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几种地表微波比辐射率变化特征的地面观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于地表微波比辐射率观测试验,我们探讨了不同下垫面的地表微波比辐射率的变化特征以及降雨前后地表比辐射率的昼夜变化特征.同时,通过比较红外扫描仪和温度计同步测量的地表温度,发现将温度计浅埋土里比半埋土里测量的更为合理,后者测量的地表温度在中午时不合理偏高15~20℃.对于四种地表,草地比辐射率最高(~0.94),其次是裸土地比辐射率(~0.86),然后是沙地比辐射率(~0.82),水面比辐射率最小(~0.4).在微波辐射计观测入射角 > 60°时,土地和沙地比辐射率都随入射角度增加而减小,尤其前者更为敏感;草地和水面比辐射率随入射角度变化较小.不同地表比辐射率都呈现出昼夜差异,尤其土地、沙地和水面比辐射率在降雨之后的昼夜差异较为显著,夜里普遍偏高白天0.02~0.04;草地比辐射率昼夜差异较小,基本是白天略微高于晚上.降水后,草地微波比辐射率变化较小,裸土地和沙地比辐射率则显著降低.沙地和草地比辐射率随频率变化较小,裸土地比辐射率在降雨之后随频率明显增加.  相似文献   
下击暴流为雷暴天气中强下沉气流猛烈冲击地面后形成并沿地面传播的近地面短时强风,其风场特征同传统的大气边界层近地风显著不同。近年来下击暴流作用下输电线-塔结构的倒塌破坏事故层出不穷。根据美国、澳大利亚和南非等国的调查,80%以上的输电线-塔的风致倒塌事故主要为下击暴流所引起。而我国对此却少有研究。据此,本文简要介绍了下击暴流在输电线-塔抗风研究中的重要性,并从尺度特征、风速特征、随机特征和压力特征四个方面对下击暴流的基本特征进行了综述。其次,阐述了下击暴流对输电线-塔结构的灾害作用和下击暴流作用下输电线-塔的破坏特征。最后,论述了下击暴流对输电线-塔结构抗风设计的影响。指出了将雷暴强风,尤其是发生频度高、破坏性强的下击暴流纳入到风荷载规范,是非常重要而迫切的工作。  相似文献   
综合分析EISCAT雷达与卫星当地测量数据,并利用磁层磁场模式对磁力线进行追踪,研究了发生在极光椭圆朝极盖边界附近电离层中,一例反常的背离太阳流动的强等离子体对流事件,及相关的太阳风-磁层-电离层耦合过程.结果表明,磁暴期间IMFBz指向南时观测到这一反常高速对流,及其相应的等离子体性态特征,很可能是向阳侧磁层顶磁重联过程在电离层中的印记.  相似文献   
This paper attempted to identify fractal and chaotic characteristics of the annual runoff processes in headwaters of the Tarim River. Methods of fractal analyses were used to explore several aspects of the temporal changes from 1957 to 2002. The main findings are as follows: (1) The annual runoff processes of the three headwaters of the Tarim River are complex nonlinear systems with fractal as well as chaotic dynamics. (2) The correlation dimensions of attractor derived from the time series of the annual runoff for the Hotan, Yarkand and Aksu rivers are all greater than 3.0 and non-integral, implying that all three rivers are chaotic dynamical systems that are sensitive to initial conditions, and the dynamic modeling of their annual runoff process requires at least four independent variables. (3) The time series of annual runoff in each river presents a long-term correlation characteristic. The Hurst exponent for the period of 1989 to 2002 suggests that we may expect to see an increasing trend in the annual runoff of the Aksu and Yarkand rivers in the years after 2002, but a decreasing tendency for the Hotan River in the same period.  相似文献   
多普勒雷达资料动态定量估测台风小时降水量的研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
在充分考虑传统的最优化方法和概率配对法优缺点的基础上,使用一种改进的最佳窗概率配对法计算Z-I关系中的系数A和b,得到了雷达测得的基本反射率因子Z和雨量计实时测到的小时降水量I的动态关系.利用温州多普勒雷达体扫资料和浙江省自动雨量站资料,使用该方法对"海棠"(Haitang)和"麦莎"(Matsa)两个台风分别进行了动态计算,得到了不同系数的Z-I关系,进而对两个台风的小时降水量进行了定量估测.使用变分技术对估测的小时降水量进行了校准.结果表明,不同台风Z-I关系的系数差别较大,因而造成台风小时降水量的很大不同.使用雷达基本反射率来估测台风小时降水量,能够清楚表现出台风的螺旋雨带和其中的中小尺度雨团,估测的台风小时降水量与实况基本接近.经过变分校准的估测降水量可以较好地表现出台风雨带与地面中尺度流场动力结构的对应关系.误差统计分析表明,变分校准后的估测台风小时降水量要明显好于变分校准前的估测台风小时降水量.变分校准法既保留了雷达估测台风小时降水量的分布特征,又使估测的台风小时降水雨量与实况的误差明显减小.  相似文献   
A new two-way land-atmosphere interaction model (R42_AVIM) is fulfilled by coupling the spectral at- mospheric model (SAMIL_R42L9) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmo- spheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sci- ences (LASG/IAP/CAS) with the land surface model, Atmosphere-Vegetation-Interaction-Model (AVIM). In this coupled model, physical and biological components of AVIM are both included. Climate base state and land surface physical fluxes simulated by R42_AVIM are analyzed and compared with the results of R42_SSIB [which is coupled by SAMIL_R42L9 and Simplified Simple Biosphere (SSIB) models]. The results show the performance of the new model is closer to the observations. It can basically guarantee that the land surface energy budget is balanced, and can simulate June-July-August (JJA) and December-January- February (DJF) land surface air temperature, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, precipitation, sea level pressure and other variables reasonably well. Compared with R42_SSIB, there are obvious improvements in the JJA simulations of surface air temperature and surface fluxes. Thus, this land-atmosphere coupled model will offer a good experiment platform for land-atmosphere interaction research.  相似文献   
