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Ecological flows between habitats are vital for predicting and understanding structure and function of recipient systems. Ecological flows across riparian areas and headwater intermittent streams are likely to be especially important in many river networks because of the shear extent of these interfaces, their high edge-to-width ratio, and the alternation of wet and dry conditions in intermittent channels. While there has been substantial research supporting the importance of riparian-stream linkages above-ground, comparatively less research has investigated below-ground linkages. We tested the hypothesis that riparian roots are colonized by invertebrates as a food source within stream beds of intermittent headwater streams. We compared benthic invertebrate assemblages colonizing three types of buried substrates (leaves, roots, and plastic roots) among three intermittent Coastal Plain streams, each with a different riparian management treatment (clearcut, thinned, and reference), over a 1-year period. Invertebrate density was significantly lower in root litterbags than in plastic roots litterbags, but neither differed from densities in leaf litterbags. Total invertebrate abundances, however, were significantly higher in leaf and root litterbags compared to abundances in plastic root litterbags. Invertebrate biomass and richness did not vary among substrates, but invertebrate density, abundance, and richness all declined from the wet phase (September–December) through the dry phase (June–August). Meiofauna and aquatic dipterans were the primary colonizing invertebrates during the wet phase. Relative abundance of terrestrial taxa increased during the dry phase, but their absolute abundance remained lower than aquatic taxa during the wet phase. Invertebrate composition did not differ among substrate types, but was significantly different among streams and time periods. Cumulative number of dry days, degree days, and redox depth all strongly correlated with assemblage structure as indicated by ordination scores. Our results suggest that subsurface invertebrates respond to leaves and roots as food sources, but assemblage composition is not substrate specific. Colonization of leaves and roots within stream beds by aquatic and terrestrial taxa supports the idea that headwater intermittent streams are important interfaces for the reciprocal exchange of energy and materials between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
The geometry and age relations of syntectonic veins within calcareous rocks of one imbricate sheet within a thrust belt in the external French Alps, are described.The earliest veins developed during the main ductile deformation by cleavage-parallel extension. The majority of the syntectonic veins developed towards the end of the deformation, and after the formation of second folds. They include a conjugate set of normal shears, an abundant set of upright extension veins, and en echelon sets.The dominantly simple shear strain making up the main ductile phase of deformation occurred by a mechanism of grain to grain pressure solution. The stretching lineation records the overall direction of thrust sheet movement. A change in the microchemical mechanism of pressure solution is thought to have caused the change from first to second phase deformation as recorded by slaty cleavage and crenulation folds in the field. From the shear and vein geometries, directions of principal stress have been inferred. The directions rotated throughout the deformation, the maximum principal stress being inclined to bedding during simple shear strain, becoming normal to bedding during the phase of abundant vein growth, and becoming vertical at the very end of the deformation.  相似文献   
We have numerically integrated the orbits of ejecta from Telesto and Calypso, the two small Trojan companions of Saturn’s major satellite Tethys. Ejecta were launched with speeds comparable to or exceeding their parent’s escape velocity, consistent with impacts into regolith surfaces. We find that the fates of ejecta fall into several distinct categories, depending on both the speed and direction of launch.The slowest ejecta follow suborbital trajectories and re-impact their source moon in less than one day. Slightly faster debris barely escape their parent’s Hill sphere and are confined to tadpole orbits, librating about Tethys’ triangular Lagrange points L4 (leading, near Telesto) or L5 (trailing, near Calypso) with nearly the same orbital semi-major axis as Tethys, Telesto, and Calypso. These ejecta too eventually re-impact their source moon, but with a median lifetime of a few dozen years. Those which re-impact within the first 10 years or so have lifetimes near integer multiples of 348.6 days (half the tadpole period).Still faster debris with azimuthal velocity components ?10 m/s enter horseshoe orbits which enclose both L4 and L5 as well as L3, but which avoid Tethys and its Hill sphere. These ejecta impact either Telesto or Calypso at comparable rates, with median lifetimes of several thousand years. However, they cannot reach Tethys itself; only the fastest ejecta, with azimuthal velocities ?40 m/s, achieve “passing orbits” which are able to encounter Tethys. Tethys accretes most of these ejecta within several years, but some 1% of them are scattered either inward to hit Enceladus or outward to strike Dione, over timescales on the order of a few hundred years.  相似文献   
Six values of the rate of rotation of the Earth's upper atmosphere have been obtained by analysis of the orbital inclinations of four balloon satellites in the intervals just before the final decay of their orbits. The effective heights of these results range from about 350 to about 675 km. The values themselves range from 0·8 to 1·4 times the Earth's rotation and correspond to zonal wind speeds between 100 m/sec westward and 200 m/sec eastward. All the results correspond to fairly specific local times and are consistent with a diurnal wind pattern in low latitudes having a strong eastward maximum near local midnight and a lesser westward maximum near 10:00 LT. They argue against the contention of a sharp decrease in the rate with respect to that of the Earth, which is supposed to begin at about 360 km. The factors involved in the determination of these values and the method used are discussed in considerable detail.  相似文献   
