins, and for rocks variably deformed and recrystallized under eclogite facies conditions (2.0–2.5 GPa, 600°C). Initial Sr-isotopic equilibria among all phases indicate absence of significant post-eclogitic isotope redistribution processes, therefore the ages date eclogite facies assemblage crystallization. Equilibria also prove that no prolonged pre-eclogite facies history is recorded in the rocks. Instead, subduction, prograde mineral reactions, and eclogitization proceeded rapidly. Fast exhumation immediately after eclogitization, with minimum rates >36 mm/a is inferred from a 31.5±0.5 Ma internal mineral isochron age of a post-eclogitic greenschist facies vein assemblage. Such rates equal typical subduction rates. Late Eocene to Early Oligocene subduction of the European continental margin, with subsequent rapid exhumation of high-pressure nappe complexes has previously been recognized only in the Western Alps. The new data signify synchronous continental collision all along the Alpine belt. Our results demonstrate the unique potential of Rb/Sr assemblage system analysis for precise dating of both eclogite facies and post-eclogitic events, thus for precisely constraining exhumation rates of deep-seated rocks, and for straightforward linkage of petrologic evidence with isotopic ages.  相似文献   
Solar abundances of light nuclei and mixing of the Sun   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Radial profiles of the light nuclei (A 15) are calculated in the non-mixing Sun, taking into account the changes of solar structure with time. The results are discussed in relation to models of solar mixing and compared with abundance determinations at the solar surface or in the solar wind. B cannot be depleted in the outer convective zone without producing a large increase in the He3/He4 ratio. A decrease in He3/He4 would be accompanied by changes in C13/C12 and N15/N14 of a magnitude which is not observed.It is shown that boron could be depleted in the pre-main sequence period of the Sun, if mixing was on a time-scale of 106 yr. The simultaneous small increase in He3/He4 does not contradict observation. However, Be would be depleted more strongly than B.A He3/He4 decrease is always accompanied by large changes in N15/N14 and C13/C12. Since such changes are not observed, it is concluded that the He3/He4 ratio in the outer convective zone is a reliable upper limit for (He3 + D)/He4 in the solar nebula. Thus the D/H ratio in the protosolar material was much lower than it is in sea water or in carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   
Measurements from the Galileo probe suggest that the zonal winds are deep rooted. Jupiter's high rotation rate makes it likely that the whole outer molecular H/He layer is involved in these long-lived jet flows. Assuming that the primary flows are geostrophic, and that the banded surface structure stretches right through the molecular H/He layer, we examine the conditions for such flows to be stable. As a first step, the linear stability of some prescribed banded zonal flows in a rotating spherical shell is explored. Incompressibility is assumed for simplicity, and the boundary condition is stress-free. We compare solutions for two aspect ratios, appropriate for the molecular H/He layers of Jupiter and Saturn, and two Ekman numbers (E=10−2 and E=10−4). Convective and shear flow instabilities compete in our system. The convective instabilities are of the well-known columnar structure. Shear flow instabilities for the larger Ekman number are similar to the Taylor-Couette instability in rotating annuli. At the lower Ekman number, shear flow instabilities adopt a geostrophic character, assuming the form of rotating columns, similar to the convective instabilities. While the convective instability always sets in outside the tangent cylinder, shear instability can become unstable inside the tangent cylinder. If even a weak zonal flow is present inside the tangent cylinder, the flow is unstable to shear instability. This offers an explanation why the jovian zonal jet structure is much weaker at the higher latitudes that correspond to locations inside the tangent cylinder.  相似文献   
In 1997, the COmet Nucleus TOUR (CONTOUR) was selected byNASA for a new start as part of the Discovery line. In this paper, we review the status of the mission, the mission timeline and the instruments to be flown. Detail is given of the science goals and how they are to be accomplished.  相似文献   
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