H2 photoproduction and nitrogenase activities in two strains ofAnabaena variabilis marked wild type ATCC 29413 and mutant PK84 exposed to thermal stress (temperature higher than the normal incubation temperature of 30°C) were studied. Cultures of both strains collected from any interval of logarithmic growth phase exhibited high H2 photoproduction and nitrogenase activities when exposed to limited time heat shock during the assay process. In contrast, the algal H2 photoproduction rate of both strains fluctuated with long term thermal stress caused by increasing the growth temperature from 30°C to 36°C.
The changes of nitrogenase (the key H2 photobiosynthetic enzyme) activities in the mutant PK84 showed variation tendency similar to that of H2 photoproduction during exposure to thermal stress, indicating that fluctuation of H2 photoproduction in the mutant was mainly due to the variation of nitrogenase activities. A temporary maximal H2 photoproduction in the mutant PK84 (wild type ATCC29413) was observed when cells grew at 36°C for 14 (6) days. However, the responses of nitrogenase activities in the wild type to thermal stress were not completely similar to those in the mutant in spite of similar variations of H2 photoproduction in both strains. The data obtained in these studies suggested that the activities of other enzymes (in the wild strain) involved in H2 photoproduction were affected by thermal stress since H2 photoproduction maximized or dropped to 0 without variation tendency similar to that of nitrogenase activities.
Furthermore, an enhancement of H2 photoproduction speed of the mutant strain cultured in a 4.4 L laboratory photobioreactor was also observed when it was subjected to short time continuous charge of argon, and temperature rise.
All these results indicated that high temperature plays an important role in the photo-autotrophic H2 photoproduction, and that long term thermal stress is unfavourable for net H2 photoproduction in both strains ofA. variabilis though short-time heat shock is conducive to H2 photoproduction.
We present the Hα gas kinematics of 21 representative barred spiral galaxies belonging to the BHαBAR sample. The galaxies were observed with FaNTOmM, a Fabry–Perot integral-field spectrometer, on three different telescopes. The three-dimensional data cubes were processed through a robust pipeline with the aim of providing the most homogeneous and accurate data set possible useful for further analysis. The data cubes were spatially binned to a constant signal-to-noise ratio, typically around 7. Maps of the monochromatic Hα emission line and of the velocity field were generated and the kinematical parameters were derived for the whole sample using tilted-ring models. The photometrical and kinematical parameters (position angle of the major axis, inclination, systemic velocity and kinematical centre) are in relative good agreement, except perhaps for the later-type spirals. 相似文献
Precambrian Laurentia and Mesozoic Gondwana both rifted along geometric patterns that closely approximate truncated-icosahedral tessellations of the lithosphere. These large-scale, quasi-hexagonal rift patterns manifest a least-work configuration. For both Laurentia and Gondwana, continental rifting coincided with drift stagnation, and may have been driven by lithospheric extension above an insulated and thermally expanded mantle. Anorogenic magmatism, including flood basalts, dike swarms, anorthosite massifs and granite-rhyolite provinces, originated along the Laurentian and Gondwanan rift tessellations. Long-lived volcanic regions of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, sometimes called hotspots, originated near triple junctions of the Gondwanan tessellation as the supercontinent broke apart. We suggest that some anorogenic magmatism results from decompression melting of asthenosphere beneath opening fractures, rather than from random impingement of hypothetical deep-mantle plumes. 相似文献
As a part of the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition 1984/85, geological mapping was performed in Gjelsvikfjella and western Mühlig-Hofmannfjella, Dronning Maud Land. The northern part of Gjelsvikfjella is dominated by the Jutulsessen metasupracrustals which have been intruded by a major gabbroic body and several generations of dykes. To the south the metasupracrustals gradually transform into the Risemedet migmatites. In western Mühlig-Hofmannfjella the bedrock is dominated by the large Svarthamaren Charnockite batholith. The batholith is bordered by the Snøtoa metamorphic complex outcropping to the south and west in Mühlig-Hofmannfjella and it is characterized by a high content of partly assimilated country rock inclusions. Mineral paragenesis and geothermometry/geobarometry suggest a two-stage tectonothermal-igneous history with an initial intermediate pressure, upper amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism followed by high temperature transformations related to the charnockite intrusion. The age of the initial tectonothermal event is probably about 1,100 Ma. Geochronological work in the present study (Rb/Sr whole rock) gave an age of 500 ± 24 Ma for the Svarthamaren Charnockite, interpreted to record the age of crystallization. Late brittle faulting and undeformed dolerite dykes outcropping in Jutulsessen are believed to be related to Mesozoic crustal stretching in the Jutulstraumen-Pencksøkket Rift Zone to the west. 相似文献
Variations in the location and strength of convection in the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) have a profound impact on the
distribution and amount of global rainfall. Much of the variability in WPWP convection is attributed to variations in the
El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation, for which the long-term trends and forcing mechanisms remain poorly understood. Despite the
importance of WPWP convection to global climate change, we have very few paleohydrological reconstructions from the region.
