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Fluid inclusions and F, Cl concentration of hydrous minerals were analysed in the coesite-pyrope quartzite, the interlayered jadeite quartzite and their country-rock gneiss from the Dora-Maira massif using a combination of microthermometry, Raman spectrometry, synchrotron X-ray microfiuorescence and electron microprobe analysis. Three populations of fluid inclusions were recognized texturally and can be related to distinct metamorphic stages. A low-salinity aqueous fluid occurs in the retrogressed country gneiss and as late secondary inclusions in jadeite quartzite and chloritized pyrope. An earlier secondary population is found in matrix quartz of the jadeite- and pyro-pe-quartzites. This population can be related to the early decompression and so to incipient breakdown of garnet into phlogopite-bearing assemblages. The inclusion fluid is highly saline (up to 84 wt% equivalent NaCl) and contains Na, Ca, Fe, Cu and Zn as major cations. In pyrope quartzite, additional K was found in these brines, which locally coexist with CO2-rich inclusions. The oldest fluid inclusions are preserved in kyanite grains included in fresh pyrope and in pyrope itself. In pyrope, all inclusions have decrepitated and contain magnesite, an Mg-phosphate, sheet-silicate(s), a chloride and an opaque phase, with no fluid preser ved. In contrast, the kyanite inclusions in pyrope preserve primary H2O-CO2 low-salinity fluid inclusions, probably owing to the low compressibility of the kyanite inclusions and host garnet. In spite of in-situ re-equilibration, these inclusions can be interpreted as relics of the dehydration fluid that attended pyrope growth. These correlations between textural and chemical fluid inclusion data and metamorphic stages are consistent with the fluid composition calculated from the halogen content of different generations of phlogopite and biotite. The preservation of different fluid compositions, both in time and space, is evidence for local control and possibly origin of the fluids, in agreement with isotopic data. These results, in particular the absence of CO2 in the jadeite quartzite, are best interpreted in terms of a fluid-melt system evolution. With increasing metamorphism, partitioning of H2O, Na, Ca, Fe and heavy metals into melt (jadeite quartzite) and Mg, Na/K, F, CO2 and P(?) into a residual aqueous fluid can account for depletion in Na, Ca and Fe of the pyrope quartzite. During the retrograde path, a H 2 O rose as melt crystallized, generating the two populations of hypersaline and water-rich fluids that were highly reactive to pyrope. The process of fluid-melt interaction envisioned here coupled with models of melt extraction in subduction zones provides an attractive opportunity for the instantaneous ( < 1 Ma) and selective transport of elements between a downgoing slab and the overlying mantle wedge.  相似文献   
This orbicular granite contains ovoïds of an exceptional composition, comprising a core of biotite, surrounded by an envelope of plagioclase, enclosed in turn by an envelope of potassium feldspar. The latter also occurs as isolated idiomorphic megacristals between the ovoïds.Because of the spectacularly clear mineralogical relationships of the rock, it is possible to work out the order of crystallization of the minerals, the magmatic differentiation of syenitic orbicules and that of the leucogranitic groundmass with an aplito-pegmatitic texture.A magmatic process is proposed to explain the origin of the rock.

Les déterminations de l'indice de triclinicité des feldspaths potassiques ont été effectuées par Yves Blanc, Clermont-Ferrand (diffractométrie X, d'après G. Sabatier, 1963).  相似文献   
This paper introduces the North Sea as a fast evolving coastal ecosystem. The variability of natural conditions relates to the global climatic change and to human disturbances, which originate regionally. Education is an integral part of the strategy to improve environmental awareness. Considering contemporary challenges for educating the wider public about the main issues of environmental concern, attention is paid to various plans, which are being developed in North-Western Europe from primary schools to universities. "Learning for life" relies on an opening of the vocation of traditional universities and on the creation of a European university. Sharing resources in a competitive environment is one response given by British universities in the framework of a Discipline Network in Coastal Sciences and Management in 1996-2000. Networking is truly the key to a fast evolving teaching and learning context, notably in relation to ever developing information and communication technologies. The dissemination of scientific information is primordial in this context; a case study relating to the European project "Marine biodiversity in Europe" (BIOMARE) demonstrates the need for an elaborated strategy leading to socio-economic considerations. Empowering communities and governance are the main possible outcomes of such an enlarged approach to education, involving teachers, students, researchers, professionals, and volunteers. Proposals are made for amplifying the involvement of non-scientists into scientific research and its applications to management. Finally, a case is made for facilitating the mobility of all concerned, with a view to annihilate language and cultural barriers.  相似文献   
