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Abstract.  Infauna, including foraminifera and metazoans, were enumerated and identified from five types of seep habitats and two adjacent non-seep habitats. Collections were made with the deep submergence research vessel 'Alvin' from three areas of active seepage in the Gulf of Mexico (Alaminos Canyon [2220 m], Atwater Canyon [1930 m], and Green Canyon lease block 272 [700 m]) and on the Blake Ridge Diapir [2250 m], which is located off the southeastern coast of the United States. The seep habitats sampled included four types of microbial mats ( Beggiatoa , Thioploca , thin and thick Arcobacter ) and the periphery of a large mussel bed. Sediments under large rhizopod protists, xenophyophores, were sampled adjacent to the mussel bed periphery. A non-seep site, which was >1 km away from active seeps, was also sampled for comparison. Densities of most taxa were higher in the Gulf of Mexico seeps than in Blake Ridge samples, largely because densities in the thick microbial mats of Blake Ridge were significantly lower. Diversity was higher in the Thioploca mats compared to other microbial-mat types. Within an ocean basin ( i.e. , Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico) we did not observe significant differences in meiofaunal or macrofaunal composition in Beggiatoa versus Thioploca mats or thin versus thick Arcobacter mats. Foraminifera represented up to 16% of the seep community, a proportion that is comparable to their contribution at adjacent non-seep communities. In general, the observed densities and taxonomic composition of seep sites at the genus level was consistent with previous observations from seeps ( e.g. , the foraminifers Bolivina and Fursenkoina , the dorvilleid polychaete Ophryotrocha ).  相似文献   
Climate change in many agricultural contexts will increase tensions between farming and non-farming populations over adaptations in land use and water conservation strategies. How adequately these future tensions may be mitigated will be partially determined by each groups' beliefs about climate change. A voluminous literature shows that climate change beliefs are crucial for understanding engagement with climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, and that values motivate climate change beliefs, but the role of values remains unclear, and comparisons of farming and non-farming populations are scant. We develop a model of climate change beliefs that integrates four main motivating factors - values, political ideology, knowledge, and worldview - and we explicitly compare members of farming and non-farming populations in an agricultural watershed in the Central Great Plains, USA. Our findings highlight the role of held values in motivating climate change beliefs and point to areas of potential consensus and tension within and among members of these two groups. The results provide an empirical basis for developing future climate change engagement strategies in contexts of growing divides and conflicts among farming and non-farming groups.  相似文献   
The photometric properties of the nucleus of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 are studied from the disk-resolved color images obtained by Deep Impact (DI). Comet Tempel 1 has typical photometric properties for comets and dark asteroids. The disk-integrated spectrum of the nucleus of Tempel 1 between 309 and 950 nm is linear without any features at the spectral resolution of the filtered images. At V-band, the red slope of the nucleus is 12.5±1% per 100 nm at 63° phase angle, translating to B-V=0.84±0.01, V-R=0.50±0.01, and R-I=0.49±0.02. No phase reddening is confirmed. The phase function of the nucleus of Tempel 1 is constructed from DI images and earlier ground-based observations found from the literature. The phase coefficient is determined to be β=0.046±0.007 mag/deg between 4° and 117° phase angle. Hapke's theoretical scattering model was used to model the photometric properties of this comet. Assuming a single Henyey-Greenstein function for the single-particle phase function, the asymmetry factor of Tempel 1 was fitted to be g=−0.49±0.02, and the corresponding single-scattering albedo (SSA) was modeled to be 0.039±0.005 at 550 nm wavelength. The SSA spectrum shows a similar linear slope to that of the disk-integrated spectrum. The roughness parameter is found to be 16°±8°, and independent of wavelength. The Minnaert k parameter is modeled to be 0.680±0.014. The photometric variations on Tempel 1 are relatively small compared to other comets and asteroids, with a ∼20% full width at half maximum of albedo variation histogram, and ∼3% for color. Roughness variations are evident in one small area, with a roughness parameter about twice the average and appearing to correlate with the complex morphological texture seen in high-resolution images.  相似文献   
