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The high-pressure behavior of HgO-montroydite was investigated up to 36.5 GPa using angle-dispersive X-ray diffraction. The tetragonal phase of this material (HgO-II), a distortion of the NaCl structure, transforms into the cubic NaCl structure (HgO-III) above ~31.5 GPa. The transformation of mercury oxide from the orthorhombic Pnma (HgO-I) structure to a tetragonal I4/mmm structure (HgO-II) is confirmed to occur at 13.5 ± 1.5 GPa. Neither of the high-pressure phases, HgO-II nor HgO-III, is quenchable in pressure. The derived isothermal bulk modulus of HgO-II and its pressure derivative strongly depend on the assumed zero-pressure volume of this phase, but our elasticity results on HgO-II nevertheless lie significantly closer to theoretical calculations than prior experimental results, and the measured pressure of the phase transformation to the NaCl structure is also in agreement with recent theoretical results. The general accord with theory supports the existence of significant relativistic effects on the high-pressure phase transitions of HgO.  相似文献   
Glacial landforms and outwash terraces in the Nenana River valley, Reindeer Hills and Monahan Flat in the central Alaska Range were dated with 60 10Be exposure ages to determine the timing of Late Pleistocene glaciation. In the Nenana River valley, glaciation occurred at 104–180 ka (Lignite Creek glaciation), ca. 55 ka (Healy glaciation), and ca. 16 ka (Carlo Creek phase); glaciers retreated in the Reindeer Hills and Monahan Flat by ca. 14 ka and ca. 13 ka, respectively. The Carlo Creek moraine is similar in age to at least six other moraines in the Alaska Range, Ahklun Mountains and Brooks Range. The new data suggest that post‐depositional geological processes limit the usefulness of 10Be methods to the latter part (≤60 ka) of the late Quaternary in central Alaska. Ages on Healy and younger landforms cluster well, with the exception of Riley Creek moraines and Monahan Flat‐west sites, where boulders were likely affected by post‐depositional processes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A continuous record of insect (Chironomidae) remains preserved in lake sediments is used to infer temperature changes at a small lake in Arctic Canada through the Holocene. Early Holocene summers at the study site were characterized by more thermophilous assemblages and warmer inferred temperatures than today, presumably in response to the positive anomaly in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. Peak early Holocene warmth was interrupted by two cold reversals between 9.5 and 8 cal ka BP, during which multiple cold-stenothermous chironomid taxa appeared in the lake. The earlier reversal appears to correlate with widespread climate anomalies around 9.2 cal ka BP; the age of the younger reversal is equivocal but it may correlate with the 8.2 cal ka BP cold event documented elsewhere. Widespread, abrupt climate shifts in the early Holocene illustrate the susceptibility of the climate system to perturbations, even during periods of enhanced warmth in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
The South American floating aquatic plant water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) has a history of worldwide invasions, including a 1904 introduction into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. The native pennywort (Hydrocotyle umbellata) occupies similar habitats in the Delta and is extensively used by resident invertebrates and fish. We sought to discover if an invader would be functionally equivalent to the native plant, by asking whether the encroadhing hyacinth modified the invertebrate assemblage structure and fish-invertebrate food web relative to pennywort. We sampled epiphytic, epibenthic, and benthic invertebrates, and plant canopy insects in patches of hyacinth and pennywort, and analyzed fish diets at three sites in the Delta during 1998. We also measured habitat structure (leaf density, root biomass, and surface area). In 1999, following control and absence of hyacinth, we again measured epiphytic invertebrates in pennywort. We found differences between hyacinth and pennywort in structure, associated invertebrates, and fish diets. Most measurements inferred functional non-equivalency between hyacinth and pennywort, although some functional equivalency and natural variation existed. Leaf and insect densities were significantly higher in pennywort and there were also significant differences in insect assemblage compositions. Hyacinth roots in the water column had significantly more surface area. Densities of epibenthic and benthic aquatic invertebrates were typically greater in pennywort and taxonomic compositions of aquatic invertebrate assemblages showed significant differences. Amphipods and isopods living epiphytically in the root masses were particularly abundant, including several newly discovered introduced species: the amphipodCrangonyx floridanus and the isopodsCaecidotea racovitai andAsellus hilgendorfii. The native amphipodHyalella azteca was more abundant in pennywort and heavily preyed upon by fish, while the non-indigenousC. floridanus was more abundant in hyacinth and not prevalent in fish diets. The introduction of hyacinth to the Delta has caused significant ecological alterations in the surrounding community, due to hyacinth being functionally different from native patches of pennywort.  相似文献   
