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Multi-sensor data fusion for the detection of underground coal fires   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spontaneous combustion of coal causes widespread underground coal fires in several countries, amongst which is China. These coal fires cause serious environmental, economic and safety problems. In northern China, the coal fires occur within a wide region stretching 5000 km east-west and 750 km north-south. Remote sensing therefore provides an ideal tool for monitoring this environmental hazard over such a large and remote area. As part of a research project to detect, measure, monitor and extinguish these coal fires, this paper describes a remote-sensing-based multi-sensor data-fusion methodology for detecting the underground fires. The methodology is based on fusing a variety of satellite-based image types (optical, thermal, microwave) together with airborne data (optical and thermal infrared) and ancillary data sources such as geological and topographic maps. The results of the remote-sensing data fusion are presented, using pixel-based, feature-based and decision-based fusion approaches.  相似文献   
Heavy metal distribution in sediments of Krishna River basin,India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Suspended and bed sediments collected from the entire region of the Krishna River and its major tributaries were analyzed for heavy metals (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb) by the thin-film energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence technique. There is considerable variation in the concentration of elements towards downstream, which may be due to the variation in the subbasin geology and various degrees of human impact. Suspended particles are enriched in heavy metals throughout the basin relative to bed sediments. The heavy metals are enriched in coarse size fractions (10–90 µm) throughout the Krishna River except its tributary Bhima, where finer fractions (2 µm) dominate. Transition elements correlate very well with each other. There is a striking similarity between the bed sediments of Krishna River and the Indian average. When the annual heavy metal flux carried by the Krishna River was estimated, and viewed in relation to the other major riverine transport, the Krishna is seen to be a minor contributor of heavy metals to the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   
The retrograde P-T-t path of intermediate and high-temperature eclogites (T 500 ± 50°C) is characterized by the transformation of omphacite into a symplectitic intergrowth of clinopyroxene and plagioclase lamellae. Often, this symplectite shows a two stage microstructural evolution, i.e. a coarse lamellar width symplectite, »S1«, followed by a thinner lamellar width symplectite, »S2«. Each symplectite may also evolve independently into a final globular microstructure, »SG«.According to metallurgical concepts, the phase transition »omphacite clinopyroxene + plagioclase« is classified as a discontinuous precipitation reaction. In discontinuous precipitation reactions, the lamellar spacing (L) depends on temperature (T) according to the growth law log (L) = A-B/T, in which A and B are constants. Therefore thin symplectites characterize low temperatures, where-as coarse symplectites characterize higher temperatures.In order of specify the thermal evolution of continental collision zones, the reliability of the discontinuous precipitation growth law has been tested on eclogites showing contrasted retrograde P-T-t histories in different geological environments, i.e. Alpine, Caledonian and Variscan Belts. Indeed, our investigations reveal that the clinopyroxene/plagioclase symplectite can be used as a potential geothermobarometer in eclogites recording temperatures above 500 ± 50°C. The temperature is obtained by the lamellar spacing and pressure by the Jadeite content of the symplectite clinopyroxene in the presence of plagioclase and quartz.
Zusammenfassung Der retrograde P-T-t Pfad von intermediären und hochtemperierten Eklogiten (T 500 ±50°C) ist charakterisiert durch die Umformung von Omphazit in symplektitische Verwachsungen von Klinopyroxen und Plagioklas-Lamellen. Häufig zeigt dieser Symplektit eine zweiphasige mikrostrukturelle Entwicklung, das heißt, ein Symplektit mit breiten Lamellen »S1« wird gefolgt von einem Symplektit mit dünneren Lamellen »2«. Jeder Symplektittyp kann sich schließlich selbständig zu einer kugelförmigen MikroStruktur »SG« entwikkeln.Auf Grund von metallurgischen Vorstellungen wir die Phasenumwandlung Omphazit zu Klinopyroxen + Plagioklas als diskontinuierliche Ausfällungsreaktion klassifiziert. In diskontinuierlichen Ausfällungsreaktionen hängt der Lamellenabstand (L) von der Temperatur (T) nach dem Wachstumsgesetz log (L) = A-B/T ab, in dem A und B Konstanten sind. Daher zeigen dünne Symplektite niedrige Temperaturen an, während breite Symplektite höhere Temperaturen anzeigen.Um die thermische Entwicklung von kontinentalen Kollisionszonen zu spezifizieren mußte die Zuververlässigkeit des diskontinuierlichen Ausfällungswachstumsgesetz an Eklogiten getestet werden, die unterschiedlich retrograde P-T-t Geschichten aus verschieden Umgebungen zeigen; das heißt aus alpinen, kaledonischen und variszischen Gebirgszügen. Tatsächlich offenbaren unsere Bemühungen, daß der Klinopyroxen/Plagioklas Symplektit als potentielles Geothermobarometer in Eklogiten benutzt werden kann, die Temperaturen über 500°C ± 50°C erfahren haben. Die Temperatur kann man aus dem Lamellenabstand erhalten; den Druck durch den Jadeitgehalt des symplektitischen Pyroxens, in Anwesenheit von Plagioklas und Quarz.