Volcanism on Io: New insights from global geologic mapping   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We produced the first complete, 1:15 M-scale global geologic map of Jupiter’s moon Io, based on a set of monochrome and color Galileo-Voyager image mosaics produced at a spatial resolution of 1 km/pixel. The surface of Io was mapped into 19 units based on albedo, color and surface morphology, and is subdivided as follows: plains (65.8% of surface), lava flow fields (28.5%), mountains (3.2%), and patera floors (2.5%). Diffuse deposits (DD) that mantle the other units cover ∼18% of Io’s surface, and are distributed as follows: red (8.6% of surface), white (6.9%), yellow (2.1%), black (0.6%), and green (∼0.01%). Analyses of the geographical and areal distribution of these units yield a number of results, summarized below. (1) The distribution of plains units of different colors is generally geographically constrained: Red-brown plains occur >±30° latitude, and are thought to result from enhanced alteration of other units induced by radiation coming in from the poles. White plains (possibly dominated by SO2 + contaminants) occur mostly in the equatorial antijovian region (±30°, 90-230°W), possibly indicative of a regional cold trap. Outliers of white, yellow, and red-brown plains in other regions may result from long-term accumulation of white, yellow, and red diffuse deposits, respectively. (2) Bright (possibly sulfur-rich) flow fields make up 30% more lava flow fields than dark (presumably silicate) flows (56.5% vs. 43.5%), and only 18% of bright flow fields occur within 10 km of dark flow fields. These results suggest that secondary sulfurous volcanism (where a bright-dark association is expected) could be responsible for only a fraction of Io’s recent bright flows, and that primary sulfur-rich effusions could be an important component of Io’s recent volcanism. An unusual concentration of bright flows at ∼45-75°N, ∼60-120°W could be indicative of more extensive primary sulfurous volcanism in the recent past. However, it remains unclear whether most bright flows are bright because they are sulfur flows, or because they are cold silicate flows covered in sulfur-rich particles from plume fallout. (3) We mapped 425 paterae (volcano-tectonic depressions), up from 417 previously identified by Radebaugh et al. (Radebaugh, J., Keszthelyi, L.P., McEwen, A.S., Turtle, E.P., Jaeger, W., Milazzo, M. [2001]. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 33005-33020). Although these features cover only 2.5% of Io’s surface, they correspond to 64% of all detected hot spots; 45% of all hot spots are associated with the freshest dark patera floors, reflecting the importance of active silicate volcanism to Io’s heat flow. (4) Mountains cover only ∼3% of the surface, although the transition from mountains to plains is gradational with the available imagery. 49% of all mountains are lineated and presumably layered, showing evidence of linear structures supportive of a tectonic origin. In contrast, only 6% of visible mountains are mottled (showing hummocks indicative of mass wasting) and 4% are tholi (domes or shields), consistent with a volcanic origin. (5) Initial analyses of the geographic distributions of map units show no significant longitudinal variation in the quantity of Io’s mountains or paterae, in contrast to earlier studies. This is because we use the area of mountain and patera materials as opposed to the number of structures, and our result suggests that the previously proposed anti-correlation of mountains and paterae (Schenk, P., Hargitai, H., Wilson, R., McEwen, A., Thomas, P. [2001]. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 33201-33222; Kirchoff, M.R., McKinnon, W.B., Schenk, P.M. [2011]. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 301, 22-30) is more complex than previously thought. There is also a slight decrease in surface area of lava flows toward the poles of Io, perhaps indicative of variations in volcanic activity. (6) The freshest bright and dark flows make up about 29% of all of Io’s flow fields, suggesting active emplacement is occurring in less than a third of Io’s visible lava fields. (7) About 47% of Io’s diffuse deposits (by area) are red, presumably deriving their color from condensed sulfur gas, and ∼38% are white, presumably dominated by condensed SO2. The much greater areal extent of gas-derived diffuse deposits (red + white, 85%) compared to presumably pyroclast-bearing diffuse deposits (dark (silicate tephra) + yellow (sulfur-rich tephra), 15%) indicates that there is effective separation between the transport of tephra and gas in many Ionian explosive eruptions. Future improvements in the geologic mapping of Io can be obtained via (a) investigating the relationships between different color/material units that are geographically and temporally associated, (b) better analysis of the temporal variations in the map units, and (c) additional high-resolution images (spatial resolutions ∼200 m/pixel or better). These improvements would be greatly facilitated by new data, which could be obtained by future missions.  相似文献   
