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关于南海北部滨海断裂带的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
南海北部的滨海断裂带是位于南澳岛之东粤东南滨海地区的一条北东东走向的构造带。由于其所处的构造位置而一直被地球科学工作者所关注,并从不同角度作了不少研究。在广泛收集有关断裂带的资料和研究成果的基础上,对前人关于断裂带存在的依据、断裂带发育的时代、断裂带的构造属性和第四纪活动情况的认识作了简要归纳,并就断裂带的分布、构造属性等作了初步分析。  相似文献   
对强夯法施工引起的振动效应进行了详细分析,得出对邻近建筑物影响因素的估计,为强夯施工方案设计提供设计借鉴。  相似文献   
Tianshan is one of the longest and most active intracontinental orogenic belts in the world. Due to the collision between Indian and Eurasian plates since Cenozoic, the Tianshan has been suffering from intense compression, shortening and uplifting. With the continuous extension of deformation to the foreland direction, a series of active reverse fault fold belts have been formed. The Xihu anticline is the fourth row of active fold reverse fault zone on the leading edge of the north Tianshan foreland basin. For the north Tianshan Mountains, predecessors have carried out a lot of research on the activity of the second and third rows of the active fold-reverse faults, and achieved fruitful results. But there is no systematic study on the Quaternary activities of the Xihu anticline zone. How is the structural belt distributed in space?What are the geometric and kinematic characteristics?What are the fold types and growth mechanism?How does the deformation amount and characteristics of anticline change?In view of these problems, we chose Xihu anticline as the research object. Through the analysis of surface geology, topography and geomorphology and the interpretation of seismic reflection profile across the anticline, we studied the geometry, kinematic characteristics, fold type and growth mechanism of the structural belt, and calculated the shortening, uplift and interlayer strain of the anticline by area depth strain analysis.
In this paper, by interpreting the five seismic reflection profiles across the anticline belt, and combining the characteristics of surface geology and geomorphology, we studied the types, growth mechanism, geometry and kinematics characteristics, and deformation amount of the fold. The deformation length of Xihu anticline is more than 47km from west to east, in which the hidden length is more than 14km. The maximum deformation width of the exposed area is 8.5km. The Xihu anticline is characterized by small surface deformation, simple structural style and symmetrical occurrence. The interpretation of seismic reflection profile shows that the deep structural style of the anticline is relatively complex. In addition to the continuous development of a series of secondary faults in the interior of Xihu anticline, an anticline with small deformation amplitude(Xihubei anticline)is continuously developed in the north of Xihu anticline. The terrain high point of Xihu anticline is located about 12km west of Kuitun River. The deformation amplitude decreases rapidly to the east and decreases slowly to the west, which is consistent with the interpretation results of seismic reflection profile and the calculation results of shortening. The Xihu anticline is a detachment fold with the growth type of limb rotation. The deformation of Xihu anticline is calculated by area depth strain analysis method. The shortening of five seismic reflection sections A, B, C, D and E is(650±70) m, (1 070±70) m, (780±50) m, (200±40) m and(130±30) m, respectively. The shortening amount is the largest near the seismic reflection profile B of the anticline, and decreases gradually along the strike to the east and west ends of the anticline, with a more rapidly decrease to the east, which indicates that the topographic high point is also a structural high point. The excess area caused by the inflow of external material or outflow of internal matter is between -0.34km2 to 0.56km2. The average shortening of the Xihubei anticline is between(60±10) m and(130±40) m, and the excess area caused by the inflow of external material is between 0.50km2 and 0.74km2. The initial locations of the growth strata at the east part is about 1.9~2.0km underground, and the initial location of the growth strata at the west part is about 3.7km underground. We can see the strata overlying the Xihu anticline at 3.3km under ground, the strata above are basically not deformed, indicating that this section of the anticline is no longer active.  相似文献   
彭万山  龚龑  任杰  周聪  于亚娇 《测绘通报》2023,(1):52-57+64
