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Macroseismic Surveys in Theory and Practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cecić  Ina  Musson  Roger 《Natural Hazards》2004,31(1):39-61
Macroseismology is the part of seismology that collects and evaluates non-instrumental data on earthquakes, i.e., effects on people, objects, buildings and nature. The methods that seismologists use for collecting and evaluating the macroseismic data are often based on long (trial-and-error) experience more than on some formal procedure. Until very recently manuals or guidelines on how to do a macroseismic survey were rare and often superficial. After an earthquake is felt in some region, the data are usually collected by means of questionnaires. Field survey is an obligatory tool that complements the questionnaires in the case of a damaging earthquake. An overview of the approaches to deriving the earthquake parameters (epicentre and barycentre, epicentral intensity, magnitude, depth, source parametres) from macroseismic data, as well as a review of some existing practices is given.  相似文献   
Due to a lack of visible tephras in the Dead Sea record, this unique palaeoenvironmental archive is largely unconnected to the well-established Mediterranean tephrostratigraphy. Here we present first results of the ongoing search for cryptotephras in the International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) sediment core from the deep Dead Sea basin. This study focusses on the Lateglacial (~15–11.4 cal. ka BP), when Lake Lisan – the precursor of the Dead Sea – shrank from its glacial highstand to the Holocene low levels. We developed a glass shard separation protocol and counting procedure that is adapted to the extreme salinity and sediment recycling of the Dead Sea. Cryptotephra is abundant in the Dead Sea record (up to ~100 shards cm-3), but often glasses are physically and/or chemically altered. Six glass samples from five tephra horizons reveal a heterogeneous geochemical composition, with mainly rhyolitic and some trachytic glasses potentially sourced from Italian, Aegean and Anatolian volcanoes. Most shards likely originate from the eastern Anatolian volcanic province and can be correlated using major element analyses with tephra deposits from swarm eruptions of the Süphan Volcano ~13 ka BP and with ashes from Nemrut Volcano, presumably the Lake Van V-16 volcanic layer at ~13.8 ka BP. In addition to glasses that match the TM-10-1 from Lago Grande di Monticchio (15 820±790 cal. a BP) tentatively correlated with the St. Angelo Tuff of Ischia, we further identified a cryptotephra with glass analyses which are chemically identical with those of the PhT1 tephra in the Philippon peat record (13.9–10.5 ka BP), and also a compositional match for the glass analyses of the Santorini Cape Riva Tephra (Y-2 marine tephra, 22 024±642 cal. a BP). These first results demonstrate the great potential of cryptotephrochronology in the Dead Sea record for improving its chronology and connecting the Levantine region to the Mediterranean tephra framework.  相似文献   
First GOCE gravity field models derived by three different approaches   总被引:18,自引:10,他引:18  
Three gravity field models, parameterized in terms of spherical harmonic coefficients, have been computed from 71 days of GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) orbit and gradiometer data by applying independent gravity field processing methods. These gravity models are one major output of the European Space Agency (ESA) project GOCE High-level Processing Facility (HPF). The processing philosophies and architectures of these three complementary methods are presented and discussed, emphasizing the specific features of the three approaches. The resulting GOCE gravity field models, representing the first models containing the novel measurement type of gravity gradiometry ever computed, are analysed and assessed in detail. Together with the coefficient estimates, full variance-covariance matrices provide error information about the coefficient solutions. A comparison with state-of-the-art GRACE and combined gravity field models reveals the additional contribution of GOCE based on only 71 days of data. Compared with combined gravity field models, large deviations appear in regions where the terrestrial gravity data are known to be of low accuracy. The GOCE performance, assessed against the GRACE-only model ITG-Grace2010s, becomes superior at degree 150, and beyond. GOCE provides significant additional information of the global Earth gravity field, with an accuracy of the 2-month GOCE gravity field models of 10?cm in terms of geoid heights, and 3?mGal in terms of gravity anomalies, globally at a resolution of 100?km (degree/order 200).  相似文献   
To evaluate climate and atmospheric deposition induced physical and water chemical changes and their effects on phytoplankton communities, we used complete time series (14 years, monthly measurements during the growing season) of 18 physical and chemical variables and phytoplankton data from 13 nutrient-poor Swedish reference lakes along a latitudinal gradient. We found numerous strong significant changes over time that were most coherent among lakes for sulfate concentrations, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, chloride, potassium, water color, surface water temperature and the intensity of thermal stratification. Despite these pronounced coherent physical and water chemical changes over Sweden, the phytoplankton biomass and species richness of six phytoplankton groups, measured at the same time as the water chemical variables, showed only few and weak significant changes over time. The only coherent significant change over Sweden, occurring