Many plot‐scale studies have shown that snow‐cover dynamics in forest gaps are distinctly different from those in open and continuously forested areas, and forest gaps have the potential to alter the magnitude and timing of snowmelt. However, the watershed‐level impacts of canopy gap treatment on streamflows are largely unknown. Here, we present the first research that explicitly assesses the impact of canopy gaps on seasonal streamflows and particularly late‐season low flows at the watershed scale. To explicitly model forest–snow interactions in canopy gaps, we made major enhancements to a widely used distributed hydrologic model, distributed hydrology soil vegetation model, with a canopy gap component that represents physical processes of snowpack evolution in the forest gap separately from the surrounding forest on the subgrid scale (within a grid typically 10–150 m). The model predicted snow water equivalent using the enhanced distributed hydrology soil vegetation model showed good agreement (R2 > 0.9) with subhourly snow water equivalent measurements collected from open, forested, and canopy gap sites in Idaho, USA. Compared with the original model that does not account for interactions between gaps and surrounding forest, the enhanced model predicted notably later melt in small‐ to medium‐size canopy gaps (the ratio of gap radius (r) to canopy height (h) ≤ 1.2), and snow melt rates exhibited great sensitivity to changing gap size in medium‐size gaps (0.5 ≤ r/h ≤ 1.2). We demonstrated the watershed‐scale implications of canopy gaps on streamflow in the snow‐dominated Chiwawa watershed, WA, USA. With 24% of the watershed drainage area (about 446 km2) converted to gaps of 60 m diameter, the mean annual 7‐day low flow was increased by 19.4% (i.e., 0.37 m3/s), and the mean monthly 7‐day low flows were increased by 13.5% (i.e., 0.26 m3/s) to 40% (i.e., 1.76 m3/s) from late summer through fall. Lastly, in practical implementation of canopy gaps with the same total gap areas, a greater number of distributed small gaps can have greater potential for longer snow retention than a smaller number of large gaps.  相似文献   
Surface-water and ground-water flow are coupled in the central Everglades, although the remoteness of this system has hindered many previous attempts to quantify interactions between surface water and ground water. We modeled flow through a 43,000 ha basin in the central Everglades called Water Conservation Area 2A. The purpose of the model was to quantify recharge and discharge in the basin's vast interior areas. The presence and distribution of tritium in ground water was the principal constraint on the modeling, based on measurements in 25 research wells ranging in depth from 2 to 37 m. In addition to average characteristics of surface-water flow, the model parameters included depth of the layer of ‘interactive’ ground water that is actively exchanged with surface water, average residence time of interactive ground water, and the associated recharge and discharge fluxes across the wetland ground surface. Results indicated that only a relatively thin (8 m) layer of the 60 m deep surfical aquifer actively exchanges surface water and ground water on a decadal timescale. The calculated storage depth of interactive ground water was 3.1 m after adjustment for the porosity of peat and sandy limestone. Modeling of the tritium data yielded an average residence time of 90 years in interactive ground water, with associated recharge and discharge fluxes equal to 0.01 cm d−1. 3H/3He isotopic ratio measurements (which correct for effects of vertical mixing in the aquifer with deeper, tritium-dead water) were available from several wells, and these indicated an average residence time of 25 years, suggesting that residence time was overestimated using tritium measurements alone. Indeed, both residence time and storage depth would be expected to be overestimated due to vertical mixing. The estimate of recharge and discharge (0.01 cm d−1) that resulted from tritium modeling therefore is still considered reliable, because the ratio of residence time and storage depth (used to calculated recharge and discharge) is much less sensitive to vertical mixing compared with residence time alone. We conclude that a small but potentially significant component of flow through the Everglades is recharged to the aquifer and stored there for years to decades before discharged back to surface water. Long-term storage of water and solutes in the ground-water system beneath the wetlands has implications for restoration of Everglades water quality.  相似文献   
