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线状符号的分解与组合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
线状符号是地图上常用的符号,本文在分析其构造原理的基础上,提出了规则线状符号的逻辑构造函数。同时为了能够满足地图的视觉效果需要,讨论了在机助实现过程中的一些算法。  相似文献   
两种渐消滤波与自适应抗差滤波的综合比较分析(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two kinds of fading filters and their principles are introduced. An adaptive robust filter is given with corresponding principle. The basic abilities of the fading filters and adaptively robust filter in controlling the in- fluences of the kinematic model errors are analyzed. A practical example is given. The results of the fading filter and adaptively robust filter are compared and analyzed.  相似文献   
地形图综合中为了体现景观特征,必须考虑到要素间的关系,特别是在地形图的自动综合中更是如此。本文在地图数据库的基础上,探讨了复合目标的建立问题。  相似文献   
For centuries, explorers and scientists from different countries had made their own conclusions on the source of the Mekong. However, the geographic source of the Mekong is still arguable because of the complexity of the Mekong source water system, inaccessible environment and the varied technologies used by those explorers and scientists. The satellite remote sensing technology has been used to pinpoint the source of the Mekong, associated with the on-the-spot investigations made by the authors in June 1999 and September 2002. The actual length of the Mekong has also been calculated.  相似文献   
地形图综合中地貌综合是一大难题,只是以单根等高线的综合来实现地貌综合是不行的。为了等高线综合的方便,必须对等高线进行结构化处理,本文探讨了等高线的树结构建立。  相似文献   
A new numerical finite difference iteration method for refraction-diffraction of waves in waterof slowly varying current and topography is developed in this paper.And corresponding theoretical modelincluding the dissipation term is briefly described,together with some analysis and comparison ofcomputational results of the model with measurements in a hydraulic scale model(Berkhoff et al.,1982).An example of practical use of the method is given,showing that the present model is useful to engineeringpractice.  相似文献   
借助于微型计算机而建立的地图图形工作站其目的在于完成数字化地图生产,即从地图数据的获取、管理、编辑、更新到图形输出等一系列过程。而地图数字化子系统则是该工作站上完成数据获取这一最初也是最重要过程的软件系统。文中介绍了笔者研制的地图图形工作站上的地图数字化子系统。该系统是在自行设计和研制的地图图形工作站的总框架下完成的,现已具备数字地图产业化生产能力,能有效地配合工作站完成数字地图的生产。同时,该系统对于不同的数据获取途径以及诸如我国地(形)图的独特要求(如汉字注记的处理)等方面有良好的适应性。  相似文献   
基于非差观测的网络实时动态定位(RTK)方法通过提供每颗卫星的误差改正量,使网内用户获得与网络RTK方法等价的快速精密单点定位服务。当用户跨越连续运行基准站(CORS)网内由不同参考站组成的子网(参考子网)甚至跨越不同CORS网时,都能有效避免因所选取的主参考站变化而引起的模糊度重新初始化,从而保持观测时段内用户定位结果的连续可靠和跨CORS网服务时算法上的无缝衔接。通过对海上实测动态数据处理结果的分析,验证该方法的定位精度、初始化时间与现有网络RTK方法在量级上的一致性,以及跨不同参考子网和CORS网时实现无缝衔接的有效性。  相似文献   
一种复杂海天背景下的红外舰船目标自动检测方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种红外舰船目标检测算法。首先,利用设计好的频域组合高通滤波器对原始红外图像进行处理,以得到舰船目标可能存在的区域即目标潜在区;然后,对获得的目标潜在区进行尺度自适应的局部阈值分割,进而提取出较为完整的舰船目标或者虚假目标;最后通过检测吃水线特征来筛选出正确的舰船目标。实验结果表明,此算法能够有效地检测出复杂海天背景条件下的红外舰船目标,且具有一定的时效性。  相似文献   
We report results of our optical photometric observations of ten gamma-ray loud blazers, namely: 0219+428 (3C66A), PKS 0420-014 (OA 129), S5 0716+714, 0754+100 (OI 090.4), 0827+243 (OJ248), 1652+398 (Mrk 501), 2200+420 (BL Lacertae), 2230+114 (CTA 102), 2251+158 (3C 454.3) and 2344+514. The observations were carried out in September-October, 2000 using the 70 cm optical telescope at Abstumani Observatory, Georgia. We found intra-day variations in 0420-014, S5 0716+714, BL Lacertae and CTA 102. A variation of 0.3 magnitude over a time scale of about 3 hours was observed in the R passband in BL Lacertae on JD 2451827. We did not detect any variation in 3C 66A, Mrk 501, or 3C 454.3 during our observations. Nor did we detect any clear evidence of variation in 1ES 2344+514 during our two weeks' observing run of the TeV gamma-ray source.  相似文献   
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