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New analyses of highly siderophile elements (HSE; Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, and Pd) obtained by Carius tube digestion isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ID-ICPMS) technique are reported for 187Os-enriched 2.8 Ga komatiites from the Kostomuksha greenstone belt. As a result of a significant improvement in the yield over our previous digestions by the NiS fire-assay technique, these komatiites have now been shown to contain 22 to 25% more Os, Ir, and Pt and 34% more Ru. The emplaced komatiite lavas at Kostomuksha thus had siderophile element abundances comparable to those of the Abitibi belt. The discrepancies observed between the two techniques are interpreted to be the result of incomplete digestion of HSE carriers (particularly chromite) during the NiS fire-assay procedure. Our results for UB-N peridotite reference material agree well with those obtained by the high-pressure ashing digestion ID-ICPMS technique reported in the literature. Two types of komatiite lavas have been distinguished in this study based on the IPGE (Os, Ir, and Ru) behavior during lava differentiation. The Kostomuksha type is unique and is characterized by an incompatible behavior of IPGEs, with bulk solid-liquid partition coefficients for IPGEs being close to those for olivine. Cumulate zones in this type of komatiite lava occupy <20% of the total thickness of the flows. The Munro type exhibits a compatible behavior of IPGEs during lava differentiation. The cumulate zone in this type of komatiite occupies >20% of the total thickness of the flows. The calculated bulk partition coefficients indicate that, as with the other Munro-type komatiite lavas, the bulk cumulate contained an IPGE-rich minor phase(s) in addition to olivine. The non-CI chondritic HSE pattern for the source of the Kostomuksha komatiites calculated here is similar to that of Abitibi komatiites and to average depleted spinel lherzolite (ADSL) and supports the hypothesis of a non-CI chondritic HSE composition of the Earth’s mantle. The absolute HSE abundances in the source of the Kostomuksha komatiite have been demonstrated to be comparable to those of the source of Abitibi komatiites, even though the two komatiites contrast in their Os isotopic compositions. This supports the earlier hypothesis that if core-mantle interaction produced the 187Os/188Os radiogenic signature in the Kostomuksha source, it must have occurred in the form of isotope exchange at the core-mantle boundary. Other explanations of the radiogenic Os signature are similarly constrained to conserve the elemental abundance pattern in the mantle source of Kostomuksha komatiites.  相似文献   
High-resolution lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic, carbon, pollen, and macrofossil analyses, and accelerator mass spectrometry 14C measurements were performed in the study of a sediment sequence from Lake Tambichozero, southeastern Russian Karelia, to reconstruct late-glacial and early Holocene aquatic and terrestrial environmental changes. The lake formed ca. 14,000 cal yr B.P. and the area around the lake was subsequently colonized by arctic plants, forming patches of pioneer communities surrounded by areas of exposed soil. A minor rise in lake productivity and the immigration of Betula pubescens occurred ca. 11,500 cal yr B.P. The rise in summer temperatures probably led to increased melting of remnant ice and enhanced erosion. The distinct increase in lake productivity and the development of open Betula-Populus forests, which are reconstructed based on plant macrofossil remains, indicate stable soils from 10,600 cal yr B.P. onward. Pinus and Picea probably became established ca. 9900 cal yr B.P.  相似文献   
