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Summary. We present a model of the magnetic field at the core–mantle boundary, for epoch 1959.5, based on a large set of observatory and survey measurements. Formal error estimates for the radial field at the core are 50 μT, compared with 30 and 40 μT for our previous MAGSAT (1980) and POGO (1970) models.
Current work on the determination of the velocity of the core fluid relies on the assumption that the core behaves as a perfect conductor, so that the field lines remain frozen to the fluid at the core surface. This frozen-flux condition requires that the integrated flux over patches of the core surface bounded by contours of zero radial field remain constant in time. A new method is presented for constructing core fields that satisfy these frozen-flux constraints. The constraints are non-linear when applied to main field data, unlike the case of secular variation which was considered in an earlier paper. The method is applied to datasets from epochs 1969.5 and 1959.5 to produce fields with the same flux integrals as the 1980 model.
The frozen-flux hypothesis is tested by comparing the changes in the flux integrals between 1980/1969.5, 1969.5/1959.5 and 1980/1959.5 with their errors. We find that the hypothesis can be rejected with 95 per cent confidence. The main evidence for flux diffusion is in the South Atlantic region, where a new null flux curve appears between 1960 and 1970, and continues to grow at a rapid rate from 1970 to 1980. However, the statistical result depends critically on our error estimates for the field at the core surface, which are difficult to assess with any certainty; indeed, doubling the error estimates negates the statistical argument. The conclusion is therefore, at this stage, tentative, and requires further evidence, either from older data, if good enough, or from future satellite measurements.  相似文献   
The depositional processes associated with late Devensian ice in areas bordering the Irish Sea basin have been the subject of considerable debate. Among the key areas around the Irish Sea, southwest Wales occupies a particularly crucial position because it is here that ice flowing from the north impinged upon the coast orthogonally and encroached inland. Two main hypotheses have emerged concerning deglaciation of the Irish Sea basin. The traditional hypothesis holds that sedimentation was ice‐marginal or subglacial, whereas an alternative hypothesis that emerged in the 1980s argued that sedimentation was glaciomarine. Southwest Wales is well‐placed to contribute to this debate. However, few detailed sedimentological studies, linked to topography, have been made previously in order to reconstruct glacial environments in this area. In this paper, evidence is presented from four boreholes drilled recently in the Cardigan area, combined with data from coastal and inland exposures in the lower Teifi valley and adjacent areas. A complex history of glaciation has emerged: (i) subglacial drainage channel formation in pre‐Devensian time, (ii) deposition of iron‐cemented breccias and conglomerates possibly during the last interglacial (or in the early/mid‐Devensian interstadial), (iii) late Devensian ice advance across the region, during which a glaciolacustrine sequence over 75 m thick accumulated, within a glacial lake known as Llyn Teifi, (iv) a second high‐level glaciolacustrine succession formed near Llandudoch, (v) outside the Teifi valley, ice‐marginal, subglacial and glaciofluvial sediments were also laid down, providing a near‐continuous cover of drift throughout the area. Glacial advance was characterized by reworking, deformation and sometimes erosion of the underlying sediments. The glaciomarine hypothesis is thus rejected for southwest Wales. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The relationship between long-lived deep crustal lineaments and the locations of magmatic centers and associated mineral deposits has been investigated in the Puna region of northwestern Argentina, through the analysis of regional aeromagnetic surveys, Landsat images, and geological information. The good exposure and excellent preservation of basement and supracrustal geology in this region makes it particularly suitable for such a study. At a regional scale, several contrasting magnetic domains are recognized, which correlate with crustal geology. Two basement domains are separated by a NNE-trending boundary, which is believed to correlate with a Paleozoic suture zone between the Pampia (to the southeast) and Arequipa–Antofalla terranes (to the northwest). Locally overlying these basement terranes is the Cenozoic magmatic domain, which is best developed in the N–S-trending volcanic arc at the western edge of the Puna (the Cordillera Occidental). In addition, four southeast-trending volcanic zones extend for several hundred kilometers across the Puna. Many important mineral deposits and areas of hydrothermal alteration are associated with these volcanic breakouts, and we have selected three such areas for more detailed study: Bajo de la Alumbrera (Argentina's largest porphyry copper deposit), Cerro Galán (the largest ignimbrite caldera in Argentina, with associated hydrothermal alteration zones), and El Queva (a historic polymetallic district located within a major volcanic range). A comparison of lineament maps generated from aeromagnetic and Landsat TM images reveals broad correlation between these different remote sensing techniques, which respectively highlight subsurface magnetic and surface geological features. In addition, the locations of magmatic and hydrothermal centers can be related to the interpreted structural framework, and are seen to occur near the intersections of major lineament zones. It is