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The effect of the sample size on prediction quality is well understood. Recently, studies have assessed this relationship using near‐continuous water quality samples. However, this is rarely possible because of financial constraints, and therefore, many studies have relied on simulation‐based methods utilizing more affordable surrogates. A limitation of simulation‐based methods is the requirement of a good relationship, which is often not present. Therefore, catchment managers require a direct method to estimate the effect of sample size on the mean using historical water quality data. One measure of prediction quality is the precision with which a mean is estimated; this is the focus of this work. By characterizing the effect of sample size on the precision of the mean, it is possible for catchment managers to adjust the sample size in relation to both the cost and the precision. Historical data are often sparse and generally collected using several different sampling schemes, all without inclusion probabilities. This means that an approach is needed to obtain unbiased estimates of the variance of the mean using a model‐based approach. With the use of total phosphorus data from 17 sub‐catchments in southeastern Australia, the ability of a model‐based approach to estimate the effect of sample size on the precision of event and base‐flow mean concentrations. The results showed that for estimating annual base‐flow mean concentration, little gain in precision was achieved above 12 observations per year. Sample sizes greater than 12 samples per event improved event‐based estimates; however, the inclusion of more than 12 samples per event did not greatly reduce the event mean concentration uncertainties. The precision of the base‐flow estimates was most correlated to percentage urban cover, whereas the precision of the event mean estimates was most correlated with catchment size. The method proposed in this work could be readily applied to other water quality variables and other monitoring sites. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Hydrologic studies require high-quality streamflow measurements. V-notch weirs provide accurate discharge measurements and when properly equipped produce continuous records of streamflow. However, sensor drift and accumulations of floating woody debris cause systematic errors in depth measurements behind weirs, particularly during periods of base flow between storms. Manual processing of high-frequency streamflow data is often subjective and difficult to reproduce. We developed a method to automatically correct erroneous depth time series to accelerate data processing and promote objectivity and reproducibility. The method inspects depth measurements, isolates and preserves periods of direct runoff during storms, and corrects erroneous inter-event baseflow. We applied experience obtained during manual data processing to implement an automatic correction method based on time series decomposition to produce a consistent time series of stage data that eliminates obvious errors due to sensor drift and clogging by woody debris. The automatic method offers an objective and reproducible procedure capable of efficiently processing 1 year of stage data in seconds. This method promotes reproducibility and may appeal to water resources experts working with large amounts of data especially at sites where distance, cost, or inclement weather prevents regular instrument maintenance. 相似文献
Virginia Marcon Beth Hoagland Xin Gu Wenjing Liu Jason Kaye Roman A. DiBiase Susan L. Brantley 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2021,46(14):2807-2823
More above-ground biomass (kg m−2) grows in the northern Appalachian Mountains (USA) in forests on shale than on sandstone at all landscape positions other than ridgetops. This has been tentatively attributed to physical (rather than chemical) attributes of the substrates, such as elevation, particle size, and water capacity. However, shales have generally similar phosphorus (P) concentrations to sandstones and, in the Valley and Ridge province, they erode more quickly. This led us to hypothesize that faster replenishment of the lithogenic nutrient P in shale soils through erosion + soil production could instead control the differences in biomass. To test this, soils and foliage from 10 sites on shales and sandstones in the northern Appalachians from roughly the same elevation and aspect were analysed. We discovered that, when controlling for location, concentrations of bioavailable P in soils and P in foliage were higher and P resorbed from senescing red oak leaves was lower on slower-eroding sandstone than on faster-eroding shale. Lower resorption generally can be attributed to lower P limitation for trees. Further investigation of weathering and erosion on one of the sandstone–shale pairs within a larger, paired watershed study revealed that the differences in P concentrations in biomass and foliage between lithologies likely developed because sandstones act as ‘collectors’ that trap nutrients from residual and exogenous sources, while shales erode quickly and thus promote production of soil from bedrock that releases P to ecosystems. We concluded that the combined effects of differential rates of dust collection and erosion results in roughly equal biomass growing on sandstone and shale ridgetops. This work emphasizes the balance between a landscape's capacity to collect dust versus produce soil in controlling bioavailability of nutrients. 相似文献
We investigate mixing processes under stratified conditions on the Northwest European Continental shelf using a numerical model (POLCOMS). Our results indicate that convection induced by vertical shearing of horizontal density gradients (‘shear-induced convection’) is a regularly occurring feature in the bottom and surface boundary layers in this open shelf-sea situation. Two types of turbulence models are investigated to study their capability for reproducing the observed location of tidal mixing fronts, and the physical processes occurring in seasonally stratified waters. The first model is a one-equation variant of the Mellor–Yamada model, whereas the second model combines a more recent second-momentum closure with a two-equation model. It is found that generally mean frontal positions (as estimated from ICES data) are predicted more accurately by the two-equation model. The one-equation model reproduces the mean frontal locations to 18.1 km (<3 grid spacings) and the two-equation model to 17.1 km; although in the Celtic Sea the accuracy is ∼33 and ∼12 km, respectively. Comparison with historical tide gauges, current metres, CTD stations, and thermistor chain data from the North Sea Project all show an improvement in accuracy when the two-equation model is used. This is particularly apparent in the model's ability to reproduce the spring–neap variability during stratification. We find that in the presence of shear-induced convection the routinely applied clipping of the turbulent length-scale, previously thought to be a minor ingredient in a turbulence model, has a dramatic effect on the results: if the length-scale clipping is not applied, substantial over-mixing is observed to occur. The causes and possible remedies of this effect are investigated. Overall our results demonstrate a sensitivity to the details of the turbulence model that is significantly greater than previously thought. 相似文献
