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在制图综合中,道路选取是非常重要的内容之一,研究道路选取的智能化方法是非常必要的。文中在研究道路语义、几何特征、拓扑关系和结构特征的基础上,充分考虑居民点对道路选取过程的影响,建立道路选取的蚁群算法模型。通过实验证明该模型算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
为了全面分析我国大陆及其周边GNSS连续站噪声的空间分布规律,该文基于陆态网络260个GNSS连续站和周边区域10个IGS站的观测数据,利用GAMIT/GLOBK软件进行解算,得到各站的坐标值及其N、E、U 3分量误差值,制定筛选标准,依据该标准剔除质量差的测站,剔除异常值;利用Matlab软件,按照东向(E分量)、北向(N分量)、垂向(U分量)3个方向进行拟合,并提取各测站单日解的最大误差值出现的年积日,绘制其在我国大陆的空间分布图,得到中国大陆GNSS连续站最大单日误差值的时空分布特性图。发现大部分GNSS连续站单日最大误差值集中在夏季(7月居多)并分析了原因。  相似文献   
大气动力学诊断Rossby波的传播时,通常用波作用通量来表示。常用的三种波作用通量分别为Plumb波作用通量,T-N波作用通量和局地E-P通量。本文详细讨论了这三种方法的特征差异,并结合2016年1月的一次寒潮事件,比较了三种方法在该事件中的适用性。结果表明:1)Plumb波作用通量的纬向分量较大而经向分量较小,适用于振幅较小的纬向均匀的西风带Rossby长波的诊断。2)T-N波作用通量是对Plumb波作用通量的改进,经向分量得以增强,能更好地描述纬向非均匀气流中的较大振幅的西风带Rossby长波扰动。T-N波作用通量计算时,背景场取多年平均的当月气候场较合适,能更好地反映当前季节内的Rossby波传播异常。3)局地E-P通量可以诊断一段时间内天气尺度瞬变波对背景场(定常波)总的调控作用,但无法直接反映Rossby长波的逐时演变(T-N波或Plumb波作用通量则可以)。  相似文献   
盆地沉降史研究的新方法—波动分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
波动分析方法为前苏联学者提出,认为沉积地的演化过程受不同的周期波所控制。介绍了该方法的产生过程,基本原理,工作方法和所能解决的南持问题,最后对该方法进行了评价。  相似文献   
利用双金刚烷指标研究济阳坳陷凝析油的成熟度和类型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据济阳坳陷烃源岩中的双金刚烷指标与镜质组反射率实测值,建立了它们之间的数值对应关系,根据这种关系确定了济阳坳陷凝析油的成熟度,它们均属成熟—高成熟阶段的演化产物,Ro值在1.26%以上。利用二甲基双金刚烷类型判识指标,判识出济阳坳陷凝析油为煤成和湖相混合有机质生成两种类型。  相似文献   
东营凹陷民丰地区天然气生成机理与化学动力学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民丰地区天然气存在源岩热解和原油裂解成因的争议。本文采用高压釜封闭体系对该区烃源岩和原油样品分别进行了热模拟实验,从烃类气体生成过程、气态烃与部分单体烃生成动力学特征讨论了二者的生气机理,认为原油裂解比源岩热解生气活化能高30~40 kJ/mol,原油比源岩生气需要更高的热力学条件。模拟实验证实,成熟阶段源岩热解气与原油裂解气相比,以环烷烃和芳烃相对含量低为特征,与民丰地区产出的天然气组成更接近,据此认为该区天然气主要为源岩热解成因。  相似文献   
This study investigates the influences of tropical Indian Ocean(TIO) warming on tropical cyclone(TC)genesis in different regions of the western North Pacific(WNP) from July to October(JASO) during the decaying El Nio. The results show significant negative TC frequency anomalies localized in the southeastern WNP. Correlation analysis indicates that a warm sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) in the TIO strongly suppresses TC genesis south of 21°N and east of 140°E in JASO. Reduced TC genesis over the southeastern WNP results from a weak monsoon trough and divergence and subsidence anomalies associated with an equatorial baroclinic Kelvin wave. Moreover,suppressed convection in response to a cold local SSTA, induced by the increased northeasterly connected by the wind-evaporation-SST positive feedback mechanism, is found unfavorable for TC genesis. Positive TC genesis anomalies are observed over higher latitudinal regions(at around 21°N, 140°E) and the western WNP because of enhanced convection along the northern flank of the WNP anomalous anticyclone and low-level convergence,respectively. Although local modulation(e.g., local SST) could have greater dominance over TC activity at higher latitudes in certain anomalous years(e.g., 1988), a warm TIO SSTA can still suppress TC genesis in lower latitudinal regions of the WNP. A better understanding of the contributions of TIO warming could help improve seasonal TC predictions over different regions of the WNP in years of decaying El Nio.  相似文献   
