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We report the discovery of a new AM Herculis binary (polar) as the optical counterpart of the soft X-ray source RX J1724.0+4114 detected during the ROSAT all-sky survey. The magnetic nature of this V  ∼ 17 mag object is confirmed by low-resolution spectroscopy showing strong Balmer and He  II emission lines superimposed on a blue continuum, which is deeply modulated by cyclotron humps. The inferred magnetic field strength is 50 ± 4 MG (or possibly even ≈ 70 MG). Photometric observations spanning ∼ 3 yr reveal a period of 119.9 min, directly below the period gap. The morphology of the optical and X-ray light curves, which do not show eclipses by the secondary star, suggests a self-eclipsing geometry. We derive a lower limit on the distance of d  ≳ 250 pc.  相似文献   
In a previous article describing the cloud of attogram dust particles surrounding Comet Halley, the present authors noted a sharp break in the curve of signal amplitude (related to particle size) versus distance to the comet. Arguments were given which supported the explanation that the break was instrumental rather than due to a physical structure in the coma. At that time no conclusive evidence was available. In the meantime a paper by other authors has appeared which concluded that this glitch was due to a physical process in the coma and presented a theory to explain it. Recently the present authors have found very strong evidence in the telemetry data that the glitch was instrumental. However this finding does not change the conclusion by all the authors referenced here that the signals at large distances from the comet were due to attogram dust particles.  相似文献   
A biostratigraphical and palaeoecological survey employing calcareous nannofossils and planktonic and benthonic foraminifera has been carried out in four sections of hemipelagic marls and chalks of the Late Maastrichtian Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone of eastern Sinai, in order to evaluate the mechanisms controlling the composition of the well preserved microfauna and nannoflora.The Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone in eastern Sinai can be easily identified by the wide occurrence of the index fossil A. mayaroensis and can be further subdivided by the first occurrences of Plummerita reicheli (ex. P. hantkeninoides) and Micula prinsii. Microfossil abundances and lithologies are characterised by pronounced repetitive distribution patterns. These include low and high frequency fluctuations of the planktonic/benthonic (P/B) foraminiferal ratio, repetitive changes in the abundance of calcareous nannofossils and benthonic foraminifera, as well as the development of chalk-marl couplets and thinning upward chalk packets. both microfossil distribution patterns and the occurrence of rhythmites are attributed to changes in primary palaeoproductivity. Semiquantitative investigations of calcareous nannofossils and a few selected benthonic foraminifera yield evidence of the presence of high (HP) and low (LP) productivity assemblages.The interpreted HP assemblage is dominated by Glaukolithus diplogrammus, Manvitella pemmatoidea, Microrhabdulus decoratus and Micula murus and the benthonic foraminifera Neoflabellina jarvisi; the LP assemblage is characterised by Lithraphidites quadratus and Bolivinoides draco. However, further quantitative studies are necessary to reconstruct the exact composition of these assemblages and to explain deviatory developments. The chalk-marl couplets, thinning-upward chalk packets and the high frequency P/B patterns are interpreted to reflect productivity changes related to orbital forcing. These hemipelagites were deposited during the latest phase of the southern Tethyan upwelling system, which was active from the Santonian to the Late Maastrichtian with a peak in the Campanian. Termination of upwelling just before the K/T boundary also provides a good explanation for the change towards a palaeobathymetric control on foraminiferal distribution, as observed for the Palaeocene of central east Sinai.  相似文献   
The measures required for driving a tunnel below the groundwater table depend on the permeability of the soil. In coarse-grained, highly permeable soils additional measures, for example compressed-air support combined with a reduction of the permeability of the soil, e.g. induced by grouting, are necessary. Compared to this, it is possible to do without such measures in fine-grained, cohesive soils because of the increased short-term stability of the tunnel face under undrained conditions. In this publication the results of 3-dimensional finite-element calculations are presented to show the influence of the permeability of the soil and also the rate of the tunnel driving on the deformations around the tunnel as well as on the ground surface. The calculated deformations can furthermore be considered as an indicator for the time