Thirty-three whole-rock drill core samples and thirteen olivine, chromite, and sulfide separates from three differentiated komatiite lava flows at Alexo and Pyke Hill, Canada, were analyzed for PGEs using the Carius tube digestion ID-ICP-MS technique. The emplaced lavas are Al-undepleted komatiites with ∼27% MgO derived by ∼50% partial melting of LILE-depleted Archean mantle. Major and minor element variations during and after emplacement were controlled by 30 to 50% fractionation of olivine Fo93-94. The emplaced lavas are characterized by (Pd/Ir)N = 4.0 to 4.6, (Os/Ir)N = 1.07, and Os abundances of ∼2.3 ppb. Variations in PGE abundances within individual flows indicate that Os and Ir were compatible (bulk DOs,Ir = 2.4-7.1) and that Pt and Pd were incompatible (bulk DPt,Pd < 0.2) during lava differentiation, whereas bulk DRu was close to unity. Analyses of cumulus olivine separates indicate that PGEs were incompatible in olivine (DPGEsOl-Liq = 0.04-0.7). The bulk fractionation trends cannot be accounted for by fractionation of olivine alone, and require an unidentified Os-Ir-rich phase. The composition of the mantle source (Os = 3.9 ppb, Ir = 3.6 ppb, Ru = 5.4 ppb, Pt and Pd = 5.7 ppb) was constrained empirically for Ru, Pt, and Pd; the Os/Ir ratio was taken to be identical to that in the emplaced melt, and the Ru/Ir ratio was taken to be chondritic, so that the absolute IPGE abundances of the source were determined by Ru. This is the first estimate of the PGE composition of a mantle source derived from analyses of erupted lavas. The suprachondritic Pd/Ir and Os/Ir of the inferred Abitibi komatiite mantle source are similar to those in off-craton spinel lherzolites, orogenic massif lherzolites, and enstatite chondrites, and are considered to be an intrinsic mantle feature. Bulk partition coefficients for use in komatiite melting models derived from the source and emplaced melt compositions are: DOs,Ir = 2.3, DRu = 1.0, DPt,Pd = 0.07. Ruthenium abundances are good indicators of absolute IPGE abundances in the mantle sources of komatiite melts with 26 to 29% MgO, as Ru fractionates very little during both high degrees of partial melting and lava differentiation.  相似文献   
Complex experimental research of thermal properties of oil-contaminated frozen soils was carried out. On the basis of the obtained results the influence of the various factors connected with oil pollution on heat transfer in frozen soils was analyzed. And the model of heat transfer in frozen soils was offered.  相似文献   
纬向平均环流预报的系统性误差及其改进   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
大量的月预报实例分析表明,纬向平均环流(本指高度场纬向平均分量)存在明显的系统性预报误差,且在总误差中占有可观的份额。国内外其它模式也存在类似的现象。为克服这一困难,本尝试了“结合”(hybrid)的途径。应用重构相空间理论和非线性时空序列预测方法,在大量历史资料的基础上,构造了月尺度逐侯纬向平均高度场(零波分量)距平场的非线性预报模型。然后,将非线性预报和谱模式动力预报结合起来,即将非线性预报结果转化为模式需要的颅报量,再在模式积分过程中的每一步取代其相应部分,实施过程订正。初步试验结果表明,这种途样合效地减少了模式纬向环流的预报误差;特别是通过非线性波流相互作用,还改善了部分波动分量的预报。  相似文献   
Holocene temperature proxy records are commonly used in quantitative synthesis and model-data comparisons. However, comparing correlations between time series from records collected in proximity to one another with the expected correlations based on climate model simulations indicates either regional or noisy climate signals in Holocene temperature proxy records. In this study, we evaluate the consistency of spatial correlations present in Holocene proxy records with those found in data from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Specifically, we predict correlations expected in LGM proxy records if the only difference to Holocene correlations would be due to more time uncertainty and more climate variability in the LGM. We compare this simple prediction to the actual correlation structure in the LGM proxy records. We found that time series data of ice-core stable isotope records and planktonic foraminifera Mg/Ca ratios were consistent between the Holocene and LGM periods, while time series of Uk'37 proxy records were not as we found no correlation between nearby LGM records. Our results support the finding of highly regional or noisy marine proxy records in the compilation analysed here and suggest the need for further studies on the role of climate proxies and the processes of climate signal recording and preservation.  相似文献   
