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Reactions in Amphibolite, Greenschist and Blueschist   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mineral assemblages in which chlorite [CHL], epidote [EPI],clinoamphibole [AMP], plagioclase [PLG] and quartz [QTZ] aremajor phases are characteristic of many low-grade mafic schists.The possible heterogeneous reactions in such an assemblage maybe separated into two types, exchange reactions and net-transferreactions. Only the latter alter significantly the modal proportionsof the minerals. A set of linearly independent reactions defines a reaction spaceof as many dimensions as there are independent reactions. Thespace defined by the net-transfer reactions alone is a sub-spacethat can be portrayed in three dimensions for the above assemblage.A procedure is presented herein that gives a set of independentreactions that may be taken as basis reactions for definingsuch a reaction space. All other reactions that can be writtenfor this assemblage, as well as observed whole-rock reactions,can be portrayed as vectors in these reaction spaces. Thesevectors connect the region (mineral facies) accessible to theabove assemblage. The whole-rock reactions of Laird (1980) relatinggreenschist, blueschist and various low-grade amphibolites fromVermont, provide informative examples, as do the whole-rockexperiments of Liou et al. (1974). Although reaction spaces apply to both equilibrium and disequilibriumassemblages the reactions selected as basis vectors correspondone-for-one to the chemical conditions for equilibrium thatmust obtain in any fully equilibrated assemblage. The set selectedis one that provides maximum sensitivity for geothermometric,geobarometric and geohygrometric purposes.  相似文献   
A number of geological studies have already been conducted on the Zambales Ophiolite Complex (ZOC), a north-south trending complete ophiolite sequence exposed in the western portion of Central Luzon, Philippines. Previous works recognized the ZOC as being made up of two blocks, the Acoje and the Coto, acting as an arc-back arc pair sometime during the Eocene.  相似文献   
The available clay and feldspar reference samples, rather than the frequently used rock reference samples, are suggested as standards for archaeological pottery studies because their trace-element contents are more like those of the artefacts. Such samples may provide a basis for correlating archaeological studies throughout the world. The assumption that bottles of such reference samples should have homogeneous trace-element contents because of the nature of the materials has been confirmed by the analysis of variance of trace -element data by instrumental neutron activation analysis.  相似文献   
Palaeosols developed on the highest Yukon River glaciofluvial terraces were investigated in order to reconstruct the Plio-Pleistocene evolution of the river valley beyond Late Pleistocene glacial limits. A record of at least two pre-Reid (> 311 kyr) glaciations is chronicled by the presence of two populations of glaciofluvial terraces within the study area. The populations of pre-Reid terraces were identified based on their degree of soil development and elevation. Pre-Reid terraces 200–250 m above river level have preserved morphological and mineralogical features of the Wounded Moose palaeosol, a palaeosol previously associated with pre-Reid surfaces in central Yukon. Clay mineralogy and colour indicate that the Wounded Moose palaeosol developed in part during warm and sub-humid as well as temperate and humid interglacials. A second set of pre-Reid terraces between 110 and 30 m above river level are characterized by the presence of the less-developed Diversion Creek palaeosol, a palaeosol previously associated with only Reid-aged (< 311 kyr) surfaces in central Yukon. In contrast to the Wounded Moose palaeosol, the Diversion Creek palaeosol developed during comparatively cool and humid interglacial conditions. The presence of Diversion Creek palaeosols on pre-Reid outwash terraces suggests that a transition from dominantly warmer to cooler interglacial conditions occurred prior to 311 kyr in Yukon Territory. In addition, the presence of a Diversion Creek palaeosol cannot be used to differentiate stable Reid and stable pre-Reid surfaces across central Yukon.  相似文献   
Low-variance assemblages occurring within amygdules of Karmutsenlavas from the Elk Creek and Upper Campbell Lake areas, VancouverIsland, British Columbia, provide important constraints on thepressure and temperature of metamorphism as well as on the compositionof the attendant fluid. The P-T stability of the assemblagesepidote-muscovite-K-feldspar-prehnite and epidote-prehnite-quartz-wairakitecoupled with mean isochores derived from homogenization temperaturesof H2O inclusions within amygdaloidal quartz indicate that theUpper Campbell Lake area was subjected to metamorphism at 1?5kb (?0?5 kb), 260 ?C (? 15?C) and the Elk Creek area at somewhatlower P or higher T. Isobaric T-a(CO2) diagrams show that the occurrence of epidote-oligoclase,prehnite-orthoclase-albite, and prehnite-andesine assemblagescollected from the Elk Creek area is consistent with the P-Tconstraints and that these assemblages formed in water-richfluids containing very low concentrations of CO2. The presenceof Ca-zeolite-epidote assemblages in the Upper Campbell Lakearea is also compatible with P-T estimates. The consistencyof epidote and prehnite rim compositions in low-variance assemblagesand the lack of incompatible phases in these assemblages demonstratethat equilibrium was obtained on limited domains within amygdules. Because epidote and prehnite compositions in low-variance assemblagesare very sensitive to changes in concentration of CO2, low-varianceassemblages involving these phases can serve as monitors offluid composition. It is postulated that low-variance assemblagesin Karmutsen flows originated by reaction of previously formed,high-variance assemblages with infiltrating CO2-bearing aqueousfluids during a subsequent hydrothermal event. These fluidspreferentially exploited more permeable amygdaloidal portionsof the Karmutsen flows. The low-variance assemblages not onlyrecord the extremely H2O-rich composition of the permeatingfluid, but also outline the paths the fluid took. * Offprint requests to B. R. Frost  相似文献   
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