In many coastal regions throughout the world, there is increasing pressure to harden shorelines to protect human infrastructures against sea level rise, storm surge, and erosion. This study examines waterbird community integrity in relation to shoreline hardening and land use characteristics at three geospatial scales: (1) the shoreline scale characterized by seven shoreline types: bulkhead, riprap, developed, natural marsh, Phragmites-dominated marsh, sandy beach, and forest; (2) the local subestuary landscape scale including land up to 500 m inland of the shoreline; and (3) the watershed scale >500 m from the shoreline. From 2010 to 2014, we conducted waterbird surveys along the shoreline and open water within 21 subestuaries throughout the Chesapeake Bay during two seasons to encompass post-breeding shorebirds and colonial waterbirds in late summer and migrating and wintering waterfowl in late fall. We employed an Index of Waterbird Community Integrity (IWCI) derived from mean abundance of individual waterbird species and scores of six key species attributes describing each species’ sensitivity to human disturbance, and then used this index to characterize communities in each subestuary and season. IWCI scores ranged from 14.3 to 19.7. Multivariate regression model selection showed that the local shoreline scale had the strongest influence on IWCI scores. At this scale, percent coverage of bulkhead and Phragmites along shorelines were the strongest predictors of IWCI, both with negative relationships. Recursive partitioning revealed that when subestuary shoreline coverage exceeded thresholds of approximately 5% Phragmites or 8% bulkhead, IWCI scores decreased. Our results indicate that development at the shoreline scale has an important effect on waterbird community integrity, and that shoreline hardening and invasive Phragmites each have a negative effect on waterbirds using subestuarine systems.  相似文献   
The Rehai Geothermal Field,located in Tengcbong County,in central-western Yunnan Province, is the largest and most intensively studied geothermal held in China.A wide physicochemical diversity of springs(ambient to ~97℃;pH from≤.8 to≥9.3) provides a multitude of niches for extremophilic microorganisms.A variety of studies have focused on the cultivation,identification,basic physiology,taxonomy,and biotechnological potential of thermophilic microorganisms from Rehai.Thermophilic bacteria isolated from Rehai belong to the phyla Firmicutes and Deinococcus-Thenmts. Firmicutes include neutrophilic or alkaliphilic Anoxybacillus,Bacillus,Caldalkalibacillus.Caldanaerobacier, Laceyella,and Geobacillus,as well as thermoacidophilic Alicyclobacillus and Sulfobacillus. Isolates from the Deinococcus-Thermus phylum include several Meiothermus and Thennus species.Many of these bacteria synthesize thermostable polymer-degrading enzymes that may be useful for biotechnology. The thermoacidophilic archaea Acidianus.Melal/osp/utera.and Suljolobus have also been isolated and studied.A few studies have reported the isolation of thermophilic viruses belonging to Siphoviridae(TTSP4 and TTSPIO) and Fuselloviridae(STSVl) infecting Thennus spp.and Suljolobus spp..respectively.More recently,cultivation-independent studies using 16S rRNA gene sequences, shotgun metagenomics,or "functional gene" sequences have revealed a much broader diversity of microorganisms than represented in culture.Studies of the gene and mRNA encoding the large subunit of the ammonia monooxygenase(imioA) of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea(AOA) and the tetraether lipid erenarchaeol. a potential biomarker for AOA.suggest a wide diversity,but possibly low abundance,of thermophilic AOA in Rehai.Finally,we introduce the Tengchong Partnerships in International Research and Education(PIRE) project,an international collaboration between Chinese and U.S.scientists with the goal of promoting international and interdisciplinary cooperation to gain a more holistic and global view of life in terrestrial geothermal springs.  相似文献   
Santa Monica Bay (SMB) beaches are the most heavily used in the U.S.A., despite an increased number of water quality postings over the last several years. To assess whether water quality problems are concentrated at a small number of chronically affected sites or whether the problems are widely distributed, we compiled 5 years of monitoring data collected at 59 sites, 22 of which are sampled daily. Other locally available rainfall and sewage spill monitoring information data were added to this data set to assess whether sewage spills, dry-weather runoff, or wet-weather runoff contribute the most to exceedences of water quality thresholds. Approximately 13% of the shoreline mile-days along monitored beaches in SMB exceeded the State of California's beach water quality standards during the 5-year study period. Most of the water quality exceedences occurred near urban runoff drains even though areas affected by drains represent only a small portion of the total shoreline. Although storms are relatively infrequent in southern California, the extent of water quality exceedences resulting from storm water runoff was similar to the extent of water quality exceedences found during dry weather. Sewage spills, while potentially more serious because they lead to beach closures rather than to the more limited posting of warning signs, represented less than 0.1% of the shoreline mile-days that exceeded water quality thresholds. During dry weather conditions, most of the water quality problems occurred near five of the largest drains and at two beach areas that have unique physical characteristics, which limited mixing, dispersion, and dilution. During wet weather conditions, water quality problems were more widespread.  相似文献   
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