无人机遥感能够提供高时空分辨率的影像数据,拥有广泛的应用前景。辐射校正将传感器记录的数据转化为地表反射率,是无人机数据定量化应用的前提。然而无人机数据易受光照等因素的影响,导致影像间存在不同程度的辐射差异,为多张无人机影像的辐射校正带来困难。基于影像间重叠区域的信息,辐射区域网平差能够获得全局最优的辐射校正参数,降低影像间的辐射差异,因此在实现影像的辐射校正方面具有巨大潜力。但大量待求解未知参数降低了辐射校正模型的求解效率,特别是在数据量急剧增加时,该问题更为突出。基于影像重叠区辐射信息建立的最优路径很好地考虑了影像间的辐射转化关系,可有效控制误差累计,为减少辐射区域网平差中未知参数的数量提供了一种思路。因此,本文将最优路径与辐射区域网平差相结合,以降低待求解参数的数量,在保证辐射校正精度的同时提高辐射校正模型求解效率,进而提升辐射区域网平差在大数据集上的应用潜力。  相似文献   
生成模型学习的遥感影像半监督分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任广波  张杰  马毅  郑荣儿 《遥感学报》2010,14(6):1097-1110
以生成模型最大似然估计为例,引入结合已标记样本和未标记样本的半监督分类方法来解决遥感影像分类中的小样本问题,应用已有的少量已标记样本初始化一个分类器,结合大量未标记样本,通过递归计算的方式对分类器进行优化,直到包含所有样本的似然函数收敛到局部极大值。通过分析遥感影像待分类类别与影像中地物类型固有特征之间的关系,设计两个在不同生成模型假设下的分类实验。结果表明,未标记样本的参与可在很大程度上提高小样本条件下的影像分类精度,但两种样本的数量应保持一个适当的比例。最后通过与在解决小样本分类问题方面有独特优势的SVM方法的分类比较,发现在小样本情况下,本文方法具有更好的应用潜力。  相似文献   
海流的拉格朗日运动对于研究物质输送有着重要意义,拉格朗日拟序结构(LCSs)作为研究海流结构的新型方法,相比于传统欧拉方法更为客观。本文提出了一种新的计算LCSs束的方法,基于25年的平均速度场,利用变分方法计算得到黑潮区域的气候态LCSs,并通过简化合并的方法得到了气候态LCSs束,该LCSs束能够突出地显示出海流特性和运输模式,其代表的平均拉格朗日环流有很强的约束作用,且具有鲁棒性。最终我们获得了气候态下12个月份的流场结构图,揭示了月周期性拉格朗日环流规律。本文还利用虚拟粒子输运、多年浮标轨迹以及气候态温盐异常3种方法进行了验证,与拉格朗日运输模式相吻合,证明了海流拉格朗日拟序结构的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   
The studied area is a shallow water area that belongs to the East China Sea continent shelf. The distribution of zooplankton biomass is higher inshore than offshore. The maximum abundance is in the inshore edge of the centre of upwelling, which is the superposed area of the salinity front and temperature front, due to the fact that the mixture of three different waters has brought about a concentration of nutrients. The herbivorous Euphausia, Copepoda and Tunicata are the major groups of the abundant area. Tunicata possess the possibility to compete against other kinds of herbivorous zooplankton. This means that there is negative correlation between the distribution of Tunicata and that of Copepoda and Euphausia. The positions of maximum areas of zooplankton biomass, phytoplankton individual and the concentration of phosphates and chlorophyll-a overlap one another. In the centre of upwelling, zooplankton can not adapt itself to the environment of lower temperature and less oxygen even with rich nutrient  相似文献   
孙凌  张杰 《海洋学报》2007,29(3):137-145
卫星传感器接收到的辐射能量不仅受到大气中分子和气溶胶散射的影响,还受到气体分子吸收的影响.对于可见光和近红外波段的水色遥感,吸收气体主要是臭氧、水汽和氧气,因此若传感器的光谱范围包含了这些气体的吸收波段,则应该在数据处理——计算瑞利、气溶胶反射率和透过率时予以考虑.波段光谱宽度为20 nm(两个近红外波段为40nm)的SeaWiFS在数据处理时主要考虑了臭氧和水汽的影响,并在计算气溶胶反射率时对受氧气吸收影响的波段进行了单独修正[1].由于“HY-1A”CCD的四个波段的光谱宽度均超过100 nm,覆盖了三种主要吸收气体的部分吸收线,因此它受到的气体影响会更大.  相似文献   
Heat flow and thermal modeling of the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Geothermal gradients are estimated to vary from 31 to 43 °C/km in the Yinggehai Basin based on 99 temperature data sets compiled from oil well data. Thirty-seven thermal conductivity measurements on core samples were made and the effects of porosity and water saturation were corrected. Thermal conductivities of mudstone and sandstone range from 1.2 to 2.7 W/m K, with a mean of 2.0±0.5 W/m K after approximate correction. Heat flow at six sites in the Yinggehai Basin range from 69 to 86 mW/m2, with a mean value of 79±7 mW/m2. Thick sediments and high sedimentation rates resulted in a considerable radiogenic contribution, but also depressed the heat flow. Measurements indicate the radiogenic heat production in the sediment is 1.28 μW/m3, which contributes 20% to the surface heat flow. After subtracting radiogenic heat contribution of the sediment, and sedimentation correction, the average basal heat flow from basement is about 86 mW/m2.Three stages of extension are recognized in the subsidence history, and a kinematic model is used to study the thermal evolution of the basin since the Cenozoic era. Model results show that the peak value of basal heat flow was getting higher and higher through the Cenozoic. The maximum basal heat flow increased from 65 mW/m2 in the first stage to 75 mW/m2 in the second stage, and then 90 mW/m2 in the third stage. The present temperature field of the lithosphere of the Yinggehai Basin, which is still transient, is the result of the multistage extension, but was primarily associated with the Pliocene extension.  相似文献   
发生在2009年7月22日亚太地区的日全食,为人们研究电离层扰动提供了一次难得的机会.基于沙洋地区采集的高频(1 Hz)GPS数据,通过对日食当天与前后几天电离层VTEC(Vertical Total Electron Content)的变化分析,结果显示日食期间电离层VTEC含量均呈现出一种先下降再上升的“水槽”变化趋势,且VTEC下降达到2~5 TECU,下降幅度达33.1%,VTEC的最小值与食甚时刻延迟为25.2~147.6 s.在日全食后期有中等强度的磁暴发生,与日食相互重合叠加共同对电离层VTEC变化造成影响,使得VTEC变化明显异于前后几天,最后定量的分析了磁暴对VTEC的影响.  相似文献   
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