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酒泉风电基地高分辨率风能资源的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用酒泉地区气象观测资料和NCAR/NCEP再分析资料, 结合中尺度WRF模式, 研究了酒泉千万千瓦级风电基地(39.5°~41.5°N, 94.5°~97.5°E)的高分辨率(3 km×3 km)风能资源。结果表明: 在模拟区域内主要有3个风速和风功率密度大值中心; 该区域大部分地区冬季风速和风能密度最大, 夏季较小\.经比较, 模拟的风能密度与实际观测结果较为一致。  相似文献   
单程波方程偏移算子高阶辛格式   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
针对地震偏移算法中单程波算子中e指数项的近似,提出一种高阶辛格式算法. 与非辛格式的近似、一阶辛格式近似和两步法进行数值对比表明,文中提出的高阶辛格式具有更高的精度. 脉冲响应的计算也表明文中的近似方法具有降低频散效应和适应横向变速的能力. 用Marmousi模型验证了对复杂构造的成像的能力,实际资料计算表明本文方法适合于较大深度的稳定准确成像.  相似文献   
联合利用EISCAT和E-Svalbard非相干散射雷达数据,研究l997年5月强磁暴期间向阳侧极盖与极光椭圆区电离层F区负暴.发现在磁暴主相和恢复相初期,极光椭圆和极盖区电离层都在大约l90km高度出现类似F1的峰,F2主峰完全消失,F区电子密度大幅度下降.但离子温度的变化在两个区域很不相同,在极光椭圆区大幅度升高,而在极盖区没有显著变化,反映出引起F区负暴的主要机制在两个区域不尽相同.强对流电场引起大气焦耳加热与离子增温而使O+离子消失的化学反应速率增大所导致的电离损失,对极光椭圆区负暴起主要作用;而输运过程,特别是持续长达数小时的沿场上行离子流,对极盖区负暴起重要作用.磁暴主相期间,当EISCAT雷达位于等离子体对流涡旋转换区下方时,在无焦耳加热与离子摩擦增温的情况下,观测到由顶部电离层O+离子沿场高速外流引起的F区电子密度耗空.  相似文献   
To understand the genetic diversity and population changes in cyanophages in the coastal waters of Shantou,northeast South China Sea,we used the capsid assembly protein gene g 20 as a marker of the abundance and phylogeny of natural cyanomyovirus communities. The abundance of total viruses,heterotrophic bacteria,and picophytoplankton in the coastal waters was monitored with flow cytometry. Hydrological parameters(NO ˉ 3,NO ˉ 2,NH 3,soluble reactive phosphorus,total dissolved nitrogen,total dissolved phosphorus,dissolved oxygen,chemical oxygen demand,temperature,salinity,and chlorophyll a concentration) and microbial abundance(total viruses,total bacteria,P rochlorococcus,Synechococcus,and eukaryotes) were measured in the upper and lower layers at four sampling sites in the research area. In the direct viral counts,cyanomyoviruses accounted for 1.92% to 10% of the total viral community. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the g 20 sequences in the Shantou coastal waters were very diverse,distributed in eight distinct operational taxonomic units,including the newly formed Cluster W. The g 20 gene copies inferred from real time PCR assay indicated that cyanomyoviruses were correlated significantly with the heterotrophic bacteria numbers and the nitrate and chlorophyll a concentrations. These results suggest that cyanomyoviruses are ubiquitous and are an abundant component of the virioplankton in Shantou coastal waters.  相似文献   
Under the assumption that hydrograph generation was affected by n linear reservoirs with the same value of storage coefficient k, Nash proposed the formulation of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH), which has been widely used in rainfall–runoff simulation and flood forecasting. However, the assumption of the parameter k having the same value in all reservoirs is obviously unphysical as it results in the estimated value of n not being integral. In this study, for parameter n integral, the different k value for each reservoir was derived using the Laplace transform and developing a general rule for the equation of the IUH of any order. The relationship between parameter k and the slope of the river channel estimated using digital elevation model (DEM) data is established, the parameter estimation procedures are given. As in most unit hydrograph studies, only isolated storm events are considered here. Seventeen flood events in three catchments were selected for the case studies. Application results show that the proposed method is slightly better than Nash's IUH with higher model efficiency and smaller absolute relative errors. This work provides a new methodology for the formulation of the IUH. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A two-step climatic warming and oceanographic change during the Younger Dryas/Preboreal transition was registered by diatom, foraminiferal, mollusc, lithologic data and sediment accumulation rates in a high resolution sediment core from the Swedish west coast. An abrupt climatic warming in the surface water of the Kattegat occurred at c . 10 200 BP, resulting in a rapid increase in sea surface water temperatures. The attenuation of meltwater discharge into the Kattegat led to an increase in sea surface salinity. Consequently, the difference in salinity through the water column diminished. This change happened within less than 80 years. The warming of bottom water in the deeper parts of the region took place a few hundred years after the surface water warming. The climatic amelioration was recorded by increased meltwater discharge and a slight increase in abundance of relatively warm diatoms around 10 600 BP at the time of the recession of the Fennoscandian ice sheet. An increase in the number of arctic/subarctic benthic foraminifera shows that the bottom water temperature during this period was still relatively low.  相似文献   
背景噪声的强弱是影响地震台站观测的一个重要因素。获取背景噪声的分布特征对评估海底地震仪记录数据质量及对数据的降噪处理均具有重要的指示意义。利用概率密度函数方法获取台站数据的功率谱密度的概率分布特征并与全球背景噪声高值模型和低值模型进行对比是研究台站周围环境背景噪声水平的有利手段。本研究基于南海大规模的被动源海底地震仪台阵长期观测实验的部分数据,利用概率密度函数方法研究了南海的背景噪声。首先,在全频段上对背景噪声进行了分析,并与其他台站做了对比,发现海洋的背景噪声在微震段和低频段大于高值模型且在全频带上远大于陆基台站的背景噪声,这表明海底地震仪数据质量并不高;其次,对观测过程中出现的地震事件以及其他典型信号的概率密度分布进行了归纳总结,发现远震事件、近震事件和数据丢失现象分别具有不同的优势频段和特征,这对后续滤波处理和质量检查具有重要指示意义;最后,研究了背景噪声的时间变化特征,发现台风是导致微震段时间变化的主要原因。  相似文献   
西藏层序地层研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
迄今为止,西藏区内所开展的层序地层分析主要涉及到中生代的二级或三级层序.基于露头剖面的沉积相、古生物、磁性地层以及地质事件的综合研究,探讨了三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪的层序地层模式及其形成机制.现今所取得的进展主要表现在3个方面:①初步建立了区内中生代层序地层年代格架;②不同时代、不同类型盆地中的层序数量、结构与层序类型具有较大的差异;③层序地层与磁性地层的结合研究,取得了重要的成果.未来区内的层序地层研究应在3个方面展开:①高分辨率层序地层研究,树立侏罗纪-第三纪海平面变化曲线;②探索层序地层填图新方法;③多岛弧造山模式和多机制的隆升模式等大陆动力学问题也是层序地层所遇到的新挑战.  相似文献   
对南盘江地区进行野外石油地质考察,在中三叠统法郎组中发现液态油苗。该油苗位于云南省泸西地区,地表延伸长度超过12km。含油层位的岩性为全黑色生物碎屑泥晶灰岩,油气显示性质为液态油苗和稠油,呈褐黑色、褐黄色,多以浸染状、晶间孔型、溶洞型和裂缝型产出。含油层的下伏地层为中三叠统个旧组,主要为一套碳酸盐岩沉积,产2套累计厚度16m左右的油浸砂糖状白云岩。含油层上覆地层法郎组上段为一套泥质碎屑岩沉积,该套地层的泥岩段中有大量油斑产出。液态油苗的发现显示了该区良好的油气勘探前景。  相似文献   
古近系储层发育程度一直是制约辽西凸起南段勘探突破的关键因素。运用钻井地质、磷灰石裂变径迹分析、三维地震等基础资料,针对辽西凸起南段沙河街组储层发育问题,开展精细古热史-构造演化分析、古地貌半定量刻画,对目标区沙河街组储层进行预测,结果表明:辽西凸起南段主要经历了新生代早期构造抬升、古近纪沙河街组沉积期构造沉降、东营组沉积期构造反转和新近纪构造定型4个演化时期;断裂体系可划分为长期活动型、早断早衰型、晚断晚衰型3种断裂类型;辽西凹陷具有“盆满砂溢”的先天供源条件,构造演化的分段性特征又造成辽西凸起南段形成了特殊的“链状岛湾”沉积地貌,既可以为围区提供物源,形成近源沉积体,又可以形成较大的可容纳空间,汇聚来自于辽西凹陷满溢的砂体,在辽西凸起上形成了双向供源沉积模式。以上认识推动了旅大4-3油田的油气勘探评价,且对凸起围区的油气勘探具有较好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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