Kara L. Webster Jason A. Leach Paul W. Hazlett Robert L. Fleming Erik J. S. Emilson Daniel Houle Kara H. Y. Chan Fariborz Norouzian Amanda S. Cole Jason M. O'Brien Karen E. Smokorowski Stephanie A. Nelson Shelagh D. Yanni 《水文研究》2021,35(4):e14109
The Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW) study is a federal, interdepartmental study established in 1979 to investigate the effects of acid rain on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The 10.5 km2 watershed, located in the Eastern Temperate Mixed Forest on the Canadian Shield, has been the site of multidisciplinary studies on biogeochemical and ecological processes conducted across plot to catchment scales. The whole-ecosystem investigative approach was adopted from the outset and has allowed research to evolve from its original (and continuing) acidification focus to include investigations on the effects of climate change, forest harvesting and other forest ecosystem perturbations. The extensive scientific and support infrastructure allows for collection of a comprehensive data record essential for understanding long-term environmental trends. Data include atmospheric deposition, meteorology, stream hydrology and chemistry, soil, pore and ground water properties, understory and overstory vegetation, lake and outflow physical and chemical properties, and aquatic macroinvertebrate and fish community composition and abundance. These data have contributed to over 400 published research papers and graduate theses. The watershed has also figured prominently in many continent-wide comparisons advancing fundamental watershed theory. The knowledge gained at TLW has influenced pollutant emission and natural resource management policies provincially, nationally and internationally. 相似文献
This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation on the rocking behavior of rigid blocks. Two types of test specimens have been tested, namely M and C types. Nine blocks of the M type and two blocks of the C type with different aspect ratios were tested with varying initial rotational amplitudes and with different materials at the contact interface, namely concrete, timber, steel, and rubber. The results showed that the interface material has significant influence on the free rocking performance of the blocks. Blocks tested on rubber had the fastest energy dissipation followed by concrete and timber bases, respectively. Analysis of the test results has shown that the energy dissipation in the case of tests on a rubber base is a continuous mechanism whereas in the case of tests on rigid bases, i.e. timber and concrete, energy dissipation is a discrete function. Finally, the rocking characteristics of the blocks were calculated using piecewise equations of motion and numerical analysis. It was possible to predict the correct free rocking amplitude response when a reliable value for the coefficient of restitution was used. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Most models of cave formation in limestone that remains near its depositional environment and has not been deeply buried (i.e. eogenetic limestone) invoke dissolution from mixing of waters that have different ionic strengths or have equilibrated with calcite at different pCO2 values. In eogenetic karst aquifers lacking saline water, mixing of vadose and phreatic waters is thought to form caves. We show here calcite dissolution in a cave in eogenetic limestone occurred due to increases in vadose CO2 gas concentrations and subsequent dissolution of CO2 into groundwater, not by mixing dissolution. We collected high‐resolution time series measurements (1 year) of specific conductivity (SpC), temperature, meteorological data, and synoptic water chemical composition from a water table cave in central Florida (Briar Cave). We found SpC, pCO2 and calcite undersaturation increased through late summer, when Briar Cave experienced little ventilation by outside air, and decreased through winter, when increased ventilation lowered cave CO2(g) concentrations. We hypothesize dissolution occurred when water flowed from aquifer regions with low pCO2 into the cave, which had elevated pCO2. Elevated pCO2 would be promoted by fractures connecting the soil to the water table. Simple geochemical models demonstrate that changes in pCO2 of less than 1% along flow paths are an order of magnitude more efficient at dissolving limestone than mixing of vadose and phreatic water. We conclude that spatially or temporally variable vadose CO2(g) concentrations are responsible for cave formation because mixing is too slow to generate observed cave sizes in the time available for formation. While this study emphasized dissolution, gas exchange between the atmosphere and karst aquifer vadose zones that is facilitated by conduits likely exerts important controls on other geochemical processes in limestone critical zones by transporting oxygen deep into vadose zones, creating redox boundaries that would not exist in the absence of caves. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Bhaleka D. Persaud Krysha A. Dukacz Gopal C. Saha Amber Peterson Laleh Moradi Stephen O'Hearn Erin Clary Juliane Mai Michael Steeleworthy Jason J. Venkiteswaran Homa Kheyrollah Pour Brent B. Wolfe Sean K. Carey John W. Pomeroy Chris M. DeBeer James M. Waddington Philippe Van Cappellen Jimmy Lin 《水文研究》2021,35(11):e14385
Water science data are a valuable asset that both underpins the original research project and bolsters new research questions, particularly in view of the increasingly complex water issues facing Canada and the world. Whilst there is general support for making data more broadly accessible, and a number of water science journals and funding agencies have adopted policies that require researchers to share data in accordance with the findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable (FAIR) principles, there are still questions about effective management of data to protect their usefulness over time. Incorporating data management practices and standards at the outset of a water science research project will enable researchers to efficiently locate, analyse and use data throughout the project lifecycle, and will ensure the data maintain their value after the project has ended. Here, some common misconceptions about data management are highlighted, along with insights and practical advice to assist established and early career water science researchers as they integrate data management best practices and tools into their research. Freely available tools and training opportunities made available in Canada through Global Water Futures, The Gordon Foundation DataStream, the Digital Research Alliance of Canada Portage Network, Compute Canada, and university libraries, among others are compiled. These include webinars, training videos, and individual support for the water science community that together enable researchers to protect their data assets and meet the expectations of journals and funders. The perspectives shared here have been developed as part of the Global Water Futures programme's efforts to improve data management and promote the use of common data practices and standards in the context of water science in Canada. Ten best practices are proposed that may be broadly applicable to other disciplines in the natural sciences and can be adopted and adapted globally. 相似文献