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Aluminum oxide, which could be an alternative filter media for phosphorus uptake from aqueous solution, was selected as an adsorbent for the isotherm study of phosphorus uptake from aqueous solution. Batch method was adopted to investigate the adsorption behavior of phosphorus onto aluminum oxide. The Langmuir, Freundlich, and Redlich–Peterson isotherms were used to analyze the experimental data by both the linear and nonlinear regression methods. The adsorption experiment was conducted at various temperatures, to choose the appropriate method and obtain the creditable adsorption parameters for phosphorus uptake studies. The results indicated that the nonlinear regression method might be a better way to compare the best‐fitting isotherm and obtain the parameters for the adsorption of phosphorus onto aluminum oxide. Both the Redlich–Peterson and the Freundlich isotherms have high coefficients of determination for the adsorption of phosphorus onto aluminum oxide at various temperatures. In addition, a new relationship between the Redlich–Peterson and the Freundlich isotherm parameters was presented.  相似文献   
An accurate prediction of solute infiltration in a soil profile is important in the area of environmental science, groundwater and civil engineering. We examined the infiltration pattern and monitored the infiltration process using a combined method of dye tracer test and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in an undisturbed field soil (1 m × 1 m). A homogeneous matrix flow was observed in the surface soil (A horizon), but a preferential flow along macropores and residual rock structure was the dominant infiltration pattern in the subsurface soil. Saturated interflow along the slopping boundaries of A and C1 horizons and of an upper sandy layer and a lower thin clay layer in the C horizon was also observed. The result of ERT showed that matrix flow started first in A horizon and then the infiltration was followed by the preferential flows along the sloping interfaces and macropores. The ERT did not show as much detail as the dye‐stained image for the preferential flow. However, the area with the higher staining density where preferential flow was dominant showed a relatively lower electrical resistivity. The result of this study indicates that ERT can be applied for the monitoring of solute transportation in the vadose zone. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to propose an accurate and efficient method for selecting and scaling ground motions matching target response spectrum mean and variance, which does not require excessive computation and simulation. In the proposed method, a desired number of ground motions are sequentially scaled and selected from a ground motion library without iterations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study proposes a procedure for identifying spectral response curves for earthquake‐damaged areas in developing countries without seismic records. An earthquake‐damaged reinforced concrete building located in Padang, Indonesia was selected to illustrate the identification of the maximum seismic response during the 2009 West Sumatra earthquake. This paper summarizes the damage incurred by the building; the majority of the damage was observed in the third story in the span direction. The damage was quantitatively evaluated using the damage index R according to the Japanese guidelines for post‐earthquake damage evaluation. The damage index was also applied to the proposed spectral response identification method. The seismic performance of the building was evaluated by a nonlinear static analysis. The analytical results reproduced a drift concentration in the third story. The R‐index decreased with an increase in the story drift, which provided an estimation of the maximum response of the building during the earthquake. The estimation was verified via an earthquake response analysis of the building using ground acceleration data, which were simulated based on acceleration records of engineering bedrock that considered site amplification. The maximum response estimated by the R‐index was consistent with the maximum response obtained from the earthquake response analysis. Therefore, the proposed method enables the construction of spectral response curves by integrating the identification results for the maximum responses in a number of earthquake‐damaged buildings despite a lack of seismic records. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
A double-chambered biocathode microbial fuel cell with carbon felt employed as electrodes was developed for wastewater treatment and bioelectricity generation simultaneously. The system was operated in fed-batch mode for over eight batches. The effect of circuit connections on organic and nitrate reduction was investigated. The maximum power density recorded was 21.97 mW/m2 at current density of 88.57 mA/m2. The Coulombic efficiency and internal resistance of the system were 5% and 100 Ω. Up to 89.9 ± 5.9% of chemical oxygen demand reduction efficiency achieved with an influent of 1123 ± 28 mg/L. There was no significant difference in the chemical oxygen demand reduction when system operated in either open or closed circuit. This study clearly showed that higher nitrate reduction efficiency obtained in closed circuit (74.7 ± 7.0%) due to bio-electrochemical denitrification compared to only 41.7% in the open circuit. The result also successfully demonstrated nitrate as terminal electron acceptor for the cathodic nitrate reduction.  相似文献   
The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method was recently extended to simulate granular materials by the authors and demonstrated to be a powerful continuum numerical method to deal with the post-flow behaviour of granular materials. However, most existing SPH simulations of granular flows suffer from significant stress oscillation during the post-failure process, despite the use of an artificial viscosity to damp out stress fluctuation. In this paper, a new SPH approach combining viscous damping with stress/strain regularisation is proposed for simulations of granular flows. It is shown that the proposed SPH algorithm can improve the overall accuracy of the SPH performance by accurately predicting the smooth stress distribution during the post-failure process. It can also effectively remove the stress oscillation issue in the standard SPH model without having to use the standard SPH artificial viscosity that requires unphysical parameters. The predictions by the proposed SPH approach show very good agreement with experimental and numerical results reported in the literature. This suggests that the proposed method could be considered as a promising continuum alternative for simulations of granular flows.  相似文献   