suggested that in three dimensions, such intersection zones form trans-lithospheric columns of low strength and high permeability during transpressional or transtensional tectonic strain, and may thereby serve as conduits for magma ascent to the shallow crust. Pooling of large volumes of deeply derived magma in shallow crustal magma chambers may then result in voluminous devolatilization and the formation of hydrothermal mineral deposits. It is important to note that in this model, structural intersections serve as facilitators for magma ascent and volatile exsolution, but do not in themselves cause this process—other factors such as magma supply rate and tectonic stress are essential primary ingredients, and local magmatic and volcanic processes affect the ultimate potential for ore formation. Nevertheless, we suggest that lineament analysis provides a valuable framework for guiding the early stages of mineral exploration; other regional and local geological considerations must then be applied to identify priority targets within this framework.  相似文献   
We present first preliminary results obtained with the European Observation Network consisting of 9 observatories in the Czech Republic, Germany and Bulgaria. We also discuss related problems such as the background of unknown variable stars and suggest a strategy for work in this area.  相似文献   
We describe a recent modification to the MIT Ocean Bottom Seismometer by which the geophones are housed in a separate package that is deployed on the sea floor about 1 m distance from the main unit several hours after the OBS reaches the ocean bottom. Records from deep-sea experiments and shallow-water tests show two improvements over records from geophones housed in the main instrument package. Signals recorded by the external geophones have a much better signal-to-noise ratio because tape recorder noise and instrument vibrations generated by water currents are effectively eliminated. As a result, the overall frequency response of the sensors to ground motion has a demonstrably smoother spectral shape. The second improvement is that the cross coupling of horizontal instrument motion to vertical ground motion is apparently greatly reduced because of the simpler design for the sensor package.  相似文献   
A detailed analysis of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) distribution in the Western Arctic Ocean was performed during the spring and summer of 2002 and the summer of 2003. DOC concentrations were compared between the three cruises and with previously reported Arctic work. Concentrations of DOC were highest in the surface water where they also showed the highest degree of variability spatially, seasonally, and annually. Over the Canada Basin, DOC concentrations in the main water masses were: (1) surface layer (71±4 μM, ranging from 50 to 90 μM); (2) Bering Sea winter water (66±2 μM, ranging from 58 to 75 μM); (3) halocline layer (63±3 μM, ranging from 59 to 68 μM), (4) Atlantic layer (53±2 μM, ranging from 48 to 57 μM), and (5) deep Arctic layer (47±1 μM, ranging from 45 to 50 μM). In the upper 200 m, DOC concentrations were correlated with salinity, with higher DOC concentrations present in less-saline waters. This correlation indicates the strong influence that fluvial input from the Mackenzie and Yukon Rivers had on the DOC system in the upper layer of the Chukchi Sea and Bering Strait. Over the deep basin, there appeared to be a relationship between DOC in the upper 10 m and the degree of sea-ice melt water present. We found that sea-ice melt water dilutes the DOC signal in the surface waters, which is contrary to studies conducted in the central Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   
Review of nekton patterns and ecological processes in seagrass landscapes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We reviewed seagrass landscape studies on nekton (fish and larger mobile crustaceans) to summarise: (1) patterns of nekton abundance in relation to patch attributes; and (2) models used to explain processes underpinning observed patterns. The response of nekton to landscape attributes is highly variable. Different taxa showed increasing densities with: increasing and decreasing patch size (12 and 11 taxa, respectively), increasing and decreasing proximity within a patch to edge (9, 14), increasing and decreasing distances from nearest seagrass patch (4, 11), and with patches perpendicular and parallel to currents (1, 2). The majority of taxa (213 out of 281, or 82%) showed no relationships. Landscape scale patterns are important for some species but evidence so far does not demonstrate major landscape effects overall. The lack of pattern might reflect the overriding importance of other factors such as within-patch characteristics, water depth or position within an estuary. It might also result from measurements at the wrong scale. The rigour of surveys can be improved by avoiding confounding of patch attributes by other factors, increasing awareness of statistical power, and more considered survey designs for attributes such as edge effects. The predation model is the most frequently invoked and tested model. Other explanatory models are based on disturbance, rates of encounter, food availability, larval supply, migration and reproductive success, but in many cases are not based on observed patterns. The best experimental work has been done on nekton species for which landscape studies have been built on a detailed understanding of the ecology of the species, such as for blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). As this basic ecological platform is laid for more species, the landscape approach will become increasingly fruitful.  相似文献   
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