Résumé La déstabilisation de l'omphacite, en une symplectite à alternance de lamelles de clinopyroxène et de plagioclase, caractérise l'initiation du trajet rétrograde P-T-t pour les éclogites de température 500 ± 50°C. Cette symplectite présente parfois une évolution microstructurale depuis une symplectite grossière à alternance de lamelles larges, »S1«, relayée par une symplectite à alternance de lamelles fines, »S2«. Chaque symplectite peut aussi évoluer indépendemment en une microstructure globulaire tardive, »Sg«.En accord avec les concepts établis par les métallurgistes, la transformation »omphacite clinopyroxène + plagioclase« est une précipitation discontinue. Pour ce type de transformation, l'espace interlamellaire (L) dépend de la température (T) selon la loi de croissance Log (L) =A-B/T (*), où A et B sont des constantes. Ainsi, une symplectite fine (de type S2) caractérise des températures relativement plus basses qu'une symplectite grossière (de type S1).Afin de préciser l'évolution thermique des zones de collision continentale, nous avons testé la loi de croissance (*) sur des éclogites échantillonnées dans divers contextes géologiques (chaînes alpine, calédonide et varisque), présentant des trajets rétrogrades P-T-t contrastés. Les résultats montrent que la symplectite à clinopyroxène/plagioclase représente un géothermobaromètre potentiel de la rétromorphose des éclogites: la taille de l'espace interlamellaire dépend de la température et la teneur en jadéite des lamelles de clinopyroxène, en présence de quartz et à l'équilibre avec le plagioclase, dépend de la pression.

. , .. , «S 1», «S 2». «SG». , . (L) () — — log (L) = - /, . , . , , , .: , . , , / , , 500° + 50°. , — , .
The aim of this study is to improve our knowledge of the processes that lead to clay smear during faulting of a layered sand-clay sequence in an analogue sandbox model. We carefully characterized mechanical properties of the materials used by a series of geotechnical tests. Displacement field was quantified using PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry). The model is water-saturated to allow the deformation of wet clay and sand in one experiment comprising a sand package with a horizontal layer of clay above a predefined rigid basement fault. The thickness and rigidity of the clay layer are the parameters varied in this study. The model shows a range of structures that are related to competence contrast between sand and different clay types. Results show ductile shearing of soft clay with a transition to brittle fracturing of stiff clay accompanied by the formation of rotating clay blocks in the fault zone. Localized deformation is observed through time showing (i) the propagation of one active fault migrating laterally through the sediment package, and (ii) the formation of a stable prism between two or more active faults that gets progressively smaller with minor rotation of the hanging wall fault. Continuous clay smear is observed resulting from the lateral injection of clay as well as from a reworked mixture of sand and clay.  相似文献   
Storm surge models usually do not take into account the explicit effect of wind gusts on the sea surface height. However, as the wind speed enters quadratically into the shallow water equations, short-term fluctuations around the mean value do not average out. We investigate the impact of explicitly added gustiness on storm surge forecasts in the North Sea, using the WAQUA/DCSM model. The sensitivity of the model results to gustiness is tested with Monte Carlo simulations, and these are used to derive a parametrisation of the effect of gustiness on characteristics of storm surges. With the parametrisation and input from the ECMWF model archive, we run hindcasts for a few individual cases and also the 2007–2008 winter storm season. Although the explicit inclusion of gustiness increases the surge levels, it does not help to explain, and hence reduce, the errors in the model results. Moreover, the errors made by ignoring gustiness are small compared to other errors. We conclude that, at present, there is no need to include gustiness explicitly in storm surge calculations for the North Sea.  相似文献   
