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江门市近45年的气候变化特征   总被引:32,自引:31,他引:1  
管勇  黄江辉 《广东气象》2007,29(2):29-31,35
对江门市1961~2005年的气候资料进行统计分析,结果表明,江门市45年来年平均气温以0.023 8℃/年的趋势变暖,20世纪90年代末到21世纪初增暖达到最强。平均气温年代际变化与全球同步,尤其是冬季增暖明显。年降水量总趋势以1.57 mm/年的变化率减少,与我国近40年来的降水倾向率变化趋势相同,降水整体变化不明显,但有明显的阶段性,多雨与少雨期交替变化。气候极端事件出现的频率有增加的趋势。  相似文献   
遥感影像云检测是遥感影像处理中非常关键的环节,准确识别影像含云区域能够提升影像的利用价值.根据遥感影像的成像特点,将阈值法和纹理特征结合实现云和下垫面的分割.首先将影像从RGB(red-green-blue)空间转化为HSI(hue-saturation-intensity)空间,进而构建影像的显著性图像,利用Otsu...  相似文献   
Large‐scale engineering computing using the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) method is time‐consuming, which hinders the application of the DDA method. The simulation result of a typical numerical example indicates that the linear equation solver is a key factor that affects the efficiency of the DDA method. In this paper, highly efficient algorithms for solving linear equations are investigated, and two modifications of the DDA programme are presented. The first modification is a linear equation solver with high efficiency. The block Jacobi (BJ) iterative method and the block conjugate gradient with Jacobi pre‐processing (Jacobi‐PCG) iterative method are introduced, and the key operations are detailed, including the matrix‐vector product and the diagonal matrix inversion. Another modification consists of a parallel linear equation solver, which is separately constructed based on the multi‐thread and CPU‐GPU heterogeneous platforms with OpenMP and CUDA, respectively. The simulation results from several numerical examples using the modified DDA programme demonstrate that the Jacobi‐PCG is a better iterative method for large‐scale engineering computing and that adoptive parallel strategies can greatly enhance computational efficiency. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Niobium and Ta concentrations in ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogites and rutile from these eclogites and associated high pressure (HP) veins were used to study the behaviour of Nb–Ta during dehydration and fluid‐rock interaction. Samples were collected through a ~2 km profile at the Bixiling complex in the Dabie orogenic belt, Central‐Eastern China. All but one eclogite away from veins (EAVs) display nearly constant Nb/Ta ratios ranging from 16.1 to 19.2, with an average of 16.9 ± 0.8 (2 SE), similar to that of their gabbroic protolith from the Yangtze Block. Nb/Ta ratios of rutile from the EAVs range from 12.7 to 25.3 among different individual grains, with the average values close to those of the corresponding bulk rocks. These observations show that Nb and Ta were not significantly fractionated by prograde metamorphism up to eclogite facies when no significant fluid‐rock interaction occurs. In contrast, Nb/Ta ratios of rutile from eclogites close to veins (ECVs) are highly variable from 17.8 to 49.8, which are systematically higher (by up to 17) than those of rutile from the veins. These observations demonstrate that Nb and Ta