Here we present a new paleolimnologic and paleohydrologic record spanning the past 1,400 years using a multi-proxy dataset
from Lake Logung, located in East Java, Indonesia that provides insights into centennial-scale trends in warm pool hydrology.
Organic matter δ13C data indicate that East Java became wetter over the last millennium until ca. 1800 Common Era (CE), consistent with evidence
for the southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) during this time. Superimposed on this long-term
trend are four decade- to century-scale droughts, inferred from organic matter δ13C and calcite abundance data. They are centered at 1030, 1550, 1830, and 1996 CE. The three more recent droughts correlate
with hydrologic anomalies documented in other proxy records from the WPWP region on both sides of the equator, and the two
most recent droughts correlate in time with historically documented periods of multiple, intense El Ni?o events. Thus, our
record provides strong evidence that century-scale hydrologic variability in this region relates to changes in the Walker
Circulation. Human activity within the lake catchment is apparent since 1860 CE. 相似文献
Liquidus phase relationships have been determined for a high-MgO basalt (STV301: MgO=12.5 wt%, Ni=250 ppm, Cr=728 ppm) from Black Point, St Vincent (Lesser Antilles arc). Piston-cylinder experiments were conducted between 7.5 and 20 kbar under both hydrous and oxidizing conditions. AuPd capsules were used as containers. Compositions of supraliquidus glasses and mass-balance calculations show that Fe loss is < 10% in the majority of experiments. Two series of water concentrations in melt were investigated: (i) 1.5 wt% and (ii) 4.5 wt% H2O, as determined by SIMS analyses on quenched glasses and with the by difference technique. The Fe3+/Fe2+ partitioning between Cr-Al spinel and melt and olivine-spinel equilibria show that oxidizing fO2 were imposed (NNO + 1.5 for the 1.5 wt% H2O series, NNO + 2.3 for the 4.5 wt% H2O series). For both series of water concentrations, the liquid is multiply-saturated with a spinel lherzolite phase assemblage on its liquidus, at 1235°C, 11.5 kbar (1.5 wt% H2O) and 1185°C, 16 kbar (4.5 wt% H2O). Liquidus phases are homogeneous and comparable to typical mantle compositions. Mineral-melt partition coefficients are generally identical to values under anhydrous conditions. The modal proportion cpx/opx on the liquidus decreases from the 1.5 wt% to the 4.5 wt% H2O series. The experimental data are consistent with STV301 being a product of partial melting of lherzolitic mantle. Conditions of multiple saturation progressively evolve toward lower temperatures and higher pressures with increasing melt H2O concentration. Phase equilibria constraints, i.e., the necessity of preserving the mantle signature seen in high-MgO and picritic arc basalts, and glass inclusion data suggest that STV301 was extracted relatively dry (∼ 2 wt% H2O) from its mantle source. However, not all primary arc basalts are extracted under similarly dry conditions because more hydrous melts will crystallize during ascent and will not be present unmodified at the surface. From degrees of melting calculated from experiments on KLB-1, extraction of a 12.5 wt% MgO melt with ∼ 2 wt% H2O would require a H2O concentration of 0.3 wt% in the sub-arc mantle. For mantle sources fluxed with a slab-derived hydrous component, extracted melts may contain up to ∼ 5.5 wt% H2O. 相似文献