Stephan et al. (Stephan, K. et al. [2010]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, 7104-+.) first saw the glint of sunlight specularly reflected off of Titan’s lakes. We develop a quantitative model for analyzing the photometric lightcurve generated during a flyby in which the specularly reflected light flux depends on the fraction of the solar specular footprint that is covered by liquid. We allow for surface waves that spread out the geographic specular intensity distribution. Applying the model to the VIMS T58 observations shows that the waves on Jingpo Lacus must have slopes of no greater than 0.15°, two orders of magnitude flatter than waves on Earth’s oceans. Combining the model with theoretical estimates of the intensity of the specular reflection allows a tighter constraint on the waves: ?0.05°. Residual specular signal while the specular point lies on land implies that either the land is wetted, the wave slope distribution is non-Gaussian, or that 5% of the land off the southwest edge of Jingpo Lacus is covered in puddles. Another specular sequence off of Kraken Mare acquired during Cassini’s T59 flyby shows rapid flux changes that the static model cannot reproduce. Points just 1 min apart vary in flux by more than a factor of two. The present dataset does not uniquely determine the mechanism causing these rapid changes. We suggest that changing wind conditions, kilometer-wavelength waves, or moving clouds could account for the variability. Future specular observations should be designed with a fast cadence, at least 6 points per minute, in order to differentiate between these hypotheses. Such new data will further constrain the nature of Titan’s lakes and their interactions with Titan’s atmosphere.  相似文献   
An inferred burial and exhumation history of Pennsylvanian strata in the central Appalachian foreland basin is constrained by integrating palaeothermometers, geochronometers and estimated palaeogeothermal gradients. Vitrinite reflectance data and fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures indicate that burial of Lower and Upper Pennsylvanian strata of the Appalachian Plateau in West Virginia exceeded ~4.4 km during the late Permian and occurred at a rate of ~100 m Myr?1. Exhumation rates of ~10 m Myr?1 from the late Permian to the early Cretaceous are constrained using maximum burial conditions and published apatite fission track (AFT) ages. AFT and radiogenic helium ages indicate exhumation rates of ~30–50 m Myr?1 from the early to late Cretaceous. Radiogenic helium dates and present day sampling depths indicate that exhumation rates from the late Cretaceous to present were ~25 m Myr?1. Exhumation rates for Upper and Lower Pennsylvanian strata within the Appalachian Plateau are remarkably similar. Early slow exhumation was possibly driven primarily by isostatic rebound associated with Triassic rifting. The later, more rapid exhumation can be attributed to thermal expansion followed by lithospheric flexure related to sediment loading along the passive margin.  相似文献   
The Australian-Antarctic Discordance (AAD) is an anomalously deep and rugged zone of the Southeast Indian Ridge (SEIR) between 120° E and 128° E. The AAD contains the boundary between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean isotopic provinces. We have analyzed SeaMarc II bathymetric and sidescan sonar data along the SEIR between 123° E and 128° E. The spreading center in the AAD, previously known to be divided into several transform-bounded sections, is further segmented by nontransform discontinuities which separate distinct spreading cells. Near the transform which bounds the AAD to the east, there is a marked change in the morphology of the spreading center, as well as in virtually every measured geochemical parameter. The spreading axis within the Discordance lies in a prominent rift valley similar to that observed along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, although the full spreading rate within the AAD is somewhat faster than that of slow-spreading centers (~ 74 mm a–1 vs. 0–40 mm a–1). The AAD rift valleys show a marked contrast with the axial high that characterizes the SEIR east of the AAD. This change in axial morphology is coincident with a large (~ 1 km) deepening of the spreading axis. The segmentation characteristics