were mobilized and fractionated during localized fluid flow and intensive fluid‐rock interaction. This is strongly supported by Nb/Ta zoning patterns in single rutile grains revealed by in situ LA‐ICP‐MS analysis. Ratios of Nb/Ta in the ECV‐hosted rutile decrease gradually from cores towards rims, whereas those in the EAV‐hosted rutile are nearly invariable. Furthermore, the vein rutile shows Nb/Ta zoning patterns that are complementary to those in rutile from their immediate hosts (ECVs), suggesting an internal origin for the vein‐forming fluids. The Nb/Ta ratios of such fluids evolved from low values at the early stage of subduction to higher values at later supercritical conditions with increased temperature and pressure. Quantitative modelling was conducted to constrain the compositional evolution of metamorphic fluids during dehydration and fluid‐rock interaction focusing on Nb–Ta distribution. The modelling results based on our proposed multistage fluid phase evolution path can essentially reproduce the natural observations reported in the present study.  相似文献   
地震层析地球内部密度分布横向不均匀研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文使用Woodhouse和Dziewonski等分别用S波和P波层析分析提供的,以670km深度为分界的上地幔和下地幔地震波传播所反映出的横向不均匀的球谐函数系数,假定地幔内部密度与正常水平的偏离分别与P波和S波的速度Vp和Vs成比例(下地幔δρ=γδVp,上地幔δρ=σδVS2),并用一组新的球谐函数系数表示全地幔密度分布模型.计算结果表明:1.比例系数γ=0.199,σ=3.13×10-5时,该全地幔密度模型可以70%恢复Dziewonski提供的下地幔密度模型,50%恢复Woodhouse提供的上地幔密度模型.合成密度分布基本上反映了分别由P波和S波速度异常所提供的地幔密度分布特征;2.所有穿过太平洋中部的剖面均明显地显示出一个低密度异常从地表一直延伸到核-幔边界;3.所有大陆下部均存在一个高密度异常区,而且深入到1200-1300km深度处;4.由密度异常的正、负交替基本上将部分地区地幔分成为3层,其深度依次为:第1层25-1300km左右,第2...  相似文献   
本文对强震前震源系统的调制比r_m和调制比异常面积Sr_m随时间变化的起伏加剧现象进行回顾性研究,得到下列研究结果:(1)强震前近源区以及中强震前近源区大多出现调制比r_m的起伏加剧,并大多在起伏频次达三次时有大震或中强震发生。(2)大多数中、强地震前r_m异常面积Sr_m围绕震源区呈现由小至大、由大至小的过程,因此引入最小异常面积Sr_(min)和最大异常面积Sr_(max)之比γ作为中、短期预报指标,根据统计得到异常指标[γ]如下式某些震例在震前出现异常面积Sr_m起伏的加剧过程,初步认为是震源区周围调整单元调整能力较差导致的结果。(3)r_m、Sr_m起伏加剧开始时间与震级有关,震级愈大,起伏加剧出现愈早。根据半年步长逐月滑动得到的r_m-T图,起伏加剧开始至发震的时间与震级M的统计,得到如下关系(T以月计)M=4.29+0.11T(4)强震前场区异常一般呈现随机异常型、波动型和衰减型三种。若场区某统计区出现r_m的三次起伏加剧时,说明该统计区未来有强震发生。(5)由自治系统和非自治系统原理初步解释了震前震源区周围调整区调制比r_m及调制比异常面积Sr_m起伏现象的周期特征。  相似文献   
华北地区重力场与沉积层构造   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
位于中朝准地台的华北地区是由几个不同的断块组成的,重力异常场的分布具有很强的浅部效应、块状分布和深浅叠加场的特点。重力的高程效应很复杂,不同波长的起伏变化有不同的影响系数。本文对布格改正的有关问题进行了讨论,指出华北如区表浅层的密度值偏低(2520kg/m3),该区合理的布格改正公式为△g2=-0.0879H。将重力场的垂直导数和向上延拓结合起来,有利于揭示地壳上部构造特征。本文搜集整理了由第四系到寒武系的沉积层资料,给出了沉积层总厚度和视密度的分布。对深部重力异常的分析表明,华北沉积层的形成有深源性质,在均衡调节中起着一定的内载荷作用。  相似文献   
本文将根据地震数据识别地层结构问题归结为分布参数系统的最优化问题,利用脉冲变分原理给出了一个新的算法,此算法与文献[4]中算法相比较,计算效率要高。  相似文献   
本文根据1975-1984年期间发生的多个小地震的P波初动方向数据,推断了青、甘、川、滇地区平均主应力轴的方向。结果表明,该地区压应力轴(P轴)和张应力轴(T轴)方向皆水平,但其方位由北到南呈现规则转动的趋势,即主压应力轴在北部青甘地区大致取NE-SW方向,到中部川西北地区转为近E-W方向,再到南部云南地区转为NNW-SSE或近N-S方向。形成应力轴方向这样特定分布图象的原因,可用印度板块向北对青藏高原的推挤和缅甸中源地震带地区下沉物质对云南地区的拖曳作用来解释。  相似文献   
武昌电离层E-F谷区白天变化形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用文献[4]的分析程序对武昌地区三年共300多张频高图作了剖面换算和统计分析,得出白天E-F谷区电离的基本形态并发现一些新的变化特征;对分析结果的可能原因提出了讨论。  相似文献   
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