Typhoon Rananim (0414) has been simulated by using the non-hydrostatic Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) from Center of Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS). The prediction of Rananim has generally been improved with ARPS using the new generation CINRAD Doppler radar data. Numerical experiments with or without using the radar data have shown that model initial fields with the assimilated radar radial velocity data in ARPS can change the wind field at the middle and high levels of the troposphere; fine characteristics of the tropical cyclone (TC) are introduced into the initial wind, the x component of wind speed south of the TC is increased and so is the y component west of it. They lead to improved forecasting of TC tracks for the time after landfall. The field of water vapor mixing ratio, temperature, cloud water mixing ratio and rainwater mixing ratio have also been improved by using radar reflectivity data. The model’s initial response to the introduction of hydrometeors has been increased. It is shown that horizontal model resolution has a significant impact on intensity forecasts, by greatly improving the forecasting of TC rainfall, and heavy rainstorm of the TC specially, as well as its distribution and variation with time.  相似文献   
This paper reviews recent progress in the development of the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model(BCC-CSM) and its four component models(atmosphere,land surface,ocean,and sea ice).Two recent versions are described:BCC-CSM1.1 with coarse resolution(approximately 2.8125°×2.8125°) and BCC-CSM1.1(m) with moderate resolution(approximately 1.125°×1.125°).Both versions are fully coupled climate-carbon cycle models that simulate the global terrestrial and oceanic carbon cycles and include dynamic vegetation.Both models well simulate the concentration and temporal evolution of atmospheric CO_2 during the 20th century with anthropogenic CO2 emissions prescribed.Simulations using these two versions of the BCC-CSM model have been contributed to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase five(CMIP5) in support of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report(AR5).These simulations are available for use by both national and international communities for investigating global climate change and for future climate projections.Simulations of the 20th century climate using BCC-CSMl.l and BCC-CSMl.l(m) are presented and validated,with particular focus on the spatial pattern and seasonal evolution of precipitation and surface air temperature on global and continental scales.Simulations of climate during the last millennium and projections of climate change during the next century are also presented and discussed.Both BCC-CSMl.l and BCC-CSMl.l(m) perform well when compared with other CMIP5 models.Preliminary analyses indicate that the higher resolution in BCC-CSM1.1(m) improves the simulation of mean climate relative to BCC-CSMl.l,particularly on regional scales.  相似文献   
根据实际应用的经验,对Micaps系统原装配好的个别程序进行了一些修改,对所接收的资料进行了适当的取舍,以便Micaps更适应于业务运用.并且通过编写一些程序,实现了为气象资料专业用户提供各种实时资料,为有偿服务创造了有利条件.  相似文献   
沿沪宁线高新技术产业带、沿江基础产业带和沿东陇海加工产业带是江苏省区域发展三大重点轴线,简称为"三沿"."三沿"战略对江苏省区域发展起到重要的作用,但它存在着一定的问题,它忽视了省内南北之间的协调发展,同时,没有将全省发展置于长三角一体化之中.基于这样考虑,作者提出"一圈五轴"的发展战略,并提出整合资源、跨江联动、突出沿江轴线的可持续性,提升沿沪宁轴线高新技术创新能力,重视对沿海轴线的开发,加快发展东陇海和内陆轴线开发等重要建议.  相似文献   
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