Abstract The well-preserved 2.5 km diameter Roter Kamm impact crater is located in the Namib desert in Namibia. The impact has occurred in Precambrian granitic and granodioritic orthogneisses of the 1200–900 Ma old Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex which were partly covered by Gariep metasediments; the granites are invaded by quartz veins and quartz-feldspar-pegmatites. Previous geological field evidence suggested a crater age of about 5–10 Ma. In order to constrain this age, we selected a set of basement rocks (granites, granodiorites) exposed at the crater rim and studied the Rb-Sr, K-Ar, 40Ar-39Ar, and 10Be-26Al isotopic systems as well as apatite fission track ages of these samples. The Rb-Sr isotopic systematics confirm the derivation of these samples from the Namaqualand basement (age about 1.29 Ga), which underwent Damaran orogenesis at about 650 Ma. No basement rocks with Rb-Sr ages younger than about 410 Ma were identified. The K-Ar ages of pseudotachylite and melt breccia samples show that these samples are dominated by incompletely degassed fragments of basement rocks, with some retaining their original metamorphic ages of about 470 Ma. The apatite fission track ages range from 20–28 Ma, which may be interpreted as an extension of the 25 Ma Burdigalian peneplanation event, or as incomplete resetting of the apatite fission tracks during the impact event. The 10Be and 26Al exposure age of a quartz sample isolated from a quartz-pegmatite was found to be 150 ka; it is likely that the exposure of the sample began after material covering it had been removed by erosion 150 ka ago. Two glassy fractions extracted from a rim granite were dated by 40Ar-39Ar analysis. One sample gives practically a plateau age of 3.7 ± 0.3 Ma, while the other gives a minimum age of 3.6 Ma. The best available age estimate for the Roter Kamm crater is therefore 3.7 ± 0.3 Ma.  相似文献   
Abstract— The source crater for Australasian tektites remains to be positively identified We suggest that Tonle Sap, a roughly oval lake in south-central Cambodia, may represent the remnant of that crater. The size of the lake (about 100 km × 35 km), location (Indochina), inferred geologic age (recent), and orientation of the lake, as well as the geographical distribution of tektites, are consistent with this suggestion. The elongated shape of the lake with its long axis pointing toward Australia may be the result of an oblique impact of a NW to SE-moving object a few km in diameter. The absence of a raised rim and a central peak may be related to a low impact angle, soft target rocks, or high post-impact erosion and sedimentation rates. The scarcity of Muong Nong-type (layered) tektites near Tonle Sap may be due to extensive post-impact alluvial deposition, which buried the tektites. The chemical composition of Upper Indosinias formation sandstones from Phnom Batheay was determined. There are significant differences between the composition of indochinite tektites and these rocks, which are thus unlikely to represent tektite source rocks.  相似文献   
Jack Wisdom 《Icarus》1983,56(1):51-74
The sudden eccentricity increases discovered by J. Wisdom (Astron J.87, 577–593, 1982) are reproduced in numerical integrations of the planar-elliptic restricted three-body problem, verifying that this phenomenon is real. Maximum Lyapunov characteristic exponents for trajectories near the 31 commensurability are computed both with the mappings presented in Wisdom (1982) and by numerical integration of the planar-elliptic problem. In all cases the agreement is excellent, indicating that the mappings accurately reflect whether trajectories are chaotic or quasiperiodic. The mappings are used to trace out the chaotic zone near the 31 commensurability, both in the planar-elliptic problem and to a more limited extent in the three-dimensional elliptic problem. The outer boundary of the chaotic zone coincides with the boundary of the 31 Kirkwood gap in the actual distribution of asteroids within the errors of the asteroid orbital elements.  相似文献   
In Wisdom (2017), I presented new simulations of meteorite transport from the chaotic zones associated with major resonances in the asteroid belt: the ν6 secular resonance, the 3:1 mean motion resonance with Jupiter, and the 5:2 mean motion resonance with Jupiter. I found that the observed afternoon excess (the fact that approximately twice as many meteorites fall in the afternoon as in the morning) of the ordinary chondrites is consistent with chaotic transport from the 3:1 resonance, contradicting prior reports. Here I report an additional study of the transport of meteorites from ν6 secular resonance and the 3:1 mean motion resonance. I use an improved integration algorithm, and study the evolution of more particles. I confirm that the afternoon excess of the ordinary chondrites is consistent with transport from the 3:1 resonance.  相似文献   
We review past work using broad emission lines as virial estimators of black hole masses in quasars. Basically one requires estimates of the emitting region radius and virial velocity dispersion to obtain black hole masses. The three major ways to estimate the broad-line emitting region (BLR) radius involve: (1) direct reverberation mapping, (2) derivation of BLR radius for larger samples using the radius-luminosity correlation derived from reverberation measures, and (3) estimates of BLR radius using the definition of the ionization parameter solved for BLR radius (photoionization method). At low redshift (z ? 0.7) FWHM Hβ serves as the most widely used estimator of virial velocity dispersion. FWHM Hβ can provide estimates for tens of thousands of quasars out to z  3.8 (IR spectroscopy beyond z  1). A new photoionization method also shows promise for providing many reasonable estimates of BLR radius via high S/N IR spectroscopy of the UV region 1300–2000 Å. FWHM Mgiiλ2800 can serve as a surrogate for FWHM Hβ in the range 0.4 ? z ? 6.5 while civλ1549 is affected by broadening due to non-virial motions and best avoided (i.e. there is no clear conversion factor between FWHM Hβ and FWHM Civλ1549). Most quasars yield mass estimates in the range 7 ? log MBH ? 9.7. There is no strong evidence for values above 10.0 and there may be evidence for a turnover in the maximum black hole mass near z  5.  相似文献   
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