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黄河是中华民族的母亲河,其萌生、发育、流变、演化成型皆与喜马拉雅造山运动、青藏高原隆起有关。黄河、黄土、黄种人发育时空相伴,为孕育、壮大中华文明做出了不可替代的贡献。作者曾从河口、下游、中游、上游至河源区做过分段考察,向有关专家学者求教后提出"大黄河说"。此乃把6 000年来黄河流变区皆纳入大黄河体系。并以动态黄河、生命黄河、生态黄河、数字黄河、创新黄河来谋划未来,造福民生,故而提出创建"新黄河学"。在继承历代治黄成功经验的基础上,依据黄河特征,作者提出水沙分离,分入渤海与黄海,目的在于保卫渤海,使海域不再缩小,维护华北海陆空间生态系统,防治环境劣变。而泥沙人工输送废黄河口造陆,扩大国土陆地空间,延伸海洋经济专属经济区,这种环境变化的大格局,以黄秉维、吴传钧、陈述彭、施雅风四位地学大师之名命名为"黄吴陈施地学效应",纪念四大家对科学的贡献!  相似文献   
This paper focuses on a borehole, Xichen-1 well, drilled on the Chenhang Island, Xisha Islands in the South China Sea. Mineralogical, petrographic, stable isotopic and minor-element data from the Holocene to Pleistocene interval (0–179 m ) in the Xichen-1 well are discussed in detail. The 400-m-long core is divisible into four mineralogical facies: a high-Mg calcitic aragonite facies (0–16.91 m, Holocene), an aragonitic low- Mg calcite facies (16.91–30.60 m, Late Pleistocene), a low- Mg calcitic facies (30.60–179 m, Middle-Early Pleistocene) and a low- Mg calcitic and dolomitic facies (179–400 m, Early Pleistocene–Late Miocene). The Holocene section has much higher whole-rock δ18O and δ13C values and Mg and Sr content than the non-dolomitized Pleistocene limestones (16.91–179 m). The 16.91–165 m interval is characterized by a relatively invariant oxygen isotopic composition and very heterogeneous carbon isotopic composition. Between 165 and 179 m, there is a positively correlated increase of whole-rock δ18O and δ18C with depth, and Mg content also shows a gradual increase with depth. Petrographic data demonstrate that the Pleistocene reef sequence has been extensively affected by meteoric waters. We conclude that the Late Pleistocene section (16.91–30.60 m) and the Middle-Early Pleistocene section (30.60–165 m) have suffered incomplete and complete meteoric diagenesis, respectively, and that the Early Pleistocene interval (165–179 m) was diagenetically altered in a meteoric–marine mixing environment.  相似文献   
大规模采煤对岩溶区水环境的影响   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
山西省是我国最大的煤炭能源基地,煤田面积6.18万km ̄2,占全省面积的三分之一以上。探明储量达2048亿吨,年开采量2亿吨以上,本世纪末将达到3亿吨以上。山西的主要煤田(大同煤田例外)均开采石炭、二叠系煤层。含煤地层覆盖于寒武、奥陶系岩溶化地层之上,即煤田与岩溶泉域大部重叠,形成煤、水(岩溶水)共存系统。大规模采煤对岩溶水环境的影响是巨大的,已成为能源基地建设与运营的制约因素。   相似文献   
石寒 《岩土力学》2007,28(7):1491-1494
根据主应力可分解为静水应力和偏应力,以及它们在应力莫尔圆和变形方面的相关性,推导出修正的莫尔-库仑理论的数学表达式。从理论上解决了库仑理论和莫尔理论存在的许多缺陷,特别是中间主应力对材料抗剪强度的影响。它的四参数准则的计算结果与一些混凝土的试验数据相当吻合。  相似文献   
The recovery of nickel, copper and cobalt from ocean manganese nodules by a segregation roasting technique was investigated under a wide range of conditions with several nodule samples all of which gave similar results. The best conditions for the segregation of the metals were achieved with CaCl2 as the chloride source at a batch retention time of approximately two hours; the highest recoveries were obtained at approximately 850°C for copper and at 1,050°C for nickel and cobalt. At 850°C, copper recovery was 75%, but nickel and cobalt recoveries were only about 25%. At 1,050°C, the nickel and cobalt recoveries were increased to about 60%, but the copper recovery dropped to only 35%. Electron-probe microanalysis showed the segregated metal to be an alloy, indicating that gaseous reactions play an important role in the reduction of chlorides to metal during the process.  相似文献   
Heights as the basic geographical information are very important to study marine geophysics, geodesy and oceanography. Based on the astronomical leveling principle, we put forward a new method to unify the normal height (NH) datum along one ship route across sea with the ship-borne gravimetry and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) techniques. Ship-borne gravimeter can precisely measure gravity anomalies and the GNSS technique is used to measure precise sea surface heights (SSHs) along the ship track across sea. Precisions of ship-borne gravities and SSHs are improved with the colinear adjustment. To remove the effects of sea wave and wind, the Gaussian filter is used to filter residuals both between the ship-borne and modeled gravities from EGM2008 to degree 2160, and the measured and modeled SSHs from DTM10MSS, respectively. Deflections of the vertical (DOVs) along the ship route are estimated from the measured gravities with the least squares collocation method. The astro-geodetic survey is made on continent and island to improve the accuracy of DOVs along the route. We use the new method to connect NHs on the coastal sea of Shandong Peninsula, China. The results indicate that the method is very efficient to precisely connect the NH along the ship route across sea.  相似文献   
本文针对地质环境领域业务系统的特点,提出了一种信息系统上线安全检测的方法,深入探讨了上线安全检测实践中的基本流程、测评方法与测评成果,为提升地质环境信息系统安全运行和服务能力提供了技术支撑.  相似文献   
高晗  韩立国  凌云  张盼  宋超  孙慧秋 《世界地质》2015,34(4):1098-1105
本文将黏弹固体骨架与各向异性多孔弹性模型相结合,并将地层黏弹性的特性考虑其中,更好地刻画了快P波和横波在地震频带的衰减现象。将多孔黏弹模型模拟结果同传统弹性模型模拟结果对比显示,多孔黏弹模型在模拟真实储层方面更具优势。  相似文献   
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