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黄淮海地区是我国旱涝都较严重的地区。旱涝碱是密切联系的,而旱涝尤为其中的根本。 邯郸专区位于华北平原的西部居中的地方,具有暧温带的大陆性季风气侯;地貌多样,有山地、丘陵和平原;水系不一,跨有滏阳、漳卫二流域,是河北省多旱易碱的地方,也是黄淮海旱涝碱比较严重的所在地。我们为了探索本区旱涝的发生,变化和发展  相似文献   
On 15 August 1994 we launched the EUVS sounding rocket payload to observe the 825-1110 angstrom region of Venus's far ultraviolet airglow spectrum. The EUVS telescope/spectrograph obtained good data at five times higher spectral resolution than was previously available in the far ultraviolet. We present these data and compare our results to those obtained by the Galileo UVS and Venera 11/12 UV spectrophotometers. We identify several new spectral emission features, including both singly ionized nitrogen and molecular nitrogen in Venus's spectrum. We also see evidence for electron-impact-induced emission from CO. Finally, the EUVS data indicate that the "Ar" emissions detected in Venus's far ultraviolet spectrum by Venera 11/12 spectrophotometers are in fact not due to argon, thus eliminating the discrepancy between in situ and remote sensing measurements.  相似文献   
A characteristic hallmark of life is its homochirality: all biomolecules are usually of one hand, e.g. on Earth life uses only L-amino acids for protein synthesis and not their D mirror images. It is therefore suggested that a search for extra-terrestrial life can be approached as a Search for Extra-Terrestrial Homochirality (SETH). A novel miniaturized space polarimeter, called the SETH Cigar, is described which could he used to detect optical rotation as the homochiral signature of life on other planets. Moving parts are avoided by replacing the normal rotating polarizer by multiple fixed polarizers at different angles as in the eye of the bee. It is believed that homochirality will be found in the subsurface layers on Mars as a relic of extinct life.  相似文献   
形变台站防雷保护及接地改进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对典型形变台站遭雷害的调查,指出形变台站受雷害或干扰的途径是:(1)雷击避雷针的雷电过电压和大电流;(2)交流供电线路上的雷直击过电压与感应过电压等。在分析和归纳后针对性地提出并实践了:(1)应用半导体少长针消雷器防直击雷害;(2)建立接地地风和设计过压保护单元电路或雷击期启用UPS以防电子设备的感应雷害;(3)对架空供电进线换用埋地金属外皮屏蔽电缆以防路线来波浸入等综合治疗措施,收到了显著的  相似文献   
1998年初夏飞机人工增雨作业效果分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对1998年初夏四川盆地飞机人工增雨作业期间雨量资料的分析计算,客观地给出了催化作业的效果,并以雷达资料为佐证,说明降水增加并非自然变率,而是催化剂影响的结果。  相似文献   
对1987~1992年鹤壁市寒潮天气进行统计分析,总结出了产生寒潮天气的基本天气形势和特点,提出了预报着眼点,并建立了预报因子库和判别准则,编制了预报业务系统软件,实现预报方法的自动化,经1996年1月~1997年4月的业务检验,有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   
木薯淀粉羧甲基化合成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文是以木薯淀粉为原料进行羧甲基化合物,它是一种采用溶剂分散、助剂对淀粉进行预处理的方法,可以制取高取代度的CMS《  相似文献   
渤海岸边,有一个小渔村,历经百年风云变幻,如今是辽东半岛上的一颗璀璨明珠--它,就是大连。这座既年轻又古老的城市,保留着大量老建筑以及颇具异域特点的民居。它们经历了岁月的沧桑,目睹了历史的沉浮,也见证了城市的变迁,构成了城市的灵魂与记忆。这种灵魂和记忆是胜利桥头的一抹清冷的月光.  相似文献   
Coral reefs within the Florida Keys are disappearing at an alarming rate. Coral cover in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary declined by 38% from 1996 to 2000. In 2000, populations of Montastraea annularis at four sites near Molasses Reef within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and one reef within Biscayne National Park were sampled on a quarterly basis. Anecdotal observations showed corals at Alina's Reef in Biscayne National Park appeared healthy in March, but experienced an acute loss of coral cover by August. Cellular Diagnostic analysis indicated that Alina's Reef corals were in distress: they had been afflicted with a severe oxidative damaging and protein-denaturing stress that affected both the corals and their symbiotic zooxanthellae. This condition was associated with a significant xenobiotic detoxification response in both species, reflecting probable chemical contaminant exposure. These results demonstrate that applying a Cellular Diagnostic approach can be effective in helping to identify stress and its underlying causes, providing diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of coral health.  相似文献   
运用NMR(CP/MAS+TOSS)方法, 获得了不同类型构造煤的13C NMR高分辨谱. 在此基础上, 进行谱的拟合和峰的解叠, 求出各种碳官能团的相对含量, 并结合Ro, max, XRD和元素分析成果, 进一步研究了不同类型构造煤结构及成分变化的应力效应. 结果表明: Ro, max不仅是反映煤级的重要指标, 而且也是反映构造煤结构应力效应的有效指标. 煤大分子基本结构单元堆砌度Lc以及La /Lc参数的变化可以区分温度和应力对变质和变形环境的影响, 总体上反映了构造变形强弱的变化, 可以当作构造煤结构的应力效应指标. 在不同变质变形环境下由于构造应力作用形成的不同类型构造煤, 其结构及成分变化总的特征是, 除韧性变形较弱的揉皱煤外, 从脆性变形至韧性变形, 随着构造变形的增强, 芳碳与脂碳峰半高宽之比Hfa/Hfal增高, 芳碳率fa不断增加, 脂碳率fal却逐渐减少, 各结构成分的变化具有阶跃性和波折性的特点, 这正是构造应力对不同类型构造煤大分子结构的不同所引起的. 韧性变形较弱的揉皱煤的内部结构的变化主要反映在物理结构上. 中、高煤级变质变形环境形成的构造煤与低煤级变质变形环境形成的构造煤相比, Hfa/Hfal, fafal以及各结构成分的变化幅度更大些. 因而Hfa/Hfal, fafal等结构成分参数的变化也从某种程度上反映了煤级增高和构造煤结构成分的应力效应.  相似文献   
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