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In this paper, the baseline variation and displacement vector was analyzed using the calculated results of GPS measurements carried out from 1995 to 1996 in North China. Based on these analytical results, we studied the recent tectonic activity. In general, the regional extension is dominant in the direction of proximately EW, but there is a difference in the SN direction. Extension is significant in the Shanxi fault-depression zone and Bohai region, while compression with strike-slip is characterized along the Yishui-Tancheng segment of the Tanlu fault zone. The baseline shortening zone is distributed along the Baotou-Zhangjiakou-Ninghe areas. It is a boundary zone of regional variation where many differences of crustal horizontal deformation are discovered between the southern part and the northern part of this zone. The baseline shortening zone in NE direction is distributed along the Jianchang-Tangshan-Gucheng area. It is consistent with the Tangshan-Xingtai seismic zone which indicates that tectoni  相似文献   
结合焦郑高速公路钻孔灌注桩的超声波检测,对超声波检测的原理、方法以及桩身缺陷的判定进行了介绍和分析,通过实例证明超声波检测法能准确判断出桩身缺陷的位置和范围,并能对缺陷严重程度做出评价,是检测灌注桩桩身质量的一种较好方法.  相似文献   
阐述了采用一定时间域前兆观测值的样本分布与其背景分布形式显著性的2 统计检验法识别前兆异常的思路 ,利用云南地区 1 994~ 1 996年的部分台站的水氡观测资料 ,采用上述方法提取了前兆异常 ,并与地震的实际发生情况进行了对比 ,表明强震前震源区附近水氡具有明显的前兆异常。由于分布形式的显著性检验法对异常反映较一般方法敏感 ,并且可以不受具体的分布形式的限制 ,因此本方法在地震前兆异常识别中将发挥一定的作用  相似文献   
Abstract: High-quality zircon U-Pb ages acquired from Meso- and Neoproterozoic strata in North China in recent years has provided a high-resolution chronostratigraphic framework for dating. A basis of this high-level chronostratigraphic system provides the foundation for a global Precambrian study and stratigraphic correlation and so recent geological studies have focused attention on systemic SHRIMP zircon dating. A chronology of Meso- and Neoproterozoic strata and the time of origin of the overlying Changcheng System is given on the basis of new SHRIMP zircon dating from the Qianxi Complex and diabase of the Chuanlinggou Formation. A new tectonostratigraphy for a Neoproterozoic chronostratigraphic framework in the southeastern margin of the North China continent is underpinned by the new SHRIMP zircon dating of a Neoproterozoic mafic magma diabase in the Jiao-Liao-Xu-Huai Sub-Province.  相似文献   
电阻率成像法在地热勘查中,可以客观较真实地反映断层、热储地质体的基本特征.本文阐述了地电成像的原理、方法以及汤泉池温泉地热地质条件,对4条电阻率成像剖面进行了解释及综合分析,为定井提供了依据.  相似文献   
The association of seasonal timing of stratospheric final warming events(SFWs) in spring and the occurrence of major and minor stratospheric sudden warming events(SSWs) in midwinter were investigated through statistical analysis, parallel comparison, and composite analysis, based on the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis dataset covering 1958–2012. It was found that the intensity and occurrence of winter SSW events can largely affect the timing of spring SFWs. Specifically, the SFW onset dates tend to be later(earlier) after the occurrence(absence) of winter major SSWs. However, the occurrence or absence of minor SSWs does not change the frequency of early and late SFWs. A parallel comparison of the temporal evolution of the anomalous circulation and planetary-waves between major SSW and minor SSW winters indicates that the stratospheric polar vortex(polar jet) will keep being anomalously stronger 30 days after major SSW onset. And the associated significant negative Eliassen-Palm(EP) flux anomalies can persist for as long as 45 days after major SSW events. In contrast, the circulation anomalies around the occurrence of minor SSW events can last only a few days. To further verify the possible influence of the occurrence of major SSWs on the seasonal timing of SFWs, composite analysis was performed respectively for the 21 major-SSW years, 15 minor-SSW years, and the 15 non-SSW years. Generally, planetary-wave activity in the extratropical stratosphere tends to be stronger(weaker) and the westerly polar jet is anomalously weaker(stronger) in major-SSW(non-SSW) winters. But in the following spring, the planetary-wave activity is weaker(stronger) accompanied with an anomalously stronger(weaker) stratospheric polar vortex. In spring after minor-SSW years, however, the stratospheric polar vortex and the westerly polar jet exhibit a state close to climatology with relatively gentle variations.  相似文献   
松潘-甘孜带:是弧前增生还是弧后消减?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据多年在该区工作实践,认为松潘—甘孜造山带前身的巴颜喀拉盆地是羌塘—他念他翁晚古生代前缘弧之后的一系列多岛弧—盆系的一个大型弧后盆地。三叠纪时,围限此“三角形”盆地三条边缘的构造动力学作用方式具有不同的特征。其东侧为扬子西缘被动大陆边缘(D—T2),中三叠晚期(拉丁期)转化为与华北和羌塘陆块有关的前陆盆地(T2—T3),由于扬子陆块向西双向斜向俯冲作用,在其北侧和南侧边缘形成南昆仑和可可西里—甘孜—理塘俯冲消减杂岩。重建的地层层序和沉积地质特征显示巴颜喀拉盆地主体三叠系复理石沉积是周缘前陆盆地。  相似文献   
腾冲火山区S波速度结构接收函数反演   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
腾冲火山区临近印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞、俯冲的边界,火山活动与构造环境关系密切.采用远震接收函数反演的方法揭示了该区域的深部结构特征. 结果显示, 腾冲火山区S波低速结构明显受到NE向大盈江断裂的影响,断裂的南部存在明显的S波低速构,断裂的北部低速结构不十分明显.火山区存在浅部的低速结构,低速结构与地震活动性存在对应关系.证实了低速结构是火山区热活动的直接因素, 并认为腾冲火山区存在再次活动的基本条件.   相似文献   
IntroductionClusteringearthquakesareusuallyconsideredasomensofstrongearthquakesorasignaloftectonicmovement.Thus,theyarenotonlyoneoftheprimaryevidencestopredictearthquakesbutalsoasignificantindicatortorecognizetectonicmovement(MEI,etal,1993;EarthquakePre-dictionandPreventionDepartmentofChinaSeismologicalBureau,1998).Ongeneralconditions,webelievethatclusteringearthquakesexistrelativelytobackgroundearthquakes,howtoeffectivelyseparateonefromtheotherbecomesthekeypointofextractingtheclusteringea…  相似文献   
利用Scripps海洋研究所0—400m上层海洋热含量资料和美国环境监测中心/国家大气研究中心(National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research,NCEP/NCAR)的再分析资料,运用经验正交分解(empirical orthogonal function,EOF)等统计方法,研究在有ENSO影响和去除ENSO影响的情况下,前期春季印度洋热含量如何影响南海夏季风爆发。结果表明,在没有扣除ENSO信号的情况下,热带印度洋热含量EOF分解第一模态呈东西相反变化的空间分布。印度洋东部热含量为正(负)异常、西部为负(正)异常时,南海夏季风爆发较早(晚),印度洋上层热含量主要通过影响热带印度洋上空大气的垂直运动和高低层辐散辐合,进而影响季风纬向环流的强弱,来影响南海夏季风爆发的早晚。在扣除ENSO信号的情况下,印度洋热含量CEOF(conditional EOF)第一模态的空间分布类似于EOF第一模态的空间分布;第二模态表现为除小部分海区外,热带印度洋热含量呈一致变化的海盆模态。这两个模态对南海夏...  相似文献   
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