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A re‐analysis of sea‐level data from eastern Australia based on 115 calibrated C‐14 ages is used to constrain the origin, timing and magnitude of sea‐level change over the last 7000 years. We demonstrate that the Holocene sea‐level highstand of +1.0–1.5 m was reached ~7000 cal yr bp and fell to its present position after 2000 yr bp . These findings are in contrast to most previous studies that relied on smaller datasets and did not include the now common conversion of conventional C‐14 ages to calendar years. During this ~5000 year period of high sea level, growth hiatuses in oyster beds and tubeworms and lower elevations of coral microatolls are interpreted to represent short‐lived oscillations in sea‐level of up to 1 m during two intervals, beginning c. 4800 and 3000 cal yr bp . The rates of sea‐level rise and fall (1–2 mm yr?1) during these centennial‐scale oscillations are comparable with current rates of sea‐level rise. The origin of the oscillations is enigmatic but most likely the result of oceanographic and climatic changes, including wind strengths, ice ablation, and melt‐water contributions of both Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets.  相似文献   
Water samples from the Fraser, Skeena and Nass River basins of the Canadian Cordillera were analyzed for dissolved major element concentrations (HCO3, SO42−, Cl, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+), δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13CDIC), and δ34S of dissolved sulfate (δ34SSO4) to quantify chemical weathering rates and exchanges of CO2 between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Weathering rates of silicates and carbonates were determined from major element mass balance. Combining the major element mass balance with δ34SSO4 (−8.9 to 14.1‰CDT) indicates sulfide oxidation (sulfuric acid production) and subsequent weathering of carbonate and to a lesser degree silicate minerals are important processes in the study area. We determine that on average, 81% of the riverine sulfate can be attributed to sulfide oxidation in the Cordilleran rivers, and that 25% of the total weathering cation flux can be attributed to carbonate and silicate dissolution by sulfuric acid. This result is validated by δ13CDIC values (−9.8 to −3.7‰ VPDB) which represents a mixture of DIC produced by the following weathering pathways: (i) carbonate dissolution by carbonic acid (−8.25‰) > (ii) silicate dissolution by carbonic acid (−17‰) ≈ (iii) carbonate dissolution by sulfuric acid derived from the oxidation of sulfides (coupled sulfide-carbonate weathering) (+0.5‰).δ34SSO4 is negatively correlated with δ13CDIC in the Cordilleran rivers, which further supports the hypothesis that sulfuric acid produced by sulfide oxidation is primarily neutralized by carbonates, and that sulfide-carbonate weathering impacts the δ13CDIC of rivers. The negative correlation between δ34SSO4 and δ13CDIC is not observed in the Ottawa and St. Lawrence River basins. This suggests other factors such as landscape age (governed by tectonic uplift) and bedrock geology are important controls on regional sulfide oxidation rates, and therefore also on the magnitude of sulfide-carbonate weathering—i.e., it is more significant in tectonically active areas.Calculated DIC fluxes due to Ca and Mg silicate weathering by carbonic acid (38.3 × 103 mol C · km−2 · yr−1) are similar in magnitude to DIC fluxes due to sulfide-carbonate weathering (18.5 × 103 mol C · km−2 · yr−1). While Ca and Mg silicate weathering facilitates a transfer of atmospheric CO2 to carbonate rocks, sulfide-carbonate weathering can liberate CO2 from carbonate rocks to the atmosphere when sulfide oxidation exceeds sulfide deposition. This implies that in the Canadian Cordillera, sulfide-carbonate weathering can offset up to 48% of the current CO2 drawdown by silicate weathering in the region.  相似文献   
In this paper, a general FRW cosmological model has been constructed in f(R,T) gravity reconstruction with variable cosmological constant. A number of solutions to the field equations has been generated by utilizing a form for the Hubble parameter that leads to Berman's law of constant deceleration parameter q = m-1. The possible decelerating and accelerating solutions have been investigated. For(q 0) we get a stable flat decelerating radiation-dominated universe at q = 1. For(q 0) we get a stable accelerating solution describing a flat universe with positive energy density and negative cosmological constant. Nonconventional mechanisms that are expected to address the late-time acceleration with negative cosmological constant have been discussed.  相似文献   
We studied the distribution of arthropods in the Arava desert on both sides of the Israeli-Jordanian border, to assess the impact of different anthropogenic pressures on the local fauna. We examined how different landscape units, proximity to agricultural fields, and human societies, might affect the diversity of ground dwelling beetles, and spiders, using ordination and diversity estimation methods. Our results suggest that although both countries contain similar habitats, each has its own unique characteristics, probably due to different cultural practices. The immediate repercussion is that loss of a habitat on one side of the border cannot be compensated with preservation of the same habitat across the border, due to fauna dissimilarity. For example, beetle species can be assembled according to landscape units, but within each landscape unit they show dissimilarities that are based on the geopolitical location. Spiders fail to assemble according to landscape units but cluster as a unique group within Israel. Both landscape unit type and the border, were found to be important for the overall species diversity of this ecosystem and therefore “redundancy” should be carefully applied, especially across geopolitical borders.  相似文献   