For research on granular materials, establishing a method to calculate continuum strain from particle displacements is necessary for understanding the material behaviour at macro-level and developing continuum constitutive models. Existing methods are generally based on constructing a mesh or background grid to calculate strain from particle motions. These methods offer rigorous ways to measure strain for granular materials; however, they suffer from several problems such as mesh distortion and lacking grid-to-particle strain mapping procedure, which hinders their capability of calculating strain accumulation during large deformation processes of granular media. To address this issue, this study proposes a new strain calculation method for discrete element simulations of granular materials. This method describes a particle assembly as an equivalent continuum system of material points, each of which corresponds to a particle centre and represents a continuous region with its initial volume/area presumably equal to the volume/area of Voronoi cells generated in accordance with the particle assembly configuration. Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) interpolation functions are then employed to calculate strain for these material points. This SPH-based method does not require any mesh or background grid for computation, leading to advantages in calculating strain accumulation under large deformation. Simulations of granular materials in both uniform and heterogeneous gradations were carried out, and strain results obtained by the proposed method indicate good agreements with analytical and numerical solutions. This demonstrates its potential for strain calculations in discrete element simulations of granular materials involving large deformations and/or large displacements.  相似文献   
The late Quaternary glacial history of the Nun‐Kun massif, located on the boundary between the Greater Himalaya and the Zanskar range in northwestern India, was reconstructed. On the basis of morphostratigraphy and 10Be dating of glacial landforms (moraines and glacial trimlines), five glacial stages were recognized and defined, namely: (i) the Achambur glacial stage dated to Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 to 4 (38.7–62.7 ka); (ii) the Tongul glacial stage dated to the early part of the Lateglacial (16.7–17.4 ka); (iii) the Amantick glacial stage dated to the later part of the Lateglacial (14.3 ka, 11.7–12.4 ka); (iv) the Lomp glacial stage dated to the Little Ice Age; and (v) the Tanak glacial stage, which has the youngest moraines, probably dating to the last few decades or so. Present and former equilibrium‐line altitudes (ELAs) were calculated using the standard area accumulation ratio method. The average present‐day ELA of ~4790 m above sea level in the Greater Himalaya is lower than those in the Ladakh and Zanskar ranges, namely 5380 and ~5900 m a.s.l., respectively. The ELA in the Zanskar range is higher than in the Ladakh range, possibly due to the higher peaks in the Ladakh range that are able to more effectively capture and store snow and ice. ELA depressions decrease towards the Ladakh range (i.e. inner Plateau). Peat beds interbedded with aeolian deposits that cap the terminal moraine of Tarangoz Glacier suggest millennial‐time‐scale climate change throughout the Holocene, with soil formation times at c. 1.5, c. 3.4 and c. 5.2 ka, probably coinciding with Holocene abrupt climate change events. Given the style and timing of glaciation in the study area, it is likely that climate in the Nun‐Kun region is linked to Northern Hemisphere climate oscillations with teleconnections via the mid‐latitude westerlies.  相似文献   
Phanerozoic granitoids in South Korea are classified into four primary spatiotemporal groups showing geochemical and isotopic diversity. This study presents the first in situ Hf isotope data for zircons extracted from representative outcrops of each granitoid group. The core‐to‐rim variation in εHf values observed in some zircon grains provides evidence for open‐system processes influenced by the input of more primitive melts or interactions with pre‐existing crustal materials. A general core‐to‐rim decrease in Lu/Hf and Th/U ratios indicates a progressive compositional change in the melts during magmatic differentiation. Contrasting evolutionary paths demonstrated by zircon εHf values suggest that the Neoproterozoic to Palaeozoic crust including the Permian granitoids was recycled during the Cretaceous to Palaeogene magmatism in south‐eastern Korea, whereas the Palaeoarchaean to Palaeoproterozoic crust provided major source material for the Triassic to Jurassic granitoids in central Korea.  相似文献   
Resume.  Le pluton calco-alcalin de Za?r est composé de trois principaux faciès pétrographiques répartis en deux unités granitiques imbriquées. Ces faciès, de différents degrés d’hybridation et de différenciation, résultent de mélanges magmatiques entre des magmas basiques mantelliques de type ?HAB? (basalte hyperalumineux) et un magma anatectique issu de la fusion partielle de matériaux crustaux (métapélites ou métagrauwackes). La répartition des faciès granitiques de Za?r peut s’expliquer selon un modèle pétrogénétique de type ?MASH? (melting-assimilation-storage-homogenization) où des magmas hybrides seraient formés suivant différentes proportions de mélanges magmatiques acide-basique. Ces magmas auraient subides conditions d’ascension spécifiques et seraient mis en place sous forme de 3 grandes injections successives:
1)  Une injection précoce de magma fortement hybride donne la granodiorite-tonalite du SW, assez faiblement homogénéisée et à grands xénolites et enclaves microgrenues mafiques (EMM) dont les compositions pétrographiques, chimiques et isotopiques initiales sont bien préservées
2)  Une injection, plus tardive et sur une longue distance, de magma relativement plus différencié, donne le monzogranite-granodiorite du NE, assez bien homogénéisé et riche en petites EMM dont les compositions ont été rééquilibrées avec celles du granite h?te
3)  Une injection très tardive après un stockage de quelques millions d’années et un important brassage magmatique ayant permis un mélange magmatique complet (mixing) des deux composants acide et basique. Cela donne le leucogranite central, très différencié et parfaitement homogène
Manuscrit re?u le 12 décembre 2003 Révision acceptée le 9 mai 2005  相似文献   
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