of the AAD are analogous to those of the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge, as opposed to the SEIR east of the AAD, which exhibits segmentation characteristics typical of fast-spreading centers. Thus, the spreading center within and east of the AAD contains much of the range of global variability in accretionary processes, yet it is a region free from spreading rate variations and the volumetric and chemical influences of hotspots. We suggest that the axial morphology and segmentation characteristics of the AAD spreading centers are the result of the presence of cooler than normal mantle. The presence of a cool mantle and the subsequent diminution of magma supply at a constant spreading rate may engender the creation of anomalously thick brittle lithosphere within the AAD, a condition which favor, the creation of an axial rift valley and of thin oceanic crust, in agreement with petrologic studies. The morphologies of transform and non-transform discontinuities within the Discordance also possess characteristics consistent with the creation of anomalously thick lithosphere in the region. The upper mantle viscosity structure which results from lower mantle temperatures and melt production rates may account for the similarity in segmentation characteristics between the AAD and slow-spreading centers. The section of the AAD which overlies the isotopic boundary is associated with chaotic seafloor which may be caused by an erratic pattern of magmatism and/or complex deformation associated with mantle convergence. Finally, the pattern of abyssal hill terrain within a portion of the AAD supports previous models for the formation of abyssal hills at intermediate- and slow-spreading ridges, and provides insights into how asymmetric spreading is achieved in this region.  相似文献   
The evolution of telescope mounts and domes is presented as the astronomical use of the telescope is about to reach its 400th anniversary. The changes in the mechanical designs are traced to requirements generated from the evolution of detectors and instrumentation.  相似文献   
Fragilarioid diatom taxa are often deemed ubiquitous in shallow lake systems. Their presence has been described as contributing to statistical noise in paleolimnological studies of cold-temperate lakes. In shallow, warm-temperate lakes of Florida, long-term transitions from assemblages dominated by Aulacoseira spp. to fragilarioid taxa, particularly Pseudostaurosira brevistriata, Staurosira construens var. venter, and Staurosirella pinnata, often occur. Distinctly higher limnetic nutrient optima are demonstrated by these fragilarioid taxa than by planktonic Aulacoseira spp. Community successions occur during eutrophication, and progressive replacement of Aulacoseira spp. and other planktonic taxa by fragilarioid taxa is concurrent with and apparently related to the onset of cyanobacterial dominance. We examine successions from Aulacoseira-dominated to fragilarioid-dominated assemblages in sediment cores from subtropical Florida lakes that have undergone eutrophication. Diatom profiles are compared with sedimented pigments, nitrogen stable isotopes of organic matter, and with silica accumulation rates. These study lakes have little if any macrophyte presence. Their light-extinction depths are extremely shallow, yet diatom communities are dominated by bottom-dwelling rather than planktonic taxa. Frequent wind-generated mixing, sometimes to lake bottoms, is sufficient to sustain the light needs of benthic and tychoplanktonic taxa. We conclude that assemblage changes generally are not caused by reduced water depths, silica limitation, nor increased incipient stratification, but that cyanobacteria are responsible for reducing planktonic Aulacoseira in favor of fragilarioid taxa. Cyanobacteria blooms persist over a wide seasonal range because of warm climate and high limnetic nutrient concentrations in Florida lakes. Cyanobacteria progressively displace and outcompete Aulacoseira and other planktonic taxa as eutrophication proceeds. Reduced light availability, changes in mineral/nutrient availability, and other aspects of competitive exclusion, such as cyanobacterial allelotoxins, might contribute to observed changes. Climate warming is not likely to account for Aulacoseira reduction as in colder regions because it is less pronounced in this subtropical district. Lakes with low nutrient levels and less cyanobacteria still sustain large Aulacoseira populations, and decreases in limnetic nutrients sometimes lead to the return of planktonic Aulacoseira. Rather than simply representing statistical noise for paleolimnological reconstructions, shifts to certain fragilarioid taxa indicate when subtropical Florida lakes progressed to hypereutrophic conditions that were marked by cyanobacterial proliferation.  相似文献   
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