Fault rocks from various segments of the Periadriatic fault system (PAF; Alps) have been directly dated using texturally controlled Rb-Sr microsampling dating applied to mylonites, and both stepwise-heating and laser-ablation 40Ar/39Ar dating applied to pseudotachylytes. The new fault ages place better constraints on tectonic models proposed for the PAF, particularly in its central sector. Along the North Giudicarie fault, Oligocene (E)SE-directed thrusting (29-32 Ma) is currently best explained as accommodation across a cogenetic restraining bend within the Oligocene dextral Tonale-Pustertal fault system. In this case, the limited jump in metamorphic grade observed across the North Giudicarie fault restricts the dextral displacement along the kinematically linked Tonale fault to ~30 km. Dextral displacement between the Tonale and Pustertal faults cannot be transferred via the Peio fault because of both Late Cretaceous fault ages (74-67 Ma) and sinistral transtensive fault kinematics. In combination with other pseudotachylyte ages (62-58 Ma), widespread Late Cretaceous-Paleocene extension is established within the Austroalpine unit, coeval with sedimentation of Gosau Group sediments. Early Miocene pseudotachylyte ages (22-16 Ma) from the Tonale, Pustertal, Jaufen and Passeier faults argue for a period of enhanced fault activity contemporaneous with lateral extrusion of the Eastern Alps. This event coincides with exhumation of the Penninic units and contemporaneous sedimentation within fault-bound basins.  相似文献   
Modelling of space weather effects on pipelines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field produces time varying currents in the ionosphere and magnetosphere. The currents cause variations of the geomagnetic field at the surface of the earth and induce an electric field which drives currents in oil and gas pipelines and other long conductors. Geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) interfere with electrical surveys of pipelines and possibly contribute to pipeline corrosion.In this paper, we introduce a general method which can be used to determine voltage and current profiles for buried pipelines, when the external geoelectric field and the geometry and electromagnetic properties of the pipeline are known. The method is based on the analogy between pipelines and transmission lines, which makes it possible to use the distributed source transmission line (DSTL) theory. The general equations derived for the current and voltage profiles are applied in special cases. A particular attention is paid to the Finnish natural gas pipeline network.This paper, related to a project about GIC in the Finnish pipeline, thus provides a tool for understanding space weather effects on pipelines. Combined with methods of calculating the geoelectric field during magnetic storms, the results are applicable to forecasting of geomagnetically induced currents and voltages on pipelines in the future.  相似文献   
Shells of the helicid Cepaea nemoralis were studied using taphonomic, isotopic and morphometric measurements to estimate late glacial–Holocene (~ 12.1–6.3 cal ka BP) environmental conditions in northern Spain. Higher taphonomic alteration among Holocene shells suggests lower sedimentation rates or higher shell-destruction rates than during glacial conditions. Shells preserved the aragonitic composition despite differing degree of skeleton damage. Shell δ13C values were ? 10.3 ± 1.1‰, ? 8.2 ± 2.3‰, and ? 7.3 ± 1.6‰ for modern, Holocene and late-glacial individuals, respectively. Higher δ13C values during the late-glacial and some Holocene periods imply higher water stress of C3 plants and/or higher limestone contribution than today. Intrashell δ13C values were higher during juvenile stages suggesting higher limestone ingestion to promote shell growth. Shell δ18O values were ? 1.1 ± 0.7‰, ? 0.9 ± 0.8‰ and ? 0.1 ± 0.7‰ for modern, Holocene and late-glacial specimens, respectively. A snail flux-balance model suggests that during ~ 12.1 ? 10.9 cal ka BP conditions were drier and became wetter at ~ 8.4 ? 6.3 cal ka BP and today. Intrashell δ18O profiles reveal that glacial individuals experienced more extreme seasonality than interglacial shells, despite possible larger hibernation periods. Shell size correlated positively with δ18O values, suggesting that growth rates and ultimate adult size of C. nemoralis may respond to climate fluctuation in northern Spain.  相似文献   
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