星级仓库区位认识对优化城市仓储空间和合理配置仓储用地资源有重要意义。以2008-2014年237个中国星级仓库为样本,综合运用区位关系识别、距离测度和典型案例分析等方法,揭示地域、行业、职能分异与星级仓库区位选择行为相互关系,阐明了不同等级城市的星级仓库区位统计规律,以及物流职能、交通圈层结构与星级仓库区位形成的内在作用机制。研究表明:①星级仓库分布于4个直辖市、22个副省级和省会城市、37个地级市、24个县/县级市,不同等级城市平均拥有星级仓库数分别为16.5、4.77、1.78和1.58个,呈“倒三角形”分布形态;行业分布呈现“通用和大宗仓储分散、专业性仓库集中”特征;办公和经营场所区位呈“共用和分离相对均衡”特征;②星级仓库区位受“供给+需求”共同驱动,省会及以上城市具有公共服务职能的星级仓库区位总体呈“近郊—远郊”布局模式,地级市以自营服务职能为主的星级仓库总体呈“中心—边缘”布局模式;③城市等级与星级仓库物流距离成正比且存在明显的类型分异,其中公私兼营和自营仓储型仓库受母公司区位影响,郊区化趋势滞后于提供公共服务的地产租赁和公共仓储型仓库。  相似文献   
The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, CMAP rainfall and Hadley Centre sea surface temperature (SST) datasets are used to investigate the relationship between the seasonal transition of East Asian monsoon and Asian-Pacific thermal contrast, together with the possible causes. Based on the 250 hPa air temperature over two selected key areas, the Asian-Pacific thermal difference (APTD) index is calculated. Results show that the APTD index is highly consistent with the Asian-Pacific Oscillation (APO) index defined by Zhao et al., in terms of different key areas in different seasons. Moreover, the time point of the seasonal transition of the Asian-Pacific thermal contrast can be well determined by the APTD index, indicative of seasonal variation in East Asian atmospheric circulation from winter to summer. The transition characteristic of the circulation can be summarized as follows. The continental cold high at lower tropospheric level moves eastward to the East China Sea and decreases rapidly in intensity, while the low-level northerlies turn to southerlies. At middle tropospheric level, the East Asia major trough is reduced and moves eastward. Furthermore, the subtropical high strengthens and appears near Philippines. The South Asia high shifts from the east of Philippines to the west of Indochina Peninsula, and the prevailing southerlies change into northerlies in upper troposphere. Meanwhile, both the westerly and easterly jets both jump to the north. The seasonal transition of atmospheric circulation is closely related to the thermal contrast, and the possible mechanism can be concluded as follows. Under the background of the APTD seasonal transition, the southerly wind appears firstly at lower troposphere, which triggers the ascending motion via changing vertical shear of meridional winds. The resultant latent heating accelerates the transition of heating pattern from winter to summer. The summer heating pattern can further promote the adjustment of circulation, which favors the formation and strengthening of the low-level southerly and upper-level northerly winds. As a result, the meridional circulation of the East Asian subtropical monsoon is established through a positive feedback between the circulation and thermal fields. Moreover, the time point of this seasonal transition has a significant positive correlation with the SST anomalies over the tropical central-eastern Pacific Ocean, providing a basis for the short-term climate prediction.  相似文献   
基于三维激光扫描数据的建筑物三维建模   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吴静  靳奉祥  王健 《测绘工程》2007,16(5):57-60
给出基于三维激光扫描测量仪所获得的点云数据来实现建筑物三维建模的方法。文中介绍了三维激光扫描测量仪的系统组成与工作原理,给出对点云数据处理的过程和方法,阐述建筑物三维建模的方法,并用实例介绍整体方法的实现过程和效果。  相似文献   
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