in seven lakes, was observed in the species richness of chlorophytes. The number of chlorophyte taxa significantly declined over Sweden. Using a partial least square model for each lake, we attributed the decline primarily to an increase in water temperatures and water color, which were among the most important variables for the model performance of each lake. All other taxonomic groups were driven primarily by non-coherent changes in nutrient concentrations, pH and probably also non-coherent grazing pressure. We concluded that coherent phytoplankton responses can only be achieved for taxonomic groups that are driven primarily by coherent physical/chemical changes. According to our study, chlorophytes belong to such a group, making them possible global change indicators. Our findings give new insights into global change effects on different phytoplankton taxonomic groups in nutrient-poor lakes.  相似文献   
Based on 19 spectrograms with a dispersion of 17.5 Å/mm, line spectrum variations in the CP2 star HD 5797 are studied. Equivalent width and central depth measurements show that intensities of 34 unblended lines vary with an amplitude of about 2 times for Fe, Ti and Sr lines, and 2.5 times for Cr lines. A search for improved period of the star has been carried out. The obtained new value is:P = 68.255 ± 0.004 days. An attempt to give a qualitative explanation of the photometric behaviour is made.  相似文献   
The earthquake (Mw 6 from the SHEEC defined by the MDPs) that occurred in the central part of Slovenia on 14 April, 1895, affected a broad region, causing deaths, injuries, and destruction. This event was much studied but not fully explained; in particular, its causative source model is still debated. The aim of this work is to contribute to the identification of the seismogenic source of this destructive event, calculating peak ground velocity values through the use of different ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) and computing a series of ground motion scenarios based on the result of an inversion work proposed by Juki? in 2009 and on various fault models in the surroundings of Ljubljana: Vi?, ?elimlje, Borovnica, Vodice, Ortnek, Mi?jedolski, and Dobrepolje faults. The synthetic seismograms, at the basis of our computations, are calculated using the multi-modal summation technique and a kinematic approach for extended sources, with a maximum peak ground velocity value of 1 Hz. The qualitative and quantitative comparison of these simulations with the macroseismic intensity database allows us to discriminate between various sources and configurations. The quantitative validation of the seismic source is done using ad hoc ground motion to intensity conversion equations (GMICEs), expressly calculated for this study. This study allows us to identify the most probable causative source model of this event, contributing to the improvement of the seismotectonic knowledge of this region. The candidate fault that has the lowest values of average differences between observed and calculated intensities and chi-squared is a strike slip fault with a toward-north rupture as the Ortnek fault.  相似文献   
In a turbulent fluid, the time a particle needs to travel from a point source to the observation point, can be considered as a random variable. It is shown that the probability density function (pdf) for this random variable is determined by the Lagrangian particle position pdf. The characteristics of the transport time pdf are discussed for the simple case of a turbulent fluid moving with a constant mean velocity.  相似文献   
Goodliff  Michael  Bruening  Thorger  Schwichtenberg  Fabian  Li  Xin  Lindenthal  Anja  Lorkowski  Ina  Nerger  Lars 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(10):1217-1237
Ocean Dynamics - Satellite data of both physical properties as well as ocean colour can be assimilated into coupled ocean-biogeochemical models with the aim to improve the model state. The physical...  相似文献   
Tierra del Fuego in Argentina is a unique location to examine past Holocene wind variability since it intersects the core of the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds (SHWW). The SHWW are the most powerful prevailing winds on Earth. Their variation plays a role in regulating atmospheric CO2 levels and rainfall amounts and distribution, both today and in the past. We obtained a piston core (LF06-PC8) from Bahía Grande, a protected sub-basin at the southern margin of Lago Fagnano, the largest lake in Tierra del Fuego. This article focuses on the uppermost 185 cm of this core, corresponding to laminated sediment from the last ~6.3 ka. Laminations consist of millimetre-scale paired dark and light layers. Previous studies and new geochemical analysis show that the dark and light layers are characterized by differing concentrations of Mn and Fe. We attribute the distribution of Mn and Fe to episodic hypolimnic oxic–anoxic variations. The age model suggests an approximately bidecadal timescale for the formation of each layer pair. We propose a new model of these redox changes with the SHWW variations. The most likely phenomenon to produce complete water-column mixing is thermobaric instability, which occurs in colder winters with low-intensity SHWW (El Niño-like conditions). In contrast, windier winters are characterized by higher temperatures and reduced mixing in the water column, facilitating a decline in oxygen concentration. Laminations, and the inferred presence of periodic hypolimnion redox changes, are common features of the past ~6.3 ka. Geochemical proxy variability is compatible with an intensification of El Niño/Southern Oscillation activity during the past ~2 ka.  相似文献   
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