dependent stability of the tunnel face due to a higher redistribution of stresses and by that an enlargement of the plasticized zone. Usually the stability of the tunnel face is reduced by the presence of water because of the flow of water towards the tunnel. In low permeable soils undrained conditions prevail immediately after an excavation step. In this case relatively high stability-ratios may occur. The stability of the tunnel face will be reduced with increasing time until reaching the lower boundary of possible values, possibly leading to failure. If calculations are done under the assumption of drained conditions, the real stability of the tunnel face during construction may substantially exceed that of the calculated one. On the other hand, if calculations are done for undrained conditions, the effective stability may lie on the unsafe side [10]. There is therefore a big demand to optimize the method of investigating deformations around the tunnel, so as to ensure a safe tunnel excavation on the one hand and to guarantee a cost-effective process on the other. In this paper the tunnelling process is modelled by a step-by-step excavation under atmospheric conditions. The soil is described by a material model which distinguishes between primary and unload-reload stress paths and also accounts for stress-dependent stiffness parameters. The failure criterion is described by the Mohr-Coulomb criterion that considers cohesion, friction angle and angle of dilatancy.  相似文献   
We studied upper Albian to Turonian shallow-marine shelf deposits (Ajlun Group) of west central Jordan along a NNE-SSW running transect. The carbonate-dominated succession includes few siliciclastic intercalations, claystones and shales, and can be subdivided into five formations. The Naur, Fuheis and Hummar Formations of upper Albian to upper Cenomanian age represent shallow subtidal to supratidal platform environments. The uppermost Cenomanian to middle Turonian Shueib Formation includes deeper water deposits of the inner/mid-shelf and locally TOC-rich black shales. Shallow-marine platform environments once again dominate the Wadi As Sir Formation (middle-upper Turonian). A new multibiostratigraphic framework is based on ammonites (mainly of the middle Cenomanian rhotomagense Zone to the middle Turonian woollgari Zone) and calcareous nannofossils (biozones CC 9–CC 11), supplemented by benthic and planktonic foraminifers and ostracods. It forms the base of a sequence stratigraphic subdivision, containing eight sedimentary sequences (S1–S8), which are separated by four Cenomanian sequence boundaries (CeJo1–CeJo4) and three Turonian sequence boundaries (TuJo1–TuJo3). This scheme allows the correlation of the platform succession from distal to proximal shelf areas in contrast to previous correlations using lithologic units. Furthermore, comparisons between the platform successions and sequence patterns of west central Jordan and those from neighbouring areas allow to differentiate local, regional, and global controlling factors of platform development within the study area.  相似文献   
Whole-ecosystem experiments may reach statistical pertinence when reference and treatment sites are compared. Therefore at least two similar systems must be found. To this aim we tried to answer the question if the hyporheic zones of both streams have similar features. We postulated that both streams would be unsuitable for a comparison in an ecosystem experiment if the structure of their hyporheic invertebrate communities differs significantly. Although pH, electrical conductivity and nitrate concentration differed in the surface water, variability of all chemical criteria studied in the hyporheic zones was much lower between the two streams compared to the variability within each stream. Thus the structure of both hyporheic invertebrate communities did not differ significantly. Because of this uniformity both streams are regarded to be suitable for a comparison in a whole-ecosystem experiment.  相似文献   
In the integrated framework presented in this article, a geographical information system serves as a shell to integrate spatial, dynamic and stochastic perspectives of biological invasions in a coherent workflow. A decision tree model stratifies the landscape with respect to spatial susceptibility and builds the spatial biophysical structure for the simulation of species invasion. A dynamic diffusion model evaluates the temporal changes of species to provide the dynamic parameters for the simulation. A simulation model derived from percolation theory simulates species invasion by combining spatial and dynamic information, and explicitly representing spatio‐temporal patterns of invasions within the GIS‐percolation environment. The simulation illustrates the great influence of spatial structure and connectivity of landscape on the diffusion of the species.  相似文献   
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