为系统、深入地研究中国西部盆(盆地)、山(山脉)、原(高原)的壳幔结构与深部动力学过程,2003年我们提出并领导实施了“羚羊计划”(ANTILOPE-Array Network of Tibetan International Lithospheric Observation and Probe Experiments),在青藏高原先后完成了羚羊-I(ANTILOPE-I)到羚羊-IV(ANTILOPE-IV)4条二维宽频带台阵剖面,而在青藏高原东西构造结则实施了羚羊-V和羚羊-VI两个三维宽频带台阵探测。另外,我们将前期在准噶尔盆地、天山造山带、塔里木盆地、阿尔金造山带和柴达木盆地开展的九条综合地球物理观测剖面也纳入羚羊计划的总体框架中来。 通过“羚羊计划”的实施,我们在中国西部(包括西北部的环青藏高原盆山体系以及西南部的青藏高原)取得了大量的、高质量的、综合的第一手观测数据,获得了中国西部盆、山、原精细的壳幔结构,系统地揭示了中国西部盆山原的深部地球动力学过程。主要结论总结如下:确定了准噶尔盆地基底的结构与属性,优化了盆地的基底构造格架;建立了天山造山带“层间插入削减”新的陆内造山模式,揭示了印欧碰撞在天山岩石圈缩短44%的去向以及由洋-陆俯冲到陆-陆碰撞俯冲的转换机制;揭示了塔里木盆地、阿尔金造山带和柴达木盆地的盆山接触关系;获得了塔里木盆地顺时针旋转的深部几何学、运动学和动力学证据;确定了青藏高原之下印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞边界;发现目前的青藏高原由南部的印度板块、北部的欧亚板块和夹持于二者之间的巨型破碎区——西藏“板块”构成,首次确定了各自的岩石圈底边界;修正了高原变形的两个端员模型;建立了深部构造对地表地形的制约关系;系统地揭示了印度板块沿喜马拉雅造山带俯冲的水平距离与俯冲角度的变化规律与控制因素。 “羚羊计划”以其巨大的观测网络与综合地球物理探测技术,采用地球物理学、地质学、地球化学等不同学科相结合的分析方法,揭示了印度板块俯冲、西藏巨型破碎区发育、塔里木板块顺时针旋转、西部水汽通道提前关闭、中国西北部干旱、沙漠化提前这一深部结构、动力学过程及其对地表地形、油气资源和环境变化的制约关系,推动了青藏高原地球系统科学理论的发展。  相似文献   
The Grythytte field sequence forms a NNW belt of acid-basic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks. The geology shows characteristics of a dynamic process of trough-forming and infilling which to a large extent post-dates the Hjulsjö volcanoplutonic complex situated to the east. In the latter complex acid metapyroclastics strike around a centre of granite and granophyre, which cut and are cut by basic sills and dykes. Field and petrochemical evidence points to a distinct bimodal magmatism that ist manifested during one short phase of a rifting period.
Zusammenfassung Die Grythytte Schichtenfolge bildet einen NNW verlaufenden Gürtel aus sauren und basischen Metavulkaniten und Metasedimenten. Die geologischen Befunde weisen auf einen dynamischen Entstehungsprozeß von Grabenbildung und Füllung hin. Im weiter östlich gelegenen vulkanisch-plutonischen Hjulsjö-Komplex streichen älteren metamorphen pyroklastischen Gesteine rund ein Granit-Granophyr Zentrum. Dieser Komplex durchschneidet und wird durchschnitten von basischen Sills und Gängen. Feldgeologische und geochemische Untersuchungen weisen deutlich auf einen bimodalen Magmatismus hin, der während einer kurzen Phase der Grabenbildung stattfand.

Résumé La séquence de Grythytte forme une ceinture de roches métavolcaniques et métasédimentaires de direction NNO. La géologie fait apparaître les caractéristiques d'un processus dynamique de formation de fosse et de remplissage, qui s'est produit, pour la plus grande partie, après la formation du complexe volcano-plutonique de Hjulsjö situé à l'Est. Dans ce dernier complexe des produits pyroclastiques acides sont disposés autour d'un centre granitoïde et granophyrique, qui à son tour recoupe et est recoupé par des sills et des dykes basiques. Les observations de terrain et les faits pétrochimiques indiquent un procèssus magmatique distinctement bimodal qui s'est manifesté pendant une phase courte dans une période de «rifting».

Grythytte , NNW . . Hjulsj -- . . , , .
The thermodynamic stabilities of thirteen cholestane isomers have been computed using molecular mechanics. The calculated composition of a mixture of these isomers at thermodynamic equilibrium is in agreement with the composition of a cholestane isomerate. From the calculated stabilities the extent to which isomerisation reactions can proceed during maturation can be predicted. The GLC retention order on non-polar phases of 20R/S isomeric pairs has been estimated from the preferred geometries of the molecules which are also obtained by molecular mechanics.  相似文献   
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