Geophysical techniques such as gravity, magnetic and seismology are perfect tools for detecting subsurface structures of local, regional as well as of global scales. The study of the earthquake records can be used for differentiating the active and non-active fault elements. In the current study, more than 2,200 land magnetic stations have been measured using two proton magnetometers. The data are corrected for diurnal variations and then reduced by the International Geomagnetic Reference Field. The corrected data have been interpreted by different techniques after filtering the data to separate shallow sources (basaltic sheet) from the deep sources (basement complex). Both Euler deconvolution and 3-D magnetic modeling were carried out. The results of interpretation indicate that the depth to the upper surface of basaltic sheet ranges from <10 to 600 m, depth to the lower surface ranges from 60 to 750 m, while the thickness of the basaltic sheet varies from <10 to 450 m. Moreover, gravity measurements are conducted at 2,250 stations using a CG-3 gravimeter. The measured values are corrected to construct a Bouger anomaly map. The least squares technique is then applied for regional–residual separation. The third order of least squares is found to be the most suitable to separate the residual anomalies from the regional one. The resultant third-order residual gravity map is used to delineate the structural fault systems of different characteristic trends. The trends show an NW–SE trend parallel to that of Gulf of Suez, an NE–SW trend parallel to the Gulf of Aqaba and an E–W trend parallel to that of the Mediterranean Sea. Taking seismological records into consideration, it is found that most of the 24 earthquake events recorded in the study area are located on fault elements. This gives an indication that the delineated fault elements are active.  相似文献   
The Algerian margin is a seismically active region, where during the last century, several large magnitude earthquakes took place. This study combines geotechnical and sedimentological data with numerical modelling to quantitatively assess the present-day slope stability of the Algerian margin. Geotechnical laboratory tests, such as cyclic triaxial tests, oedometric tests and vane shear tests were carried out on sediment cores collected on the study area. The liquefaction potential of a sediment column located about 30 km from the Boumerdès earthquake epicentre of 21st May 2003 was evaluated theoretically for an earthquake of M w  = 6.8. We show that thin sand and silt beds such as those described on recovered sediment cores are the main cause of sediment deformation and liquefaction during earthquakes. Numerical calculations showed that the slope failure may occur during an earthquake characterised by a PGA in excess of 0.1g, and also that, under a PGA of 0.2g liquefaction could be triggered in shallow silty–sandy deposits. Moreover, comparison of the predicted slope failure with failure geometries inferred from seafloor morphology showed that earthquakes and subsequent mass movements could explain the present-day morphology of the study area.  相似文献   
Boundaries of densely populated areas can approach with time to old subsurface repositories of radioactive waste due to growth of settlement territories. P  相似文献   
What drives national adaptation? A global assessment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
That the climate is changing and societies will have to adapt is now unequivocal, with adaptation becoming a core focus of climate policy. Our understanding of the challenges, needs, and opportunities for climate change adaptation has advanced significantly in recent years yet remains limited. Research has identified and theorized key determinants of adaptive capacity and barriers to adaptation, and more recently begun to track adaptation in practice. Despite this, there is negligible research investigating whether and indeed if adaptive capacity is translating into actual adaptation action. Here we test whether theorized determinants of adaptive capacity are associated with adaptation policy outcomes at the national level for 117 nations. We show that institutional capacity, in particular measures of good governance, are the strongest predictors of national adaptation policy. Adaptation at the national level is limited in countries with poor governance, and in the absence of good governance other presumed determinants of adaptive capacity show limited effect on adaptation. Our results highlight the critical importance of institutional good governance as a prerequisite for national adaptation. Other elements of theorized adaptive capacity are unlikely to be sufficient, effective, or present at the national level where national institutions and governance are poor.  相似文献   
A time series of velocity profile in the upper 150 m of the equatorial Atlantic was gathered at 23W in 2002 within the PIRATA program. It constitutes the first time series of near surface current measurements simultaneous with altimetric data in the equatorial Atlantic. The surface slope anomaly along the equator is computed from satellite altimetry, and, as a proxy for the pressure gradient along the equator, compared with the wind and near surface current data. In a first step, a time series of the surface slope anomaly along the equator in the Atlantic is computed from the 10-year-long TOPEX/Poseidon sea level anomalies. A sensitivity study establishes the robustness of the calculation. Apart from a 15 cm bias, the equatorial sea surface slope anomalies estimated either from TOPEX/Poseidon or from Jason over the 6-month overlap (Feb.-Aug. 2002) do not reveal drastic differences. We produce two sea surface slope anomaly composite time series for 2002 (one with T/P data, the other with Jason data during the commissioning phase) and compare them to the wind and velocity data at 23W. As expected, the near surface velocity and depth of the upper limit of the equatorial undercurrent (EUC) are extremely well correlated with the surface pressure gradient anomaly. 10-year-long time series of altimetry-derived zonal sea surface slope anomaly and ECMWF ERA40 wind stress are also well correlated. They exhibit similar spectral content and similar anomalous years. This is a first step towards a full analysis of the EUC dynamics using altimetry, PIRATA data (near surface current and subsurface thermohaline structure) and model. These initial comparisons reinforce the utility of Jason measurements for continuing the 10-year and highly accurate TOPEX/Poseidon time series for study of equatorial signals.  相似文献   
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