The spatially distributed soil erosion and sediment delivery model WATEM/SEDEM was used to simulate the impact of riparian vegetated filter strips (RVFSs) on river sediment delivery at different spatial scales. For a field plot with a straight slope, sediment reduction by the RVFSs is comparable to results obtained through experimental set‐ups elsewhere (i.e. >70%). However, at the scale of an entire catchment, sediment reduction is much less (i.e. ±20%) due to (1) overland flow convergence, which reduces the sediment trapping efficiency of an RVFS, and (2) because part of the sediment bypasses the RVFSs through ditches, sewers and road surfaces. These results suggest that, at the catchment scale, RVFSs should be accompanied with other conservation techniques that are more appropriate for reducing river sediment loads, and that also reduce on‐site soil erosion. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Soil erosion due to water is a major environmental problem in many parts of the world. Most of Mediterranean countries are concerned because of their specific climate and soils sensitivity, but also because of the recent intensification of human activities and agricultural practices. Accurate estimation of soil water erosion for various land-use and climate scenarios is so an important key to define sustainable management policies. In the last decades, several studies have been carried out to build models suitable for quantifying soil erosion. Among these models, the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP, Flanagan, D.C., Nearing, M.A., 1995. USDA-Water Erosion Prediction Project: Hillslope profile and watershed model documentation. NSERL Report 10, USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, West Lafayette, IN, USA.) is a physically based, distributed-parameter model that has been developed and mainly validated in USA. Only few studies have investigated its applicability to environmental conditions that differs from those where the model was developed. The aim of this work is to test the efficiency of WEPP model to predict soil erosion at catchment scale in a Mediterranean semi-arid area. Continuous simulations have been conducted between 1995 and 2002 on an cultivated experimental catchment located upstream from a hill reservoir (Kamech catchment, 2.45 km2, Cap Bon, Tunisia) where runoff and soil erosion measurements are available at the outlet. Comparison between predictions and measurements shows significant differences. Processes related to seasonal effects (as cracking soils) are pointed out as a weakness of WEPP model for Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   
We have performed holographic interferometry measurements of the dissolution of the (0 1 0) plane of a cleaved gypsum single crystal in pure water. These experiments have provided the value of the dissolution rate constant k of gypsum in water and the value of the interdiffusion coefficient D of its aqueous species in water. D is 1.0 × 10−9 m2 s−1, a value close to the theoretical value generally used in dissolution studies. k is 4 × 10−5 mol m−2 s−1. It directly characterizes the microscopic transfer rate at the solid-liquid interface, and is not an averaged value deduced from quantities measured far from the surface as in macroscopic dissolution experiments. It is found to be two times lower than the value obtained from macroscopic experiments.  相似文献   
The International Association of Geoanalysts (IAG) published a protocol for the certification of reference materials in close accord with the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) guidelines (Kane et al. 2003). This article supplements that protocol, providing additional discussion of best approaches for pre-selecting laboratories for participation in certification projects. This discussion also makes a distinction between inter-laboratory certifications, where n = 15 is the general standard, and expert laboratory certifications, where a much smaller number of laboratories will be deemed qualified to provide data of the quality needed for certification.  相似文献   
The deep drill hole SG6 in western Siberia (66°N, 78.5°E) penetrated 1.1  km of lower Triassic basalts, which are possibly an extension of the central Siberian Permo– Triassic flood basalt province. About 300 samples of these basalts were progressively demagnetized and measured. Principal component analysis often shows multiple magnetizations carried by haematite and magnetite. The corrected mean inclinations are +77° and −77° for the haematite component. A magnetostratigraphic scale was derived and showed a N–R–N–R–N succession. This is quite different from the Noril'sk and Taimyr typical polarity scale, R–N.
  The basalts found in the SG6 deep drill hole are slightly younger than those of central Siberia and Taimyr. They correspond to middle–upper Induan age, whereas the Noril'sk and Taimyr sections correspond to an uppermost Permian and lower Induan age. Altogether they indicate that, after a high output rate of volcanic material near the Permo–Triassic boundary, this activity slowed down drastically on the Siberian platform and Taimyr, but persisted for several million years in western Siberia.  相似文献   
Uplift rates of the Loyalty Islands (S.W. Pacific) have been determined from 230Th234U dating of raised coral terraces standing 2 to 7.5 m above sea level. The ages of the terraces on Ouvéa and Lifou correspond closely to previously documented periods of high sea levels at 120,000 and 180,000 yr BP. A +2-m terrace on Beautemps-Beaupré is considered to be beyond the range of the dating technique. The uplift rates of the various islands show a decrease toward the west. This lends support to the hypothesis of a lithospheric bulge of the leading edge of the Australian plate prior to its subduction at the level of the New Hebrides trench.  相似文献   
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